Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1859: Cross the river

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Start fighting with the enemy from three directions with the flying swords, but although Pei Junlin stands here seemingly relaxed, but in fact it has almost exhausted his energy, because controlling three flying swords at the same time is already the limit of Pei Junlin Up.

It's a pity that Junlin Pei didn't even know who the secret opponents were until now, only that they were the mysterious creatures in the sea where they lived, but it was unknown what they were.

The flying sword encountered unprecedented resistance, and it seemed to chop on a piece of extremely tough leather. Another flying sword had the same experience. It was wrapped in a sticky liquid, almost out of Pei Junlin’s control. Only the innate flying sword, which was firmly controlled by Pei Junlin, clashed between left and right, killing the enemy. first.

"It's hard to refund now. This island in the heart of the lake is not a place for you to go and get off." In the dark world, a mysterious figure was warning Pei Jun.

Pei Junlin has never been a threatening person. He found the place where the sound came from, and a flying sword flew over with a buzzing sound, directly extinguishing the space into a chaotic area.

"You are ruthless, you deserve to be that man's..." The voice went low and didn't say a reason.

Pei Junlin's heart was beating wildly, and he vaguely felt that he seemed to have a mysterious connection with the prehistoric villain. But soon Pei Junlin denied this idea, because he had never been to this world before, he had lived on the earth since he was a child, and it was impossible for him to have any intersection with any mysterious person in this world.

The fierce battle continues. The sharpness of the three flying swords Pei Junlin relies on firmly controls within his own hands within a range of hundreds of meters around him. The enemy in the dark will be affected whenever he enters this area. Extinct becomes a powder.

"Let’s withdraw first, don’t tear your skin. This person will grow infinitely in the future. If the forbidden domain really offends him, we will probably be over in the future." Someone whispered in the dark, as if Negotiate.

Pei Junlin did not relax his vigilance when he heard the other party's remarks, maybe it was the other party's use to paralyze himself.

As expected, as soon as the words fell, Pei Junlin felt a force attacking from below Xiaochuan, as if he wanted to pierce the boat, so that Pei Junlin had no place to stand.

The boat at the foot is the second circle of Pei Junlin. If Pei Junlin loses the one underneath on this mysterious sea, it will become rootless duckweed and be slaughtered.

Pei Junlin's feet flashed a piece of light on the entire lake. It seemed that there was a light illuminating the surroundings. Pei Junlin looked towards the lake and soon found a huge shadow under the water.

A flash of light flashed from the flying sword, and the void area under Pei Junlin's feet was stirred into an empty area. A roar came from the darkness in the distance, and the entire sea was trembling slightly. The opponent's key part made a deep hammer.

Seeing this result, Pei Junlin smiled slightly, it seems that his opponent is not very tough. At this time, Pei Junlin's heart was tense, and his psychology had been greatly relieved. The mixed world magic spear in his hand turned into an astonishing light, and instantly swallowed the area where the discussion sound had just been heard.

A piece of fire exploded in the deep water like a deep-water torpedo, and the entire surface of the sea was set off with monstrous waves. The gun was back in Pei Junlin's hands, and when Pei Junlin turned his hand over, he put it away. At the same time, Pei Junlin took a pair of his hands and began to compress the surrounding heaven and earth spirit!

The endless aura of heaven and earth was compressed into the machine by Pei Junlin. Only a peanut the size of a peanut was thrown at will by him, and it would unfold in an instant. Often within a radius of 100 meters, it would directly become a chaos.

This is a new method discovered by Pei Junlin, that is, after the rich aura is compressed to the extreme, it will be detonated by a cosmic chaotic force, and it will explode in an instant. The energy of the explosion is simply unparalleled, and it can directly turn a small piece of space into Chaos, whether it is a fairy, a ghost, or a Buddha in this area, all will turn into dust.

This method is too insidious and too powerful, but the scope of damage is a bit small, but it is effective. Pei Junlin can use the tree of life to draw endless auras from all around, which brings him powerful convenience in using this method. .

Pei Junlin's ten-finger joint bombs were compressed by him one by one, and the extreme air exploded. The bombs were thrown toward the surrounding area. For a time, the entire sea surface bloomed everywhere, and there was a rumbling explosion, deafening.

Slowly the surrounding explosions calmed down, and the entire sea seemed to be calm, but Pei Junlin knew that if he wanted to completely wipe out his opponent, it would be impossible for a fish to slip through the net, but that the enemy suffered heavy losses.

