Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 375: Feelings are deep and stuffy!

One is the genius from the military, the elite of the elite cultivated by the state by spending important resources, and the other is the talented child cultivated by the major forces in the society who have also spent countless resources. The two sides just looked at each other in the air. It seems that countless Martians erupted.

This kind of confrontational taste, although neither of the two sides apparently opened their mouths and showed no hostility, but at this time there was no sound, the sharp edge of the needle tip against Mai Mang, hovering throughout the world.

The two teams are looking at each other carefully, from head to toe, they are both gifted children of one side. They have almost heard each other ’s name and seen it on various leaderboards. But the real encounter is still the head. Once, the significance of this one can be great!

It seemed to be aware of the invisible contention of the charge in the air, Yan Nanzheng standing in the middle of the pastor squeezing his eyes, and finally broke the deadlock.

"Come and come, everyone is here, let me introduce you to each other!"

Yan Nanzheng said, the two teams converged towards the middle at the same time, and the distance between the two sides was less than two meters.

"The new members here are from the well-known Dongyang Tiankeng. At the same time, they are also elite geniuses from all walks of life in this society, and here are the elite students trained by the military over the years. I believe you do n’t need to introduce me more. In fact, they have seen each other's names! "

"It's just that the concept of meeting on the Internet and meeting in reality are totally two concepts. Today's arrogants from Dongyang Tiankeng came to assist me in Xihua Tiankeng. That was a fate for everyone, and everyone applauded!"


The applause from the mountains and the sea rang warmly. All the hundreds of soldiers and warriors present applauded warmly. The atmosphere was lively. The two teams also applauded each other, and the atmosphere began to become more harmonious.

Although they are all arrogant, no one is convinced, but in this environment of facing the demons together, no one is a fool to really quarrel with their own family for their fame. Lost ancestor's face!

"Very well, since everyone is together today, then for the sake of harmony and mutual help, everyone will simply introduce each other first, which one comes first?" Yan Nanzheng said again.

"We are the masters. We should be exemplary. Let's go first!"

Yannan's speech did not fall, and a soldier with a sturdy breath all over his body took a big step, with a firm look and a cold look. He raised his hand to pay respect to Pei Junlin and saluted, "I am Ye Tianxing. At the beginning of the divine realm! "

"I'm Zhang Xuefeng, the beginning of God's Land!"

Another soldier with a cold, **** body stepped out.

"I am Wang Tianci, the beginning of the state of God!"

"My Yu Hao, the beginning of Divine Realm!"

"I Zhang Xuanyi, the beginning of the state of God!"

"I'm Gao Xiang, the beginning of God's Realm!"


With the name of a famous or sturdy or cold or cynical soldier, the atmosphere above the entire city wall will also rise, because any name represents a supreme honor and record, almost divine power Worship idols of all soldiers and warriors below!

In the end, there are only one man and two women left in the military department. They are still very special. How do you say? It is that his expression is extremely cold, not the coldness of the common sense, but the coldness that comes out of the bones, and comes from the soul.

Even the cold frost of the cold frost that practiced Frost's Jue was somewhat inferior to that particular young man. When everyone's eyes fell on him, the young man spit out three words like gold. "Li Tianpei!"

As soon as the name fell, everyone's eyebrows on the side of Pei Junlin quickly jumped. They really like this name, they are the genius of the military department who is pursuing Pei Junlin closely!

Even looking at the lively pastoral general, he took a deep look at this Li Tianpei, and it was difficult to hide his admiration in his eyes.

"My name is Luo Yan, and I am repaired in the early days of the divine realm!"

At this time, a clear and pleasant voice sounded, and one of the only two female soldiers in the team spoke, attracting everyone's attention.

It is really that Luo Yan has a natural baby face, too kawaii, it is almost like the kind of virtual character in anime. If it is only about appearance, it is hard for anyone to imagine. This looks like a cartoon. The girl turned out to be a powerful early wonderland.

Her looks are so deceptive!

"My name is Zhang Pingping.

At this moment, the last female soldier stepped forward and said loudly, her voice was so loud, she was unusually tall, standing one meter tall, standing together, looking a little taller than many men.

In particular, her voice is completely feminine without femininity, with husky, which is two extremes from the previous Luo Yan.

It was only when she spoke that unexpectedly some people in the original serious team couldn't help but chuckle.

Zhang Pingping heard the laughter, and the whole man suddenly turned his eyebrows upright, and his eyebrows rolled like a mythical legendary electric mother. His temper was quite hot, and his ice-cold eyes fell directly on the person who was laughing "Ye Tianxing, your mother ’s laughing egg, what's wrong with your mother's name? You didn't eat your rice or drink your water. If you dare to laugh again, believe me or not egg!"

