Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 581: 3 Siege

"Oh no!!!"

The moment he saw Pei Junlin take the robber-like means to take away the sword breaking the field, the sky shouted like a beast, his eyes were completely congested.

The pain of his broken arm is not comparable to the heartache at this moment!

Territorial sword, the jewel of the whale family, is equivalent to the Ding Haizhu of the tiger and shark family. With this artifact, the ancestors of the whale family have laid a great foundation in this area and become a hegemon.

It can be said that the sword of the broken territory is a symbol of glory throughout the whale family, symbolizing the power of the whale family for generations.

However, it was such an artifact that symbolized glory, but now he was lost stupidly, and was snatched away by a human. At this moment, the eyes of the astounding eyes turned red, and he roared like a beast.

Four weeks ago, many powerful men who had watched the game also were stunned. No one expected that things would suddenly change like this, such a powerful genius like Jingtiandu, and the artifact breaking the sword in his hand was snatched away.

But the thing that shocked all the powerful men is far more than that. The moment Pei Junlin took the sword of the broken territory with a violent gesture, he did not hesitate to directly urge the power of this artifact, and the sword exploded into a bright sword. Mang, his sword fell off his head as he fell to the ground.

The action is crisp and ruthless, merciless, full of ruthlessness and coldness.

There was an exclamation sound outside the field, and the strong of the whale family was even more stubborn, ignoring the rules directly, and a swarm of bees rushed towards Pei Junlin in an attempt to recapture the broken sword!


The space shook, and a large swath of air was directly blown up, forming a thousand vacuum zones. The terrifying power broke out in the hands of Pei Junlin. This is just its own sharpness, and the magical power has not yet been excited.

At the critical moment, Jingtian took a stance of embarrassment, still hiding from the past, to avoid the end of being slain with a sword, but at the same time he was more embarrassed, holding his left arm tightly over the wound that broke his arm!

Pei Junlin stood proudly with a broken territory sword. At this moment, his body was also scarred, and he suffered many traumas, all of which were the result of a hard fight.

After all, he's a hard-hitting desert and shocking, such a peerless genius, any one is very powerful, the king of the same rank.

But the warfare on him was getting more and more vigorous, like the same round of hot sun, dazzling golden light, Pei Junlin looked coldly at the swarm, and a group of strong whales who surrounded him surrounded his mouth with an undisguised expression. Taunt: "What? You whales want to get together and attack ?!"

"Pei Junlin, hand over the sword of breaking territory!"

"Give up the broken sword!"

A sound of anger and drinking sounded, and all the strong men of the whale clan were yelling and murderous.


At this time, there was a huge energy wave in the dark power behind, and then a figure wearing a flame armor jumped out. It was the genius of the tiger and sharks.

It was just when he saw the situation outside, that the whole person suddenly stopped, especially when he saw the shocking city with a broken arm, and the broken-field sword held tightly by Pei Junlin, the whole person immediately covered his pores. Shrinking, eyes become needle-shaped.

The sword of breaking the domain was even snatched by Pei Junlin, and one arm of Jingtiandu was cut off!

This is definitely not good news. Everyone knows how powerful the magic sword is. The Pei Junlin who did not have the sword before is already so powerful. Now that he has the sword, it is even more powerful.

"Waste! You are so shit, how can you let this human take away the sword!"

Angered in his heart, Sha Huang could not help yelling.

Shocking sky has a face, black as the bottom of the pot, and clenched the injured wound tightly. It is absolutely a shame to lose the sword of the broken field in his hands. It must be robbed anyway today.

"Hai Lianqing, are you still going to the theater ?!"

Suddenly, Sha Huang raised his head, and a pair of cold and lonely eyes fell to the mermaid's camp.

"This human being must die today!"

"Don't forget, the precious Baoding Haizhu my family lost also fell into their hands, and among them you are a mermaid family, which has a great relationship!"

With the words of Sand Desert falling, Hai Lianqing's eyes flashed instantly, her delicate body wearing a blue armor was flashing beside Sand Desert, and the face of the national-colored heavenly incense was wiped out. State.

"Waffle, do you siren want to bully less? When we people don't exist, do we?"

Seeing a group of Siren Powers becoming more and more shameless, Bai Yulong, Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing and others were furious and instantly moved to prepare to participate in the battle.

"Stop these miscellaneous things for the king, and let Pei Junlin give us three of them!"

Sand desert tone quietly opened the mouth, talking about the strong of the tiger and shark family, the strong of the whale family and the strong of the mermaid family, one after another, killing Li Tianpei and others who were preparing to rescue Pei Junlin.

The melee broke out instantly, and the battle was **** from the beginning.

"Come on! Kill me these shameless mess!"

In the crowd, the faces of Yang Xue and Sun Kai were also full of anger. The shameful act of the Siren completely angered them, and immediately they led the team and rushed up.

