Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 207: Natural honeydew (1)

What is the concept of a three-point increase in elixir of elixir? !!

People who do n’t know elixir may not know it, thinking it ’s just a very ordinary number, but in the eyes of experts who really understand the nature of elixir, it ’s definitely a big deal!

Looking at both the color and the medicinal fragrance in front of the Qi and Blood Pills in the ordinary period, Dongfang Ao and Wan Miaozhen's heart beat faster, and they are not ordinary people. Whether in terms of vision or insight, Far beyond what anyone can do, naturally look farther!

Although the two medicinal materials that Pei Junlin needed to replace before were slightly more expensive than the two medicinal materials before Qixuedan, all this was drizzle compared to the three-point increase in medicinal effect!

The price of Qixuedan which can improve the three-point effect can be at least doubled, and more importantly, Qixuedan is a popular drug widely used in martial arts, whether it is a warrior or not. Or it may be used by practitioners, even some wealthy celebrities and wealthy children.

The word qi and blood has a wide range of uses. Every mortal, from the warrior down to the secular world, is closely related. Taking qi and blood Dan Wuzhe can increase physical quality. Ordinary people can also strengthen the body and prolong life.

Luo Danzong occupies a large part of the profits created by Qixuedan every year. Now if the improved Qixuedan is promoted, the income statement is enthusiastic, and the profit created is definitely an astronomical figure.

He looked at Pei Junlin, who was devoted to improving Danfang in front of him. At this moment, the two people, Dongfang Ao and Wan Miaozhen, no longer had any doubts, and replaced them with a strong awe.

东方 At the moment, Dongfang Ao held his fist and told Pei Junlin the benefits of the improved Qixuedan one by one. After hearing the profit of over one billion yuan, Julia and Li Chaoran standing aside were also shocked.

However, beyond everyone's expectations, Pei Junlin only murmured softly after hearing the billion-dollar profit: "Is that so?"

This murmur everyone heard in the entire room, and the elder's heart trembled suddenly, his legs were weak, and the profit of these billions was not much, so what is more?

Dongfang Ao and Wan Miaozhen also trembled heartily and looked at each other silently. It seems that although they have always looked at this new suzerain, they still seem to be underestimated ...

Among all the people present, except for Julia's understanding of Pei Junlin's identity, even Li Chaoran didn't know it well. She only knew that Pei Junlin was from Jiangbei, and she didn't even know that Pei Junlin was married.

Because Li Chaoran is not the kind of person who likes to investigate other people, especially this object is the elder brother and boss he has always admired, that is a great disrespect!

"Oriental pride, what you said just now reminded me that now that I am the master of a case, naturally I need to give everyone benefits!"

With a gaze in his eyes, Pei Jun Lin rubbed his chin slowly.

"Sovereign, what you are doing now is already the greatest benefit for the entire Danzong. On behalf of thousands of children in Danzong, I am grateful for your great grace!"

Dongfang Ao said with sincerity and sincerity. This is really the truth. The improvement of Dan Fang by Pei Junlin is definitely a great thing that will benefit Danzong from generation to generation. !!

Who ever thought, Pei Junlin waved slowly: "No, no, no !!!! This improvement of Dan Fang is just my hand. Since I am not going to do it, I will definitely not do it, but if I do , Then one thing must be perfect! "

"Well ... have it! I thought of the most suitable elixir ... No, this elixir is not strictly an elixir, but a potion. But it will be stronger than this modified Qixuedan! "

What is more effective than modified Qixuedan? !!

Pei Junlin dropped a word, and the hearts of Dongfang Ao, Wan Miaozhen, Julia, Li Chaoran, and the elder who stood around them beating fiercely.

The effect of this improved Qixuedan has almost doubled. Once launched, it will certainly explode the entire martial arts world and even the mundane world. Now, Pei Junlin has even more powerful treasures than this improved one. Are they scared?

"Dare to ask the lord, this elixir ... uh, what's the name of this potion?" Wan Miaozhen was careful, Rao's well-informed calmness at the moment, she felt a heart beating now, looking In front of Pei Junlin, Zhang Junmei's face was like a god, with a fascination.

I hate that she is a little older. If she is 20 years younger, she will not let go of such a wicked genius!

"The name of this potion is-fortune nectar!"

Pei Junlin slowly said, everyone heard that their hearts were shaking again, the name ... really really domineering!

No one noticed that when Pei Junlin said the name, the whole person's mind appeared a moment of hesitation.

This natural nectar is one of the unique magic potions in the Linglong Pavilion where he lived in the last life!

At that time, he was brought to the Thousands of Worlds by Master Linglong Goddess and lived in the Linglong Pavilion. The name of the Linglong Pavilion is famous throughout the Thousands of Worlds. Its reputation is known throughout the heavens, although its children are not the most. , But all of them are the kind of elite who have a thousand miles to choose from, with extremely powerful fighting power!

And all of this is inseparable from a special magic medicine-forged nectar!

Good fortune manna is one of the unique magic medicines of Linglong Pavilion. Its effect is to improve one's physical quality and even the foundation, making the human body more suitable for spiritual practice. Every disciple of Linglong Pavilion has taken this good fortune. Laid a strong physical foundation since childhood.

