Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1994: Half Immortal Land

"But why this place only allows the soul to enter here, but the flesh **** cannot enter here, why is this?" Pei Jun was curious and couldn't help asking the girl.

There is an ambiguous breath flowing between the two now. For this kind of girl who is in love, Junlin knows to strike while the iron is hot. If you let the other party calm down and think about today's things carefully, the other party may have some other ideas.

Therefore, at this time, Pei Junlin must lay down the opponent and hold the girl tightly in his hand, so that he will not be completely passive in the future.

"Of course only the primordial spirit needs to enter, because people are such a filthy body, they can't hide here at all." The girl seemed to be a little absent from Yu Pei Junlin's words, her face flushed, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Pei Junlin is a little confused about his current situation. It is reasonable to say that he came here only to enter here in the original sound, but now I feel that his physical body really exists. Although this is an illusion, Pei Junlin But it seems to be a little different.

Not everything can come up with an answer. Now that the situation is urgent, Pei Junlin doesn’t want to talk nonsense. He wants to get this girl done quickly. Although the methods are a bit despicable, there is no way now. After all, before saving his sister-in-law Wang Ziyu Pei Junlin, he didn't want to make troubles.

"You shouldn't tell me about this matter. I took this bottle as a first aid person. I can assure you that once I save someone, I will return this bottle intact." Pei Junlin Said vowedly.

This is not a complete lie. Although this bottle is a good thing, it is not very impatient for Pei Junlin. After all, there are many things in his body that can be stronger than this treasure.

Hearing Pei Junlin's vowed words, the girl shook her head year after year, shaking her head like a rattle, and said with a sorrowful expression on her face: "You don't have to worry about LeEco Dunzi's relationship with Na Jiang Taixu. I will remember you as a small person. As long as I don't tell you, you can take this bottle away smoothly. It's just hateful, Jiang Taixu, it was a waste of Master's friendship with him. He was so calculating."

Pei Junlin's nerves jumped again, and he didn't expect that Jiang Taixu and the woman really had a leg. This Jiang Taixu really has a hand, and his own strength is very strong. Needless to say, he even colluded with the fairies of the fairy world. This matter is intangible, and the experience of these days has opened the career of Pei Junlin. Let him know something that he couldn't know at all.

"Thank you, then, I will leave soon. If not, I am afraid that I will not be so lucky if someone else finds out. By the way, Miss Luluo, do we have a chance to meet in the future?" Looking at the girl expectantly.

Young girls are passionate, especially girls who first meet a man like this kind of love, and Pei Junlin, a love veteran, can naturally figure out the other party's mind clearly.

Sure enough, when Pei Junlin said a word, the Luluo girl's eyes were a little blurred, looking at Pei Junlin's expression, she was a little bit reluctant to accompany her, and then said: "There will definitely be a chance to meet in the future, I hope you don't forget me , Don’t forget, I will tell you today."

Pei Junlin was surprised and delighted that today was finally passed. He turned to look on the shelf and found that there were many bottles and jars on the shelf. These should be filled with top-notch medicines, Pei Jun Lin was a little greedy in his heart, but he couldn't take all these things away in front of the other girl.

Although Pei Junlin planned to leave here, some people refused to agree. At this time, the golden master in the Chaos Golden Fight suddenly roared at Pei Junlin: "You should know that if you leave like this, it is a waste, you know? Corruption and waste, a great crime, With so many pills in front of you, if you didn't take them away, you simply missed this big opportunity."

Hearing Jin Ye's roar, Pei Junlin couldn't move. After all, these medicines could not be refined with his current strength, and many of the top medicines of these medicines should be very good for him.

"If you take one thing, you take those things, and also take poems that I miss you. People shouldn't care. I will take all these ammunition away. What do you think?" Pei Junlin suddenly turned around and looked at the Luluo girl cheeky Said.


Unprepared, Miss Luluo was shocked when she heard Pei Junlin say this, with an incredible look on her face. It was a long time before he nodded slowly: "Don't walk through the hall when you go out later. After turning out from this window, go around the back mountain and return to the outside of the pavilion. Remember not to make any noises, or you will be found by this mountain-patrolling spirit beast, and no one will be able to save you."

Luluo wanted to leave after speaking, but she couldn't bear to reach out into her sleeve and found a sachet, and handed it to Pei Junlin with a crimson face: "I made this thing by myself, using the fairy grass from the immortal world. It’s made, it’s good for you to wear it!"

