Chapter 72: Shock! The deputy director of the neighborhood committee turned out to be so powerful.

He Daqing was also a little surprised when he heard the news.

Because he was particularly hidden when he forged this thing. Except for Yi Zhonghai and these people, almost no one else knows. How could this Li Cheng in front of him find out?

Seeing He Daqing’s expression of such surprise.

Li Cheng looked at him and answered his doubts very flatly: “It’s because Jia Zhangshi said that Jia Zhangshi also saw that you guys were faking there, so I found out.” ”

At this time, including Yi Zhonghaihe and He Daqing, they all suddenly realized. It turns out that this inner ghost turned out to be this Jia Zhang,

“Then where is this Jia Zhangshi now, he said this thing, it is really thunder!”

He Daqing gritted his teeth.

“He’s been sent to his cell, and he’s half disabled, if you want to see him, go to the prison, right?”

Hearing this, He Daqing was stunned again?

After so many years of walking myself, how did so many things happen? Inside a courtyard, both men have gone to jail.

It’s really a strange courtyard.

“Could it be that my son was not betrayed and shot in the first place, but because this identity was falsified, so the crime was aggravated?”

He Daqing continued to ask here.

“Of course, there is this reason, don’t you know that this identity fraud is a very serious political event, you should think of this consequence when you first made fraud, don’t hold any luck mentality to say, this news can not be found, tell you anything can be found”

He Daqing felt hopeless?

I didn’t expect that this precious son was caught in and sentenced so severely, and it was related to himself. The reason why he falsified it was for their own good, but now it is harmful.

At this time, He Daqing suddenly looked at Li Cheng again and asked, “Was my son really designed by you to be sent to the cell?” ”

Seeing He Daqing’s sudden question, Li Cheng replied very flatly: “I sent him in, after all, there is no one in this courtyard to teach him to be a good person, then only I can teach him well!” ”

“When I was cooking in the cafeteria, I actually tore my meal ticket in front of everyone, and usually when I was in this courtyard, this stupid pillar was also doing evil for 05, and he didn’t put other people in his eyes at all, especially for people Xu Damao kicked people out of infertility!”

“I educated him well, I think it should be, you say? He Daqing? ”

He Daqing’s face was also full of anger at this time.

“No matter what, you are all neighbors, you don’t have to do such a great job.”

“Hehe, although it is a neighbor, but I can’t compliment this relationship, don’t you forget, when Silly Zhu bullied my family at that time, he didn’t have mercy from his subordinates, he didn’t have mercy when he kicked Xu Damao, and he didn’t have mercy when he bullied other people, can we blame us for this matter, we can only blame himself for not educating well!”

Li Cheng looked at He Daqing coldly, he was not afraid at all about the middle-aged man in front of him. Because there is no need for this at all, as a clerk of the neighborhood committee, he is now a deputy director. This kind of thing in the courtyard itself is now under his own control.

That is to say, he is the boss in this courtyard, and it is useless for anyone to come. At this time.

While talking here.

Suddenly, several policemen suddenly appeared from the gate of the courtyard. Everyone was stunned for a moment, because many people didn’t see anyone at all and called the police over.

Seeing the police coming, Yi Zhonghai hurriedly greeted him: “Comrade police is this, He Daqing beats others here, both of us were beaten by him, and Comrade Police He is He Daqing who made a false identity, you should quickly take it away!” ”

Hear it here.

The two policemen were very excited.

Because they know that if they catch such a person, they may make a contribution.

At this time, Li Cheng walked over and looked at the two of them and said in a leader’s tone: “Xiao Wang, Xiao Chen, why are you here?” ”

At this time, the two policemen looked at Li Cheng and suddenly got a chicken.

Then the two people said very respectfully: “Director Li, was Yi Zhonghai going to ask others to call us over, saying that there are people here who have fake identities and fights, so we came over?” ”

When everyone heard what these two policemen said, they were a little confused. Director Li, what does Director Li mean?

Could it be that this Li Cheng in front of him has been promoted to director?

There is only one possibility, otherwise the two policemen would not have treated him with all respect.

At this time, Liu Haizhong next to him also gasped, but he didn’t expect that this Xiao Li would directly become a deputy director from a clerk in a few days.

It’s unimaginable.

Li Cheng looked at the two policemen and nodded, and then said very channelly: “This matter is indeed true, our neighborhood committee also found out that the He family’s identity was falsified a few days ago, but He Daqing did not come back at the beginning, so he did not take him away, since you are here today, then He Daqing, you will take him away!” ”

The two policemen nodded very excitedly.

