Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 364: Finally, one big ticket!

The familiar face, the familiar atmosphere, the familiar posture, everything that is familiar ... Except for Pei Junlin who was just thinking about it, who else is there!

The appearance of Pei Junlin is actually nothing, but the key is that his **** is followed by five or six demon gods who are powerful, look at the expressions of those gods, they ca n’t wait to eat people, Xia Houping and Nalan Hao is not afraid that it's a hell!

The two of them chose to walk in the remote wilderness along the way. They didn't even dare to fly in the air. The purpose was to avoid the chase of the monsters. Now, Pei Junlin directly exposed them to the monsters. Under the eyelids of the strong.

At this moment, Na Lanhao and Xia Houping did not know how to describe their mood at this moment. They just wanted to immediately pull the guy named Pei out of the air and give him a hard meal!

"Hey, who am I? It's the two of you!"

At this time, Pei Junlin, who was galloping in the distant sky, had found two people hiding in the mountain forest. After all, the **** ape's posture of more than ten meters was too conspicuous, even if he wanted to hide it, he couldn't hide it.

"Haha, you don't even let the body of the demon **** pass away, it's really enough! It's just right, I'm a bit lonely when I run alone. How about you going with me?"

"Pei Junlin, you are a bastard!"

"I know you, the biggest mistake of my life!"

Two angry roars roared, and then Xia Houping and Na Lanhao could only rise up in the dark and follow the air. There was no way, since both were discovered by the demon, they could only run away together!

It's just that the two of them were carrying the extremely heavy body of the demon god, and they were a bit too bloated, and they greatly restrained the speed!

Even more serious is that when the two were holding the huge corpse of the awful **** ape, the eyes of the five demon **** strong men who had been pursuing behind them became red, and the killing intention soared!

Among them are the two early demon gods who have been hunting down Xia Houping and Na Lanhao. They did not think that the humans who had been escaped before would appear in this mountain forest. They really broke through the iron shoes and found nowhere else. No effort!

"You two, second goods, don't hurry to throw the corpse, do you want to die?"

Pei Junlin saw the two guys around him, carrying the outstanding demon **** body, and could not help but yell.

Although the body of the demon **** is not heavy, it has about two kilograms. At such a time when the speed of the clock is king, there will be no small impact. Moreover, the body of the demon **** is really too conspicuous!

"No! Definitely not!"

"The head can be cut off, the blood can flow, and the demon god's body must not be lost! This is all we have gained this time!"

Both Nalanhao and Xia Houping shouted.

Pei Junlin was directly black-faced and completely defeated by these two guys. Suddenly, at this time, he saw the familiar sword injury on the head of the dead ape and the wound on his body. Says: "You ... you two snatched the demon **** mid-term powerhouse that I and Mu Shen will kill together?"

Nalanhao and Xia Houping stayed together, and then shook their heads into rattles, denying in unison: "No!"

"Boss Pei, I can warn you, if you dare to be our baby, then there will be a crack in the relationship between our brothers, big and small, you can measure it one or two!"

Pei Junlin's face was completely dark, and he immediately scolded: "Roll the calf, a mere corpse of a demon god, how rare you really are!"

"Lao Tzu wants to get it, and it's a big deal to re-slay one. Where can you be like you, picking up the teeth of others?"

The three men were screaming at each other all the way, galloping fast, and mountains were flying over them.

However, as time passed, Xia Houping and Na Lanhao carried the speed of the demon god's body. As a result, the followers were getting closer and closer. In contrast, the two guys ran on. Out of breath, as tired as a dog, his face was red and his neck thick, and he almost got out his tongue and panted!

Pei Junlin can abandon the two people directly, choose to leave, and at his speed, want to get rid of the pursuit of these demons and gods. In fact, there is not much difficulty, but is this possible? !!

"No, no! I'm tired and can't run anymore!"

Xia Houping was sweating all over his body, as if he had just taken it out of the water.

The state of Nalanhao next to him was not much worse, and Wen Yan said directly: "Boss Pei, we are serving! Really, you still put this demon **** body into the space ring!"

Pei Junlin squinted: "You are no longer afraid that I will own this demon **** body?"

Before that, he had told the two of them to put the demon **** body into the space ring, but these two goods were afraid that the meat bun would hit the dog ... Ah, in short, I was afraid that he would take it for himself and not give them, So reluctantly.

Even now she is soft, but there is no such cheap thing in this world!

"Not afraid! Not afraid!"

"Boss Pei, you are wise and generous, generous and righteous, and you can insert a knife for your friends, because our eyes were too small before, we admit it! Admit it!"

