Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 203: Execution!

what? !!

At the moment when the Eastern Pride Discourse of the Danzong Suzerain in the sky fell, countless children of the Danzong underneath heard the expressions and changed their faces completely. Many people were even more appalled and exclaimed, which was obviously difficult to accept.

"Zong ... Zongzhu! You ... you are trying to make the old man alive!"

A loud voice filled with unwillingness and despair and rage sounded, and in a large human-shaped pit, a body covered with blood, a figure with a shawl crawling up from the inside, looked up at the sky, and made a snarling roar.

This person is no one else. He is the elder of Danzong and the most important goal of Pei Junlin's revenge.

At the same time, two other human figures in the large pit also crawled out of them. One was the middle-aged beautiful woman who was the deputy sovereign of Danzong, and the other was the guard captain Dong Bao, who was shocking. In one blow, three people were hit hard at the same time as never before. At the moment, they were scarred and painful.

Everyone suffered a serious internal injury, and he didn't know how many bones were broken in his body. At this moment, when he saw Pei Junlin's heroic posture in the void, he couldn't help but feel terrified.

Each of them can hardly accept the facts in front of them. After all, the test was really the most powerful one that brought them together. The three of them and the suzerain Orient Pride, but the three of them were directly hit. Only Dongfang Ao was able to confront Pei Junlin by virtue of the cultivation of the innate four products.

结果 The results of the battle are clear at a glance, and their Danzong lost completely in this battle!


Suddenly, at this moment, the east where Pei Junlin was still confronting in the sky spit a large mouth of scarlet blood proudly, and the whole person fell straight from the air, like a broken kite, attracting countless Danzong below Exclaimed the child.

By the time the Oriental Pride fell, the whole person's face was already pale, his footsteps, and a lot of effort was lost before he could stand. He smiled bitterly and helplessly, gazing at the elder: "Do you think that with me now, Is there strength to protect you? "

Elder Dao and other children of Dan Zong's face changed, and their minds were struck by lightning.

"No! I don't believe it!"

The elder emancipated his hair, like a devil: "I don't believe it will be such a result, Dongfang Pride, do you think that I have overwhelmed your power over the years, so you deliberately hid it, and did not do your best! Otherwise, I do not believe that Dan Zong's four top powers joined forces to beat the bastard! "

As soon as this remark came to an end, many of the children of Danzong's face changed one after another. The elder's remark was definitely the following offense, and he completely despised the dignity of the Lord of the East.

But the weird thing is that at this moment, few people accuse the elders of virtue, and they keep silent one by one, because the oriental pride is too indifferent, and all his energy is immersed in the practice of Kendo. Above all, the large and small things in the ancestral gate are basically handed over to the elder and the deputy.

Although Wan Miaozhen, the deputy suzerain, is good, but his ability to handle affairs is somewhat inferior to that of the elder. Over time, almost half of Danzong's power has fallen into the hands of the elder.

For this reason, the elders have such a mad behavior, dare to challenge the majesty of the Lord who is proud of the East.

"Xu Yanchang, haven't I given you too much rights and trust these years, so that you have drifted away! Who gave you such courage and questioned this seat in public?"

Angrily exploded, Dongfang Ao's face was irritated with trembling and trembling, it seemed to be completely enraged by the words of the elder.

"In recent years, although I have rarely asked about Danzong, don't assume that I don't know the ugly things you did! You rely on your rights and consume internal resources, refining various elixir for yourself, so Strengthen yourself! "

"It's understandable. Even if I knew it, I opened it and closed it, but you? It got worse. Three years ago, I didn't even know about it, I agreed to the invitation of Snow Temple, and then Going alone! "

"I gradually learned afterwards that in order to get on the line of Snow Shrine, you even deceived the outside forces and carried out a brutal massacre!"

"Then you get rich rewards from the Snow Shrine and practice some of the powerful tricks they gave you. Unexpectedly, it leads to fire and magic. Every other month you need a young and beautiful woman to neutralize the flames in the body. Suffering, and the women you spoiled all turned into a dead body! "

Buzz! !! !!

With the ugliness of the elder elder in the East, many of Dan Zong's children's faces gradually changed, and the eyes of the elder were full of fear and unbelievable.

It seems that these children of Danzong did not expect that an elder elder with a good eyebrow and a good-looking elder would make such a scandalous desolation, which is a subversion of many people!

至 As for the elder, the whole person is already trembling, I don't know if he is angry or shocked, or both, and roared: "Oriental pride, don't let your blood blow out!"

Dongfang proudly sneered: "I blew my blood, the Blood Guard listened to the orders, and arrested dialects, Chen Jun, Zuo Hui, Xu Qian, Yan Fang, etc. on the spot.


Among the crowded children of Danzong, a guard wearing a dark red uniform, the dragon and tiger guards did not know where they suddenly came out. These people were all composed of grand masters. Although the number was not large, There are only more than 30 people, but the momentum does not know how many times stronger than the ordinary guards, the fierce spirit is permeated, but it is a true ace team!

