Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 316: Back to the city!


When Pei Junlin, who walked with the sword in mid-air, made a "thump" and fell on the wall, he instantly became a national treasure-level giant panda and became the center point of everyone's eyes.

But at this moment, Pei Junlin's state was extremely bad. A face was as pale as paper. Not only was his body soaked, but the sound of breathing in his mouth was like a big bellows.

He was really tired this time. He has never been so tired this time since his rebirth. Not only has he fought against the swallowing gold beast once, he has also broken through tens of thousands of monster army, the royal sword flies thousands of miles, and even outperforms. The wind demon **** who is such an extreme monster family.

"Dan ... Elixir! I want elixir!"

Pei Junlin's hoarse voice spit out of his throat. He was tired now and didn't want to take out his elixir from the space ring. The shepherd **** who had been waiting for a while would quickly pull out a jade bottle from his arms and stuff it into Pei Junlin. In the hands.

Pei Jun didn't even look at it. He opened the elixir directly and poured it into his mouth.

"Hey, that's the best elixir, you can't eat it like that!"

Cai Shen will be anxious to stop, but it is too late. Pei Junlin has swallowed a bottle of the best elixir into the stomach, and then the entire person is completely slumped on the ground, sweating like rain, soaking the ground.

Looking at tired like this, Pei Junlin, who is scarred and bloody, has many eyes on the wall. The strength of Pei Junlin is well known. It can make such a young strong man look so tired and so embarrassed. I know with my **** that something extraordinary has happened.

Coupled with the direction of the Black Mist Cliff not long ago, there was an amazing change in the energy of the world ...

All this made everyone have countless doubts in his heart to want to ask, but seeing Pei Junlin's appearance as a dead dog, it was a bit unbearable and hesitated.

On the side, the three women, Huangfu Fenghuang, Leng Shuangshuang, and Bai Lifeiyan, looked at Pei Junlin's eyes full of resentment. They already knew that Pei Junlin had left the three women and only took the ring. The monk, Na Lanhao and Xia Houping went to Heiwuya.

This made them very unhappy, what happened? Look down on a woman? !!

Finally, he was fully rested for more than a quarter of an hour, perhaps because the best medicine had played a role, and Pei Junlin only slowed down a bit, at least his breathing was much smoother.

"Pei Junlin, what about the others? Aren't you going together?"

Seeing Pei Junlin opened his eyes, Nalan Yunkong and Xia Hougong, who had been waiting for a long time, directly asked, and the master of pride was staring at Pei Junlin's face, waiting for the answer.

Because their children went with Pei Junlin, and now Pei Junlin is back with only one person, and his body is still wounded and unusually embarrassed. How can they not be disturbed by the three of them?

You must know that whether it is Xia Houping, Nalan Hao, or quitting monks, it is the strongest arrogance of all forces. In the event of an accident, the blow will be extremely huge!

Pei Junlin looked at the three anxious faces in front of him and shook his head: "I don't know, we're apart!"


Nalan Yunkong's voice rose directly by three points, and Xiahougong's face also showed a look of anger.

"Aren't you together? How could they be separated?" Xiahougong stepped forward and grabbed Pei Junlin's collar, and a terror broke out all over his body.

Pei Junlin's face was cold and cold, "Xiahou Gong, I look at Xia Houping's face and respect your elders, but you better put away your attitude!"

"You are all living people, don't you know that the situation on the battlefield is changing in an instant ?! What's weird when the four of us are separated!"

The angry Xia Hougong was speechless by Pei Junlin's run. As soon as he was about to speak, he suddenly heard that Pei Junlin continued: "Furthermore, the four of us encountered the siege of 10,000 monsters on the Black Mist Cliff. Don't you think you're going to die together without escape? "


It seemed to be a terrifying thunder, and the moment when Pei Junlin's words had just fallen, it directly shocked everyone.

what? !!

Are they right? Siege of tens of thousands of demon army? !!

And only four people? !!

Everyone on the city wall was shocked and widened by Pei Junlin's words, his face was incredible.

"Pei Junlin, what happened to you when you went to Heiwu Cliff? I ordered you to hurry and repeat everything to us!"

Cai Shen's dignified look is unprecedented. This is definitely a very serious matter. Once it is not handled properly, it is likely to diverge with the three forces of Nalan Yunkong, Master Desolate and Xia Houping. This is definitely Very serious.

With a pair of burning eyes watching, Pei Junlin sitting on the ground looked indifferent, and slowly said, "The process of things is very simple, that is, the four of us secretly sneaked into the Lingmai mining area of ​​Heiwu Cliff and took some Lingjing , But did not expect to encounter a very powerful creature inside, and the battle happened! "

"Then, the garrison leader of the Black Mist Cliff, the Wind Demon God, was shocked. When we were found to be human, we immediately sent tens of thousands of monster army to besiege us. Without help, the four of us could only escape separately.

"This ... is this over?"

Cai Shen asked with wide eyes.

Pei Junlin nodded and said, "It's over! It's almost like that!"

All the strong men on the wall almost spit blood when they heard the words, and the ghost believed you, but what you said is too casual and simple, can you be lighter?

