Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 509: Baijiazudi

The Qinling Mountains have an extraordinary epic in the history of China.

It is grand and magnificent, vast in area and rich in resources. It has bred generations of Chinese children, and it is also known as the 'spine of the north and south'.

At the same time, it also has a variety of legends, the famous Nanshan Mountain, Huashan Mountain, Taibai Mountain are all in this Qinling Mountains.

In addition, there are countless mountains, large and small, rolling and rolling.

Among them, especially the name of Zhong Nanshan, it is the holy land in the minds of countless warriors, because there have been too many legends here.

In addition, the Taoist **** of the gods, Taishang Laojun, that is, Lao Tzu, wrote down 5,000 words of the Tao Te Ching at the time of Zhongnan Mountain, and preached it here.

There is also Chongyang, the true ancestor of the emperor, and the place where the drug king Sun Simiao lives in seclusion.

There are many such celebrities, and the examples are inexhaustible. In a word, Zhongnan Mountain is definitely a land of great people and spirits, which gathers the spirit of heaven and earth and the essence of sun and moon.

Pei Junlin didn't expect that the place where the Bai family lived was in the Zhongnan Mountain deep in the Qinling Mountains.

When he followed Bai Ji and Bai Yulong and his grandchildren into this magnificent mountain range, he aroused a sense of awe.

This is a venerable respect for countless ancestors.

After stepping into the boundary of Zhongnan Mountain, Bai Ji was not flying in the sky, but took Bai Yulong and Pei Junlin, and chose to walk. By the way, Bai Yulong introduced Pei Junlin to introduce some of the situation in Zhongnan Mountain.

Surprisingly, even now, Zhongnanshan is very popular. There are some secular people everywhere, including some powerful people. They came here to find incense and pray, and to find spiritual comfort.

Tree-lined here, rivers and clear churches, mountains and mountains full of aura, it is definitely one of the best places for self-cultivation. At the same time, with the development of the country and the popularity of network signals, you can control everything remotely here.

Many powerful men even live in hiding here, while training themselves and dealing with the tedious affairs outside.

On the boundary of Zhongnan Mountain on foot, Bai Yulong continuously introduced Pei Junlin to everything about this place. Gradually, the figures of the three people gradually passed the front area and came to the center of Zhongnan Mountain.

After arriving here, the terrain became extremely dangerous, thousands of high peaks can be seen everywhere, the valley is deep, and it has become extremely cold, but this is everything that Pei Junlin envisioned.

As one of the nine supreme families of the Huaxia State, the Bai family should have a fan.

Suddenly, Pei Jun stopped and stared, staring at a rolling peak of Qianyan in front of him, and whispered: "Illusion ?!"

"Can you see the formation of my family at a glance?" Bai Yulong was surprised.

As soon as this sentence came out, Pei Junlin had not responded yet. Bai Ji, who was standing next to him, went dark. He split his head and covered his face and reprimanded: "Shut up if you can't speak. You think that Pei Junlin is like you, and doesn't learn anything. Dang Erlang! "

"Look at people, and then look at you again. The people in our Bai family are about to throw you away! I have two great skills in Baijia refining and matrix formation. You haven't learned the same!"

"Don't say I'm your grandpa when I go out, I can't afford to lose this person!"

Bai Yulong ...

Who am I to provoke? This is just to say a word, how can it cause such a burst of bombardment.

"Jinglin, you follow me closely, the Bai family will be here soon!"

At this moment, Bai Ji suddenly turned his head and spoke to Pei Junlin again. His attitude was called a kind and kind person. This time it really stimulated Bai Yulong. Who is your grandson?

Pei Junlin looked at Bai Yulong's grievance, and she was so happy that she could not help but fangs, and then kept up with Bai Ji's pace.

Soon, the moment he passed through the formation, the scene in front of him changed again, and where was the peak of thousands of crickets, replaced by an unusually peaceful, bird-like world of flowers.

Pei Junlin felt as if he had come to a world of paradise. He even saw children playing here. Outside many families, cattle and sheep were raised, and several dogs were running after the chicken.

"How's it? Surprise?"

Seeing Pei Junlin in shock, Bai Ji laughed.

"In the imagination of others, why should the dignified and supreme family live in a place like a fairyland, and the last time is the tower and the Yuyu. The rocky mountains and flowing water can't be a village?"

Pei Junlin nodded. This is indeed. In his imagination, the Supreme Family also lived in the same place as his Pei family garden. This place is almost the same as an ordinary village except for its strong aura.

Of course, the environment is many times better. Here, under the blessing of the formation, the four seasons are like spring, and many plants are abnormally lush under the nourishment of the aura. The mountains are full of flowers and the trees are towering. To the breath of many elixir.

