Li Yong's injury made He Yuzhu feel sad. As he got along with his comrades, he really regarded every soldier in the 10th Company as his own brother, especially the soldiers in the original 1st platoon and 1st squad. He had been with them the longest and had the deepest feelings. Zhou Rui had already died, and Li Yong was disabled again.

He Yuzhu threw away the AK in his hand, carried Li Yong on his back, and picked up his leg that fell not far away. He went towards Park Hye Kyo.

He Yuzhu kept speeding.

Li Yong, who was carried on He Yuzhu's back, felt like he was riding in a car.


Li Yong was extremely shocked.

Is he still human?

He didn't know what secrets He Yuzhu had.

But as long as He Yuzhu didn't tell anyone himself, he would only keep this scene to himself even if he died.

It is enough to have one brother in life and death in life.

And the soldiers who fought in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea had countless brothers in life and death.

"Park Hye Kyo!"

"Park Hye Kyo!"

"Come down here!"

"hurry up!"


He Yuzhu ran towards Park Hye Kyo, shouting loudly.

When Park Hye Kyo heard He Yuzhu's voice and looked in the direction, the Dragon Country man was carrying a soldier with blood flowing from his right leg.


Park Hye Kyo covered her mouth.

She felt sad for Li Yong's injury.

She was a pacifist.

It was a pity to become disabled because of the truth.

Park Hye Kyo hurriedly ran towards He Yuzhu with the medicine box on her back. Because she was too anxious, Park Hye Kyo fell and caused a long bloody mark on her arm caused by a dead tree on the mountain. Park Hye Kyo got up and continued to reunite with He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu brought Li Yong to Park Hye Kyo. Li Yong was extremely pale due to excessive blood loss.

His lips were pale.

There was no blood on his face.

Li Yong whispered softly:"He Yuzhu, although you are younger than me, I admire you. I have fought so many exciting victories with you and killed so many enemy troops. I have no regrets in death. Even if I die, I will leave with a smile." A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Li Yong's mouth.

Seeing that Li Yong was about to close his eyes, He Yuzhu immediately said loudly:"Li Yong! Are you willing to die like this? Your family is still waiting for you. And don't you want to witness with your own eyes that the motherland will become stronger in the future? Go and travel around the beautiful mountains and rivers of the motherland in peacetime, where everyone lives and works in peace and has enough food and clothing?"

"You are a man, just hold on!"

""Open your dog eyes!"

Perhaps He Yuzhu's words worked, Li Yong remained silent.

But he never closed his eyes again.

Park Hye Kyo quickly stopped the bleeding and bandaged Li Yong.

"Don't worry about your legs."

"The current medical conditions are so bad."

"It definitely can't be connected."

Park Hye Kyo said when she saw He Yuzhu holding the half of Li Yong's leg.

After bandaging Li Yong, Park Hye Kyo gave Li Yong penicillin.

Park Hye Kyo said:"I just stopped the bleeding, but because the patient lost too much blood, blood transfusion must be carried out as soon as possible, at least within two hours, otherwise his life will be in danger."

Park Hye Kyo was very serious when treating patients.

She would be responsible for every word she said.

He Yuzhu nodded.

He calmed down. It was a blessing in disguise that Li Yong's life was saved.

He Yuzhu carried Li Yong on his back and took Park Hye Kyo down the mountain. He went to the middle of the road to try to see if the cars left by the enemy could still be driven. When he tried the third car, He Yuzhu turned the key to start the ignition. Sure enough, the car engine started working, and he stepped on the accelerator lightly, and the vehicle drove forward.

It works!

He Yuzhu immediately carried Park Hye Kyo and Li Yong squeezed in the cockpit and headed straight for the 32nd Division.

He Yuzhu and Park Hye Kyo squeezed in the driving position and asked Li Yong to wear a seat belt and sit in the co-pilot seat.


""Clunk." The car was bumpy all the way.

It was running over many enemy corpses.

The battle was still going on. The enemy's battalion had been beaten to pieces, with no more than a hundred people at most.

