Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 585: Seafood gourmet list!

Depths of thousands of meters underground, Pei Junlin clenched his fists tightly, making it difficult to hide his excitement.

God of Zixiao, cultivation is successful!

This is undoubtedly a powerful anti-sky pupil technique, which not only can see the essence of the world, but also can be used as a nirvana. It can play a powerful role at critical moments.

The original Nirvana Sutra, which must be extended, must be a boutique!

This fairy house is absolutely out of school, really too powerful!

After getting this faculty faculty, Pei Junlin almost blocked all kinds of miscellaneous studies that he needed before. He studied this faculty exclusively and gained stronger and more powerful exercises.

He didn't want to follow the old path of the next life, because then, it was destined to be difficult to win the longevity, and it was difficult to be invincible. His failure against the dragons in the last life was the best example.

Learning this Zixiao God's Eye is not only the learning of an anti-sky pupil, but also the key to the practice of the Great Debacle and the Great Rebirth. The Zixiao God's Eye is the foundation of all this.

Pei Junlin didn't feel complacent, but chose to continue to concentrate on his cultivation and start studying the two powerful Xianjia peerless studies.

The two great immortal families, the Great Destruction and the Great Rebirth, are the first to choose the Great Destruction, because it is well known that destruction is much simpler than creation.

But soon, what made Pei Junlin frown was that there was a lot of movement from the outside. Some people did not want him to continue to repair. His previous pupillary shooting out of the stratum has attracted the attention of many strong men. Many The strong think that deep in the mountains, there are gloomy treasures, and they are digging at a rapid speed.

Pei Junlin, disturbed and disturbed, has a somber face with water. At this moment, his repairs have not been completely restored, and the broken flesh has not been repaired. However, since this place has been exposed, it cannot be submerged.

"Calculate time, the one month deadline is almost approaching!"

"That being the case, let's calculate the ledger!"

"The Kraken World, the most indispensable is seafood. Since you don't allow me to recover with the spirit of life and spirit crystals, then take you as food and replenish the lost flesh!"

Pei Junlin murmured to himself, since entering the Kraken world, although the harvest is not small, but most of the time is either on the way to besieged by the Kraken or pursued by the Kraken, now it is time to collect interest!


Pei Junlin erupted into a dazzling golden light throughout his body. His slender body was like a humanoid monster, bursting out from the depths of the ground thousands of meters in an instant, and passing all the way, the hard ground was fragile like tofu residue, directly by his The breath is all broken up.

In the end, with a terrifying explosion, Pei Junlin's body was like a rocket, rushing out of the landmark, and the whole body was bright and dazzling, and instantly attracted the attention of countless powerful people.

"It's Pei Junlin !!!"

"Oh my God, he's hiding here !!"

"Come on! Send a message to Prince Sandy and Princess Hai Lianqing and say you found Pei Junlin's trace!"

On this barren hill, many of the Siren Powerhouses who were originally hunting for treasure immediately boiled, exclaiming one by one, and many of them were ready to report immediately, so as to obtain generous rewards.

However, the nightmare came instantly, and the Siren Powerhouses who had just flew up were smashed directly by the horrifying swordman volley, and many Powerhouses could not even send out the screams, and they turned into a **** rain.

Pei Junlin, who was standing on the ground, directly inspired the Qinghong sword. The palm-sized flying sword burst into bright green jade, as fast as lightning, and where the flying sword passed, there was no one enemy, and everything was prepared directly. The Kraken Powerful who broke up broke up and the scene was extremely bloody.

This scene scared many of the Kraken powerhouses, and many Krakens who were also preparing to fly to the news also became stiff and stagnant.

Although they already knew the strength of Pei Junlin, it was the first time that they could truly experience it for themselves. The horrific means of killing them made them desperate.

"Pei Junlin, how dare you kill yourself, aren't you afraid of our sacred sea tribe's revenge?"

Pei Junlin glanced sharply at the knife-like eyes in an instant, and that moment's gaze almost split the courage of the Kraken powerhouse. Whatever he said, he was also a powerhouse in the middle of the demon god, but was frightened by a glance. He had his hair all over his head, only to be stared at by a prehistoric monster.

But then, he noticed that Pei Junlin's gaze changed to him, and a faint glow glowed, and his eyes became more disturbed, only to feel goose bumps all over his body.

"Wow, my choice is indeed the most correct. As soon as this came out, I met a big crab in the middle of the demon god. I believe it must taste good!"

Pei Junlin murmured to himself, just as the crab powerhouse was creepy, his shape suddenly turned into a flash of lightning, approached instantly, and then held his fist prints, punching out like a dragon.