Although none of the headed people is an innate powerhouse, and the strongest person is just a master Jiupin, the fierce air on him is even more terrifying than the general innate powerhouse!

刚 As soon as this group of teams appeared, the speed of rapid development began. The wolves entered the flock and rushed into the crowded team. The screams, roars, and cries rang into a sudden, and the crowd was chaotic.

Some even exclaimed, "Blood Guard! The legendary Blood Guard!"

"Unexpectedly, the legend really exists!"

The Blood Guard, since Dan Zong was founded, has always been your most mysterious team. It is rumored that this entire Dan Zong belongs to the Dan Zong suzerain and is a private guard. For many years, it has only been ordered by the Dan Zong suzerain. , Others cannot command.

Many of Dan Zong's children are just a legend. They have never seen the legendary Blood Guards at all. I did not expect that they actually saw it today.

Seeing the members of the Blood Guards, they arrested men and women on the spot by thunderous means. During this period, some people were resisting, but they were quickly knocked down by the Blood Guards, and they showed no mercy. Countless children of Danzong were scared and pale, with a terrified expression.

Soon, in less than five minutes, when everything calmed down, more than a dozen men and women had been surrendered to the ground in front of the Blood Guards. These people were all the elders' minions. I did n’t know to replace the elders on weekdays. How many dirty things have been done.

"Xu Yanchang, what else do you have now?"

Dongfang's piercing voice sounded. At this moment, he completely revealed the power that a suzerain should have, and the means emerged. The chassis was one after another. Every move was like a mountain of heavy attack. He severely bombarded the hearts of the elders and all his children. .

Until this time, each of the children of Danzong realized that Dongfang Pride, who seemed to be indifferent to the world, usually turned out to be a real superior. If he didn't, he would be shocked when he shot, and the elders who were attacked were caught off guard!

But just think about it. If Dongfang Ao didn't have any skill, it would not become the suzerain of the Sect of the Dan, which is the hegemon of any party in the past. Which one is silly and sweet?

"Elder, help!"

"We are young and we don't want to die yet!"

"Don't you promise us, will you be rich and rich in life?"

The arrested children of Dan Zong, one by one, yelled and looked embarrassed.

The elder grandmother was a dead chicken, and his lonely face was already soaked with blood, and he could not see the true expression. Suddenly, he gave out a sharp laugh, and there was a hint of desolation in the laughter.

"It's planted! My husband has planted it! Dongfang Ao, it's the old man who despised you. You are the most sinister person. You deceived everyone, just like the poisonous snake in the abyss. If you don't, it's necessary. Kill! "

"It's not wrong to die this time!"

"Come on! Let's do it! Send my husband the last trip!"

I didn't expect that Dongfang Ao slowly shook his head: "No! The person who killed you is not me. You have such an ending today, it is entirely your own fault!"

"The cycle of heavenly principles, retribution for cause and effect, is not the time to fail!"

"Since three years ago, when you took the initiative to join the line of Snow Shrine, I have found a hidden world expert who has calculated a hexagram for our Dan Zongming, and the answer is that my Dan Zong is fortune and misfortune. Guaxiang! "

"I asked the senior how to overcome this difficulty, and the senior gave me a sentence: Let it be, don't force it!"

"So I have been retreating in secret all these years, waiting for today's arrival!"

"I didn't expect that Guaxiang was fulfilled so quickly! Xu Yanchang, you have buried the bane for greed, so the person who killed you yourself today should be Mr. Pei!"

Dongfang arrogantly turned back and looked at the direction behind him. There, somehow, Pei Junlin, Li Chaoran, and Julia were already standing there ~ ~ quietly watching this game play.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Pei Junlin applauded gently and stepped forward. A pair of black eyes looked at the look indifferent, humble and polite Oriental Pride, and admired: "The majestic posture! The majestic posture! Plan and control, and have control! The Oriental sovereign, you Let me refresh your impression! "

"You are very good!"

Dongfang proudly stooped slightly, humbly, "Let Mr. Pei laugh!"

Pei Junlin stepped over the Oriental Pride bent and bowed his head, and stood in front of the blood-scared, elder elder elder: "Xu Yanchang, I will just ask you, my heart, you really grafted to the sacred girl of the Snow Temple On me ?! "

He seemed to know that he would die, and the elder elder laughed out loud: "Since you already know, why waste your tongue?"

"I tell you, you killed me today, and naturally someone will avenge me!"

"You probably do n’t know yet. The sacred girl of the Snow Temple has confessed to me that I have become a righteous father since I cured her congenital disease. Do you say that my righteous father is dead, will she as a daughter Let me go, haha! "


The blood covered the laugh of the elder. Pei Junlin took a hand-knife and cut off the head of the elder with his scarlet blood on his body. His expression was endlessly cold and biting: " No need for the so-called maiden to come to me, I will naturally look for her! "

然后 "Then ask her, is the young master's heart used well ?!"

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