On the other side, Pang Yue and Hua Muzi's faces were also gloomy. After a little hesitation, they also ordered to start fighting.

For a time, what was originally a one-on-one battle directly evolved into an unprecedented melee. The horrific storm of energy drowned the entire mountain.

"What shall we do? Would you like to join in ?!"

At the outbreak of the melee, a group of teams appeared extremely eye-catching. This team was led by the Dongfeng family and the Zhuge family. Seeing that almost all human strongmen had engaged in a duel with the Kraken, And their standing there seemed particularly dazzling.

If this is passed back, the reputation of the two will not be very good!

"Mad, this troublesome bastard!"

Dong Fengdu's face was so sullen and scolded. After hesitating for a long time, he finally ordered: "Let's join in too, but everyone remember, save your strength!"

A group of people nodded and forced to join the battlefield.

But the battle of life and death is nothing but a child's play. They want to preserve their strength, but in the eyes of the sea monster powerhouse, they are intimidating and weak.

The persimmon finds a soft grip, and the Kraken Power is no exception. Soon a group of people became the deliberate target of many Kraken Powers. After losing several members one after another, the Dongfeng and Zhuge families were completely angry. Just now, if they hadn't escaped in time, they would almost have been blasted by the Siren.

"Kill! Kill such a bitch!"

In the end, they were furious, and it was no longer possible to hide their strength, and each one red-eyed and launched a killing.

"Plant and animal bastards, just watch the show. If we humans are all dead, then it will be your turn soon!"

In the battle of life and death, some strong men watched the drama in the distance, and were ready to sit down and collect the fisherman's profit.

At this moment, all the strong men in the human race have joined the battle, but only a group of monsters of the plant and animal departments are left, watching the drama from a distance.

There are many familiar faces, for example, the young king of the sunflower family is too horizontal, the Lanjun leader of the orchid family, the strong of the Ujin rattan family, the strong of the peach tree demon family, and so on. In addition, there are white tigers and peacocks in the animal department. One clan, golden lion clan, **** ape clan ...

This group of demons apparently showed an indifferent attitude of sitting on the mountain watching tigers. When they heard the scolding of the strong men, they were indifferent one by one. Many strong men simply showed unscrupulous sneer.

In particular, the eyes of many strong demons gathered in the field, and Pei Junlin, who was besieged by the three geniuses of Jingdu, Shahuang, and Hailianqing, was in a state of hatred and anger.

Pei Junlin is definitely the first choice in the genius list. I do n’t know how many genius powerhouses can't wait to swallow their flesh. Now seeing this scene, do n’t worry about it!

This scourge is a troublemaker everywhere. Now it is siege by the three top geniuses of the Siren.

"Kill! Kill now! Kill the **** named Pei as soon as possible!"

Many strong demons have such thoughts in their hearts.

This makes many of the strong human beings anxious to slaughter these bastards, which is awful!

The fierce battle is still going on. The base of the human strong is far less than that of the Kraken Strong. Therefore, even if many human strong want to support Pei Junlin, but it is difficult to achieve their wishes, Pei Junlin is still deserted, Lian Qing and Jing Tian are besieged by three geniuses!

The strength of these three is really strong. Even the shock of a broken arm can not be underestimated. He even desperately lost the sword that broke the territory. He did not hesitate to burn his destiny madly, just to regain it as soon as possible. Realm Sword.

The heavy weapon Euphorbia dances, the energy is surging, and it turns into a dragon, which can swallow the mountains and the sea, and the desert of the tiger and shark family. He is also desperately trying to kill Pei Junlin as soon as possible, so that he can regain the precious treasure of his tiger and shark family.

At the same time ~ ~ The mermaid princess Hailian Qing, the strength can not be underestimated, under a clear blue armor, her enchanting figure is stronger than her sister Helena, and her weapon is very special It turned out to be a looming rope.

This rope is called a bundle of spiritual rope.It is made after imitating the ancient artifact bundle of immortal rope. It can bind all things, can attack from a distance and can be close. At the same time, it can be thrown as a hidden weapon. Once tied, it is really nothing. Solution can only be fish on that chopping board.

Pei Junlin encountered great challenges. Before the two talents, Shahuang and Jingtian, let him go all out and fight for the price of the injury. Then he managed to re-create Jingtiandu and **** the sword of broken territory. At the moment, it increased to three people. Difficulties increased again several times.

Fortunately, he has a great increase in strength in the hands of the sword of breaking the domain. Although Pei Junlin was unable to master the magic of the sword of breaking the sword for a while, the sharpness of the sword of breaking the domain was enough.

The texture of this artifact is higher than that of Qinghong sword. Once excited, the sword will be magnificent and it can be used in towns and mountains.

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