Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1845: Sword Array Devouring

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

Everything happened too suddenly, and the remaining masters of Xuankong Mountain let out a roar. It's a pity that everything is too late, Pei Junlin's murder was only a moment, and the remaining few people were a little nervous when seeing Pei Junlin's thunderbolt methods.

"You blocked my way today, which means that you are seeking your own death. I have persuaded you, but unfortunately you don't listen, then no one can blame it." Pei Junlin's face was extremely cold.

However, Pei Junlin didn't have any mana fluctuations. Only relying on the power of the physical body made the heights of these hanging mountains frightened. They looked at this gray figure, and their expressions changed extremely drastically.

"Are you a man or a ghost, why are there no legal fluctuations, just relying on your physical body to be so powerful?" Several Xuankongshan disciples moved towards Pei Junlin's position, and the expressions on their faces also revealed panic.

But at this time, Pei Junlin was silent. He walked towards these people step by step, like a life-harvesting demon, without half human emotions.

This time, Pei Junlin was trying the ox knife for the first time, but he did not expect that his current body was already so strong.

The moment Pei Junlin strode forward, a master of the real king realm could not bear this fear again, and sacrificed his own treasure, which was a mist similar to a gear state, spinning rapidly in the air. There was a buzzing sound.

This wheel exudes amazing power. He wanted to cut Pei Junlin into two, but Pei Jun stood still and slammed past with a punch. The gear clicked, and a crack appeared in the middle. Start to disintegrate.

And at the moment when Pei Junlin destroyed the gear, a flying sword struck behind Pei Junlin, trying to pierce him.

But at this moment, Pei Junlin suddenly turned around and reached out and grabbed the flying sword. Pei Junlin could feel that the sword in his hand was constantly struggling like a fish, and wanted to get out of his palm. Heartbeat out.

Pei Junlin carefully observed that the different ranks of the flying sword in his hand should be the best spirit treasure, and there was a wave of chaos flowing in it.

Pei Junlin carefully looked at the sword in his hand, the look on his face changed from surprise to determination. He suddenly raised his hand and did something that no one could imagine, Pei Junlin actually sent the sword into his mouth.

Then the surrounding Xuankong Mountain masters heard a click, this invincible sword was actually bitten by Pei Junlin with a gap, and then Pei Junlin was like an iron mouth with steel teeth, constantly biting the sword into pieces. It was completely swallowed.

The remaining Xuankong Mountain masters were almost going crazy, because they knew that it was definitely not Pei Junlin's opponent who stayed, and would only be killed by this freak.

"There is such a demon in the trial land. Hurry up and report to the elders of the martial art. We need to quit quickly." Several Xuankong Mountain masters yelled while driving their flying treasures. Leave this desert area.

As the saying goes, the poor are not chasing after them. What's more, there is no deep hatred between Pei Junlin and these people. The reason why he opened the killing before was only to kill others.

Fighting the opponent by surprise will cause a strong mental shock, which will make the opponent unable to calm down in a very short period of time, and will not be able to think to find some mistakes.

Pei Junlin used this method very cleverly. It not only scared away the masters of Xuankong Mountain, but also further prevented the deterioration of the relationship between him and Xuankong Mountain.

"You walked towards the center of the desert where I felt a melting breath. Perhaps your opportunity to refine the flying sword is about to come." Jin Ye guided Pei Jun to the direction of advancement.

This desert is generally very strange, because when entering the core zone of the desert, it needs to constantly change directions. Pei Junlin changed more than a dozen directions in a row, all under the guidance of Jin Ye.

My humble Pei Junlin also found a clue. After walking into the core area of ​​the desert, Pei Junlin rarely encounters ordinary monsters here, and the closer the core area is, the deadly desolation. The breath made Pei Junlin's heart frightened.

"There is a stone stele in the distance, shall we go and have a look?" Pei Junlin asked Jin Ye in a deliberate tone.

At this time, Pei Junlin knew that any signs here were a weird discovery. If he walked over without questioning and deliberation, it would likely cause huge absurd consequences.

After entering the core area of ​​the desert, Pei Junlin found that this place was not as desolate as before. The tall peaks inserted straight into the sky. These peaks had a characteristic, that is, they were extremely sharp, like a sword erected.

And in some areas around, Pei Junlin also saw the plants growing here, but the appearance of these plants is also very strange, the leaves of these plants are narrow and slender, like a sword.