Luluo said that she couldn't have any reaction from Pei Junlin, so she dropped the sachet and turned around and left. Pei Junlin saw that the sachet had been received in his arms without any expression on his face. When he turned and looked back, a benefit spread, and all the bottles and cans in the whole house suddenly swept towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin almost emptied this house, but the look on his face was still unfinished, because everything here is a treasure. You know, this is the realm that was once ruled by the fairy world, although the fairy world is now broken. , But this place is still intact. Some things here still preserve the integrity of the fairy world.

But Junlin Pei also knew that he could not be too greedy. The girl Luluo had warned him before, and it would be ugly at that time, so Pei Junlin could only turn out the window and start walking along the route guided by Luluo. Go ahead.

Pei Junlin walked all the way cautiously, not daring to let out the atmosphere, and tightly obeyed the request of Luluo girl, not daring to make any sound, but when Pei Junlin was about to go down the mountain, suddenly a peculiar looking beast appeared. In front of Jun Pei.

When Pei Junlin saw this creature, he was also stunned, because this creature is not the legendary tall and mighty mountain guardian beast, but a dog, a very small dog, and what this dog looks like. The appearance is extremely beautiful, at first glance it is the kind of pet that the owner loves.

Pei Junlin was looking at the puppy, and the puppy was also looking at Pei Junlin. Just when the dog was about to open his mouth and bark loudly, Pei Junlin did it. Don’t let this kind of news leak at this time. Even if the dog was brutally eliminated, Pei Junlin said no.

But as soon as he shot Pei Junlin, he knew that he was wrong. Although this dog was small, the power contained in it was not small. When Pei Junlin reached out and grabbed it, he was taken over by the dog's life. Zhangkou bit towards Pei Junlin's wrist.

Pei Junlin's surprise was no small thing, because he had never seen a puppy with such a sensitive sacred weapon, and the speed and strength were extremely amazing.

One person and one dog fight for several rounds, Pei Junlin can clearly see the playful look in this dog's eyes. Pei Junlin instantly understands that this dog is teasing herself, and she did not try her best so that Pei Junlin has a better heart. Strong sense of frustration.

Just a few rounds, Pei Junlin felt a little weak, and Pei Junlin was in danger several times during the few rounds.

Unexpectedly, a dog in this half-immortal world had such strength, so that Pei Junlin had an expression of incomparable guilt and panic in his heart. A dog is entangled here and cannot escape. Pei Junlin is angry and hateful. Although he really wants to kill the dog, but his strength is not allowed at all. Even if Jin Ye takes action, it will not be able to cause this dog. Any harm.

Suddenly Pei Junlin saw the dog opened his mouth, and a whirlpool appeared in front of him. It was a familiar breath of reincarnation. Pei Junlin did not realize that this dog had a relationship with the legendary person. Pei Junlin's vertical eyes opened, and six vortexes of reincarnation also appeared.

The whirlpool shrouded and merged with the breath of reincarnation in this puppy. Pei Junlin and the dog stared at them with big eyes, but soon felt a hint of threat in the game, because the dog's body was getting bigger and the momentum of the whole body was also rapidly expanding.

Only then did Pei Junlin know that he had missed the sight. The mountain-patrolling spirit beast he thought must be tall and mighty, but he didn't expect it to be such a pug. UU reading www.uukānshu. com

And it's such a simple dog, Pei Junlin knows whether he is the opponent of the other party, the frustration in his heart is indescribable, and at this time Pei Junlin hardly has any power to resist, just the dog's bark, Pei King's Landing felt trembling all over, unable to resist.

At this moment, there was a beating from the mountain road behind him, and Pei Junlin turned his head to see Luluo coming over. This dog-speed Luluo was suitable, and her voice began to shrink quickly, and then, like an ordinary puppy, happily ran towards Luluo, completely forgetting Pei Junlin.

"Hurry up, time is running out, I think the chess game over there should be over soon." Luluo's face was full of nervousness, that was to replace Pei Junlin's worry.

Seeing this girl's simple and beautiful appearance, Pei Junlin felt guilty and grateful in his heart. Before he could say anything, he had no time to nod to Luluo, and then turned and ran down the mountain.

Sure enough, when Pei Junlin came to the pavilion, he happened to hear the hearty and hypocritical laugh of the ecological need, and the woman was Bi Huajiao holding her face with one hand, looking affectionately on her face. Jiang Taixu.

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