Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 391: Since you can't walk, do it!

In such a critical situation, no delay is allowed. Even if the demon team blocking the road is temporarily not afraid, time is the biggest loss. No one can guarantee that it will take a while. Come out a stronger one in the middle and later period of the demon god.

thunderbolt! !!

Tongtian's complete sword light bloomed in the void, like lightning. Pei Junlin and Li Tianpei, who stood at the forefront, launched the most powerful killing technique directly against the big mang with thunderous means.

Both men are top of the team. At this time, they joined together to strike a powerful force beyond imagination. The emptiness was almost torn by the horrific Jianguang, and the killing intention was boiling.

In the mountains, the man who had been so irritable and suddenly flared up a pair of bull's eyes, he felt a strong crisis of life and death, could not help but spit words, and jumped out two words: "Look down !!!"

The voice didn't fall, he turned and ran, and the speed was extremely fast. However, he still hit the ball. The fat buttock was sharply cut by Jian Guang. The blood was suddenly splattered, the tail was cut off in half, and the buttocks were cut in half Gone.

The screams of painful bulls rang through the mountains, and in a blink they burst into the dense forest and disappeared.

Pei Junlin grabbed the half of the **** ox's tail, and a regret appeared on his face. Unfortunately, such a delicious food is let go. If it is not too critical, this big mang will definitely run away. Nope.

"Well, here for you, this ox tail is rich in energy and can make up for your weak body!"

Pei Junlin passed the half of the bull's tail to Li Tianpei. However, it was Li Tianpei's dark face who greeted him: "You are weak! The whole family is weak!"

Pei Junlin ...

I am purely kind, why don't I appreciate it? !!

Well, since he does n’t want to, then he will keep eating and keep fit!

The people who were full of vigilance at the back were all speechless. When is it? The two of you still have this kind of leisure and elegance. You have not seen even the most lively Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, and Ye Tianxing. Is it?

Suddenly, at this moment, everyone felt something, and at the same time, looked back and looked at the last.

I saw that in the last sky, there was a large cloud of gray clouds covering the sky, the sky was so enchanting, and a cold and bitter killing came from far away, making people horrible.

A strong man in the middle of the demon **** appeared and is chasing at the speed of lightning!

At this moment, everyone's mind was stunned, and then they erupted one after another. The golden light of the whole body became brighter and the speed soared. The most undesired situation expected was really appeared!

Once overtaken by the mid-powerful demon god, the entire team will be delayed for a moment, and then fall into the encirclement of all demon races, with unpredictable consequences.

"Don't feel bad about Lingjing, quickly replenish the real power you consume!"

Running desperately, the height of the monk abruptly rang, he tightly held two high-quality Lingjing in his hand, and quickly replenished the energy consumed while running.

"My heart is so painful! This high-quality Lingjing is worth at least 500,000 Chinese coins in the outside world. It is too luxurious! It is too wasteful!"

Ye Tianxing shouted in sorrow, but in spite of the discourse, he consumed it without any delay, grasping tightly two high-quality spirit crystals with one hand, and devouring abundant energy constantly.

Gao Pin Ling Jing is indeed a holy product in cultivation. The energy contained in it is not only extremely pure, but also very strong, and it can withstand all the running costs.

At the rear, the cactus chief's face was gloomy and terrible. He felt that the speed of the group of running humans in front of him had not decreased and increased, knowing that it should be caused by absorbing the energy of high-quality spirits.

The speed of the monster system of the plant system has always been the weakest, and he is no exception. At this moment, the speed has been regarded as soaring to the extreme. However, the group of abominable humans in front has actually consumed high-quality spirits, so he wants to do so in a short time. Within the pursuit, it is obviously a big problem.

Time passed every minute, watching the mean and shameless humans in front of them, running farther and farther, and slyly avoiding any large and medium-sized cities, the patriarch of the cactus felt that they could no longer let these humans run!

At this moment, everyone is chasing after me. You have already run for more than a thousand miles. If you run further, you are likely to be sensed by the strong man on the human side and provide support.

This group of despicable and shameless humans is really brave enough to reach indescribable levels. Not only did they break into the hinterland of their demons, plundering the resources of Lingjing, but also hurting hundreds of elite members of his cactus family. To support the war by war and prepare to escape calmly, where is there such a good thing in this world? !!

If this group of humans really escaped today, all the demon clan in his Xihua Tiankeng would be humiliated, among which his cactus family is the most serious.

boom! !! !!

