Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 341: China Supreme

The voice was so shocking that it reached the deepest part of the soul, letting people involuntarily develop a horrible awe, even the Cardinal Victor and Fred who were comparable to the gods. No exception.

I just think that sound is like Tianwei, irresistible and difficult to stop!

At this moment, everyone was scared and looked up one by one, trying to find the master of the voice.

Soon, everyone was shocked again!

I saw the distant eastern sky, the original clear sky, thunderous bursts of lightning, thousands of storms constantly raging in the depths of the clouds, and a sight of the end of the day.

An indescribable sense of depression filled the world, making everyone feel stuffy on their chests, have trouble breathing, and have been repaired as a weak person. They fell directly from the air and hummed, and the helicopter's propellers were also difficult. Rotating, retreating quickly.

Everyone at this moment had an extremely terrifying look, staring at the distant eastern sky with fearful eyes, and then staring with fearful eyes, a huge figure gradually emerged in the center of the storm.

He was like the **** who came out of the distant mythology, standing upright, with a majestic posture, nearly 100 feet tall, walking all the way, exploding violently to the extreme, flashing thunder and lightning around his body, and the storm entangled.

In the sky, everyone looked at all these sudden changes in the distance, unable to form the mood at this moment by words.

And Prince Qiong, who was originally in an infinite loop of emotions, was suddenly awakened by this voice. A pair of beautiful eyes were full of confusion as they watched the great changes in the distant world. They muttered silently: "This is the language of our China ? "

The words of the dream awakened everyone, Xia Huping, Na Lanhao and others who were in a daze all around. They were sober, one after the other, with their eyes widened and surprised, staring at the closer and closer figure, lost their voices. Road: "It's really the face of our Chinese!"

In the distant sky, even if the god-like figure is as high as nearly a hundred feet, the face can still be barely seen. It is the face of a standard British martial art Chinese man, majestic as Tianwei, people dare not look directly .

"This ... Is this the supreme supreme powerhouse?" Huangfu Fenghuang muttered to himself, her eyes widened.

Tianjiao is like them, and they have never seen what the true supreme strong looks like, but they have seen a lot of divine power, but it is impossible for the divine power to show up and cause such a big sensation, so The answer is probably the last one!

That is-the Supreme Supreme who has always been supreme in the minds of all!

The Chinese Supreme is here!

Although Huangfu Fenghuang and others didn't know how the Supreme Power who had always seen the dragon never came, but at this moment, in such a desperate situation, the sudden appearance of the Supreme Power made all of them see hope!

Pei Junlin is saved!


The thunder was rolling, the lightning flashing and thundering, and the oppressive posture in the distance appeared thousands of kilometers away, but even across a distance of thousands of kilometers, the oppressive atmosphere still seemed to be covered by mountains. Everyone's heart made people's heart beat faster and pale.

"Cardinal Victor, I've seen Supreme Master Huaxia!"

At this time, even the cardinal Victor, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, became cautious, his expression uneasy, and respectfully stepped forward and saluted.

"Cardinal Fred, I've seen Supreme Master Huaxia!"

Fred also respectfully stepped forward and saluted his fists. He was also a Cardinal of the Holy See, but his rights were a little worse than Victor's.

His Majesty, there are not only one Cardinal, but many, and their names are collectively referred to as the Cardinal Mission!

Some are responsible for the internal affairs of the Holy See, some are responsible for external matters, and others are responsible for the operation of the Holy See institutions in each city.

In the Holy See, the position of the Cardinal is the most powerful in addition to the Pope. The Cardinals even have the ability to dismiss the Pope and elect a new Pope. Of course, there are very few such examples.

However, at this moment, when the two cardinals faced the horrible figure in the sky, it seemed that the students had encountered the teacher and did not dare to make any pretensions.

"You guys, come here!"

With a pair of horrified eyes, the Chinese Supreme in the sky directly ignored the cardinals Victor and Freyn who came forward to salute, but instead put a pair of majestic eyes on the ring of the crowd.身上 Monk, Wang Ziqiong and others.

The whole group was in a daze, their faces were aggressive, and they couldn't figure out what the situation was. In their memory, it seemed that they had no intersection with the Supreme Power in front of them ...

Huaxia Kingdom, Dongyang Tiankeng Base, the first six and Mu Shen will stare at the live broadcast on the huge screen, seeing a group of cubs in a daze, Xia Hougong's violent temperament directly came up, and immediately took out his mobile phone, A phone call passed.

