Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 322: O'Briens

As the saying goes, people rely on clothes and horses on saddles, Buddhas need golden body, and gods!

When a group of people came out of the high-end shopping malls, all of them were completely new and dazzling.

Originally, a group of people were the kind of arrogance of the heavens. From childhood, they cultivated excellent temperament in their respective families or ancestors. Now, with a little decoration, they are transformed into handsome men and women. Many flashes of people on the street take pictures.

Even the monk who abstained from being a monk and went into the country as usual, took off the old monk's clothes and put on a custom-made, handsome one.

After leaving the mall, Wang Ziqiong took everyone to a high-end hotel, eating and lodging all-in-one, the generous handwriting immediately greeted everyone's praise, one by one was extremely envious of Pei Junlin, sighed Married a good wife.

Yan value is in the position of the best goddess, and she will make such money, which is the ultimate goal of all men in the world!

Listening to the sound of that flattering sound in his ears, Pei Junlin tightly held the small hand of the prince Qiong, who smiled like a flower, with tenderness and pride in his eyes.

What is more abnormal is that Prince Qiong, who was always shy outside, this time was abnormally pulled by Pei Junlin's small hand, spreading dog food, and everyone was full.

In the afternoon, when everyone was settled, Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong left the hotel without driving anyone, and drove directly to the O'Brien family manor.

When Pei Junlin and Prince Joan went to the O'Brien family estate, in an old estate on the western outskirts of the city of Florence, at this time, some high-level O'Brien families were gathering to discuss certain things .

Belin O'Brien was not present, but her brothers and fathers were present, and it was even more bizarre that one of these high-level family conferences was a woman of grace and elegance, obviously a woman in the Eastern world.

Women are about thirty or forty years old, maybe even older, but they are very well maintained, expensive and compelling, and their appearance and temperament coexist. It is one of the rare things.

At this moment, the Oriental woman was standing behind the first O'Brien's head, acting as a servant, and gently rubbing the shoulders of William O'Brien, who was already in his eighties, with a well-maintained jade hand.

William O'Brien is a true majestic figure. The O'Brien family can develop to the point where it is today. The owner has contributed a lot and has an absolute status in the entire O'Brien family.

Below, each of O'Brien's children looked at the old man with awe and awe.

"Ouli, do you mean that you just received the news, did Pei Junlin of that Huaxia country also arrive?"

William began to inquire, and it seemed that the weightless body, which was about to enter the ground, exuded a majesty that could not be ignored.

"Grandpa, yes! The people below have seen Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong, and there are also six young men and women of Huaxia Kingdom who are accompanying Pei Junlin. As for the identity of those people, they have not been investigated yet."

Below, Ori O'Brien answered respectfully.

This handsome man with blond hair is the young master Ou Li who took the last time he went to Huaxia to take over Belian who had cured the cold. He is also one of the better young children in the O'Brien family and is expected to inherit Obu The power of the Lane family.

"I heard that Pei Junlin seems to be an amazing oriental warrior. He is not weak, is it so?" William asked.

Master Ou Li nodded: "Yes, according to the information we have obtained, this Pei Junlin is indeed a rare genius. He has reached the innate state of Oriental martial arts at a young age!"

"But grandpa, you don't need to worry. Although Pei Junlin is strong, he is just one person. Besides, it is equivalent to the awakening of the innate state of the East. What my O'Brien family has is that as long as that Pei Junlin dares to come, Let him come back! "

"Yeah, father! It's just a young man, why bother you!"

Below, a blond, sturdy middle-aged man with a domineering look leaked.

He is the head of today's O'Brien family, Lawrence O'Brien, a name that is famous throughout Italy and is the outstanding heir after William.

"Master, now that the young masters have fully mastered this initiative, I don't think you need to worry too much!"

Just then, the noble lady who stood behind William O'Brien suddenly spoke softly.

"Then what is called Pei Junlin, as long as he dares to come to our manor to make troubles, then he will catch it directly. If he doesn't know the difference, even if he kills?"

"You know, this is Florence, not their Huaxia country. Here, only the earl, you, is the only master!"

As the words fell, the atmosphere was quiet in the low-key and luxurious room, and then William O'Brien laughed loudly, stretched out his thin fingers and grabbed the lady's jade hand, and let out a voice while Capricorn Laughing: "Haha! It is indeed my sweetheart, Feihuang, you have won my heart!"

A woman called Feihuang, who heard that with a plump chest, massaged William O'Brien's back, coquettishly said, "Master, you make fun of people again!"

If someone here in China and Qingzhou is here at this moment, you will be able to recognize at a glance that this noble lady who stands as a servant and lover behind William O'Brien is indeed the hostess of the once famous Zhou family in Qingzhou- Zhao Feihuang!