"What is this method? Who is this person?" Pei Jun heard a vague voice.

This is also the place that has always puzzled Pei Junlin. Why can he hear what the other party talks about? Is it because someone is secretly helping him?

Pei Junlin looked down at the dark space of the deep sea. Pei Junlin saw that there seemed to be a bright light in the depths of the sea, and it used the light to fly toward its own location.

After lowering his head, Pei Junlin discovered that the area under his feet had almost become a bright moon, illuminating the entire sea area.

There are countless things in the dark sea water. At this moment, they are all exposed, and the sword in Pei Junlin's hand is not vegetarian. At this moment, there is a round of Buddha light rising above Pei Junlin's head.

The rumbling sea water rolled over, almost the entire surface of the sea was turned over, and the infinite power formed an invisible killing intent under the sea.

This is the true power of Pei Junlin. He has been promoted to a powerhouse at the level of a saint, and his body has been cultivated to an undead body, which can be said to be inherently invincible.

Under the shining of the Buddha's light, Pei Junlin almost turned into King Dalun Ming to illuminate the world, and the boat was quickly splitting forward, and the darkness swiftly drove toward the island in Pei Junlin's sight.

Under Pei Junlin's strong suppression, all obstructive forces have become a bright road ahead of Pei Junlin on the previous route. No one can stop Pei Junlin's road.

After the boat finally docked, Pei Junlin jumped to the island in one step, and his heart was at ease. Sure enough, on this small island, Pei Junlin saw the familiar building, but this building was not as magnificent as he saw in his dreams before, but it looked a little broken and dilapidated.

There is nothing in this world that can withstand the ravages of time, and everything in front of you tells Pei Junlin that everything that the so-called prehistoric villain built is not eternal.

Passing through this dilapidated building, Pei Junlin finally saw the mysterious portal, but this portal was extremely inconsistent with the entrance to the dark **** in the legend.

When Pei Junlin saw this door, he was dumbfounded, because this was a tall, magnificent and mysterious door, which made Pei Junlin feel incredible and stayed in place.

This door has no upper, no lower, no left or right, no front and no back. It seems to be floating in the air. It is just a simple small door, just like a small toilet door in an ordinary farmer’s house. Pieces of rotten wooden boards look antique, but it gives people an extremely absurd feeling.

At first, Pei Junlin thought he had read it wrong, but when he watched it carefully, he discovered that there was a small sign hanging on the door, which was written in crooked characters, the entrance to the dark hell.


Pei Junlin took a deep breath, as if exhaling the depression in his chest.

Everything in front of him made him feel that the whole world was illusory, how could someone set up such a simple door, it made people laugh.

Could it be that the person who made all this was a wicked person, Pei Junlin's eyes widened, he found that there was a line of words on the wooden board of the chai door.

This line of self is also disgusting, and the twists and turns make people feel headache after seeing it, and feel uncomfortable all over.

"When you see this line of words, do you feel funny? Just funny."

After Pei Junlin carefully distinguished this line of characters, a wry smile appeared on his face. It seemed that the so-called villain was still a bad taster.

A key appeared in Pei Junlin's palm. It was really the key that the mysterious one-eyed Taoist gave to Pei Junlin. According to legend, it was the key to the dark hell.

Pei Junlin looked at every inch of the little chai door from top to bottom, but did not find the keyhole for inserting the lock.

It's all weird, how did the gate of **** open? Isn't such an ordinary talent a gimmick?

At the moment when Pei Junlin had doubts in his heart, UU reading www. The talent in front of unexpectedly began to tremble, and there was a burst of weird laughter from the door, and Pei Junlin was terrified, and stepped back two steps.

At this moment, Pei Junlin saw a new line of words on the door. After seeing this line, Pei Junlin also showed an angry expression.

"The signal is Wangwangwang, shout the exit number loudly, and the door will naturally open."

Wang Wangwang, isn't this letting oneself learn how to bark?

I can feel that IQ has been insulted. This line of words does not hurt her much, but it is extremely insulting.

The sharp sword light flashed, and it was the flying sword that slashed on the wooden door fiercely, but something that surprised Pei Junlin also happened. This door was like a void space, and the sword light passed through easily. This door did not cause any damage to these pieces of broken wood.

Junlin Pei couldn't restrain his anger and unintentional loss just now, but he was already a little regretful at this time, but when Junlin Pei saw that the door had not changed, he finally let out a long sigh of relief.

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