Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 539: Ashamed!

The extremely sharp problem pierced the hearts of everyone in the Dongfeng family, making everyone's eyes narrowed.

But they were very clear that the two descendants of the Bai family in front of them were one of the witnesses present at the time. With the relationship between the Bai family and Pei Junlin, they would definitely help him.

"Miscellaneous things, where is your share here! Send me back!"

At this point, Dongfenglu was the first to speak, and at the same time he did not hesitate to inspire the powerful aura of the peak of the gods, the majestic majesty, directly oppressed the two brothers like Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei who were speaking.


An angry cold hum exploded, and when Dong Fenglu showed his mighty coercion, a horrific momentum erupted in Bai Zhenyang's body, directly colliding with the momentum of Dong Fenglu.


As if a comet hit the earth, a silent muffled sound suddenly broke out in the void. Sand and stones were flying on the ground, and the wind raged like a steel knife cutting, making many powerful people have to run to resist.

"Dongfenglu, you are really living more and more backwards! How could you suppress a younger generation? What's wrong? Am I afraid that my Bai family would expose the scandal of your Dongfeng family!"

Bai Zhenyang sneered: "My child was one of the witnesses at the scene. What kind of ugly things did your Dongfeng family do? They have witnessed it. If they are qualified, who can be present, who can compare with them!"

"Even the five of you do not have this qualification! Because you are not on the scene!"

"Yulong, Yufei, since their Dongfeng family is so unlimited, we don't need to continue to hide their ugliness, and go through all the things you have seen, all of which were originally stated in full! I will take a look today Look, who should be shame !!! "

Bai Zhenyang's face was cold and his anger was difficult to hide. He already knew everything that happened on the grassland, and he also knew that his father, Bai Baizun, wanted the Bai family to protect Pei Junlin and occupy a great reason at his own moment. Dongfenglu What he did completely annoyed him.

"Well, just say, my Dongfeng family is sitting right, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Dongfenglu is still very strong and absolutely not subdued.

Soon after more than ten minutes, everyone knew what had happened in the entire steppe khan cemetery.

After knowing that Pei Junlin risked the attack of the evil strong men, rescued Dongfengwu, Dongfengtai, and Dongfengyue, and even later consumed the true power and spiritual power to suppress the poison, he was actually against the people of the Dongfeng family. With a bite, everyone showed anger, and many strong men had whispered shamelessly!

Especially when it was learned that Dongfeng Hao knew that Tu Shencha was on Pei Junlin, he wanted to grab it, but in the end, Pei Junlin was bombarded to death by the Tushen chariot and was seriously injured. The golden body was destroyed at this moment. No one was distressed, but there was only a feeling of relief.

The people of the Dongfeng family are really shameless. Before that, because of the slaughter of the chariot, Dongfengwu showed a greedy face, but this elder was not like this.

In order to slaughter the chariot, everything can be done, it is simply lost the face of the Supreme Family.

"Yellow mouth child, yellow mouth!"

However, in the face of such a fact, how would the people of the Dongfeng family admit it.

"Now who knows that your Bai family and Pei Junlin are in a mess, wearing the same pants, Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei, of course, will help Pei Junlin to speak!"

"I'm calling a few juniors from my family now, they must be completely different from what you said!"

"Dongfenglu, can your Dongfeng family be more shameless?"

After hearing such words, Pei Junlin, always watching the show coldly, couldn't help but taunt. He was really disgusted with the faces of a group of people in the Dongfeng family. I really do n’t understand. How could the children of the dignified Supreme Family have such virtue? .

Such a family is simply not as good as a second-class family, and it is totally a group of shameless people.

"Right and wrong, you and I have a steelyard in my heart. If I had known this face of your Dongfeng family, I should have let them die with poison! In this case, our human world would also have fewer tumor worms!"

"Dash, you look for death !!!"

Dongfenglu was furious, and opened his mouth with a sharp sword light, which was directed at Pei Junlin's face door. This is a powerful killing technique, very scary, but was quickly blocked by Bai Zhenyang's sleeve in front Come down.

"Dongfenglu, are you ashamed into anger ?! Want to kill someone!"

Bai Zhenyang sneered, and then he suddenly said, "Yu Long, take out the video you recorded and show it in public, so that they can be completely disheartened!"

what? !!

Hearing that there was a live video on Bai Yulong's body, the five faces of the Dongfeng family finally changed their faces. This was something they never knew.

Soon under the gaze of both eyes, Bai Yulong took out a cell phone and started playing.

Although the screen of the mobile phone is not very large, the sound is extremely clear. There is a clear ugly expression in Dongfeng Hao in order to **** the God of War vehicle.