In the team, Ye Tianxing, who was snickering, felt the coldness of the crotch directly, couldn't help pinching his legs, and his face began to faintly darken.

Others may not know, how can he be a member of the military, how can he not be clear, the woman on the opposite side is exactly a female tyrannosaurus, and the whole Xihua Tiankeng, few people dare to mess with him!

On the opposite side, Pei Junlin was watching this sudden episode, and couldn't help but look dazed, and then the corners of his mouth began to twitch.

Interesting, I didn't expect to come to the Military Department on the first day and I would find such fun things!

"Kee, now it's Dongyang Tiankeng's friend to introduce each other!"

When such an episode occurred, Yan Nanzheng was also a little embarrassed, and he coughed up quickly to resolve this embarrassing situation.

Pei Junlin stood at the forefront, so the first one spoke, and the voice calmly said, "I am Pei Junlin, and I am a god!"

Unexpectedly, his voice had not fallen yet, and he suddenly found that everyone's eyes came together, one by one, full of surprise, and it looked like a giant panda, even the icy Li Tianpei , Is also an instant light burst.

The two women Luo Luo and Zhang Pingping also had magnificent eyes. Zhang Pingping had a bold personality and a big grin. She couldn't help looking at Pei Junlin's whole body in surprise and sighing, "It turns out you are Pei Junlin. I thought you had With three heads and six arms, I didn't expect to be a normal person! There is nothing unusual except for a handsome young man! "

Pei Jun threatened immediately. What was the situation? !!

He doesn't seem to be famous enough to know all over the world, why is this Xihua Tiankeng reacting so fiercely?

At the same time, the surrounding crowds that originally watched the crowds also heard a lot of discussions, and each one looked very strange.

Fortunately, at this time, Xia Houping and Na Lanhao started to introduce themselves, and finally saved Pei Junlin from being noticed for no reason.

"I'm Xia Huping, and I am doing it in the early days of the divine realm!"

"I'm Na Lanhao, and I am doing it in the early days of Divine Realm!"

"I am Caution, and I am doing it in the early days!"

"I'm Huangfu Phoenix, and I am doing it in the early days of Godland!"

"I'm Leng Shuangshuang, and I repaired it in the early days of the gods!"

"I'm Baili Feiyan, and I am doing it in the early days of Godland!"

After the introduction of Pei Junlin and his team of seven people, everyone knew each other.

Yan Nan Zheng clapped her hands and said, "Very good. Now that everyone has finished the introduction, they will be a family afterwards. Everyone will be familiar with each other here first, and connect with each other. I and the shepherd will have other things. Let ’s take a step. ! "

Having said that, Yan Nanzheng took the shepherd directly and left irresponsibly, leaving only a group of two teams facing each other.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and finally have black faces. The embarrassing atmosphere surrounds everyone. It seems that everyone is meeting for the first time. There is really no common topic to talk about!

At this moment, everyone greeted the female relatives of Yan Nanzheng. Finally, Zhang Pingping, who had a more arrogant personality, broke this embarrassing situation and directly spoke to a group of friends around him: "What are they doing? Damn, why are n’t every big man better than a woman like me! "

"Dongyang Tiankeng's friends are thousands of miles away to support us ~ ~ This is a deep friendship. Shouldn't we, the host, treat us well with wine and meat?"

In a word everyone in the General Department was awakened and came forward with a smile and welcome.

In the end, everyone came to the canteen of Xifeng City. Zhang Pingping didn't know where to get a box of Maotai, and when he put it on the table, he dared to cover the road: "Everyone must eat and drink well today, not drunk." ! "

Pei Junlin was surprised: "Isn't there a wine restriction order in this Xihua Tiankeng?"

"Hey, of course there is! Which army will make people drink casually, but of course our people are not the same as ordinary soldiers, it's okay! Although everyone drinks today, I have contracted all the wine!"

As the saying goes, the wine table is the best place to connect with feelings. At first everyone was very restrained and could n’t let go because they were unfamiliar, but after a few rounds of wine drinking into the stomach, a group of geniuses of about the same age put it out completely opened.

At the end of the drink, I have begun to talk to each other. Your brother, my brother, even a few women, are flushed and emotional.

"Pei Junlin, I heard that you really blew up a large demon city in God Ape City last time. Is this really fake?"

Zhang Pingping's pretty face was flushed, and she stretched out an arm, resting it on Pei Junlin's shoulder, with an unusually intimate attitude.

"Of course this is true, not just Pei Junlin, everyone here is involved!"

Xia Houping heard the answer and replied without hesitation.

Nalanhao even blown the cowhide into the sky: "Believe it or not, this time in our Xihua Tiankeng, we also did a big one, such as blowing up a city or something ..."

Shura, the rebirth

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