Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 366: Difficult to go home!

But at the moment when Pei Junlin, Na Lanhao, and Xia Houping were once again in a difficult escape, at this time in the entire area of ​​Dongyang Tiankeng, an unprecedented siege was being launched!

The root cause of all this lies in the all-region wanted warrant issued by the Lord of the Monkey City!

Among them, once the temptation of life and spirit sharing was released, all the great forces of Dongyang Tiankeng were boiling for it!

After all, the spirit of life is really too precious. In the area of ​​the demon clan in Dongyang Tiankeng, so far, it is the only one of the **** ape city. I do n’t know how many other demon clan have been envyed!

In the Dongkeng Tiankeng area, there are five well-known demon powers. In addition to Black Gold City and God Ape City, there are three other demon powers, but the internals of the demon clan are not smooth and harmonious. They also have internal There is also fighting.

According to information, Black Gold City and God Ape City belong to one side, and the other three forces belong to one side. This may be one of the important reasons why human beings can barely balance the war situation.

However, once the temptation of the life fluid was released this time, it immediately broke the past conventions. Under the temptation of huge benefits, the remaining three monster powers also sent strong ones to join the campaign.

In the whole area of ​​Tiankeng in Dongyang for a time, the wind and clouds changed, the dark clouds topped, and countless demons clenched their palms, trying to catch the courageous human beings, so as to get a slice of it!

At this moment, it's not just Pei Junlin, Na Lanhao, Xia Houping who are running the road, but also gods such as Mu Shen and Xu Shen are also running crazy. Everyone knows that this time is really too much fun Then, the Lord of the Apes City was completely cut out to fight desperately with everyone!

Overlord City, Human Base.

While the entire Dongyang Tiankeng Demon clan was engulfing and besieging the entire Spy Team, all the strong men on the walls of the Overlord City, led by General Cai Shen, gathered together, one by one with a strong anxiety and disturbed.

Such a big thing happened, they have already received the intelligence, but everyone did not expect that this time the thing would be so big, even the life fluids came out!

At the same time, the other three major demons also participated in the temptation of the life fluid.

The time has passed a whole day and night. Perhaps for the humans on the outside world, one day and one night is nothing more than repeating the days of nine to five, and repeating again and again, but for all humans in Dongyang Tiankeng, it is degrees and seconds. Every year, like an ant on a hot pot, anxious.

Although the number of spy squads dispatched this time is not large, and the congenital power is only 30 people, it is definitely a very strong part of the main force on the human side, and among them, there is a strong one Eight, and each of the innately strong are the best among human beings. Once there is major damage, the blow will undoubtedly be huge.

Among the crowd, masters such as Desolate Master, Elder Han Bingning, Bai Lichen, and Huang Fujue, all of whom were somber and sullen, radiated an imposing spirit that they should not enter.

It's not that they don't want to save people, but the Black Gold City not far away is already staring at it. There are so many monsters in the city that they are demonstrating towards the human side. It is not difficult to imagine that once a strong man starts, then the Black Gold City must Will be blocked.

Among the remaining strong mankind, no one has mastered the spiritual power method that can condense breath, which makes countless human strong men tormented!

How is the Spooky Squad now?

How many casualties? !!

What dilemma they are facing at the moment ...

One question after another, constantly appearing in the minds of every strong man, made the atmosphere of the overlord city to the extreme.

And the fact is that as the human side is worried, the whole spooky squad has indeed encountered unprecedented difficulties. Under the temptation of huge benefits such as life and spiritual fluid, it is not only the strongest in the realm of the demon emperor and demon gods, but the demon king level. The following big demon and little demon are also dispatched!

Almost every demons want to get their own benefits in this huge storm, and undoubtedly, in the eyes of all demons, the whole spooky squad is already a pile of mobile life fluid.

Even the demon strong who had long foresight had set up a Tianluo di net on the way to some of the necessary roads to Overlord City, waiting for the humans to enter the set and catch them in a trance ...

In a barren mountain range, three ghostly figures are moving forward carefully.

"Malgobi, this situation seems a bit wrong. How do I feel that all the demons in the entire Dongyang Tiankeng area are dispatched?"

As he moved forward, Xia Houping couldn't help cursing.

Pei Junlin is also frowning, things are more than expected

There are still many tricks. They found that the way they came before was already set up by the demon tribe. The demon tribe was patrolling everywhere. It was impossible to return to the original path!

They don't know until now that they and others have been wanted by God Ape City, but they found abnormalities of the demon tribe during the escape process, and even some of them were extraordinary figures of the demon emperor and demon god.

"Surely something happened that we didn't know!"