Yi Zhonghai here is also very proud, and He Daqing, the whole person is very uncomfortable. Because he hasn’t sat down to drink a glass of water in this courtyard.

At this time, He Yushui came over.

Crying said: “Brother Li, Brother Li, don’t do this, my father didn’t make any mistakes, why take him away!” ”

Looking at He Yushui, who was crying in front of him, Li Cheng just said very flatly: “Your father broke the law, so he was taken away in accordance with the legal procedure, if you want to blame, you can only blame himself!” ”

“It’s useless for you to tell me, and I can’t break the law?”

At this time, the two policemen took out the silver bracelet and wanted to put it on He Daqing’s body.

But He Daqing pushed the two policemen away, and then loudly reprimanded: “You two are not qualified to arrest me here!” ”

Li Cheng actually didn’t have a good impression of this He Daqing, because he wanted to hit himself indiscriminately, if he didn’t still have some skills, he would have been knocked to the ground by him a long time ago.

I saw that he actually defied this law enforcement by the police.

So he said very seriously and indifferently: “You are defying this kind of law enforcement by the police, if you continue like this, it will really be a crime to add to the ranks, I am now looking at the neighbors, I forgive you this time, don’t struggle anymore!” ”

He Daqing’s whole person was stunned.

“Am I just falsifying an identity? Isn’t it just changing poor peasants into hired peasants? As for what it looks like! ”

In the face of He Daqing’s question.

At this time, Li Cheng gave his own explanation: “No matter what, no matter how you fake, but the fact is that you have already falsified, don’t you quibble anything here?” ”

“If you really disobey again, then I will really send you father and son to the Western Heaven together!”

Li Cheng’s words really bluffed He Daqing.

“I’ll tell you, He Daqing, your son was sent in by Li Cheng, and now you will also be sent in by him!” Who told you not to listen to us! ”

Yi Zhonghai next to him said triumphantly there. But at this time, He Daqing didn’t care.

“When I came back here from Baoding, I knew that I would be arrested, after all, the matter of my identity fraud has now spread, everyone knows, I already know before I come?”

“I also know that since I have falsified my identity, I must not be able to get rid of any responsibility!”

So he suddenly walked in front of Li Cheng, and then whispered: “I want to beat these two beasts again!” ”

Li Cheng was stunned when he heard this, who would smile and nod in acquiescence.

And signaled the two policemen, don’t arrest them yet.

At this time, He Daqing deliberately broke free from the hands of the two policemen. He went straight towards Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady.

After all, He Daqing at this time was a middle-aged man with strong age. The start of the run is a tiger’s back and a bear’s waist.

It didn’t take long to run in front of Yi Zhonghai and them.

Yi Zhonghai didn’t react at all, and they felt a raw pain in their stomachs. And the same is true of the deaf old lady over here.

When they reacted, they found themselves on the ground. And it was this He Daqing who stood in front of them.

I saw He Daqing pointing at the noses of the two of them and scolding him: “You two beasts, I have been outside for so many years, I didn’t expect you to harm my son like this, or let him give you a pension and send him to prison, this evil breath, I have to report?” ”

After saying this, he gave two more slaps.

“You two beasts give me good self-care!”

The people in the courtyard saw this scene.

Most people feel very happy in their hearts. Cool, really cool.

For so many years, this emotion has been suppressed in their hearts.

This so-called ancestor and Yi Zhonghai have been suppressing them.

Unexpectedly, this He Daqing vented their emotions all of a sudden. None of them went to lift them up.

Because everyone doesn’t think it’s necessary.

After He Daqing finished fighting, he took the initiative to walk in front of the police and stretched out his hands.

“Now you can handcuff me!”

Li Cheng nodded and signaled, and the two policemen took out the silver bracelet and handcuffed it to his hand. There was no resistance at all during the whole process.

He Yushui over here saw this scene and cried and said, “Oh, what the hell is going on?” How come you were also arrested, you and my brother were arrested, then what should I do! ”

I saw He Daqing lowered his head, touched He Yushui’s head and said comfortingly: “Don’t worry, I’m just going to see my baby son inside the cell, the daughter who has nothing to do, you just stay outside!” ”

After saying this, He Daqing turned around and left the courtyard with the two police comrades. At this time, the deaf old lady was lying on the ground.

His body is still very good, and the reason why he is wearing a crutch is because he pretends to be shown to others. In this way, others can’t help but show a trace of sympathy.