A punch is just a punch!

The middle-aged monster of the demon gods sprayed his mouth and nose directly, slumped on the ground, his whole body was broken, and it was impossible for himself to explode, revealing his body.

It was a huge crab that looked very fat, weighing hundreds of pounds, and looked extremely irritating.

Then Pei Jun followed suit and launched a killing. Within a few minutes, all the sea monsters on the entire mountain were slaughtered, and the entire mountain was full of various seafood corpses.

Among them are crabs, sea snakes, lobsters, and king eight ... their species can be described as various.

"It's been a long time since I ate seafood. Let's have a seafood feast this time!"

Pei Junlin sat alone on the hill and summoned a cauldron from the space ring. Then he got some sweet spring water and started a seafood feast.

Soon after, the whole mountain was filled with strong aromas. Pei Junlin braised various seafood into a large pot, and his tongue was about to fall off. The originally damaged flesh was nourished by these rich life spirits. Quickly recovering.

But do n’t think that Pei Jun does n’t choose to eat when he is hungry. As long as it is seafood, he can choose the lowest standard for seafood.

This scene was soon discovered by some strong men nearby. When seeing Pei Junlin even sitting alone on the mountain, he so daringly used a famous Siren Power as a ingredient to cook, where he ate and drank alone At that time, the strong in the Kraken world was furious.

This is really deceiving the demon too much, this **** human being has not paid attention to the holy sea tribe!

As for the demon tribe of the flora and fauna, seeing this scene is very concerned.

They are really familiar with this scene. Once upon a time, it was this wicked human who led a group of evil humans to steam and deep-fry a powerful monster.

This incident shocked some of the talented geniuses in the Kraken World, such as Shahuang, Hailianqing, and others. When they hurriedly arrived, Pei Junlin had already gone to the mountains, leaving only the leftovers of the land and various seafood. Bones, spit all over the place.


The sand prince of the tiger shark family shook his fists. This familiar scene reminded him of his younger brother, who seemed to have been roasted and eaten by Pei Junlin!

However, all this is just a beginning, and then a very special thing happened in the whole trial land.

There are constant and powerful disappearances of the powerful Siren, and when it is finally discovered, only the wreckage on the ground is left, and a strong smell of seafood remains in the air.

Not only that, but what makes the Kraken Power even more angry is that in those places that have done evil, that **** human has left a list of seafood cuisine rankings, which directly states which type of meat is the best and which type Poor meat!

Whales, tigers, sharks, sea snakes, turtles, crabs, lobsters, sea cucumbers ... All kinds of seafood are on the list. The most interesting is that the powerful whale family has become the bottommost existence.

Pei Junlin made it clear that this race is deceptive, and the meat quality is really unpalatable, which totally does not match his strength.

As soon as these messages appeared, there was an uproar. All the strong people of the whale family had their lungs exploded. The severely wounded prince of the whale family was so angry that they were sprayed with three big mouths of blood immediately. Heavier again!

Soon after, the list was updated again. The original whale clan became the second-ranked man, and a seafood species replaced him. This race is the famous mermaid clan.

Pei Junlin made it clear that the mermaid looks are too disgusting and have no interest in eating! The greatest value of these races is that they should be housed in ponds as ornamental fish!

As soon as these remarks appeared, there was a complete uproar. The mermaids, Hailian Qing and Helena, a pair of princess and sister flowers, were so angry that they vowed to make Pei Junlin crush the dead!

The beauty of the mermaids is famous throughout the world of sea monsters. Whether they are men or women, they look exceptionally beautiful, and the mermaids have always been proud of them.

But Pei Junlin's remarks directly pride them on the beauty they have been proud of for generations, trampled under their feet, and become the bottommost existence.

Such humiliation ~ ~ is unbearable for the entire mermaid family, and vowed to make Pei Junlin a thousand swords, otherwise it is not enough to vent hate!

Throughout the trial, there was an upsurge in search of Pei Junlin. All the sea monster powerhouses have never been together. This time, it doesn't matter if other humans kill or not. This man named Pei Junlin is definitely not. Can't kill!

However, it is difficult to find how difficult Pei Junlin is. This human is cunning and unimaginable. No matter how the Kraken Strong digs the entire trial land three feet, he can't see a trace of his back.

Finally, a big shaking event happened. The prince Haiquan, a family of sea snakes who once sieged and hunted down the strong men of humanity, witnessed the capture by Pei Junlin and left words on the ground.

"Eating low-grade seafood all the time is a bit too greasy, and I want to change my taste!"

"Prince and princess are good choices!"

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