A woman who was lucky enough to escape under the help of Pei Jun Xiuluo was a woman who pegged Jiang Pei's family. At the same time, she spent two billion dollars on the sky-high price, and was the first to reward Pei in the international underground world in the dark web. The first person of King's Landing!

I'm afraid no one can think of it. Zhao Feihuang, a woman who now appears in the O'Brien family, can even participate in such high-standard family meetings as O'Brien. This is not something an ordinary woman can do alone.

When many high-level members of O'Brien discussed how to punish Pei Jun, suddenly, there was a shocking sound outside the manor, which scared everyone.

At the same time, a cold voice sounded like Tianwei sounded over the entire manor: "Belin O'Brien, get out of me !!!"

This thunderous voice shocked everyone as soon as it sounded. You know, this is the nest of the O'Briens.

"Presumptuous, who dares to come here to scatter!"

The senior members of the O'Brien family couldn't help anger and suddenly stood up.

"It's Pei Junlin, he's here!"

Zhao Feihuang was the first to speak out. Deep in the eyes of a pair of beautiful eyes, the light of hate and resentment flickered, like a beautiful snake hiding in the abyss.

She didn't know how long she had waited for today. This time, the O'Brien family broke the contract with Junlin International.

In order to talk about William O'Brien, she has shown her life-long skills, and at last she has done her best. William promised her to cancel the cooperation with Kinglin International.

Now things are really as she expected. People from Junlin International have found them, and they are still a pair of **** like Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong. This is really exciting for Zhao Feihuang. Fortunately, Her extremely deep city government stifled it!

"Master, that's not good! There is a man and a woman outside, and they hurt many of us!"

At this moment, a guard ran in and panicked.


Everyone in the room was furious immediately, and someone even said directly: "Hurry and ask Mr. Phil!"

"And Mr. Ron!"

Lawrence O'Brien spoke directly, and then with a look of majesty and domineering, he murmured: "Now everyone goes with me. I'd like to see how good this arrogant Chinese person is!"

When a group of people from the O'Brien family walked out of the manor, they saw the crowded people at the gate of the manor. The O'Brien family's guards stood by, holding all kinds of hands in their hands. A gun surrounds a young man and woman in the middle.

With a single order, you can send all the shots together to make the pair of men and women into a sieve!

At the feet of the young men and women, five or six guards with blood on their faces had fallen, screaming in pain.

As for the gate of the manor, it had already turned into a pile of gravel, and it was full of mess.

"Pei Junlin, you are so brave!"

Master Ou Li knew Pei Junlin. At this moment, he roared directly, and a strong killing was revealed on one face.

Pei Junlin even dared to destroy the gate of his family's manor, and even injured several guards. This is almost equivalent to beating the face of the O'Briens. If this is passed out, why would O'Brien stand on this country?


Pei Junlin also recognized the shouting man, and a strong savage was revealed on the cold and grim face: "How about the **** of Belian, let her get out of me quickly!"

"Pei Junlin, you are wanton!"

Lawrence O'Brien stepped out, with a majestic majesty and shame in his burly body.

"Do you know what you are doing? This is the Italian country, not your Huaxia country, and you cannot afford to be so presumptuous!"

Pei Junlin sneered: "What are you asking me? I'm looking for Belin? O'Brien's **** ~ ~ I want to ask her in person if my conscience has been eaten by a dog! Treating her with extremely cold conditions, and agreeing to help her to enter the international market, will she dare to break the contract now? "

"Oh, by the way! Ou Li was also present at the time, was it true ?!"

In the crowd across the O'Brien family, Master Ou Li revealed a blank expression when he heard the words: "Pei Junlin, what are you talking about, how can I not understand?"

"What's the promise? What's wrong with breaking the contract? You cured my sister's illness, but we also gave you money, ten million! We've already cleared it!"

"As for the agreement, I never heard you say it!"

"You said we broke the contract, do you have any evidence? Video? Contract? Record?"

Master Olin continued to ask several questions in a very strong field.

Pei Jun narrowed his eyes, staring coldly at Master Ou Li, who kept screaming there, only feeling that there was an absent-mindedness in his heart that was rolling.

That day was just an verbal agreement. Where is the evidence and the treatment of Belin? O'Brien was carried out on a separate cruise ship. At that time, he was alone and he just let the O'Brien family keep the contract. it is good.

Unexpectedly, now all of this has been used by the shameless O'Briens family as a card for turning their faces. Looking at the sneer-filled faces standing opposite each other, Pei Junlin's dark black eyes couldn't help but burst into two Road killing intentions!

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