Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 373: Escalation in battle? Xihua Tiankeng is in danger!

Not only Pei Junlin, Xia Houping and Na Lanhao also advanced and became one of the members of the list in the early days of Divinity. However, the ranking of the two is far behind Pei Junlin, ranking more than 500. .

In addition, what attracted everyone's attention was the genius strongman Li Tianpei from the military department who even ranked in the top 100, only three places lower than Pei Junlin. In the remarks behind his name, It clearly describes that the early demon gods have also been successfully killed, and they are still two.

This is an absolutely amazing record. After all, Li Tianpei is the same as Pei Junlin and is a newcomer to the early stage of Divine Realm. The time is similar to that of Pei Junlin. Now he has successfully killed two demon gods. !!

At the beginning, Pei Junlin didn't care about this Li Tianpei, but at this moment he had to pay attention, and couldn't help but ask, "Who knows the specific information of this Li Tianpei, this guy is awesome!"

From the record and information, Li Tianpei is even stronger than Na Lanhao and Xia Hou, and this is absolutely amazing, because even Pei Junlin has to admit that Xia Houping, Na Lanhao and even monks, Huangfu Fenghuang, Leng Shuangshuang, and Bai Lifeiyan are six people who really can be called the arrogance of the earth today, and their qualifications are not selectable.

Li Tianpei's performance now surpasses Na Lanhao and Xia Houping. It is really amazing!

Pei Junlin's question aroused fierce discussions among everyone, but unfortunately all the people present were social warriors and were completely unfamiliar with the military, so they knew very little about it, only that the other party was an elite talent cultivated by the military for many years. The king of soldiers in the king of soldiers, no matter how much information you know, you will find a herder or Cai Shen!

Pei Junlin sighed with regret: "Nevertheless, since they are all geniuses, they will always be encountered in the future!"

Everyone's attention is again on the Global Divine Power Rankings. In this list, they also see many familiar names.

For example, Cai Shenjiang was ranked eighteenth in the world's peak of the gods. This position is enough to prove Cai Shenjiang's powerful strength.

In addition, there are several people in the top of the kingdom of Huaxia, and there are a few more ranked. There is a burdock directly ranked third in the top of the kingdom of God. The name is Kong Sheng, which is from Xihua Tiankeng. Presidential collar!

In the later rankings of Divine Realm, everyone also saw many familiar names. The shepherd general, Xingrui, Master Desolate, Nalan Yunkong, Xiahougong, Elder Han Bingning, Huangfu Jue, and Pelican all appeared on the list, and The rankings are very high, among which the pastoral general is the highest. I want to come to this ranking according to the actual record.

In the mid-term rankings of Shenjing, many familiar names have also been seen. In short, the gods in Huaxia are definitely not weaker than any country. The word Tibetan dragon and tiger has been reflected to the extreme.

The announcement of the Global Divine Power Rankings is of great significance. It is not only an opportunity to reflect the national martial arts events, but also an increase in the confidence of human beings against the demon. It proves that the human beings on the earth have the ability to meet the powerful demon. .

The Chinese civilization has been in existence for more than 5,000 years. I do n’t know how many ups and downs it has experienced. It is still intact and is preserved intact. It is not afraid of things.

When it comes to race survival, no country will fall back!

Time was spent again in this boiling atmosphere. During this period, the treasures of the four forces of Huangfu, Phoenix, Monk, Bailifeiyan, and Lengshuangshuang all came one after the other. Under the protection of their elders, all four went deep. Hierarchical retreat breaks through the divine journey.

If you do n’t enter the realm of God, you will never stop!

During this time, Pei Junlin also finally contacted Prince Qiong, who had been missing for many days. After learning that this woman's disappearance turned out to be an injury, Pei Junlin was both distressed and blamed. He wanted to change the strength of his woman. Strong, but not so crazy?

However, when Wang Ziqiong told him that he had stepped into the innate powerhouse, Pei Junlin's original angry words were completely silent, and all that was left was helplessness!

The evil spirit of the pure Yin body gradually began to show. He had an inexplicable sense of urgency and could not be lazy, otherwise, if one day was really surpassed by Wang Ziqiong, it would be too shameful!

Counting the time, since Wang Ziqiong seriously cultivated, it has only been three or four months. He has soared directly from the master three grades to the innate realm, spanning seven small levels. This horrible speed of cultivation, even Pei Junlin The people who had already been expected were shocked, let alone others!

One week later, the monk who had been trapped in the retreat successfully broke through, and officially announced that he was one of the powerful gods. The old monk's beard, the master of Desolation, was almost gone!

Two days later, Huangfu Fenghuang also emerged from the secret room with a heroic appearance. His whole body was golden and turned into a goddess of war, which caused a sensation throughout the base. Tens of thousands of soldiers celebrated and applauded.

In the afternoon of the same day, Leng Shuangshuang also successfully broke through, and the cold air froze the base of a radius of 1,000 kilometers, shocked countless strong people, and came out to congratulate them.

In the end, Baili Feiyan lived up to expectations and successfully stepped into the realm of God. Feitian God's legs floated over the entire base, and the speed was dazzling!

Suddenly added four divine powerhouses. Such a big event is a great event that Dongyang Tiankeng base has not seen in a century. Cai Shen will come out of the Tiankeng world in his busy schedule to celebrate for everyone!

Even more happy are the elders of the four major forces, all of which laughed and cracked their mouths!

However, just as the atmosphere was joyful, the passing of an information directly changed everyone's face!

Battle escalated, Xihua Tiankeng is in danger!

