Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 572: Like a ghost!

But in the void when the King of Eight Claws thought flickered and his face was cloudy, the melee had already reached a very fierce point.

The power of the King of Eight Claws is indeed very strong. There are more than 50 demon gods alone. Such a force is an unthinkable thing on human earth. His Majesty the King has gathered so many powerful people. It is comparable to the power of a country, even more than a small country.

The world of Siren is not without reason. The world here is full of aura, resources and treasures. Humans, plants, and animals are together to suppress the monsters. I am afraid that they are the only one of the monsters, which will eventually make them completely lawless.

However, at present, Pei Junlin and others have gathered more than 30 strong men such as Lanjunzhu and Taiheng. The total number of strong men is already on par with the number of strong men of the Eight-Claw King. This is a powerful opportunity to fight back.

Except for the eight-clawed king, which is more difficult to entangle, the other strong ones are absolutely no problem.

Especially at this moment, because of the suspicious nature of the eight-claw king, he didn't take any action at the moment. The war situation quickly gave Pei Junlin and others the upper hand.

"Mad, want to use Lao Tzu as a cannon fodder, calculate Lao Tzu, is it really an idiot!"

Seeing that the human and plant demon clan teamed up, the number of strong men was as high as more than forty, and there were several strong men in the late demon god, and the king of eight claws immediately had an idea in his heart.

"Stop! Stop! All stop for the king!"

While his own side had not lost much, the Eight-Claw King immediately yelled.

All the powerful men in the original chaotic battle stopped hearing their actions and wondered at the Eight-Claw King who exudes powerful coercion in the void.

"Humans, as well as these **** of the plant system, do you want to live?" The Eight-Claw King stood proudly in the void, his voice overcast.

As soon as this word came to an end, Pei Junlin, Taiheng, Lanjun Lord and others frowned. Isn't this nonsense, who doesn't want to live, but they just don't understand what the octopus king is going to sell.

"Of course I want to live, what do you mean, King Eight-Claw?"

Finally, the young king of the sunflower family asked with a frown.

In the void, the Eight-Claw King was very satisfied with this answer. He coughed and said, "Since you all want to live, and there is no grudge between us, everyone is meeting each other. You give me a million spirit crystals. How about letting you go? "

what? !!

At the end of this remark, everyone was stunned at the same time, and then frowned, and could not understand what the eight-claw king was doing.

"Why? Is there a million Lingjings too many? Then, give me 800,000 Lingjings!"

When the King of Eight Claws saw someone and the Botanic demon were frowning, they felt that it seemed a bit too much, and immediately lowered their requirements.

"You see, in a short period of time, you have already entered at least dozens of my younger brothers, and the demon gods have also injured seven or eight. Doesn't all this need compensation?"

The Eight-Clawed King pointed at the injured and dead little demon seriously.

"Rest assured, my King of Eight Claws has occupied this land for hundreds of years, relying on the credibility that has always been upheld. The king swears in the name of the demon emperor, as long as you are willing to surrender Lingjing, I will let you all leave immediately!"

"I'm not afraid of you knowing that now the strong mermaids and tiger sharks behind you are rushing forward. If you miss the benefit of the king, then you are really dangerous!"

Everyone ...

Did this article touch the porcelain, only to hurt so many little monsters, and then directly asked for one hundred ... No, it is 800,000 spirit crystals, very weird!

At this moment, no matter how clever everyone is, it is a bit difficult to figure out the way of this eight-claw king.

"Dare to ask the king, are these 800,000 spirit crystals inferior or ..."

At this time, a strong man of the orchid family questioned.

"Crap, of course, high-quality, low-quality garbage is worth a few dollars!"

The King of Eight Claws scolded immediately.


Pei Junlin flatly refused, with a firm face.

Joke, 800,000 Gaoping Lingjing, even if you add up all the people's Lingjing, I am afraid that this number can not make up the number, this eight-claw king really dare to open a big lion, really when Gaoping Lingjing is a roadside cabbage !!

"Huh ?! Humans, it seems you are determined to die!"

The eight-claw king showed a dangerous light, and fell on Pei Junlin's face. The real terrible coercion was like a storm, and he focused on Pei Junlin.

However, as soon as this momentum of him fell, Pei Junlin's whole body burst into bright golden light, and the protector's divine light broke out, which was easily blocked directly.

Jokingly, he is now a real late-stage powerhouse. After the golden body is completely completed, he has been soared. There are few opponents in the same level. Although he has not fought against the demon peak powerhouse, he has not much fear. of.

However, escape was absolutely no problem. Pei Junlin's only concern was the little friends around him.

"At most ten thousand spirit crystals, this is considered to be your respect for the king, and there is no more!"

Pei Junlin said categorically: "The Eight-Claw King, I really want to fight to death. The strong man here is enough to wipe out all of you, even if you are in danger of falling, do you believe it ?!"

During his speech, Pei Junlin suddenly used his thoughts and began to summon the Tushen chariot that had been hidden in the ring of space.

Suddenly, the space trembled, and the appearance of the Tushen Chariot 狰狞 appeared out of thin air, like a huge mountain crashing to the ground, and the twelve 狰狞 starry giant monster souls opened the gates and imprisoned the beasts for days. Roared, turned into a fierce beast with a height of 100 meters.

