Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 540: Spawned child ...

The tumultuous Nanzhou Tiankeng War ended in this way.

After a simple repair, Bai Zhenyang, Bai Zhengang, Bai Yulong, Bai Yufei and others proposed their resignations the next day. This time the war experience has been completed. They have more important things to do, and that is to continue to study the God of War.

Nowadays, the number of human slaughter chariots on the human side is really too small. The one that is Pei Junlin is only two. In order to reverse the war situation, we must make more efforts to create more **** slaughter chariots.

Of course, this process is very difficult. Let alone the other treasured materials, the twelve fierce beast souls on each body of the Tushen War are a big problem.

Bai Ji also left when Pei Junlin left the Bai family. It seemed that he was going to the depths of the starry sky to hunt down the beasts!

There were also many strong men who left at the same time. Many of the strong men who came to the battle in Nankeng Tiankeng came from various places to support them. After the war, of course, they had to return to their own territory.

Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong also offered their resignations. The husband and wife planned to go back to Jinling City while the war was inevitable, and they have not returned to see their parents for a long time.

Since I entered the martial arts road, I really found that time has passed very quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was a moment or two.

This made them, as children, very guilty, and this time they went home to take a complete rest.

The road of martial arts is not just blind cultivation. Blending work and rest is always the most correct way.

On the flight to Jinling City, the couple, who had a rare rest, were cuddling together and enjoying a rare time alone.

"Husband, I'm finally considered a powerful god, now I can barely follow your footsteps, no longer a burden for you!"

Wang Ziqiong put his head on Pei Junlin's arm and murmured softly.

"Fool, when did I become a burden on you, but you, the practice is so fast, it has given me a lot of pressure! One day, if you do n’t have insurance, you will really surpass me!"

Pei Junlin's fingers gently stroked the supple hair of Wang Ziqiong and said with a smile.

"Hee hee, this does not prove that they are geniuses!"

Wang Ziqiong smiled like a flower and was so happy to be able to break through the realm of God so quickly.

"You ... the guy in your body, isn't there anything regenerating?"

Pei Junlin suddenly asked.

Wang Ziqiong shook his head: "Never!"

She naturally knew what Pei Junlin was worried about. That day, the self-proclaimed remnant of the **** of the moon, penetrated into her body, which actually caused Wang Ziqiong to be worried, but unexpectedly, the remnant had been quiet .

Pei Junlin nodded. The guy who claimed to be the moon **** would not get rid of it for a day. It was also a big psychological burden, but now he couldn't find any good way.

That month, God is definitely a very powerful remnant of spirits. The strange magical skills mastered by such an old monster are absolutely inconceivable. It is really hidden and really difficult to find.

"Ziqiong, I want to tell you something!"

Pei Junlin said.

"You said!"

Wang Ziqiong still enjoyed lying on Pei Junlin's shoulders, and the beautiful face on the beautiful face showed a rare ease and was very happy.

"I might find Tzuyu!"

Pei Junlin said that the voice of the prince Qiongjiao, who had been lying on his shoulders, immediately trembled immediately after the voice fell, and then quickly straightened his body. There was an unprecedented unbelievable expression on that beautiful and beautiful face, staring Damei eyes said: "Junlin, are you ... really saying it? Really? Really met Ziyu ?!"

"Ziqiong, don't be excited! I don't dare to be 100% sure now, but that woman really looks like Ziyu! Listen to me and tell you ..."

"Okay! Okay! You say it quickly!"

Prince Qiong, who has always been very calm and calm, was at a loss with excitement at this moment. He tightly grasped Pei Junlin's clothes with both hands, and the blue veins were raised.

"Did I not go to the Khan Tomb in the steppe, that's where I met some evil strong men ..."

Pei Junlin began to describe in detail the whole process of Wang Ziyu he encountered in the steppe Khan Tomb.

After a few minutes, after listening to all the narrations of Pei Junlin, Wang Ziqiong excitedly said, "It must be Ziyu! Absolutely not wrong! Is she okay?"

Pei Junlin nodded and said: "Very good! And Xiu Wei also reached the beginning of the Divine Realm. He is very powerful in poisoning and is also proficient in array formation!"

"In order to further verify her identity, I deliberately approached her and got a drop of blood! When we returned to Jinling City, we went to the most advanced medical institution and verified the DNA."

"Okay! Really great !!!"

