Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 202: Bow down

At this moment, when I heard that Dongfang Ao really wanted to use a trick and Pei Junlin to win or lose, and after losing, he directly took off the position of the suzerain, and the elder's face changed completely! And it's upheaval!

"Master, you can't be fooled by that kid! He's deliberately setting you a trap!"

The elder exclaimed directly, at the same time, the middle-aged beautiful woman and Dong Biao were also anxious and began to persuade.

This bet is too big, it is directly related to the fate of thousands of children of Dan Zong, and they can't help but care.

Although they knew that the swordsmanship of Sovereign Oriental Pride was very strong, as long as he had not inherited the position of Danzong 30 years ago, Dongfang Pride vowed to become a peerless swordsman. The swordplay was more preferred since childhood, and in Kendo It's very talented.

But unfortunately, the previous Dan suzerain did not have to give the burden of the Dan suzerain to the Oriental Pride. As the famous Dan suzerain, he would be laughed at if he would not have the spell. I can only temporarily give up my favorite Kendo practice and learn to use it instead.

His talent is really outstanding, not only in kendo, but also in the art of magic, very much loved by the previous monarch. After so many years, several people who are close to Dongfang Ao know that Dongfang Ao did not abandon her favorite swordsmanship, but became more obsessed.

What was unexpected was that Dongfang Ao dared to place such a big bet against Pei Junlin!

All of a sudden, the elder elder, the middle-aged beautiful woman, and Dong Bao jumped!

"Haha, Dongfang Pride, just by your words, I have changed a lot about your senses! It is a man, indeed a master of a suspense!"

A long laugh sounded, and in the void Pei Junlin laughed loudly at the Oriental Pride: "Also, since you are so happy, then I make an oath, as long as your sword can defeat me, then Pei Shura said nothing, Willing to give up all the grudges this time! At the same time, vowed never to step into Danzong again! "

At this moment, heaven and earth were silent, leaving only two figures in the sky facing each other. The momentum of their bodies was an unfathomable sea, seemingly calm, but it was rough in the depths. I do n’t know what kind of terror energy it contains. .

One is more and more powerful and prosperous. The mana of his body is burning like a flame. The sword energy is empty, like a scorching sun, the light is shining.

The nine-layer mantra of swordsmanship is all about the potential. One sword is shocking, and the sword is bright and cold.

Nine layers of swordsmanship, moving the mountain, falling the sea, breaking the river, destroying the city, descending the demon, the town demons, the gods, picking the stars, and opening the sky, each layer has the power of the demon, which belongs to the real demon sword The law is not in this world!

Even when Pei Junlin was in the midst of the world, he did not thoroughly study these nine levels of mantra swords. Only the seventh level was studied. The remaining two levels were to pick stars and open the sky. It requires great opportunity to understand. .

But based on the first seven layers of peerless swordsmanship, Pei Junlin has cut off the heads of countless gods, killed the blood of the dead mountains, and turned the bones into mountains. Therefore, he is also sincere to the beacon lord who taught swordsmanship. admire.

At this moment, even if there is no peerless immortal sword in hand, when Pei Junlin runs the nine-layer mantra of sword of truth, a long-lost tremor pervades the whole body and penetrates the deepest part of the soul.

The situation is like a veteran on the battlefield. After years of absence, he returned to the familiar battlefield and picked up the weapons that accompanied him for many years. The excitement and excitement are beyond words.

In the void, Pei Junlin felt the trembling and excitement in his body, and couldn't help but sing softly.

"The flood and wasteland, the vast galaxy, with the purple sword coming from the east!"

"Moving mountains and moving mountains, breaking rivers and rivers, destroying the city, dropping demons and demons, sacrifice gods to pick stars, the last sword opens the sky!"

"From now on, make peace!"


As Pei Junlin began to sing and sing and dance in the void, the sound of thunder was suddenly heard in the clear sky, as if the consciousness between the heavens and the earth had noticed the emergence of a magical method not belonging to this world. Therefore, with warning, thunder roared, thunder bursts.

In the distance, the elders and middle-aged beautiful women who had been nervously watching the situation changing in the middle of the battlefield, Dong Bao, all changed their faces. The elders were the first to issue a roar, and the whole body's mana broke out!

They are the top powerhouses at the human level. They have long produced a very powerful light of the soul. As long as anything that threatens their body appears, the light of the mind will give a strong warning!

At this moment, when Pei Junlin danced out of the nine-character mantra, the elders and others who had been watching closely in the distance immediately raised a terrifying sense of danger, and the situation was as if they were suddenly deep into a prehistoric monster. Eyes are staring, my heart is pounding!

Such terrifying and terrifying psychological signs have never been felt even in the body of the suzerain, Dongfang Ao!

"Don't be dazed, let's go together! Otherwise, we must all die!"

The elder roared, his body's mana burned directly, and the entire human body burst into an unprecedented speed, turning into a large humanoid fireball. One shot was an all-out killing blow, and he rushed to the opposite Pei Junlin!