"Figs, Ganoderma Lucidum, Vanilla, Buckeye ..."

Just after smelling the elixir, Pei Junlin saw not far away from him, several unusually thriving elixir, each of which is invaluable, but at this moment he was planted on the hillside casually.

After hearing Pei Junlin's glance, he judged the names of so many elixir. Bai Ji raised her eyebrows and said, "I heard Yang Dingfeng said, would you still practice alchemy?"

Pei Junlin smiled with an embarrassed humble smile: "A little!"

"Oh, they have been able to make a panacea, this is not just a little bit!" Bai Ji said.

"What? You're going to make alchemy in King's Land, and you can make the level of elixir?"

Bai Yulong, who was abandoned as a passerby, finally found the perfect insertion circle, and his eyes widened in shock. He really didn't know this.

"You're a kid all day, what can you know!"

Seems to be stimulated, Bai Ji suddenly sees this baby grandson more and more unpleasant.

As a parent, what I am most afraid of is that the gap between my child and the children of other people ’s homes is too big. This is not even the supreme strong person. what!

Huh! Huh! !!

In the distance, there were several figures coming out of the sky, very fast, and quickly appeared in front of the three of them. The breath of each figure was very strong.

"Uncle! You are back!"



Many awe-inspiring voices sounded, many people salute respectfully to the white season, but there are also two old men with white hair and ruddy complexion just standing there quietly.

That's Bai Ji's dad and uncle.

Bai Ji's generation in the Bai family is not the largest. His father is still alive. He is now more than 110 years old. Of course, he is also a powerful warrior. Although he is not as powerful as Bai Ji, he is also a god. The top powerhouse at the peak of the state.

The age of more than 110 years is not very old for the strongest at the peak of Divine Realm. At this level of cultivation, it is no problem to live for two hundred years.

In this place of paradise, all the relatives of the Bai family and the servants who have been serving the white season for many years have a total population of almost 500 people, which can be regarded as a large family.

"Dad! Uncle!"

Bai Ji respectfully salutes the two old men with white hair.

Bai Yulong also yelled at Grandpa.

"Why come back so soon, has things been done?"

Bai Ji's father said.

Perhaps the Baijia Gongfa is too special. This old man, who is over 110 years old, looks very young, at most he is 70 or 80 years old, with a rosy face, firm skin and bright eyes. God.

"That's it! Look!"

During Bai Ji's speech, he waved his hand, the sky in front of him was dark, and the horror of coercion rushed towards his face. The face of Tushen Chariot had already appeared to everyone.

Maybe it ’s about the safety of your family.

This time, the white season used the coercion of the Supreme Strong to suppress the outbreak of the twelve fierce beasts.

"Nothing wrong! Nothing wrong! This is indeed the unique slaughter vehicle of the Gods!"

Seeing the appearance of Tu Shen's chariot, Bai Ji's father and uncle, stepped forward and excitedly, carefully observed that the two of them were also the famous commanders of Huaxia Guodingding, and the demons did not know how many times they had fought.

It is only that with the promotion of the Supreme Power in the white season, the state has gradually arranged for the elderly to take care of themselves at home. This generation of old heroes has worked hard for most of their lives ~ ~ It is time to enjoy the happiness of retirement. Unless the country encounters a crisis of survival, the country is not prepared to use these old generations of old heroes.

"Unexpectedly, one day, we humans will be able to grab this God of Slaughter Chariot, and the person who grabbed it will be the benefactor of our entire humanity!"

Bai Ji's father and second uncle, excited old tears, they really experienced the cruelest dark war years and suffered the killing of the God of War chariots. Therefore, they face the God of God wars more than everyone else. The car's feelings are much more complicated.

"Dad, uncle! The big benefactor you said, I also brought it back together! Well, this is the young man!"

Bai Ji reached out to the position where Pei Junlin was standing. For a moment, Pei Junlin became the focus of everyone's eyes.

In fact, Pei Junlin's special existence has long been noticed by everyone in the Bai family. After all, a place like Baijia has not been a stranger for many years, and is still a young man, but everyone's goals are all In Bai Ji's body, I temporarily suppressed my inner curiosity.

At this moment, when I heard Bai Ji saying that Pei Junlin was the benefactor who grabbed the chariot of God ’s slaughter, this time, all the Bai families were shocked, and stared at Pei Junlin with astonishment, as if It is to pierce Pei Junlin through the whole body.

"Ahem, can you hold on a bit! Pei Junlin is my friend, don't scare him!"

Bai Yulong couldn't stand the performance of his family. He couldn't help coming forward and covered Pei Junlin behind him.

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