In addition, there were Dongfengtai, Dongfengwu and Dongfengyue's back biting Pei Junlin's voice.

When the two videos were played, there was a big boo in the audience. All the strong men gathered their ridiculous eyes on the faces of the Dongfeng family. The light that resembled the sword made the five members of the Dongfeng family. With a slight fever on his face, he did not dare to look directly.

"Huh, even if it was the fault of my Dongfeng family's children, what happened? My brother Dongfeng Hao is a top-level powerhouse in the top of the state of God, with countless achievements and great achievements. Now he is so miserable and hard Life is ruined! "

"Today, Pei Junlin must give an explanation to our Dongfeng family!"

"An account of shit!"

Bai Zhenyang's posture is extremely tough: "You have also seen the video just now. All these are the blame of Dongfeng Hao, deserving retribution!"

"A divine peak of divine realm, even grabbing things from a junior in the early days of divine realm, even if it ends up being almost bombarded by a human slaughter chariot. Isn't it shameful!"

"I really don't understand whether your Dongfeng family's heads have been caught by the door. Such a shameful thing, how dare you make trouble so much! The face of the Supreme Family has made you all lost! Waste!"

"Who are you scolding?"

Dongfenglu's face was iron blue.

Bai Zhenyang obliquely said, "What's wrong with you? I don't think your Dongfeng family is a waste. Whoever is a waste. If I were you, immediately get out with your tail! Where do you come from and where do you go from!"

"Get out! Wastes!"

Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei shouted loudly, and even whistled on purpose.

This immediately caused a group of guys who were afraid of chaos in the world behind him, hissing wildly, Nalanhao and Xia Houping also shouted, "Get out, waste!"

"Go ahead, waste!"

The result of this is that all the powerful men shouted together. In the end, the sound of the waves was soaring, and the words "Get out, waste!" Floated over the entire base.

At this moment, the dignity of the Dongfeng family fell to the ground and was completely trampled.

The five members of Dongfenglu were blushing and their eyes were red, and they suffered unprecedented humiliation.

However, they really don't have any reason to stand up, and if they stay on, they will suffer even more humiliation.

Everyone here is a powerful god, one by one, and not their home.

In the end, after Dongfenglu took a deep breath, his venomous eyes gathered on Pei Junlin's face, and he said, "Boy, I hope you can always live under the wings, otherwise, today's affairs will never be finished!" "

"Okay! I would like to pay tribute to you in the same way. If there is any Dongfeng family daring to commit another crime next time, I will never have any kindness!"

Pei Junlin sneered, and in a pair of lacquered black eyes, he did not hide his intention to kill.

The Dongfenglu at that glance looked a bit creepy, and with a cold hum, he took away the four with strong ashes and earthy faces.

When they came, they were so fanatical, but they were so embarrassed when they left, really ironic!

Seeing the figure of the five-man wolf howling from the Dongfeng family, a large unspoken ridicule sounded in the base, and that laughter fell into the eyes of the fast-moving Dongfenglu five people ~ ~ almost angry from the air Fell down.

"Dead! Make sure that Pei Jun is dying!"

"All the shame today is brought by that bastard!"

After the five members of the Dongfeng family left, at the base, Pei Junlin found that he seemed to be the focus of everyone's attention again.

Many people look at him with a look like staring at the giant panda, each one looks weird!

This guy, who dared to use the Tushen chariot to bombard the peak of the Dongfeng family's divine state, is really bold and insane. Is there anything else he dare not do in this world?

Even the top powers of the Divine Realm were inexplicably chilled on their backs. Pei Junlin was able to use the slaughter chariot to destroy Dongfeng's magnificent gold body, and his spiritual consciousness was also severely damaged. Does n’t it also mean that if not Under the circumstance of attention, Pei Junlin can also destroy them with the slaughter chariot ...

When I think of such a scenario, some of the top powerful gods suddenly feel that Pei Junlin is not pleasing to the eye, because after all, no one likes an existence that can threaten his life at any time, especially the threatening body is young. .

However, soon this ridiculous idea was left behind by a few of the apex powerhouses.

"Pei Junlin, if you meet someone from the Dongfeng family in the future, be careful, they will never give up!" Bai Zhenyang said.

Pei Junlin nodded: "I know!"

"I hope they don't go too far, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless!"

According to his current cultivation, among the strongest in the realm, unless the late and the strongest in the realm can threaten him, how many other people come to kill!

Although the power of the Dongfeng family is strong, he is not muddy. He really wants to mess with it, and slaughter it!

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