Perhaps because the Dongyang Tiankeng was repeatedly created, the city was destroyed, and the losses were huge, the high-level monsters angered and launched a fierce counterattack.

The Xihua Tiankeng Demon clan ’s strength has increased greatly, and it has repeatedly attacked human bases, causing heavy losses on the human side and a crisis situation.

In order to alleviate the crisis encountered by the Xihua Tiankeng, the high level of human beings decided to let the side of the Dongyang Tiankeng, where the temporary war be eased, after a careful meeting, send some troops to support Xihua Tiankeng!

At the moment when this news came, the atmosphere on the base that was originally full of joy was suppressed. No one would like war, because war represents death, even as a warrior.

But military orders are like mountains. Moreover, Xihua Tiankeng and Dongyang Tiankeng belong to the same family, just like all parts of a person's body, no one can be lost, so the answer is obvious!

The high-level instructions of humans this time are that ordinary soldiers do not need, but only high-end combat power, that is, the power of the **** level, and I hope Dongyang Tiankeng will support it as appropriate.

After all, in a huge war, what plays a key role is still the top combat power such as Shenjing, and the innate level powers can only belong to the mid-end combat power.

At the moment when Cai Shen will announce this news, everyone's mood is heavy. The Xihua Tiankeng crisis means that humans have suffered heavy losses. Otherwise, they will not be in danger of needing emergency assistance from Dongyang Tiankeng.

After all, any tiankeng is crucial, and no mistakes are tolerated. Otherwise, once the monsters have the opportunity to ride, the consequences are unthinkable.

"I am willing to take the initiative to Xihua Tiankeng to provide support!"

A loud voice sounded, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. After seeing the shouting man, the master of arrogance was the first to be anxious, and even the usual dignity could not be taken care of. You are crazy! "

Although it is said that Monk Monk is already a formal member of the God Realm, but the breakthrough is only a few days, and the realm is not yet stable, so he can take such a big risk!

Unexpectedly, at the moment the voice of the master of delusion fell, several clear voices sounded.

"I would also like to take the initiative to go to Xihua Tiankeng for support!"

"I do too!"

"And I!"

The person who spoke is not someone else. It is exactly the same as the monk who abstained from the sorrow. He also broke through the three women who were Huangfuhuang, Lengshuangshuang, and Bailifeiyan who had not had a few days. At the moment, each of the three people exuded an extremely powerful body. Jin Guang's momentum emerged faintly, that is the standard configuration of the powerful gods.

This can anxious Han Bingning, Huang Fujue, and Bai Lichen. They worked **** human and material resources, and it was not easy for them to train their talented disciples into gods, but they did not let them risk death!

Regardless of their manners, one by one, they stopped talking, but the four seemed to have already become iron-hearted, and each one was determined and ignored.

This scene was awed by thousands of eyes. It was simply a courageous and mentality that these four people had such courage and mentality to put aside the words of a newborn calf who was not afraid of a tiger.

As a Huaxia son and daughter, the country is in trouble and has the faith to serve the country!

Among the crowd, Pei Junlin noticed this scene, and a pair of varnished black eyes also flashed a strange light, and stood up and said, "I would like to go too!"

On the stage, Cai Shen and Mu Shen will see Pei Junlin stand up and show a reassuring expression. Others may not be assured, but for Pei Junlin alone, for some reason, they always feel that this guy can definitely survive.

Even if they die, Pei Junlin does not necessarily die, because Pei Junlin brings them only one word-demon!

"Haha! Now that Boss has spoken, how can you be afraid as a brother? Be one of me!"

Hong Liang's voice sounded, and Xia Houping stood up, with a touch of unbridled in his expression.

"My warrior, belittle of life and death, just do not accept it! Isn't it just fighting wars, afraid of a bird!"

Dang Erlang's voice came out, and Na Lanhao also stood up and put his arms on Pei Junlin's shoulders: "Three brothers, even the battle of the **** ape city survived intact, Xihuatian The pit may not have killed our brother! "

"It's beautiful ~ ~ The three of our brothers' lives are very hard. God can't always take it away, let alone the demons!" Xia Houping's heroic Gai Yun.

"Fart, you are obviously four brothers. Did you eat Lao Tzu?"

The screams sounded, and the monk turned into an angry King Kong, his whole body was dazzling: "Look clearly, Lao Tzu is now a divine powerhouse. Even if the breakthrough is late, you must be singled out, except for Pei Boss. You two Laozi are really not afraid! "

Around, countless soldiers and strong men gazed at each other, watching a few young Tianjiao struggling with each other there, only to feel ruined.

Said that the great gods are powerful and incomparable? !!

It looks like a group of children who have not grown up, laughing and joking!

But then, a lot of older generations were perplexed. Looking at others and looking at themselves, they just felt that they had really lived on dogs these years ...

"Well, you are four brothers, then we are three golden flowers!"

The sound of dissatisfaction sounded, and the phoenixes of Huangfu, Lengshuangshuang, and Bailifeiyan also dazzled in the distance.

"Don't underestimate our women. We are really fighting. Our women are not weaker than your men. If you don't believe us, let's compare this to Xihua Tiankeng this time?"

"Biaobi, who is afraid of who!"

Xia Houping and Na Lanhao were clamoring for strength.

Everyone fell down again, and the solemn atmosphere was destroyed by a few young cubs!

As for the first members of the six forces, they were already trembling with anger and their faces were blue!

The wings are stiff!

Really stiff wings!

These rabbits are now free from their constraints, and they are on their way to death ...

Shura, the rebirth

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