Wang Ziqiong's tearful eyes were full of excitement, and the true meaning was beyond control. She had a younger sister in her life and no other siblings. Wang Ziyu was taken away by a yin sect of a yin sect on the same day, which completely became her heart disease.

For this reason, the two had to deceive their parents, saying that Ziyu had only followed a strong senior to practice, and that it would take a long time. Wang Haishan and Qin Yanxin thought that it was true, except for occasional chanting.

But the real pressure is actually Wang Ziqiong and Pei Junlin. They have been worried about Wang Ziyu's safety. Now that there is news of her sister disappearing for more than two years, can Wang Ziqiong not be excited? !!

"Zi Qiong, if it is Zi Yu, I am afraid that some of her memory now has some problems, and she will not know us!"

"It's okay! Without memory, we can continue to think of ways, only people are safe now!"

Prince Joan didn't care.

After more than ten hours of flight, the two finally returned to their home in Jinling City.

The return of the couple spoiled both parents in the family, Pei Donglai, Guo Shiyun, sister Pei Nianci, and Wang Haishan and Qin Yan all left the work at hand and returned directly to home.

The family reunited after a long absence, the joys are together.

During the meal, I learned from my parents that Pei Nianci has now become a new business queen of Junlin International. His popularity is not bad at all from the prince Qiong of the year. Thunder Woman CEO '.

Originally this was a good thing, but Guo Shiyun kept sighing at the sight, bluntly Pei Nianci's age was not too young, but this girl's eyes are higher than the top, any pursuer looks down on it, and some entanglement is so severe that it was directly She has been lying on the ground, and more than once. Over time, no one has the courage to step forward. In this way, I'm afraid I don't know when the married people got it.

Hearing such funny things, Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong were both laughed, and each one laughed with tears.

Although Pei Nianci's qualifications are ordinary, under the increasingly instilled spirit of Pei's gardens, coupled with the influence of various elixir and natural nectar, he has now reached the master level of cultivation.

Ordinary suitors can't be beaten to the ground.

"Hate, mom and dad, can't you keep taking me off!"

When Pei Nianci saw this, she blushed directly. In fact, these things really couldn't blame her. She was used to her elder brother, who was so outstanding. Among the dragons and phoenixes, ordinary family members, how could she be regarded by her.

Every time I saw those prudent suitors, Pei Nianci felt nauseated. The situation was like a person who was used to seeing the pearl, how could he see the rotten stones on the roadside.

"There are brothers and sister-in-law, and you have been laughing. I ask you, you have been married for several years. Why don't you have a child!"

Pei Nianci suddenly pointed his finger at Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong.

Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong, who had been giggling, had a smile on their faces.

"Hum, every day you run outside the world chic, just throw the entire company to me, even such a simple task has not been completed! Do you know that when you are away, your parents still There are Uncle Wang and Aunt Qin. In this case, my ears will soon be cocooned! "

Pei Junlin quietly glanced at his parents, and sure enough he saw his parents staring at him with a dangerous look.

The prince Qiong, who was next to him, was hardly spared, and Wang Haishan and Qin Yan stared hard.

The couple who are not afraid of heaven and earth ~ ~ At this moment, I really feel a hint of fear.

Sure enough, after just a few breaths, the worst thing happened.

Both parents began to teach this little couple, and even in the end, the two women, Guo Shiyun and Qin Yan, expressed vaguely that the couple would go to the hospital tomorrow to have a good physical examination and see what happened. Which side is faulty ...

The emergence of such a word of fault made Pei Nianci, who was drinking soup, squirted out directly, squatting on the ground with his stomach covered, laughing and gloating.

This really complied with that sentence. Heaven is a good reincarnation.

Finally, when the dinner was over, Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong, the little couple, almost wolfed away and ran back to their room with fear.

Pei Junlin thought that things had ended like this, but who knows that when he took a bath, Wang Ziqiong came in, hugged Pei Junlin's body from behind, and gently asked, "My husband, I thought about it for a long time We seem to have been married for several years. Why are there no children ?! "

"Does our body really have a problem!"

Pei Junlin suddenly stiffened, and laughed: "How is this possible ?! Our health can no longer be healthy, even if we fall from a place 100 meters high, we will be fine!"

Wang Ziqiong anxiously said, "That's different! The outside is the outside, who knows which part of the body has a problem! No, we have to do a good check tomorrow!"

Pei Junlin ...

"Healthy and unhealthy, let's know if we try it now!"

"Hate, your hand ..."

It's bound to be a restless night!

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