Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 335: Suppress the Son!

"It ’s a very powerful defense force. The Holy Light of the Holy See will make the purification technique, indeed, the supreme divine magic, actually converge the offense and defense as a whole. In the same level, who else can be the opponent of the Son of Aaron ?! "

Below, the monk's face was extremely ugly. At first, he still had the confidence to wait for the physical strength to practice a battle with the Son of Aaron, but at this moment his face was gloomy, unless he could turn his own dragon Prajna ’s magical advancement is another level, otherwise, it will never be the opponent of Aaron ’s Son.

Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Huangfu Phoenix, Baili Feiyan, Leng Shuangshuang and others are all ugly and terrible. As for Wang Ziqiong, his face is pale and a pair of beautiful eyes stare at the road in the void. With a sharp sword light.

"Are angels guarding ?!"

In the empty space, Pei Junlin exuded a chilling chill on his face, and the spirit was boiling. At this moment, he was really angry, and Shura's heart bloomed with anger.

"You just have mastered the fur of the angels. Even if the real angel comes, he will not survive if I let him die. I'll take a look at it, can you really keep it like this forever?"

Pei Junlin's words fell, and Qing Hongjian in his hand once again issued a crisp sword sound, the sword rushed to Jiuxiao, and the dazzling sword light was like the same hot sun, so that the wings were severely chopped down against the day.

Due to the fast speed, hundreds of thousands of swords appeared in the sky again in an instant. It seemed as if hundreds of thousands of swords were attacking at the same time. The sharp sword gas teared everything, dense like rain, chopped in. That day the wings were guarded.

Huh! !! !!

The spark burst, and the giant angel finally shivered at this moment. The body that was not very solid suddenly became more and more illusive, as if it was about to fall apart.

Pei Jun saw this, and his killing intention rose another three points: "Cut it again!"

"Angel Purification!"

At this time, the Son of Aaron also felt his own danger and knew that he could not be so passive all the time, otherwise, the guardian of the angel would surely be blasted by the opposite guy.

Pei Junlin is definitely one of the most powerful opponents he has encountered since he was so old, no one!

Just as Pei Junlin cut off with a sword, the Son of Aaron also withdrew the guardian of the angel, and instead turned into the purification of angels. When the horrible sword light fell from the sky, a horrible laser once again Squirting!


Wu Jianmang and the white laser finally hit a head-on collision in mid-air, and both turned into oblivion, which turned out to be an indiscriminate situation.

"Pei Junlin, I admit that you are strong, but you will definitely lose today! Because this is my home court!"

The voice of Son Aaron's voice penetrated this world, and there was an unrivaled confidence on the face filled with sacred breath.

Pei Junlin sneered: "Is that? I don't think that's necessary!"

"Son Aaron, the reason why you are so confident is that you can rely on the power of faith in this world, which can be continuously absorbed by you, so that you can barely maintain this angel incarnation!"

"But I never believe that this state of yours can be maintained forever, because your mental strength will be your greatest weakness, the power of faith can be inexhaustible, and the mental strength may not be necessary. ! "


If these words fall in the ears of ordinary people, they will definitely hear the clouds and fog, what is the power of faith, what is short of mental power ... It is completely confused, but the face of the Son of Aaron is suddenly changed, for the first time Shows an inconceivable shock: "Pei Junlin, how can you ..."

Pei Junlin sneered: "Do you want to ask me why you know the biggest secret of the so-called angelic purification of the Holy See? Hehe! What's so rare, you can guess everything, just guess!"

Son Aaron's face became extremely ugly, and it looked like he was suddenly stripped of his clothes and treated him frankly.

Because, this is indeed the secret of Daguang Guang ’s greatest purification tomorrow, but it is unexpected now that Pei Junlin directly broke it.

But he deserves to be the top young king, and soon recovered his calmness, staring coldly at Pei Junlin, "Pei Junlin, do you frame me?"

"Even if you know the shortcomings of the angelic purification of my holy religion, my mental strength is not enough to support me to support this angelic purification of the angel permanently, but you can continue to launch several attacks ?!"

Pei Junlin sneered: "How many times? You will know if you try!"


A lightning suddenly appeared in the sky, blooming a bright blue light, that is the light of the Qinghong sword. At this moment, Pei Junlin directly used the imperial sword skill. Under the control of his powerful **** power, the Qinghong sword bloomed. The power of the horse came, and a loud sound of a clang stabbed on the energy protection cover of Aaron Shengzi, who was raised by Cangjie.

The power of this blow is like a magnificent mountain. The sound of energy explosion is unstoppable. It directly reverses the body of the Son of Aaron by 100 meters, pulling a long wave of air in the air. Uncertainly, he looked very shocked and whispered aloud: "Imperial swordsmanship ?!"

Eastern world, the royal swordsmanship of martial arts in Huaxia kingdom, the name is really too big, resounding throughout the world, almost everyone in martial arts circles, the name is astonishing.