The powerful coercion that erupted at that instant swept across the audience, making many low-level Siren wailing and trembling.

"This is ... the God of Slaughter !!!"

The octopus king, who was very proud and beeping, suddenly changed his face, and quickly started to retreat, hiding behind a kilometer.

The reputation of Tushen Chariot, as an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, how can he not know.

What he didn't expect was how such a big killer would appear on a human.

"King, how about my meeting ceremony? Do you have confidence to block its light of death?"

Pei Junlin stood next to the Tu Shen chariot, his face was cold.

One face of the King of Eight Claws was cloudy, and the appearance of the Tushen chariot was really unexpected. He was completely caught by surprise. With such a big killer, he didn't have much confidence to stop him.

"Ten thousand! Just ten thousand Lingjing!"

Pei Junlin put up a finger: "As the king said, this is our little care, it should be the younger brother who compensates the king!"

If it is really possible to resolve the conflict peacefully, don't say it is 10,000 spirit crystals, even if there are more, it is worth it. After all, the sword has no eyes, the battle will inevitably be damaged, and Pei Junlin does not want to have more senseless killings.

In particular, the octopus king has a strange temperament, so it's better not to make enemies anymore.

"Ten thousand is too little, do you underestimate the king? How does the king say that he is also the pinnacle of a demon god, one hundred thousand spirits!"

The King of Eight Claws face was cloudy, and it was better to speak flatly.

"Too many! Just a million spirits!"

Pei Junlin shook his head, his expression was extremely determined.

"Nine thousand !!!! It can't be less anymore, but the king is giving you a way to survive. You have so many strong lives, not nine thousand!"

"In case! I said, this is just a little care we give to the king, not our money for life!"

"You ... 80,000! It really can't be less!"

There are faint blue tendons on the forehead of the Eight-Claw King.

"twelve thousand!"

Pei Junlin stood firm and refused to budge.


"Fifteen thousand! This is my limit!"

"Bastard, 50,000! 50,000 is the lowest. The king earns thousands in minutes, and you are too stingy!" The king of eight claws stared round and his body was boiling.

"Ten thousand!"

Pei Junlin still shook his head, and at the same time slammed his hand on the Tushen chariot. The twelve powerful beast spirits roared again in the sky, and the horror of coercion was not weak at all.

The people watching this scene all around and the strong people of the botanical demon clan have long been speechless, only to feel that the whole worldview has changed.

Have they crossed into the vegetable market? Two uncles are bargaining, they have to fight against each other, and they are extremely sharp.

Pei Junlin's group of little friends who were standing beside him were also dull. Is this still the solemn and ruthless Pei boss?

How can you be so proficient in bargaining? Refresh three views!

Until the end, the Eight-Claw King was almost red-eyed, using his gnashing teeth to spit out a number fiercely: "Two thousand spirits!"

"Very good deal!"

Pei Junlin clapped his hands and settled.

Then he turned around and scolded a group of plant monsters who were stunned, saying, "Fart a fart, pay for it ... uh, pay for Lingjing! 20,000, hurry up!"

The Lanjun master closest to Pei Junlin was finally awakened, and after hearing the words, he took out a bunch of glittering phantom crystals from the storage bag mechanically, and the number was only 20,000.

Pei Junlin waved directly, and all the Lingjing floated to the Eight-Claw King, and said coldly, "Now that the transaction has been reached, can we make way?"

The King of Eight Claws, with a somber face, directly put away those Lingjings. Although he got so many Lingjings, he was not happy at all, and said, "Give up!"

A group of minions dared not have any shit, and immediately gave way.

"let's go!"

Pei Junlin took the lead first, holding the hundreds of thousands of kilograms of the slaughter chariot with one hand. The place he passed was really a ghost and god, and he quickly passed the road.

Behind him, all the people and the demon tribe of the plant system followed closely. Suddenly, a lightning struck through the head of Lan Jun's head and hurriedly said, "No! I just drew all the Lingjing just now. What about you humans? It's not fair to pay no points! We're only worth 10,000! "

She was also rectified by Pei Junlin's unprecedented bargaining attitude. Almost when Pei Junlin's insolent and majestic discourse fell, she subconsciously took out 20,000 spirit crystals.

In retrospect at the moment, I really regret it, and the emotions in my heart are very shy ~ ~ I don't know whether I hate myself or not.

Pei Junlin turned his head, his eyes looked as if they were idiots, staring at the Lord of Lanlan County, and said coldly, "I just wasted so much saliva, don't you need to pay a little price?"

Lord of the County ...

The next second, she was so angry that she wanted to find Pei Junlin desperately. Her resentment against this abominable human had reached an unprecedented level, but she was pulled by the side too, and her face was swept coldly by Pei Junlin. A glance.

Ten thousand spirits, he didn't care!

Around the world, Li Tianpei, Ye Tianxing, Zhang Pingping, etc. all held their smiles, one by one, their bodies trembling slightly, and some people simply struck their thighs. If it was not allowed by the environment, they would already hold their stomachs and roll on the floor with a smile. .

Boss Pei, really a genius! !! !!

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