The friendly forces of the 32nd Division and the 10th Company were closing in step by step, shrinking the battlefield.

"I am He Yuzhu!"

"Step aside!"

""Get out of the way!"

He Yuzhu opened the car window and shouted to the soldiers of the 10th Company.

Sun Bing immediately ordered the soldiers to make way for He Yuzhu. Many people saw He Yuzhu carrying Li Yong, who had a broken leg, and understood why He Yuzhu was driving. He must be rushing to the temporary hospital of the 32nd Division.

The soldiers had long been numb to blood.

There were many punctured intestines and rotten stomachs on the ground.

Li Yong lost a leg, but everyone was not scared.

The real battlefield is the kind that can make a normal person suddenly enter it and faint from fear.



He Yuzhu drove the truck, still crushing various corpses.




Park Hye-kyo next to her kept screaming because of the bumps and she held on to the seat tightly, fearing that her head would smash through the car glass and fall out.


When He Yuzhu passed through the 10th Company, he found an enemy soldier in front of him. The enemy soldier might have thought at first that it was his comrade who was driving to break through, and waved to He Yuzhu, as if he wanted to get in the car. He Yuzhu drove straight into him, and the enemy soldier looked at He Yuzhu flying in the air like a parabola, and finally crashed into a tree, his spine and neck were rotten, and a branch pierced his chest.

Another enemy soldier found that the driver was not from his camp, so he shot at He Yuzhu.

The car glass shattered immediately. As the truck was moving, the glass fragments flew around in the cockpit and scratched He Yuzhu's cheek. It also scratched Park Hye-kyo's forehead.

He Yuzhu took out his pistol, and with a burst of gunfire, he killed the enemy who shot him.



Park Hye Kyo screamed louder and louder.

Crushing over the corpse.

He Yuzhu was driving and killing people at the same time. Park Hye Kyo didn't want to have this experience again in her life.

If she goes on a roller coaster in the future, she will be indifferent.

After experiencing this kind of scene, the rest are just small scenes.

"Beep, beep"

"I am He Yuzhu, the platoon leader of the 10th Platoon. Where is your division's temporary hospital?"

He Yuzhu drove into the area of the 32nd Division's friendly forces and kept shouting to prevent accidental injuries.

"I am Zhao Qingche, deputy company commander of the 61st Company, 45th Battalion, 67th Regiment, 32nd Division."

"The nearest temporary hospital of our 32nd Division is in the north.

A deputy company commander took the initiative to show He Yuzhu the way.

The road was smooth, and He Yuzhu successfully sent Li Yong to the temporary hospital and gave him a blood transfusion.


Two days later.

The 10th Company finished resting in the 32nd Division's war zone and was ready to set off to return to the 59th Division. They were going to start a new mission and go to the front battlefield.

The 32nd Division just sent people to escort their prisoners to the Yalu River POW Regiment. He Yuzhu asked them to take Park Hye-kyo with them. After all, she was a prisoner of war, and the 10th Company could not take her with them all the time. At the same time, they also sent Li Yong to the Yalu River and let Li Yong return home. He no longer had the ability to fight and was obviously not suitable to stay on the battlefield.

Li Yong, a strong man, cried when he got on the car and said goodbye.

He said to He Yuzhu:"He Yuzhu, you fought for my life, thank you."

He Yuzhu waved his hand:"We are all brothers, and it's awkward to say thank you. You and your wife are both near Sijiu City, right? After you go back, please go to No. 95 Nanluoguxiang to see how my sister He Yushui is doing, and tell everyone in the courtyard about my situation."

He Yuzhu has been serving as a soldier outside for almost two months.

He is really worried about the deaf old lady and others.

I was afraid that they would think that I had not been heard from for such a long time and would no longer take care of He Yushui.


"I will definitely help you take care of your sister."

Li Yong memorized the address and name.

He Yuzhu was worried that Li Yong would not remember, so he wrote it down on a piece of paper and handed it to him.

"A platoon leader!"

"The latest telegram just received"

"You are promoted to the commander of the 10th Company!"

The communicator came over and announced with a smile on his face.

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