Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1880: very competative

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

Once the strength increases, the old elders will also become juniors. In the Heavenly Soul Palace, strength means everything, and strength means that everything can be changed.

Pei Junlin likes the Heavenly Soul Palace in this range. It feels that there is little intrigue, and everything speaks with strength, but sometimes Pei Junlin will feel that this place is cruel and close to reality.

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed. Pei Junlin found that his initial concerns were completely unnecessary. The relationship between people here is very indifferent, and most of the time people stay with themselves. Cultivation in the cave house rarely observes or interferes with other people's cultivation plans.

In other words, during this period of time Pei Junlin entered the Heavenly Soul Palace and lived as Chen Ping. Basically no one doubted his identity. As for the finished product, he could return to the light before he died. No one has ever cared about this matter. , This is a monthly snack distribution, never stopped.

After a month of training, Pei Junlin felt a little irritable. After all, sitting in the courtyard every day to practice, this is definitely not the life that ordinary people yearn for.

Just when Pei Junlin was about to open the door and go out for a walk, he suddenly felt that there was a figure standing in front of the door. He opened the door and found out that his old friend Zhang Lei was standing outside the door.

The relationship between Zhang Lei and Pei Junlin is very complicated. In fact, the relationship between the two is not a friend. From the beginning, they just used each other, but now the relationship between the two is much more harmonious.

"Does it feel too comfortable? No one has ever troubled you, and no one doubted your identity. Do you think this is over?" Zhang Lei looked at Pei Junlin lightly and seemed to have something to say. Say.

Of course, Pei Junlin understood the sentence of going to the Three Treasures Palace, so he immediately anchored. Zhang Lei must have come here because of something. As for what happened, Pei Junlin could not make up his mind at this time.

"You have to think that everything I say is purposeful, and I just talk casually. If you don't want to listen, I don't have to say it." Zhang Lei doesn't seem to be in a good mood, so today there is more nonsense.

Pei Junlin quickly explained it, and Zhang Lei gradually calmed down. But this time Zhang Lei didn't stay too much and left soon, and the expression on his face was not very good when he left.

When Zhang Lei left Pei Junlin and turned back, he found that there was a piece of paper on the table. The content of this paper was blank, but Pei Junlin could feel that there should be some kind of information in this paper.

Sure enough, Pei Junlin's divine mind exploration record sheet immediately discovered the clues, and a picture appeared in front of him.

This picture is very simple, and the message conveyed is also very concise, that is to tell Pei Junlin that something is hidden in this place.

Of course, this information is free. The most important message Zhang Lei wants to convey to Pei Junlin are some of the rules of the Heavenly Soul Palace. For example, the rules of the Heavenly Soul Palace are not to not care about each other and practice independently, but in this respect, heaven The soul did too good.

Heavenly Soul Palace holds some large-scale competitions every year, and these competitions will select a large number of young talents. It's only a week since the last match. In his heart, Zhang Lei persuaded Pei Junlin not to participate in the match, because the match was very **** and it was not like a normal Zongmen match. And all the arena competitions in the Heavenly Soul Palace are completely real, and no one will let you.

Although it was only a small game, Pei Junlin attached great importance to it, because he was not a particularly outstanding talent in the entire Heavenly Soul Palace, so he would often encounter neglect at this time.

But through the game, you can get to know some relationships, seize some opportunities, etc. These are things that Pei Junlin needs to consider now, but it is a pity that he can't get away.

Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin signed up directly. In a few days, he will fight a Mongolian man and the distance between them will be exactly the same.

"You don't really think you can get a prize, do you? I advise you not to daydream." Pei Junlin said while looking at the other party.

A mirror appeared in front of him, and the picture in the mirror was Pei Junlin himself.

In the end Pei Junlin appeared in the ring. His opponent was a very powerful person, but in front of Pei Junlin, he did not hold on for too long, and he was quickly thrown off the ring by Pei Junlin.

At the same time, the competition among the other arenas is quite fierce, but the battle there is farther than that in the area where Pei Junlin is located, and the battles in the surrounding arenas are very fierce.

Pei Junlin was also observing the people around him. He found that the disciples of the Tianhundian would not show mercy at all when they struggled, and they often looked very bloody. You must know that this is the same elder brother and sister, and the shot is so cruel. .

In the end, Pei Junlin was not hot enough and only won a 7th place name in this competition. But even so, Pei Junlin also received a large fortune award, which will be the best for Pei Junlin. Important.