Nalanhao said, "Now the way we are coming will certainly not work, what should we do? Should we open up a separate passage to go back?"

This question directly greeted the eyes of Pei Junlin and Xia Houping. To put it simply, in this unfamiliar demonic place, they can remember that the path when they came was already very good, how could it be possible to create a new one alone. Channel, do you just do everything yourself?

Moreover, the demon clan is not blind. I haven't seen many demon clan with wings in the air, like pairs of sky eyes, investigating around!

"Nn, it's hard to go home!"

Xia Houping sighed with a long sigh. At this moment, Pei Junlin and Na Lanhao both felt the same. It was really hard to go home!

Their task was very beautiful this time, but the way home was full of calamities. It is almost like that in the ancient novel, the monk from the Tang Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty learned the scriptures, and it would take nine hundred and eighty-one difficulties.

This is in stark contrast to the patency at the time of arrival.

"But it's not all bad at the moment!"

Suddenly, Pei Junlin said, a word fell, and immediately caused both Xia Houping and Na Lanhao to shine.

Pei Junlin's lacquered black eyes glittered with wisdom, and slowly said, "Isn't the situation very chaotic at the moment, with all major forces and dragons and snakes mixed, this may be a catastrophe for the ordinary human powerhouse. , But we are not ordinary people! "

"Don't forget, we can hide our own breath. If we are really anxious for us, the three of us will change into the appearance of a demon tribe, and live in this demon tribe. We will wait until this moment passes. Get out! "

"That's right! Why do we forget that it's so important that we can change our breath?"

Nalanhao clapped his hands, his face full of excitement: "Now this situation is so chaotic, and there are so many demons, who knows who! The three of us can't change into the appearance of demons, and find a corner to hide, I don't believe it They can still find it! "

"I think this method is the best! I don't know how many times it is stronger than this desperate run. It is comfortable and can save physical strength. Anyway, we have completed the task. It is better to go back later than to die!"

Xia Houping said excitedly: "Go! The three of us will now go to a remote village and thoroughly experience the life of the demon!"

"What remote village to look for, we are the nobles of the demon clan, of course, we should go to a higher level city! Because the more we relax, the more we will not be noticed by the demon clan. Instead, it is those remote places. May be watched by the demon tribe! "Nalanhao analyzed.

"This is the so-called black under the lamp, boss Pei, do you think my analysis makes sense?"

Pei Junlin said quietly, "The black under the real lamp is actually in the ape city. If we return to the ape city now, then absolutely no demon would think of it!"

Na Lanhao, who had been proud to offer his treasure, became very stiff, and smiled awkwardly, "When I didn't say anything! I didn't say anything!"

Xia Houping laughed amidst gloats. Unexpectedly, Pei Junlin pointed his finger directly at him: "You shut up for me, don't you want to attract the five demon gods we managed to get rid of? "

Xia Houping's face also stiffened, and joking, in order to get rid of the five entangled monster **** strong, the three of them digged into the depths of the ground, and finally managed to get rid of it, if it was attracted again, He must cry!

Half an hour later, Pei Junlin appeared here in a small city with only 40,000 to 50,000 monsters.

At this moment, the three people have changed a lot in terms of clothing and appearance ~ ~ To fully incarnate as a member of the demon tribe, and even the birthmark of the eyebrows has changed.

At this time, any city of the monsters was mixed with dragons and snakes, and they were full of monsters from various places. The appearance of the three did not cause any attention of the monsters, or no one could think of it. In this danger In a tense environment, there are people who dare to appear boldly in the bustling city of the Yao tribe.

In a relatively high-end restaurant, when Pei Junlin popped up a low-level Lingjing, the owner of the hotel's mouth almost cracked into his ears, his face was humble and respectful, and he bent down to meet the three men and went upstairs: Please, the meal will come soon! "

In an independent standard room upstairs, after the restaurant owner left, Xia Houping whispered, "It's been a long time in this monster world, and I have never experienced the taste of the monster food!"

"Hey, this feels really cool! Who can think of the protagonist looking for the killing sound outside, but now sitting in the restaurant of the Yao clan, eating and drinking, and having good wine and gossip?"

"This experience is like this, when I go back, I can continue to blow for three days and nights!"

Nalanhao also lowered his voice and said excitedly: "Hey, guess what other people are doing at the moment? Is it being chased by the demon, or is it going deep into the wet ground, dodging disaster ... or there are already some people? Fart? "

His voice had not yet fallen, and he slaped his head directly. Xia Houping cursed with a somber face: "You shut up for me, second goods! Did you forget that your father was in the team?"


Pei Junlin, who had just taken a sip of water, immediately spit out the waterfall and coughed violently!

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