The shepherd who had listened carefully will directly black face and scolded: "Pei Junlin, you give me seriousness! So many people are waiting for your answer, and you will give me a more detailed description of the process!"

Pei Jun felt helpless, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "The only thing worth mentioning is that they are three of them who shared more than a dozen demons, and as for me, they shared a demonic state. Hunters! "


The original lively and extraordinary wall of the city suddenly became needle-dropping. The eyes of each strong man were tightening sharply at this moment, and the heart was even half a beat slower.

What they just heard, there are a dozen strong people in the demon realm, and a terrible strong man in the realm of demon ...

At this moment, everyone's gaze towards Pei Junlin finally changed completely!

What did they say? This guy has always behaved so arrogantly, with few rivals in the same level, but this time he was so embarrassed, his feelings escaped from the hands of a strong demon realm!

Even though Pei Junlin said very lightly, but as long as he is not a fool, he can think of the dangers involved in the escape process. A congenital nine-strength strong man can escape thousands of miles from the imperial sword flying under the hand of a demon **** strong. It is absolutely amazing and an extremely glorious thing!

"Rest assured, even I fled back from the demon **** strong, then the three of them will definitely come back, each of them will be assigned four or five demon emperor strong, if it really died , That can only blame them for being too scum! "

Pei Junlin finally comforted the three animated powerhouses in anxiety.

He didn't say that, but when he spoke, Nalan Yunkong and Xia Hougong turned black, and even the rosary in the hands of the masterful master stopped for a moment.

Is this a comfort for you?

Stimulate them almost!

Just as everyone on the city wall was talking about it, suddenly, a lot of powerful gods felt that they were the first to look out of the distant city. A small black spot appeared on the horizon in the distance. Quickly approached the direction of Overlord City.

Behind that little black spot, followed by a group of little black spots, but the evil spirit above the little black spots was very heavy.

"It's Nalanhao! He's being hunted down by a group of powers in the demon realm!"

The strong man with good eyes took the lead in recognizing the little black spot in the distance and immediately exclaimed.


However, before this exclaiming voice fell, a horrible figure on the wall had risen to the sky, emitting an unparalleled shocking horror, and blasted out. Who could this figure be besides Nalan Yunkong? ?

"Human strong, this is just a fight between low-level characters, you have crossed the border!"

At the moment when Nalan Clouds took off in the sky, there was a soaring monster in the black gold city twenty miles away, and quickly flew out of the city to intercept Nalan Clouds.

"I went to your yard, **** low-level characters. Why don't you talk more about bullying?"

Nalan was furious and angry, and he did not hesitate to slash at the demon **** strong, and the shot was the strongest of the Nalan family's absolute chaos!

The two great powerhouses began a fierce fight directly in the air, and on the plain below, Nalanhao, covered with blood, held his teeth tightly, sprinting with the power of feeding, and behind him, five The powerful demon emperor strong breath, killing one by one.

boom! Boom! !!

At this moment, over the city of Overlord City, there were seven or eight powerful innate strong men flying down, one by one, murderous, approaching the position of Nalanhao.

Since the demon tribe can deceive more, then the human side can do it too!

Seeing the support of the innate strong side on the human side, the demon **** strong against Nalan Yunkong in the sky had a slightly dark look, and finally he stopped the evil king strong who continued to pursue.

Nalan cloud snorted in the sky, turned around, and flew to Nalanhao on the ground, and then just as if he was catching a chicken, holding the opponent's neck and landing on the overlord city ~ ~ Looking at Nalanhao, who was **** and a little bit more embarrassed than him, Pei Junlin couldn't help but yelled: "Waste, just such a few demon emperors can You persecute it like this, you are really wasteful! "

Nalanhao collapsed on the ground, and he didn't refute when he heard the words. He just smirked, and he survived.

Nalan Yunkong's face was dark. Pei Junlin scolded his son as a waste in front of so many people. Isn't it equal to scolding him, but now it's not time to take care of all this and look at his baby boy with injuries He was so distressed that he quickly took out the elixir and swallowed it, even at the expense of his own cultivation to help Nalanhao recover quickly.

After a while, sitting on the ground of Nalanhao's pale paper-like face, there was an extra touch of blood, and his breathing was much smoother.

"Nalanhao, have you seen my son?"

On the side, Xiahougong, who had been waiting for a long time, asked anxiously.

The master of delusion also spoke, asking if he saw the monk who was not a monk?

Nalanhao opened his eyes and flew around for a while, wondering, "Isn't the two guys back yet?"

Then it seemed as if I had thought of something, and suddenly a strong excitement appeared on my face, and I laughed loudly, "Haha, I thought I had enough wastewood, and I didn't think there was anyone who was more wasteful than me!"

The Xiahougong and the master of arrogance, who were looking forward to waiting next to each other, were black at the same time. How could this guy and Pei Junlin have a virtue? It really turned out to be like people and people!

Nalan Yun saw this, and a slap was cut on the head of his smirking son, angrily cursing: "You laugh a fart and laugh, see what kind of bird you are now, do not hurry to recover quickly ?!"

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