With these grasses, Pei Junlin also felt a sharp sword aura. In other words, Pei Junlin finally felt what place it was. This seemed to be an ocean of sword aura, and the entire huge area was a huge sword formation!

"It's very difficult to get into it. Try your own way, I can't help you." Jin Ye showed a helpless expression.

Pei Junlin nodded. He knew that everything shouldn't just ask for help. Some things still need to be done by himself. For example, in this area Pei Junlin, you have a scene of ecstasy in your heart, because he knows that as long as it is related to swords, it is definitely the best place to practice swords.

This place is full of suggestions. As long as the flying sword is trained for that moment, it will absorb this huge suggestion, so that the treasure sword will resonate with the world and have a powerful lethality in that moment.

The lethality of the sword is not completely determined by the material. The material is important, but the sword is integrated into the rules of heaven and earth when it is formed, which is as important as some systems in Greece.

The Xian area is exactly the place Pei Junlin dreamed of looking for before, it was simply a victory for refining Feijian.

There is still a difficult road ahead of Pei Junlin, because if you want to enter the core area, you need to be rationed to use your own wisdom and courage.

There was a buzzing sound in the ear, Pei Junlin seemed to see black spots like raindrops appearing in the distance. When he recovered, Pei Junlin had eaten up, because these black spots turned out to be flying. Thousands of flying swords, forming a long sword formation like a dragon!

There was a clanging sound in the air, and a flying sword shuttled continuously in the air. They gathered together and arranged into a special formation with powerful lethality.

Your current strength Pei Junlin has a feeling of unavoidable waiting to be killed, because after that fierce murderous intent locked it, Pei Junlin feels that his whole person seems to have been divided into two halves.

Pei Junlin has no retreat and can only accept the move.

Pei Junlin exhaled a breath and formed a silver gas mask around his body, and the power of the whole body was also activated by Pei Junlin at this moment.

You were the moment the light was shining, Pei Junlin's defensive temperament instantly broke through a flying sword and pierced into Pei Junlin's body.

However, at this moment, Pei Junlin ran the technique of ancient **** training equipment, and that flying sword was completely melted by Pei Junlin in a very short time.

Everything was just a beginning between the electric light and flint, but Pei Junlin seized this excellent opportunity because he understood that the materials of these flying swords were absolutely extraordinary, and he should have been finding the best metal veins.

Then there was a second flying sword coming back towards Pei Junlin and deeply pierced into Pei Junlin's heart. The moment my sword once again wished Pei Junlin's rise, it also began to melt the power of the ancient gods, and the body of Pei Junlin who began to move quickly, like a huge vortex.

Obviously the flying sword flew towards Pei Junlin, but this time Pei Junlin's body did not accept these flying swords, but these flying swords were like hedgehogs, surrounding Pei Junlin's surroundings.

Pei Junlin twitched his hands with a powerful aura, and UU Read slowly began to open the surrounding area.

When this energy gradually started to allow Pei Junlin to take the initiative, the hundreds of flying swords in front of him began to melt, and after they melted, a drop of silver metal appeared in the air.

These substances are the top-grade mineral veins that Pei Junlin needs most at the moment, and Pei Junlin feels that he has nowhere to look for it. So the moment these metal droplets appeared, they were suddenly sucked by Pei Junlin's shot, and they were sucked into the body in an instant.

At this time, Pei Junlin closed his eyes, and the ancient **** refining art began to run quickly in Pei Junlin's body. If these high-level energies were to be swallowed by Pei Junlin's cells, they had to be enlightened with the power of the ancient god!

There was a tingling sensation, and Pei Junlin felt that his body seemed to be cut by thousands of knives. This feeling is not surprising to Pei Junlin, because he knows this, but Feijian is not a mineral vein.

Pure mineral veins will contain pure metal elements. That kind of pure mineral veins will not cause strong harm to people, and the harm Pei Junlin encounters at this time is precisely the supreme killing intent contained in these flying swords.

When these killing intents condensed to a certain point, the situation began to take a turn for the worse, and a vast Buddhism compassionate force was formed in Pei Junlin's body.

All things must be reversed. This force impacted in Pei Junlin's body, and it also caused a lot of trouble to Pei Junlin. Although he had cultivated some Buddhist mental methods, this power was too large, if it could not be released. , Will make Pei Junlin's body unable to bear.

A silver flying sword appeared behind Pei Junlin and made a buzzing sound. This sword did not emit any killing intent, but at this time it seemed to be extremely interested in Pei Junlin's body. ?

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