Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 304: Exchange treasure

In the treasure catalogue, what Pei Jun was staring at was not an exotic grass, nor was it a treasure of heaven and earth that could make his skills soar with a bite, but a very brightly colored ore.

Pei Junlin knows this kind of ore. Its name in the thousands of worlds is bloodstone. It is a rare ore essential for any force to make all kinds of powerful weapons. Once this ore is dissolved, it will join any weapon. Can greatly increase the sharpness of weapons.

Such a piece of bloodstone is worth more than diamonds. I do n’t know how many times it is precious. It is hard to find. Pei Junlin did n’t expect it. If he turned the treasure catalog at will, he would encounter it. He could n’t help but have some surprises.

His current Qinghong sword is the top-level magic weapon, and the level of magic weapon is a lot worse. This blood red stone is an indispensable one to improve the quality of Qinghong sword in the future. It is very precious.

"Cai Shenjiang, didn't you say you want to give me a special reward? Or just this dandelion?"

Pei Junlin suddenly raised his head, and said to the first Cai Shen.

The name of the red bloodstone in this treasure catalog is called Dan Xueshi. Although the name is different, Pei Junlin must be the same thing. The described function is also used to refine various powerful weapons, and the exchange points required are up to 30,000.

Cai Shen, who was sitting on a chair and drinking water, would have heard that he almost squirted the water out of his mouth, and it took a lot of effort to swallow it. He opened his eyes wide and said, "Dan Xueshi, what do you want that thing? But only the senior refiner can use it! "

The other people in the hall were also surprised. Many people know that Dan Bloodstone, although it is a very rare ore, is not expensive, but it is completely a tasteless thing. For many strong people, It's useless, it's only useful to the refiner.

Why does Pei Junlin want that thing? Does he want to upgrade his weapon grade?

But not long ago they saw a sword in the hands of Pei Junlin. It was very powerful. Although I didn't know what grade it was, it was also very strong. There was no need to waste such a good opportunity!

Facing the confused and amazement around him, Pei Junlin didn't say anything. What he knows now is enough to make people jealous. If it shows the ability of refining, it is not guaranteed that there will be a strong one. Tie him up and dissect ...

"Cai Shenjiang, you can give it or not. I choose this bloodstone, it definitely has my use!"

Pei Junlin simply said: "The lord of a dazzling city of overlords, with powerful powers, is also a great power of the gods. Lingdan, Baodan and whatever else, just a piece of ore, should not even give such a thing. Excuse me? "

Cai Shen drew the corners of his mouth, and his face was black: "Boy, you really are a dog biting Lu Dongbin and don't know people's hearts, old man, it's all for you! Since you're so stubborn, I'll do as you wish ! "

"Go to the logistics department later and get your own things!"

Pei Junlin then smiled and hugged, "Thank you Cai Shenjiang!"

"Well, why did I suddenly discover that this time, everyone didn't have the spirit crystal in the loot?"

Suddenly, at this time Xia Houping whispered: "Do n’t we all say that the demons in this tiankeng world, the most important cultivation resource is that Lingjing? After this battle, do n’t say that you got Lingjing, even None of Ling Jing's face was encountered! "

As soon as this word came to an end, the lively hall suddenly became quiet. Everyone you look at me and you look at you, showing a look of enlightenment.

But isn't it? After such a war, it seems that everyone has not received the most important cultivation resource of the demon race-Lingjing. You must know that in the Tiankeng knowledge class, the knowledge imparted is that Lingjing's reserves are extremely rich. There are countless spiritual pulses. On the contrary, there are very few things like elixir. For nothing else, it is too complicated to make elixir!

Although the effect is very strong, the energy contained is very pure, which is very helpful to improve cultivation. It is far better than ordinary spirit crystals. Just as there are very few alchemists in humans, there are very few demons in the demon tribe who will alchemy.

The final result of this is that Lingjing, which has a large storage capacity, has become a cultivation resource in its place. Although the energy contained in Lingjing is not as pure as the elixir, it is faster and more convenient. .

In the war between humans and demons, some of the cultivation resources such as Lingjing will naturally be obtained. Some people try to practice with Lingjing and find that although it is worse than the elixir, it is just as the intelligence on the demons said. Very fast and convenient.

In this way, there are more and more warriors using spiritual crystals on the human side. Of course, the demand for elixir is also very large, and it is still in short supply. After all, elixir belongs to high-end products, unless it encounters that extreme Pure Lingjing, otherwise the status of the elixir is unshakable!

"I don't know!"

