Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 565: Grim Reaper Approaching


The formation around the island is constantly being cracked by the Siren Powerhouse, causing huge movements.

Such a movement has naturally alarmed everyone who is on the island, and everyone has opened their eyes from it.

"You continue to cultivate and leave the defense to me!"

Pei Junlin stood up from a piece of bluestone. His slender body seemed to be not strong, but he exuded a strong sense of oppression. The situation was like a lion who had been awake, exuding a natural majestic king.

In the past few days, he has completely consolidated the cultivation in the later stage of Godland, his strength is more powerful than the previous breakthrough, the golden body is completely completed, and his strength has at least doubled.

At this moment, everyone's cultivation has reached a breakthrough point, and everyone's body is shining with golden light, and a strong breath is looming.

After hearing what Pei Junlin said, many people continued to close their eyes and once again entered the breakthrough of efforts.

"Pei Junlin, our brothers help you!"

At this time, the brothers Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei stood up.

"Yu Fei and I are both in the middle of the Divine Realm. It is not a day's work to break through the late Divine Realm, even if there is ample accumulation of resources!"

Pei Junlin nodded: "Yeah! Now the Siren is strong like a cloud outside, and the princess of that mermaid family has found a companion. We will not hit them for the time being, at least until everyone has broken through!"

"So what we need to do now is to strengthen the formation and delay as much as possible!"

After all, the three set off directly and moved towards the position of formation.

Before, Pei Junlin's formation on the island was just a simple psychedelic formation. The purpose was just to prevent some Krakens, but I didn't expect that the place they were repairing would be discovered by the Kraken Powerhouse so quickly. Now it's time to rearrange the formation!

"Bai Yufei, the time is urgent, you and I work together to refine the formation base, and Bai Yulong, you will set up the array according to our direction!"

Pei Junlin's neatly distributed tasks. Although Bai Yulong is not interested in the matrix method, he can be the first Bai family of the refining device. The basic knowledge of the matrix method must be understood, and it is definitely no problem to arrange the array according to the requirements.

Soon Pei Junlin and Bai Yufei began to refine various formations. They are all masters of this. As long as it is explained, the coordination is seamless. As for the formation of the formation, there is no shortage of formations. Many of the monster treasures are made of this kind of formation.

With the passage of time, under the cooperation of Pei Junlin and Bai Yufei, the array of bases was placed by Bai Yulong in a specific position. Soon, the thunder of the entire island was astonishing, and powerful water dragons roared out. , Rushed towards the Siren Powerhouse outside.

Being in the deepest part of the ocean, the most important thing here is the water attribute factor, so the most suitable matrix method is, of course, a matrix method that can combine the power of water attributes.

The moment the powerful formation took shape, the water dragon roared, and the several sea monster powerhouses who broke the array directly threw blood to the ground, breaking their bones and bones.

"Asshole, there are masters of human formation in them, they even started to re-form, thus blocking our footsteps!"

The Siren Strong shouted angrily, and then sneered again: "The stuff of the banmen, the clown who jumped the beam, dare to compare the formation method with our powerful sea clan, today let you see who the ancestor of the formation method is! "

"Let's go together and break the battle!"

Suddenly, more than ten masters of matrix formations burst into force and got into the formation of the Dragon Roar, one by one, showing their magical powers, breaking the array with all their strength.

In the accomplishment of the formation method, the Hai tribe is recognized as powerful, and as a sea tribe, it has a strong confidence and pride.

Even Helena, the mermaid princess, and the tiger shark prince Willow, have a strong confidence in it.

"Funny humans, don't they know that our sacred sea tribe is the ancestor of the formation ?!"

Willow sneered, showing a strong pride, looking down at the boiling array of energy fluctuations from below: "Wait, it won't be long before this array of methods will break open, when the feast will start! "

"The taste of human flesh is very delicious! Especially some powerful human warriors! Sucking!"

When talking, Liu Mu took a sip of saliva, and this spit did not know whether it really missed the taste of humans or the beautiful mermaid princess next to Helena ...

Time passed again, when the broken Siren Powers had broken almost seven or eight, finally, the faces of Helena and Willow, who had been confident and proud, had changed!

They sensed the extraordinary human formation on the island below. It has been almost an hour since the formation was broken. Not only did they not make any progress, they continued to damage the masters.

"Up! Keep giving me up, my king doesn't believe where this human formation can be powerful!"

Liu Mu's somber order ordered that more than a dozen strong men flocked up behind him and rushed into the formation.

However, these Kraken powerhouses have just approached the formation. Suddenly, the sound of dragons rang through the void, and the waters around the tens of miles were turbulent. Several giant water dragons were hundreds of meters long and tens of meters thick , Roaring out, directly blasted a volley hit by a famous Siren Strong, blood in his mouth continued.

"Asshole! How could this formation be so strong ?!"

Finally, Liu Mu's face changed completely, and the pride gesture was no longer there, replaced by an unprecedented gloom.

Buzz! !!

The golden light is faintly emitted through the formation of the island, attracting the attention of many sea monster powerhouses, and more than one.

