Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 549: Hunting game

Chapter 549 Hunting Game

It ’s just that this kind of silence lasts for less than a second. At the next moment, the shouting and killing of the mountains and rivers is connected to face the strange Siren, whether it is a strong human or a plant and animal demon. The strong are all enemies of life and death, red eyes instantly.

boom! Boom boom! !! !!

The energy collision sound that shook through the clouds suddenly broke out in an instant, completely starting the life and death killing.

"Come on!"

Seeing that the fierce battle broke out in an instant, Pei Junlin immediately whispered, shook his hands and threw out a large array of bases, and then took the lead to take Prince Qiong's small hand to leave.

The reason he just exposed these Krakens just now is because he broke the array formation here.

Leaving at this moment, an obstructive formation was also arranged instantly, so that those who have been following behind want to take advantage of the evil, wish to completely simmer!

Pei Junlin had long noticed that the sea monsters had laid out the Tianluodi net, which seemed to be a big kill, so she had been waiting for an opportunity.

Those shameless demons wanted to use him as a gun, why did Pei Junlin want to use them as guns? In this silent battle, Pei Junlin won the victory!

Soon, all the strong humans were far away from the place where the melee broke out, leaving only a group of demons fighting each other, and they seemed to hear the insult of anger, and some demons were scolding humans. mean.

"Good job! Haha!"

The strong human beings who successfully pulled back a round laughed loudly.

Those Western powerhouses who have been closely following Pei Junlin and others are hard to hide their dignity and surprise at this time. Just now, Pei Junlin's ability to wave in one hand was witnessed by them. I am afraid no one can match.

"Mr. Lane, Ms. Irene, and Mr. Odin, and all of you from the Western world. Now that all the strong people of the demon have been rid of us, I am afraid that all of us must bear the dangers together!"

"If you still want to sit behind and enjoy the success, then I'm sorry! For the sake of being humans, please take the initiative to leave! Everyone in the province can't do it!"

After almost traveling for thousands of meters, Pei Junlin suddenly stopped and turned to the group of western powerhouses who had been following his buttocks. His tone was indifferent.

A group of Western powers that are following closely have stopped.

"Mr. Pei, what do you mean?"

Called Ryan is a young man with blond hair, a handsome face and a handsome face. His identity is also very noble. He is an elite genius from the famous temples of the West. This power is equivalent to the yellowish organization of Huaxia .

There are three Western powers participating in the action in the flooded waters. They are the temples of the gods, the women-in-law gates, and the sun temple. These three powers almost represent the most powerful forces in the West today.

Those who can be singled out are geniuses among geniuses, and each is very powerful.

When Pei Junlin's words had just fallen, the Ryan from the temples of the gods frowned, and said loudly, "We are all human beings. In this strange Kraken world, we should help each other. You Why are you driving us now? "

"Mr. Pei, we don't like to hear what you say. What makes us sit back and enjoy it?"

The Ms. Irene from the mother-in-law's door is also a beautiful face, she is very beautiful, hot, **** and charming, wearing a red fire armor, it is even more attractive to the whole person, but at the moment But it was the chill of chill that exuded the whole body, showing extraordinary practice.

"I have heard long ago that the warriors of Huaxia have always been arrogant and arrogant. See you today, really!"

Odin of the Sun Temple, wearing an ancient mottled armor, clenched a spear and shield in his hand, was very dissatisfied, and very proud.

Other powerful people from the western world also spoke at this moment, all of them were full of anger, as if Pei Junlin's words stimulated a huge horse honeycomb.

"Shut up for Lao Tzu!"

The icy fury suddenly burst like a thunder, and finally interrupted the sound of a group of Western powerhouses. I saw Bai Yulong stepped out of his body, without knowing when, and his sharp eyes glanced at all the Western powerhouses. By.

"Since you don't agree with Pei Junlin, why have you been standing back from the beginning to the present!"

"My mouth is vocal about helping each other, where is your action? Is it hiding behind my assassin of the Huaxia national martial arts and smelling fart, which is what you call an action? Oh!"

Bai Yulong's words are very sharp and show no mercy. His identity is a child of the Supreme Family. He is definitely the top identity in the world. He is no worse than any of the so-called Western powers, so there is no need to give the opposite party. .

As Bai Yulong's words fell, everyone like Yang Xue, Sun Kai, Pang Yue, Huamuzi, Dongfeng, Zhuge Yunfan, etc. began to anger, angering these powerful men from the Western world. This seems like a bit too much Shameless!