Seeing that everyone was in a confused state of mind, Cai Shen explained, "The other day, Hei Jincheng heard that there was a problem with the veins, which was invaded by some terrible mysterious creature, causing the poisonous mist to wanton. Many demons have been injured, and Ling Jing has also been caught! "

Everyone was in shock, and then everyone sat down and talked about some other things. Pei Junlin and others left and left. After more than a minute, a group of people came to the logistics department.

This is the place where all people's resources are replenished. The most important thing is to be guarded by strict guards.

When Pei Junlin and others arrived, they found that the logistics department covering a very large area was overcrowded. A famous man in military uniform with blood on his body apparently ran to the logistics department to redeem points resources before he had time to clean up.

Looking at a soldier in front of him, even with endless exhaustion and blood stains, he was full of anticipation, and the arrogant celebrants who had talked and laughed all the way closed their mouths.

In fact, this group of soldiers is the one who deserves the most respect and admiration. Each of them is not strong, and even many of them are ordinary people. But for the country and the nation, they still rush to the battlefield without hesitation. At the forefront of the battle, use flesh and blood to fight against the powerful demon clan, and prevent waves of monster army attacks.

These ordinary soldiers also have families and relatives ...

An inexplicable emotion writhed in the hearts of everyone, such as Pei Junlin, and finally began to line up.

In the meantime, some soldiers recognized Pei Junlin and others, giving way one by one with awe and worship, but were quickly stopped by Pei Junlin and others and lined up in order.

After more than half an hour, they came to the window and took out the points certificate and various loot.

As for the complete demon body obtained by Pei Junlin, it was taken back by Cai Shen. A complete demon body was of great research value to human beings.

Seeing Pei Junlin and others carrying extraordinary loot one by one, the personnel in charge of the logistics department were shocked, with a little awe, and asked what resources need to be exchanged. When speaking, they handed them out by the way An exchange order.

The above listed in detail a variety of cultivation resources, elixir, weapons, exercises, rare treasures, natural treasures, etc., countless, it is amazing that the national resource bank is indeed the national resource bank, it is indeed huge and terrible .

Of course, the more precious training resources, the more points you need.

For example, if an ordinary primary elixir only needs five points, then an advanced elixir needs an astonishing 500 points. The best elixir is 5,000 points. As for the elixir, it reaches an amazing 50,000 points!

The huge amount of points needed for the exchange, even Pei Junlin was stunned. He added all the trophies this time and got a little over 100,000. If converted, he can only redeem two miracles.

Pei Junlin thought that if Lingdan was cheap, then he tried to exchange two and see if it could help him break through the divine realm, but at the moment it was to dispel this idea.

Isn't it just a mediocre spirit? With his current practice, as long as there are enough medicinal materials, it may be refined, so why waste so many points.

When he thought of it, he put it into action. Pei Junlin searched the information in his head. He asked for paper and pen to quickly lie down in the window and write about it. Within a short time, he listed hundreds of exotic herbs and precious elixir.

His strange behavior attracted the curiosity of monks who abstained from the monks, Leng Shuangshuang, and others. When they saw the dense rows of herbal names, they immediately widened their eyes and were surprised: "Pei Junlin, Do n’t you want to make a panacea? ”

Ever knowing that Pei Junlin is the lord of Danzong ~ ~ It is not surprising that Pei Junlin will refine alchemy, everyone is curious about what level of elixir Pei Junlin is going to make.

After all, based on their current practice, ordinary elixir does not work at all. Even the best elixir can only help restore the energy consumed. Want to use elixir to break through the divine realm, and elixir above the level of elixir. No!

It ’s just that Lingtan is so easy to make. There are not many alchemists who can make elixir in Huaxia Kingdom today. It ’s rare to be able to make the best elixir, let alone the higher elixir. Level of elixir!

In this regard, Pei Junlin only smiled slightly: "Temporary confidentiality!"

He handed the list of required medicinal materials to the person in charge. Soon, a variety of elixir was redeemed. Of course, the points consumed were also amazing.

It was just at this time that the accident happened, and the person in charge of the exchange apologized and said, "Little brother, I'm really sorry, you need three elixir on this list, all of which are treasures only in the world of Tiankeng. , There is no inventory in the resource library. I am afraid that it cannot be exchanged for a while, or should you replace it with something else? "

Pei Junlin's eyes widened. Isn't this a joke, how can you change the medicine needed for refining, and all three are the most precious elixir!

However, since people said that there was no more, he had no choice but to bring regret. First, he took other medicinal materials into the space ring first. For these cherished herbs, it cost him nearly 70,000 points, and 100,000 points in a flash. There are thirty thousand left.

Suddenly, what did Pei Junlin think of and asked: "You said just now that these three shortages of elixir are all treasures in the world of tiankeng. Do you know the specific locations of these elixir?"

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