On both sides, the faces of the middle-aged beautiful woman and Dongfang Ao were uncertain. In the end, they both gritted their teeth. The whole body's true mana broke out, and with a burst of thunder, they rushed up. Everyone was the most powerful attack. Method!

After all, this battle is about the fate of thousands of children in the entire Danzong, even if Dongfang Ao made the bet and Pei Junlin to make a gambling agreement, but what?

The entire Danzong is not the world of Dongfang Ao, they are qualified to think about Danzong's future!

As long as they can kill Pei Junlin, it doesn't matter if they accept punishment afterwards!

And just as the elder, the middle-aged beautiful woman, and Dong Bao launched the raid, the Oriental Pride in the middle of the battlefield finally gained momentum. Originally, his calm and voluminous body surface suddenly burst into hundreds and thousands. Amazing sword energy, soaring into the sky!

"Bai Hugeng golden sword, one sword cuts through all ages!"

"Sword move-White Tiger soars!"

It seems like the magnificent trend of the dyke, river, lake, and lake. Dongfang proudly moves the three-foot green front in his hands. There is a white body behind him. The fierce white tiger vision of the king of beasts emerges out of thin air. The monstrous, made a white tiger soaring stance, pounced on the opposite Pei Junlin!


At the same time, the attacks of the elders, middle-aged beautiful women, and Dong Bao who rushed all around were also killed. The combination of the fire blade, golden light, and boxing was really chilling!

This is a joint blow that brings together the entire Danzong four names, the real dragon and the strong, and they are all must-kill methods. The repair of congenital three products is Dong Bao's weakest and quite congenital one product!

Such a powerful camp united and shot together. Even the top powerhouses of the top five products have some fights, and if they are not careful, they will be hit hard!

Dongfang Ao noticed that the elders and others were doing their own hands. However, his sword strokes have been issued. At this moment, it is too late to close his hands, and he can only roar out, "Pei Junlin, you retreat!"

But it was already too late. The elder elder expressed his lingering intention of Ling Yan's killing, and held a huge fire blade sickle in his hands!

"Someone reinvented the sword today, imitating the sword sword of the past!"

"The name of the swordsmanship-moving mountains!"

At this moment, the singing in Pei Junlin's mouth just stopped. Under the eyes of countless eyes, he did not retreat, his momentum rose steadily, just like a **** came to the world, unstoppable!

The flaming flame of his sword in his hand soared again and again by three feet, turning it into a huge sword that opened up the world, and attacked the four Danzong strongmen from the assault, and chopped off!

This sword cannot be described in words with stunningness, as if Mars hit the earth, the roaring sound exploded in the entire void, the energy of the heavens and the earth boiled, and a wave of horrible energy seemed to be raging waves, spreading all around.

This made thousands of people watching the battle below, each of them can not help but be creepy and chilling, fortunately it is in the sky, if it is on the ground, I am afraid that the entire yard will be lifted out, even the Yin and Yang upside down The array will also be uprooted and completely damaged!

Then, countless eyes are staring at the boiling energy center in the sky, waiting for the final answer to be revealed, because everyone understands the success or failure at this instant!

Below the Quartet Tower, Li Chaoran was holding a Medicine Pavilion in his hand, and stood with Julia. At the moment, the two of them were staring blankly into the void, anxiously awaiting the final battle result.

And with the anxious waiting of countless eyes, in the boiling void, a **** figure suddenly flew backward, like a meteor across the sky, flying all the way with blood rain, crashing down On hard ground.

We have n’t waited for everyone to see the appearance of that figure, and then the second figure with blood all over again appeared, and then the third one. These three figures were almost in a shell-like posture, descending from the sky one after another. The void in the height of 100 meters fell, the earth shook, and three human-shaped deep pits appeared.

"It's the elders, the deputy monarch, and Captain Dong!"

The crowd exclaimed, and someone with sharp eyes recognized the identity of the three silhouettes falling from the sky.

As soon as this word came down, the faces of all the children of Dan Zong changed!

Could it be that they have failed to lose?

how can that be? !!

At this time ~ ~ The boiling energy afterglow in the sky gradually dissipated, revealing the real battle situation. I saw the void, and two figures were facing away.

Pei Junlin and Danzong Sovereign were tens of meters apart and stared at each other. Both had ragged clothes on their bodies and scarlet blood on the corners of their mouths. Obviously, the shock of the world just now paid a small price!

This made Dan Zong's children, who were already apprehensive and uneasy, could not help but raise the light of hope. It turned out that their Dan Zong had not been defeated, and the sovereign, Dongfang Ao, was still on the battlefield!

At the same time, many children of Danzong are thinking, even if that Pei Junlin is extremely powerful, Danzong brings together the four top powerhouses to fight, which is enough to block all the crimes!

"Mr. Pei, my Danzong ... I lost!"

However, when all the children of Danzong were full of hope, they could hear Dongfang Ao in the sky slowly speaking to Pei Junlin: "This battle I completely lost Danzong! As long as you have the ability to make my children of Danzong convinced , Then the ancestor of Danzong will be named Pei in the future! "

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