When his son Xia Houping just answered the phone, Xia Hou's roaring roar quickly sounded: "Junk stuff, you still make a fart! That's the huge and supreme Panghu, which was specially used to wipe your ass, you still Do n’t hurry up, are you waiting for death? ”

Xia Houping hit an excitement all over his body, and was immediately overjoyed, shouting: "Extreme Pang came to pick us up! Let's go together!"

Nalanhao, Monk Monk, Huangfu Phoenix, Leng Shuangshuang, Baili Feiyan, Wang Ziqiong and others were all surprised and immediately set off towards the distant road like a godlike figure and flew away at a rapid speed.

This scene fell in the eyes of the audience around, but it was envious of everyone, and the Internet was so noisy. All the powerful people all over the world were shocked by Huaxia.

It's just a group of young people making trouble. The Huaxia State even sent a supreme supreme strongman to come to answer. This is really no one!

When a group of people stood under the supreme foot of Pang Supreme, a few people who set off in a moment really wanted to be like babies. There was no way that everyone could lift off again, and finally hung on the shoulder of Pang Hu, barely too Too depressing and small.

"Who is Pei Junlin ?!"

At this moment, the 100-meter-tall Pang Hu Pang made a thunderous sound, which made the eardrums hurt.

Everyone, look at me. I look at you. When I was about to speak, Wang Ziqiong had already taken a step ahead, and said anxiously, "Pang supreme, please, please help save Pei Junlin! He may be trapped in the valley below." Deep formation! "

"Yes! Supreme Pang, please, please help Pei Junlin quickly!"

Nalanhao, Jie Monk and others also spoke.

In Pang Hu's eyes, two substantive rays of light burst out, dazzling, and penetrated directly into the depths of the cloud-drenched canyon below. In the next second, he uttered a flick, while at the same time, originally calm Deep in the canyon, lightning flashed and thundered.

"Extreme Pang, what are you doing?"

The abnormality of the canyon formation scared both Victor and Fred, and they shouted loudly. At the same time, a strong breath broke out in the two of them, rising to the air, towards Pang Supreme Approaching.

Although both people knew that they could not be the opponent of Huaxia Supreme right now, their responsibilities made it impossible for them to sit idly by, otherwise, the guilt would be too great!

"Get out of this seat!"

The thunderous roar suddenly burst out of Panghu's mouth, and a horrifying sound storm broke out, like a lion's roar. The two cardinals, Victor and Freyn, who had just approached, If they were struck by lightning, their faces were as pale as paper, and the two tried their best to stop them, but they flew up from the air like artillery shells.

This scene was seen by everyone, and the video was posted on the Internet, causing the entire world to exclaim.

After all, Victor and Freien are the cardinals of the Holy See. The existence of the Divine Power is even more powerful in the Western world than the S-class power. It is also the best name in the world. They belong to the top group, and now the two of them joined together, and they were seriously hurt by the roar of the Panghu Supreme from Huaxia Kingdom, and flew out!

It's hard to imagine how terrible the strength of the Supreme is, which is beyond the imagination of many people!

Huaxia Supreme, this name is really worthy of the name!

And when everyone in the world was exclaiming ~ ~ At this time, in the vacant space, Pang Hu's pair of terrible eyes once again had a bright light burst, this time it triggered a more amazing inside the canyon The storm and thunder were so murderous.

"Extreme Pang, this is the place where my religion is taboo. Are you trying to trigger a war between my religion and the Huaxia kingdom?" Victor was furious.

However, the answer to him was silent and indifferent. Pang Hu didn't even look at him, instead he strengthened his strength. Seeing that gesture seemed to be really ready to smash the ancient array in the canyon.

This made the two cardinals Victor and Freyn spit out blood. This Chinese Supreme was really overbearing. They totally regarded them as nothing. Now they can only pray quickly in their hearts. The pope hurried to The consequences of being late may be disastrous.

Although the ancient killing array inside Yaoyuanzi is powerful and can prevent the invasion of the Divine Power, the Supreme Power is not necessarily, after all, the Supreme Power is already the top character in the world today.

"Extreme Pang, you are so presumptuous on the site of my religion, is it true that my religion is gone?"

Seeing that the energy fluctuations inside the canyon are getting more and more fierce, finally, an old voice rang out all over the world. At the moment of hearing this familiar voice, the two Cardinals Victor and Frein were almost crying with excitement. !!


finally come!

Their Pope Paul III finally arrived!

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