A terrible surge of momentum suddenly broke out from the cactus patriarch's body, and directly transformed into the body. I saw a huge cactus body in the void, and the whole body was covered with glorious spikes. Each one is about one meter long and nearly two meters long, like a sharp sword.

The mighty spirit of coercion floods the land of thousands of kilometers, like a mighty prison.

"Humans, you can't run !!!"

The roar sounded through the void, and the cactus patriarch directly used the most precious destiny of the demon tribe, the speed soared by 30%, and approached Pei Junlin and others in front of him infinitely.

When the range was close to a hundred meters, the cactus patriarch finally released his trick!


The sound of thunder exploded in the void, the light was shining, the energy was boiling, and the sharp spikes of two meters long broke away from the cactus patriarch's body. There were dozens of them, suspended in the cactus patriarch's body. Around him, there was an astonishing sharpness that made people dare not look straight.

Its posture and appearance are really a bit similar to Pei Junlin's imperial sword technique, soaring into the sky.

The moment when the cactus patriarch broke out of terror, not only did Pei Junlin and others, but all the demons were shocked, one looked up one by one, when they saw the mighty shore in the sky in the sky, the spirit was soaring. When domineering figures, one by one could not help showing the light of awe.

Then, with a dreadful gaze, the patriarch of the cactus controlled dozens of his spikes to release a sharp and powerful kill.

Amazing sharp spirits flooded the world at this moment. Dozens of powerful spikes are comparable to real flying swords, forming a lotus-like pattern, hovering in the empty space, each spike above Comes with amazing demon.


In the end, these dozens of spikes finally broke out, like a mighty flying sword, and at the same time surpassing the sound barrier, they stabbed Pei Junlin and others who were running forward.

Under the strong airlock, Pei Junlin's eleven hearts raised a violent sense of danger. It was a feeling that could not be escaped at all.

At this moment, Pei Junlin had a pair of lacquered black eyes, and his warfare was flourishing and glowing. It was just a strong man in the middle of the demon god. He had not encountered it. On the day outside the city of the apes and the help of the pastor. Next, he even sneaked in from behind and succeeded!


"It's just a middle-aged demon god. We eleven of us have the opportunity and strength to kill each other!"

Pei Junlin's intense fighting spirit surging, the moment the voice did not fall, has already called out the Qinghong sword, the human sword and the sword, one sword split a hundred meters of sword awn, directly blocking all the spike power.

Everyone else was taken aback. On the one hand, they were frightened by Pei Junlin's bold words, on the other hand, they were shocked by Pei Junlin's strength. That was a move that the demon **** fully pushed in the middle, and it was so easy. Blocked!

Jianmang and spikes collided in mid-air, and they even made a rustling sound of gold-iron collision, and the void exploded into pieces.

"Fuck, I forgot. When this guy used to be in the ape city, he had attacked a middle-aged demon **** behind his back and successfully killed him!"

At this time, Xia Houping and Na Lanhao recalled everything that happened in the City of the Apes. The four people, Huangfu Fenghuang, Jiu Monk, Leng Shuangshuang, and Bai Lifeiyan, also remembered that they seemed to have heard similar things. Things.

The surrounding Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing, Luo Yi, and others from the military were all startled. This is something they never knew!

But there was nothing to be sighed at the moment, the four people were imposing at the same time, and rushed to the middle-aged demon **** of the cactus family together.

Now that you've been overtaken and blocked your way, let go of everything and fight hard once!

Human warriors, never breed!

Life and death are bearish, just do it!

What about the demon **** mid-term ~ ~ Today they will work together to create a miracle ...

Suddenly, in a dazzling array of golden light, eleven rounds of golden light, and at the same time pounced on the cactus patriarch in the void.

The fierce battle frightened the cactus patriarch, and his pupils were in a state of intense tightening. Although he was very strong, he was not confident that he could settle all the strong men in the early stages of the eleven gods.

"Are you all pigs? Still stupid to stand here and do something, don't hurry to shoot together!"

In the end, the cactus tribe was anxious, and yelled at the six strong early demon gods who were still in a daze.

With such a thousand-mile attack, the power of the demon clan chasing Pei Junlin and others has gradually increased to six, and then matched with the cactus patriarch with the strength in the middle of the demon god. Sharpness on Maimang.


Lightning and thunder, and the sky and earth changing, a large-scale battle between the power of the gods and the demon **** directly began.

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