But at this time, she was kicked by He Daqing, and she felt that the bones in her legs had cracked. At this time, he was already wailing in pain here.

“Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai, you hurry up and look at me, my legs don’t seem to be moving!”

At this time, Yi Zhonghai, although his body was also very painful.

But hearing the call of the ancestor, he hurriedly ran over.

“What’s going on? Is there a problem with the legs? ”

Yi Zhonghai asked with concern.

The deaf old lady here gritted her teeth, and then nodded: “My leg is so painful, it seems to be a bone crack, can you take me to the hospital?” ”

“This He Daqing, this one who kills a thousand knives, I have to kill him!”

The deaf old lady did not care that these people in the courtyard were following the eldest master, and the two of them ran towards the hospital. Looking at the back of the two of them leaving.

Everyone also let out a long breath.

I felt that this kind of qi that had been accumulated in my heart for more than ten years suddenly exhaled, and the whole person was very clear.

“These two people are really evil and evil people grind, He Daqing’s operation really made everyone dumbfounded!”

Li Cheng said to himself and returned to the room with a smile.

Caused by He Daqing’s return, the turmoil in the courtyard has also come to an end temporarily. And inside the hospital at this time.

The deaf old lady lay on the hospital bed and felt very painful.

“This He Daqing’s killing of a thousand knives really doesn’t know the severity, he directly kicked off this leg of yours!”

Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth next to him and said.

The deaf old lady couldn’t say a word. Wait for a relaxation.

He clenched his fists and said viciously: “This He Daqing, if he is not shot, then I swear not to be a man!” ”

“And this Li Cheng, obviously deliberately let this He Daqing come to beat us, otherwise the police would definitely stop it, but at that time, the police stood motionless, as if they were signaled by others!” 663″

Yi Zhonghai also nodded, and he also agreed with this very much. At this time, he had already regarded Li Cheng as his natural enemy.

“I didn’t expect that this person who killed a thousand knives was replaced by the deputy director of the neighborhood committee in a few days, we are just lambs in his eyes, and we can’t fight him at all now, if it comes clearly?”

“Then let’s not be clear, we must catch the flaws from his mother and sister, I remember that his sister seems to be still in junior high school here, right, when the time comes, you will contact a few of those street gangsters, let the street gangsters kidnap his sister!”

When Yi Zhonghai heard this suggestion, he nodded in agreement without saying a word.

“Now the public order is indeed very chaotic, if you are abducted by these punks, it is also very normal, this kind of thing often happens, we have to plan this well?”

“This Li Cheng really wants to kill us, then we don’t need to be polite with him.”

“He Daqing beats us like this and his identity is falsified, he will definitely not be able to come out of prison for a while, and it is also very easy to deal with this kind of person in prison?”

Thinking of this, the expressions of the two people eased a little.

After all, I was beaten for no reason today, and I was very unhappy.

“You must be cautious and cautious about this kind of thing looking for punks, this Li Cheng will definitely detect it, so you must do this thing secretly.”

The deaf old lady reminded again at this time.

“Don’t worry, it’s not the first time I’ve done this kind of thing, I’ve done it a few times before, have you forgotten, that old Huang is a veteran!”

Yi Zhonghai patted his chest.

After the deaf old lady heard this, the whole person was also very happy.

“I still believe you in this regard, you have also abducted a few girls before, I also remember this clearly, but this time you must be cautious, be careful, Li Cheng this killing a thousand knives is not easy to mess with, after all, he is now the deputy director of the neighborhood committee”

I saw Yi Zhonghai shook his head with great disdain: “Don’t worry, it’s useless like the king of heaven Laozi is coming, besides, I want to tie this Li Cheng directly, so it’s really a hundred?” ”

But this idea was directly rejected by the deaf old lady: “Don’t do this, after all, he is the deputy director of the street office, if you tie it up, then the government will definitely attach great importance to it, and when the time comes, you will have to dig out three feet, you can’t run anywhere?” ”

“Don’t worry, I’m just kidding!”

Yi Zhonghai explained, suddenly his stomach hurt.

“He Daqing, this killing of a thousand knives is so heavy!”

Two people are conspiring here.

At this time, He Daqing was also locked up in a cell, just at home with Silly Zhu and Jia Zhang. Silly Zhu was sitting motionless on the ground, very depressed, when he suddenly heard the sound of the cell door.

He looked up to see how this person was so familiar. But he hasn’t reacted yet.

A slap has already been slapped.

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