Due to his excellent qualifications and powerful fighting power, the last **** Pei Junlin was very much loved by the exquisite master goddess. Therefore, the exquisite goddess passed it down, and he also passed on the recipe of this dew to the honeydew.

Now, since Pei Junlin decided to develop his own power based on Danzong, he naturally thought of the magical medicine, such as manna.

However, there are several divine medicines in the recipes of Nature Manna. I am afraid that it is impossible to find them on earth today, so it is impossible to perfect the Nature Manna. But this is not much for Pei Junlin. event.

He has a wealth of Dan Dao accomplishments. Even if the perfect natural manna is not configured, it is absolutely no problem to configure a three-point effect.

With the powerful energy of making manna, even if it has only three points of efficacy, it is definitely one of the subversive magic drugs on the earth today, enough!

"Oriental pride, I will give you three days, and you will prepare some medicines for me, blue blood moonflower, kofusa, passion fruit, millennial ginseng, Dendrobium candidum ..."

Pei Junlin successively named the names of thirty or forty kinds of herbs, and basically each of them is a precious medicine, which is expensive and requires as many as possible. Some of them, even Danzong, do not have much inventory. I was frightened, but did not hesitate to take the lead. Dan Zong's powerful heritage was revealed at this moment, otherwise it would not be possible to change into an ordinary family.

"Wan Miaozhen, your task is to find an old spring water with excellent water quality and no impurities in this place of Danzong. At the same time, help me to make the best magic tools and props needed by Spirit Circle. I want Arrange the formation, it is also three days! "

Pei Junlin simply issued two serious instructions and stated that this is the key to whether Danzong can become a super power in the future. No one can afford to lose. Both Dongfang Ao and Wan Miaozhen took the lead to leave quickly.

After everyone left, Pei Junlin, Julia, and Li Chaoran remained in the room. Looking at Pei Junlin sitting behind the table and devoting himself to improving Dan Fang, Li Chaoran finally couldn't help but said, "Boss, what ... … Is the natural nectar more powerful than the modified Qixuedan? "

Pei Junlin looked up: "Of course, there is nothing to cheat!"

超 Li Chaoran showed shock, his eyes flickered.

As for Julia next to her, her beautiful eyes fell on Pei Junlin's body, and she looked at the handsome and godlike face in front of her. She couldn't help feeling sad when she moved.

Depending on how she suggests initiative, the men in front of him are like a stubborn stone, indifferent. I am afraid that all his tenderness is given to the woman named Wang Ziqiong in Jinling City, Jiangbei ...

You gave me unprecedented shock and brilliance, but how did I put those worldly men into my eyes again? !!

In three days, the fingertips were fleeting. During the three days, the entire Danzong was busy up and down, and Pei Junlin was not idle. In three days, he completely improved the 208 Danzong Danfangs.

There are also 60 missing Danfangs, although the effects of these Danfangs will not be too significant for the time being, but as time goes by, it is like the wings of a butterfly. In the near future, there will be an unprecedented storm!

On this day, a group of people ushered in a canyon in the mountains of Danzonghou Mountain.

Pei Junlin is the person headed by Ji, who is closely followed by Li Chaoran, Julia, Wan Miaozhen, Dongfang Ao, Dong Bao and others.

"Sovereign, the former convenience is the spring I am looking for. I don't know if it is the old spring that is not suitable for you, but according to my investigation, this spring has not been broken since the creation of Danzong for a century ..."

Wan Miaozhen explained to Pei Junlin's uneasiness as she walked. Pei Junlin asked her to look for an old spring water, but where is the real old spring water in this world ~ ~ and it is best to find it near Danzong. Looking around, she suddenly heard that the old man in Zongmen mentioned a spring in this mountain.

虽然 Although this spring water is not big, it has never been broken for a hundred years, and there is no way but to make use of it.

During the conversation, a group of people have reached the location of the spring. As far as I can see, under the cliff of thousands of feet, there is a small pond with a diameter of less than 20 meters. The pond is clear and green, and the bottom can be seen at a glance. In the depths of that pool of water, there was a continuous stream of fine spring water.

"Sovereign, I also know this spring. I used to practice swords here, and sometimes I drink a little when I'm thirsty. This spring is sweet in the mouth and cold into my heart and lungs. Dongfang Ao also said.

"True, let me try first!"

Li Chaoran, who was following Pei Junlin, heard the words and stepped forward.

卧 "Well, this spring water is really good! It's so sweet, so cool! So cool!"

Pei Junlin also squatted down, stretched out her hands, and raised her eyes to taste, her eyes lightened slightly, and she nodded and said, "Yes!"

泉 This spring is a little small, but the texture is really good, and it is continuous all year round. If you are concentrating and concentrating the spiritual energy that gathers for hundreds of miles, it can be regarded as one of the main medicinal materials for making nectar!

Ps: Where are our brothers in the Lang family? With so many people, how can there be so few to vote, to cry without tears! Isn't everyone so disagreeable?

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