But it can be taken thousands of miles away to get the first-class world-class science, with great lethality, no one will not be afraid, and it is unexpected to appear here today, can it not be frightening? !!

At this moment, the whole world is shaking for it. I don't know how many powerful people exclaimed and stared at the live broadcast.

I saw Pei Junlin, who was in the battle against the Son of Aaron in the sky, separated by dozens of meters, and drew a dazzling glaring flying sword, with amazing killing power, as fast as lightning again and again. Constantly attacking the Son of Aaron.

The speed of that flying sword is dazzling, weird, flexible, sharp and sharp, and the amazing power it contains, but it is powerful and terrible.

The dazzling light of the flying sword illuminates a small half of the sky, which is dazzling and makes people dare not look straight.

There was a continuous roar of anger, which was the voice of the son of Aaron. He was tired of dealing with the power of Feijian and was barely able to cope with it at the beginning. Everyone was violent.

Many places of Lu's body were stabbed by the sharp sword spurs of the flying sword. Fortunately, his angel's guarding defense was very strong. Otherwise, he would have been chopped into fragments by changing to an ordinary strong man.

But even so, each time he was hit by a flying sword, the Son of Aaron felt like he was struck by a magnificent mountain, his body was full of blood and pain, and the pain was unbearable. It was only two times at a time. He had been stabbed at least dozens of times by Feijian.

That is equivalent to his physical body being hit dozens of times by the magnificent mountains. Rao is the physical body of the Son of Aaron is powerful, and his defense is a bit unbearable. The shadow of the angel incarnation behind him is becoming more and more unreal. May break up at any time.

Aaron Shengzi's mouth and nose, gradually crimson blood flowing out, he suffered minor internal injuries!

This is totally unbearable for him. He is a man of heavenly pride and grandeur. He has shown extraordinary talent since he was a child. For more than two decades, he has been the first person in the same stage in the entire European world.

Nowadays, even a young man from Huaxia Kingdom is so embarrassed that the son of Aaron is angry and screams.

Suddenly, a golden flaming flame appeared from his entire body. It seemed to be using some powerful secret method. The golden giant sword in his hand was clenched and the sword gas was vertical and horizontal, causing the energy in the world to fall into a violent state.

On the opposite side, Pei Junlin tightened her lacquered black eyes and raised a dangerous breath in her heart. She immediately walked in without hesitation. The flesh and blood of the whole body oscillated, shining brightly, her body was slender and powerful. To the Son of Aaron.


Pei Junlin was simply a knee, and this blow hit the chest of Aaron Son without any fancy. The opponent directly sprayed a large mouthful of scarlet blood, and the whole man came out in reverse, and the secret method also Interrupted.

Pei Jun came to the forefront, with a figure like electricity, catching up, his slender and powerful body blooming with dazzling jade light, the fist prints interlaced, and the most primitive ancient martial arts close combat was launched.

Boxing, elbows, knees, crotch, leg sweep, throat lock ...

At this moment, the Son of Aaron seemed to be transformed into a human sandbag, without any fighting back, and was continuously vomiting blood by Pei Junlin. The two fell from the sky and fell to the ground. No matter how roaring the Son of Aaron was, To no avail.

It ’s absolutely fatal to lose the first move between the strong, and it ’s absolutely fatal that Son Aaron is at this moment. In fact, his strength is really strong, but he was suppressed by Pei Junlin ’s sword skills. That led to a change in the war situation.

In the end, the golden sword in the hands of the son of Aaron was also snatched by Pei Junlin ~ ~ Instead, he used the golden sword to beat the son of Aaron. This scene almost angered the son of Aaron explosion.

自己 His own weapon has now become a murder weapon for others to hit him, but he has no alternative but to go crazy.

At this moment, can Aaron Son use a wolf howl to describe, except for the blood, the armor is broken, there are scars everywhere, the shawl is scattered, the front teeth seem to be broken in half, and the former calmness is no longer experienced.

This sudden turning of the scene, I don't know how many powerful people who let the world watch this global live broadcast war roll over, one by one shouting, groaning, stunned.

No one expected that the final outcome would be like this, powerful like the Holy See, but now became Pei Junlin's human sandbag, miserable.

However, despite this, everyone is not worried, because everyone knows that Pei Junlin cannot kill Aaron Son. For the time being, not to mention that Pei Junlin is on the site of the Holy See, that the Aaron Son is extremely powerful. No one at the Holy See dared to kill this saint.

Pei Junlin did not dare to kill the son of Aaron, but it did not prevent him from slamming the other side severely, thus greatly frustrating the Holy Spirit.

What holy son, what bright knight ... In front of his Pesula, all are weak chickens!

"Stop !!!"

Seeing that Pei Junlin beat the son of Aaron more and more miserably, at this time, a voice full of infinite majesty suddenly rang through the whole world. This voice was like Tianwei, just as soon as it fell, everyone at the scene felt a sense The great fear from the heart runs through the whole body, biting cold.

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