The soldiers of the 59th Division quietly began to move towards the South Korean 1st Division.



There were thunder and lightning in the sky.

Suddenly, it started to rain heavily.

The commander of the 59th Division touched the rain falling on himself and was suddenly very excited:"Rain, it's raining, and it's a heavy rain. The weather is good. It's the right time, the right place, and the right people. We will win this battle!"

As all the dug rivers were opened, the war had begun.

The commander of the 59th Division was nervous at first.

But now.

It suddenly seemed as if all the favorable conditions were on the side of their camp.

About two hours later, at about four o'clock in the morning, the soldiers of the 1st Division of South Korea came out of the tents one after another. When most of them realized that something was wrong, the water level of the irrigation system, combined with the rain and the river water, was able to quickly cover the bottom of their trucks. The river flow rate became faster and faster as it washed away the rocks and clods of earth.

"not good!"

"There's a flood!"

"There is a flood!"

This voice was heard everywhere in the South Korean 1st Division barracks.

Suddenly, all the lights were on.

Everyone saw the knee-deep flood and had a bad premonition.



Quickly, all the lights of the South Korean First Division dimmed again.

Because of the heavy rain and the river water, the power system of the South Korean First Division was completely destroyed, and the circuit suddenly burned out.

"The Dragon Kingdom Army is coming!!"

""The Dragon Army is coming!"

The scouts of the South Korean First Division shouted loudly everywhere at this moment.

The whole camp was in chaos.

Everyone was at a loss.

They had absolutely excellent equipment, and they had the support of the United States, Turkey, etc.

They felt safe.

Now, they panicked for the first time.

They were really panicked.

They had never encountered such an emergency. They were suddenly faced with internal and external troubles.

The commander of the South Korean First Division was still sleeping in the room with his big mare in his arms. Hearing the shouts outside, he slowly opened his eyes.

He opened the door.

Seeing the deep water outside, he shuddered and was still a little grumpy after getting up. He instantly became energetic.



"There's a flood in Jiangxing"

"The 59th Division of Longguo is still attacking."

A captain rushed over at this time, looking extremely anxious and reminding


"What qualifications do they have to attack us?"

After hearing what the captain said, the commander of the South Korean First Division frowned.

He was not afraid of two divisions coming.

How could the other side dare to attack with just one division?

"Hit me!"

"Hit them hard!" said the commander of the South Korean 1st Division.

"But... but this heavy rain... has submerged a lot of our equipment, and the ammunition is soaked and completely unusable." The captain's lips trembled. He knew that the division commander would not like to hear this news, but he had no choice but to report it truthfully.


"Damn it!"

"What are you doing?"

The commander of the South Korean 1st Division was so angry when he heard the news.

The equipment they were most proud of could not be used?

Then how could they fight? They couldn't be defeated all of a sudden.

The commander of the South Korean 1st Division twisted his brows into a knot:"There was a sudden flood in our military camp, and then the 59th Division attacked immediately. If there is no connection between the two, I don't believe it. It must be the 59th Division that caused this crisis in our division. Communicate to the whole division that we must find a way to raise our position and prepare to break out!"

The captain nodded:"Yes!"

The captain did it immediately.

The telephone line was interrupted.

The flares were all soaked.

There was water everywhere, and it was difficult to move.

It was very difficult for the captain to convey the commander's words to the entire division.

The commander of the South Korean 1st Division knew very well that there was no way to fight this battle, so he simply pulled the big horse and himself into a tunnel and ran away.




The 59th Division, the rear row continuously launched artillery shells into the South Korean 1st Division camp.

The front row set up heavy machine guns at each exit of the South Korean 1st Division, and the soldiers standing on the high ground were all armed with submachine guns and light machine guns.

They came to death.

The soldiers of the South Korean 1st Division who broke through were all shot into sieves.

The flood was still pouring into the South Korean 1st Division.

They had no way to go up to the sky and no way to go down to the earth.

13,000 soldiers.

Three days later, no one survived


"We also captured the commander of the South Korean 1st Division."

He Yuzhu said to the commander of the 59th Division. Under the [Eye of Insight], He Yuzhu naturally knew that the commander of the South Korean 1st Division had slipped away from the tunnel. He had already checked the end of the tunnel in advance and captured him alive.

The commander of the 59th Division was so happy when he saw the commander of the South Korean 1st Division. Capturing an enemy commander alive can greatly improve the morale of all the volunteers in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

This is not just about capturing a commander of the South Korean 1st Division alive.

The significance is very broad.

Under the condition of equal strength, the 59th Division achieved a great victory.

The casualty rate was so small that it was terrible.

"He Yuzhu"

"The water attack you proposed worked wonders."

"You will be promoted to the commander of the 16th Battalion of the 3rd Regiment."

The commander of the 59th Division said


One day later, the newspapers about the 59th Division completely annihilating the 1st Division of South Korea were all over the country, and He Yuzhu's name appeared on them. Not only the whole country, but even the whole world was reporting this war feat.

The deaf old lady was holding the newspaper.

After seeing He Yuzhu's name appear in the newspaper, she was extremely surprised.

"Did Shazhu finally come to his senses in the military camp?"

"He's obviously a big fool."

"Whoever gives me a bone will be a dog"

"Why is it like this now?"

"He actually became a military advisor."

The deaf old lady was very surprised.

She quickly took two apples from home and went to find He Yushui. She had to worship He Yushui as a god. If He Yuzhu could really come back to Sijiu City alive, his status would definitely crush everyone in Siheyuan.

If He Yuzhu could still provide for her in her old age... her old age would soar

""Thank you."

He Yushui was playing with some dolls that Li Yong bought for her in the house. When the deaf old lady gave her an apple, she hurriedly thanked her.

The deaf old lady smiled and said,"Yushui, you had a serious illness before. It's my fault. I found it late."

He Yushui shook her head quickly,"You have been very good to me. You even peeled apples for me to eat."

The deaf old lady was relieved to see He Yushui like this.

The murderous intent in her eyes disappeared.

It seems that He Yushui did not blame her for almost starving to death before. Otherwise, when He Yuzhu came back, He Yushui complained to He Yuzhu, and she would be in trouble. If He Yushui showed dissatisfaction with the deaf old lady, the deaf old lady would really consider killing He Yushui quietly to prevent He Yuzhu from retaliating in the future.

He Yushui:"My brother will support you in your old age in the future, and I want to do that too."

When the deaf old lady heard what He Yushui said, her mouth was about to fall apart with laughter:"Hey, hey, that's great."

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