There is a very strict, thorough and efficient promotion mechanism in the Heavenly Soul Hall, which gives the disciples enough motivation and enough impact power. Therefore, all the disciples in the Heavenly Soul Store are devoted to cultivating hard every day. If you make progress, you will immediately become a big winner and get a lot of resource tilt.

Not only is it possible to obtain the tilt of resources, but what makes these Celestial electronic disciples most lingering is the secret cultivation ancient books of the Celestial Soul Palace.

These things are the foundation of the Heavenly Soul Palace. It is estimated that each of these books contains incredible things. However, the Heavenly Soul Palace seems very generous, as long as the address has the potential and appears to be hard enough, then it will definitely be rewarded.

But this time Pei Junlin only got some material rewards. He liked and wanted the antiquity of some of the Heavenly Soul Palace the most, and it is estimated that Pei Junlin could not touch it yet.

Of course, what Pei Junlin wanted was not only some materials and some books, but also a pitiful amount of money. What he needed was the most powerful cultivation method of the Soul Palace that day!

It's a pity that the Heavenly Soul Palace has its own set of effective methods, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, their secrets will not be announced casually.

Through the summary of this period of time, Pei Junlin knew that in order to obtain some of the secrets of the Heavenly Soul Palace, one must pass a step-by-step promotion, and these promotions are undoubtedly a **** fight.

Inside the Heavenly Soul Hall, there is a big change between three days and one less than 7 days. Everyday is fighting, and people die every day, but the sky is dim, but they are happy to die. The disciples of Bhutan Heavenly Soul Hall are accustomed to this, even some The disciples outside were so envious of this.

The disciples of the Heavenly Soul Hall are not exaggerated at all, and there is a kind of wolf light in the eyes of these disciples.

These disciples of the Heavenly Soul Palace, their personalities are not in line with Pei Jun’s mood, but for the secret of marriage and love that day, in order to save his apprentice An Tie Pei Jun can only endure it. If you have time and time, Pei King's Landing will enter the world of Chaos Golden Dragon and teach something to two apprentices.

So far Pei Junlin has two female apprentices. The first apprentice is Geng Pin, and the second apprentice is the newly-acquired female apprentice Chen Yuan.

If at the beginning Pei Junlin put Chen Yuan under the gate wall to pay homage to Chen Ping, but in the recent period, Pei Junlin has gained a lot of unexpected gains, such as this girl named Chen Yuan, her daily progress rate It's amazing, even Pei Junlin sighed.

Pei Junlin didn't understand why such a girl who practiced her basic skills solidly and quickly was not discovered or discovered.

In one year, Junlin Pei has experienced more than 80 competitions, large and small. In these competitions, most of Junlin Pei are the ultimate winners, so step by step, Junlin Pei's strength is constantly increasing.

From the original small, run-down courtyard of Pei Junlin, UU Reading has now been upgraded to an independent Dongfu. In the Heavenly Soul Palace, as long as the disciple shows strength and signs, his status will be promoted, and his money will be sufficient. This is the power of the family.

Of course, the status of Junlin Pei is not high in the Palace of Emperors. Compared with that of Zhang Lei, Junlin Pei is a thousand miles away. Zhang Lei is now living in the top ten villas inside the Palace of Souls.

The top ten villas, with beautiful scenery, excellent location, and communication with the spiritual veins underground, the aura is rich and amazing.

Of course, for ordinary cultivators, it’s not something that is beyond expectation, that is, what makes some ordinary cultivators crazy. It’s because each area selected by these ten villas is very different, in some special ones. position.

Often these geographical locations of mountains and rivers will form some amazing places with feng shui. These places are talented and can change people's luck.

Of course, although the big villa is good, there are many complicated things that people can't handle. For example, people who live here are absolutely not allowed to refuse a duel. Once a disciple raises a challenge, they must immediately fight.

With the exception of Zhang Lei, the other disciples, after moving into the top luxury mansion, basically encounter martial arts practitioners who do not know why they come to challenge them every day.

Of course, if everyone is strong together, there will be losses and losses, no one will complain about this, but if I continue to indulge, I will destroy the entire small family!

"I'm going out for a long time recently, so you can help me count my home, rest assured, I will never treat you badly." Pei Junlin said to a short butler.

Although the housekeeper is short in stature, he is particularly obedient, honest and loyal, and now has ordered some of his own things to this person. ?

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