It has taken such a big advantage, but he is a victim, is it really a fool to be a warrior in China? !!

"Now give you a chance, either come forward with us and explore the road side by side, or get out early, choose one!"

In the end, Pei Jun said in a cold voice, facing such a group of shameless people, there was no need to be polite.

"Three, two, one! Let's go!"

Pei Junlin simply counted three numbers and saw that a group of western powerhouses had nothing to do, and strode directly, ready to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

Finally, the strong man from the Western world couldn't hold his breath and shouted.

"All of you, we human beings are inherently weak, and how can we rise up so quickly in this strange and dangerous world of Siren? Isn't it clear that we are letting those monsters have a joke! Together! Let's explore the road together! "

There are strong so out of the channel.

On the Chinese side, everyone couldn't help sneering, but it didn't stop them. As the words just said, human beings are definitely the weakest party in this operation. It is definitely not a wise move to get up early and get angry. .

In the situation where the overall situation is important, it is better to join forces for the time being.

Next, the human camp can be regarded as temporarily abandoning each other's careful machine, completely turning into a sharp knife, and pounce on the center of the Kraken World.

All the way through, it was invincible. Numerous formations were captured by layers. Any sneak attack by a sea monster was quickly decapitated, very neat.

In this process, the powerful men in the western world did show extraordinary fighting power. They possessed the special abilities of the awakeners, and they could be transformed into rock generals with infinite power.

Or maybe there are strong people who are proficient in the properties of ice and snow, instantly frozen in the world, and more powerful people can be transformed into a mass of liquid, with a very strong ability to poison, and some people are proficient in metal, become metal giants, invincible ...

At the same time, there are strong men who are also proficient in array formations. Although not as strong as Pei Junlin, they are also comparable to top geniuses like Bai Yufei ...

The various awakening abilities possessed by the Western world surprised the Chinese warriors and sneered. These guys were hiding before.

I don't know how long, all of a sudden, the dense fog that has been covering the surrounding area disappeared, and everyone appeared in a clear world. They broke the Tian Luo Di net laid by the sea monster, and completely entered the world of the sea monster.

In the distance is a vast old flood forest, with huge trees, endless mountains, huge lakes everywhere, and weird-looking Siren flying through the forest. It turned out to be huge giant fangs and big fish. Kilometers, like the legendary urn, and the far-off horizon is the vast sea, which really seems to have come to the legendary era of flood and wasteland.

Many powerful human beings are shocked by the magnificent and magnificent scene in front of them.

The Kraken World is much larger than the outer world of the monsters. At the same time, the aura of heaven and earth is richer than the outer world of the monsters. No wonder the sea monsters have always been so powerful and the environment is so.

Suddenly, at this moment, all the powerful human beings felt the heart at the same time, and looked at both sides. I saw that when there was no one, in the two flowing rivers in the distance, there was a weird Siren. With different weapons, the number is incalculable.

A terrifying breath of coercion came across, proving the extraordinaryness of this group of sea monsters.

Perhaps because of the different world rules here, many Siren Powerhouses are far less perfect than the external demons, and many Siren Powerhouses retain some characteristics, such as the strong man dragging a long crocodile tail There are shells on the back of the strong, and there are two antennae on the head of the strong ... and so on.

But even though this Siren Powerful looks ugly, the powerful breath makes people dare not ignore it.

"Oh, I didn't expect that this time it would be human beings who took the lead in breaking the array!"

"The wastes from the flora and fauna are really becoming less and less useful!"

"I haven't tasted the taste of humanity for more than three years. I really miss it! I finally look forward to this day!

There are ugly Siren Powers ~ ~ drooling, soaking the ground, it is very disgusting to see.

"The hunting game is about to start, alas! I'm so excited to think about it!"

"Hey, my favorite is a human beauty!"

A man who is fairly complete, with scales on his face, and a man with a sea snake in his heartbrow, is a man with a sea snake in his face, staring at all the beautiful women in the human camp, his eyes shining.

He is the prince of the sea snake family, his name is Haiquan Yi, and the snake character Ben Yin, has been reflected in his body.

"Do n’t bother to fight with my king, they are all my king! Haha! My king must spoil them!"

When this remark came to an end, it immediately attracted the coax of many sea monster powerhouses, shouting one by one, looking at all the female powerhouses in humanity, full of greed.

"Humble humans, according to the rules, you can have half an hour to escape, and half an hour later, our most exciting hunting game will begin!"


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