"That's when humans break through!"

Helena yelled directly. On a stunning face, there were overcast clouds, and human beings had breakthroughs. For her, it was absolutely not good news. She remembered it very well. Not long ago, in her mermaid town It was because of a breakthrough that a human broke out in an instant and struck her with a punch.

"Don't wait any longer, Willow! Directly use Ding Haizhu! Ding Haizhu has a lot of magical powers, can hold everything, and definitely can break the formation!"

Helena said anxiously.

Willow wood looked cloudy and cloudy. As he said, although the magical power is vast, every time it is consumed, it is very amazing. It needs to be replenished with pure water power to be used again.

But it looks like there is nothing to do now!

In order to get the beautiful mermaid princess in front of you, it's all worth it!

When the thoughts fell, the whole body's blue, shining pearl appeared again in Willow's hands.

Under the gaze of the pair of Siren Strong, I saw that Liumu suddenly made a special rune and fell on top of the Ding Haizhu. Suddenly, the Ding Haizhu, which was just shining, flew in the air, tight Then the light was flourishing, shining all around.

The whole world turned into a dazzling blue at this moment, and the bright light covered the scorching sun in the sky.

"Dinghai Shenzhu, everything can be set!"


Willow exhaled, his voice sounded through the waters of dozens of miles, and a miracle appeared. I saw the sea water boiling around the island and the turbulent waves stopped in midair and remained still.

Everything is silent, leaving only the weird silence!

Even the roaring water dragon in the formation was stiffened in the air, his posture remained unchanged.

"Quick, break the battle! This way, the king can't last long!"

Liu Mu shouted that although Ding Hai Zhu has great power, it depends on who the caster is. With the later cultivation of Liu Mu Demon God, he can persist for at most ten seconds. This is already the ultimate strength!

Ten seconds may seem short, but in the presence of top powerhouses, it is enough to reverse the whole battle, even for a second, it will produce incredible changes.

Therefore, this set of Haizhu is definitely called the treasure. With this treasure in hand, the tiger and shark family dominates. It is indestructible!

"Hurry up! Break the battle immediately !!! Break the battle !!!"

When the powerful magical power of Ding Haizhu broke out, the mermaid princess Helena took the lead to turn into a flash of lightning and stormed down from the void. Ding Haizhu's settled not only the sea water, but also the formation.

At this moment, as the Prince Liumu said, the sea **** beads can be fixed, everything can be fixed!

On the island, the array formed by Pei Junlin and Bai Yufei joined forces. At this moment, it completely turned into nothingness. Many of the array energy that just rose up was fixed in mid-air, and then instantly swarmed into the Siren Powerhouse and found it. Where the front is, constantly destroying!

Even Pei Junlin, who practiced or set up on the island, also showed a stiff body, and his movements were stagnant in the air, motionless, every population could not speak, could not hear, only a pair of eyes were left. The child was barely able to turn.

Everyone's eyes showed a scary color that could not be concealed, even Pei Junlin was no exception. Since his rebirth, this is the first time he has lost control of his own body, the feeling that life is controlled by others. Make him very uncomfortable.

"Supernatural power! What a powerful supernatural power !!!!!"

"I didn't expect that among the monsters of the Kraken, there were such powerful ones who knew the magical powers !!"

"Be careful in the future !!!"

All kinds of thoughts rose from Pei Junlin's heart, and then he saw the array he carefully arranged, which was constantly being destroyed. In the distance, the Kraken strong broke the array, and he was full of horror towards the sky. They rushed.

"What to do ?! What to do ?! By the way, magical time!"

At this moment, Pei Junlin is also very anxious, because once it is late, I am afraid that all of them today will die in a strange land.

"Power of Darkness! Power of Darkness! Come out to Lao Tzu !!!"

In an unprecedented mood, Pei Junlin did not hesitate to use the most powerful hole cards and was prepared to use the power of darkness to fight this strange magical power. What made him desperate was that the power of darkness, which has always been extremely powerful, seemed to be Also sealed, it is difficult to inspire anything.

Pei Junlin's heart fell to a trough, and his whole body was chilling. For the first time, he felt that death was so close to him.

He is already a person who has died twice. In theory, he should not be afraid of death, but at a critical moment ~ ~ Pei Junlin suddenly found that he was even more afraid of death.

Because of this life, his parents are alive, his relatives are healthy, his wife is beautiful, and his family can be described as happy and happy. No matter how many years he has lived, he will never give up.

"Can't die! Definitely can't die!"

"I am a dignified Shura warlord, sweeping the world, Shura warlords who have swept the world, can swarm the world in the last life, swept the invincible, dare to fight against the powerful dragon, how can this life die in the low level of the sea monster In the hands of souls! "

Pei Junlin's heart burned with raging anger. This anger contained his unprecedented spirit. Suddenly, at this time, a special power in the body began to operate. Wherever he passed, the strange power holding the body was disintegrated. Constantly ablation.

"this is……"

"Primitive Nirvana !!!"

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