Both Nalanhao and Xia Houping made a radical change in their attitudes at 360 degrees, and kept laughing.

"Sorry, it's my turn now to disagree!"

Pei Junlin refused, and looked indifferent.

These two second-hand goods are really too young, and they do n’t punish each other well, he feels sorry for himself!

Seeing that Pei Junlin seemed really angry, Xia Houping and Na Lanhao suddenly panicked, forgetting the feeling of tiring, and stepped forward to apologize all the way to the end-after noticing Pei Junlin's twitching lips, two people Suddenly back!

Sink, got fucked!

The two were angry and shouted, but Pei Junlin laughed loudly.

Looking at Pei Junlin who was laughing there, while Na Lanhao and Xia Houping scolded, somehow they were quietly relieved. They were really anxious just now, fearing to hurt Pei Junlin's heart, and lost this. friend……

After Pei Junlin put the body of the demon **** into the space ring, the two were relaxed and seemed as if they had taken off the heavy load.

"Boss Pei, you tell me, there was a demon **** strong in that Jiaolu City that blew himself up, did you do it?" Xia Houping asked.

Pei Junlin nodded and said, "Of course it is me! You don't know that elk, it's really too fucking. You would rather explode than be my ration ..."

"Mad, I guess it must be you!"

Nalanhao's expression was full of complexity: "People in this world can really be mad at times than others. You say that Xia Houping and these two goods are also divine strong, how can they fall to be hunted down by those beasts all the way? And ... "

"No, we can't just seduce it like that! Otherwise it would be a shame if it were spread!"

"Xia Houping, why don't we do him a big vote?"

Aside, Xia Houping heard his eyes light up quickly: "What ?!"

Nalanhao said: "With the strength of the two of us, killing a demon **** alone in the early stage is a bit laborious, but if we work together to kill a demon **** in the early stage, it should be fine, so the key issue now is the need for Pei Boss help! "

Pei Junlin's eyes twinkled in fine light: "Do you mean to let me lead away the other four demon **** powerhouses?"

Nalanhao clapped his hands and said, "Smart! The boss is worthy of being the boss, and it's clear at all!"

"Fuck your sister, you really think I can do everything!"

Pei Junlin directly scolded, but there were four demon **** powerhouses, of which there were three in the middle of the demon god, one in the early stage of the demon god, thanks to his self-confidence, and dare not brave with such a battle!

Moreover, the key point is, how to separate the five demon **** strong, five people are divided into two groups, one is four, one is one, those guys of the demon clan are not stupid, how can they be easily fooled?

After Pei Junlin talked about these issues one by one, Na Lanhao and Xia Houping were silent and silent.

"Actually, as I said, the three of us can work together to make a big ticket!"

Suddenly, Pei Junlin said quietly.

When this remark came to an end, Na Lanhao and Xia Houping, who had some depressed moods, opened their eyes.

After a few minutes, Pei Junlin, who had been rushing in front of him, suddenly ran up and down, and suddenly his breath became erratic. It looked like a real yuan was being consumed. Before long, the three men landed at the same time in the original old forest below. The figure disappeared into the vast towering woods.

The five demon **** powers who have been chasing after them have been stunned, followed by the demon **** powers showing surprise: "They can't do it! Energy consumption is exhausted!"

"Up! This is our chance to wait a long time, this time we must pay the three humans a heavy price!"

Along the way, thousands of miles away, the demon tribe waits for the exhaustion of the energy in the first three humans, because only then can they have the opportunity to kill humans, otherwise, in terms of speed ~ ~ It's really hard to catch up.

"Everyone is careful. Humans are extremely cunning. Maybe they have tricks!" A relatively stable demon **** strong said.

"What are we afraid of, but we have five monsters who are in the realm of demons and gods, even if there are real tricks, they are all smashed!" A domineering monster **** mid-term strong said coldly.

Between the words, the five demon **** powerhouses chased into the primitive old forest below.

Just when they entered, the five demon **** strong men frowned, and they could not find the traces of the three human beings, and could not even feel the breath. The situation seemed to be in just twenty or thirty seconds. In the same time, those three humans disappeared out of thin air!

"Everyone is careful, the three humans must be hiding! Ready for a sneak attack!"

The demon **** warrior looked alert and said, one by one, the whole body energy was excited, and the demon was boiling. (https: //) "Rebirth of Shura Rebirth" only represents the viewpoint of the author Langya No. 1. If the content is found to be inconsistent with national laws, please delete it. The position of https: // is only dedicated to providing health Green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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