Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1819: Golden ancestor

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

The old man didn't look at Pei Junlin at all, but said to the two people behind Pei Jun: "You two are very good. You have provided us with key information on Xuankong Mountain. After this incident, I will give you some favors one by one."

When the two people heard the golden-haired old man say so, they were a little frightened, and looked at Pei Junlin with a little fear, for fear that Pei Junlin would suddenly strike them and strangle them to death like ants.

"This senior, don't you want to listen to my explanation?" Pei Junlin heard from the other party's voice just now. The other party does not seem to understand the real situation, so there is more room for manipulation.

As the saying goes, turning fighting into jade, if this crisis can be turned into an opportunity...

Pei Junlin was thinking of this kind of thing in his heart, so he was very polite, but this old man with golden hair obviously did not intend to give Pei Junlin face, and simply ignored Pei Junlin's meaning.

"Thank you, Senior Golden." The two were grateful to the blond old man again and again, and even knelt down to be grateful.

Pei Junlin knew from the conversations of these people that the golden-haired old man in front of you had a name called Golden Ancestor.

This golden ancestor is an elder at the outer gate of Xuankong Mountain, and he is also a mid-stage saint, but the whole person looks very powerful. A golden hair is like a lion, which makes her look like a temperamental character.

"Senior Golden, can you give me some time for me to clarify things?" Pei Junlin took the trouble again and put his body lower.

To completely offend such a huge power like Xuankong Mountain, it still requires great determination for Pei Junlin. After all, offending such a huge power for no reason is not a good thing for Pei Junlin.

I really offended Xuankong Mountain to death, so the chances of him being able to survive in this area in the future are almost zero, unless he leaves this Beiju Luzhou as soon as possible.

"What senior? Who made you call that, what are you?"

Old Ancestor Gold looked at Pei Junlin contemptuously, with a vicious look on his face: "I only give you two choices now. The first is to kneel down and explain things clearly, and then suffer to death. The second is to let me catch you. Extract your soul, extract your memory yourself."

Killing but nodding his head, Pei Junlin suddenly became a little angry when he heard the other party's aggressive statement that he would not give him a way to survive. Mana surges in his body, and he naturally plans to fight. Of course, there is no need to avoid the so-called unavoidable.

Pei Junlin has already made the opponent an enemy, and there is no room for reversal, so naturally there is no need to show mercy at this time.

"Old thing, did you give you a face just now? How did you talk to me? Since you are from Xuankong Mountain, but you are just a small outer door elder, who on earth gave you such crazy capital?" Pei Junlin coldly satirized .

Hearing Pei Junlin's sarcastic and insulting words, the golden ancestor almost exploded his lungs. He had a violent temper. Now when he heard Pei Junlin hit him face-to-face, his eyes were red with anger and his face was full of murderous intent:" , You want to die, why don't you say it earlier, wasting Lao Tzu's time."

As soon as the golden ancestor's voice fell, he reached out and grabbed Pei Junlin. This time the shot was caught off guard, but Pei Junlin was already prepared. Seeing the opponent's attack came in front of her, Sister Pei Junlin didn't evade anything, but she punched out a head-on with the golden ancestor.

The attack between the two was on the verge, and the two of them retreated at the same time. The look on the face of the golden ancestor was a little surprised, while Pei Junlin's expression was in the bed with a pair of eyes showing a murderous intent.

The old ancestor Gold did have the intention of killing people just now. This is something Pei Junlin didn't expect you to expect. He didn't expect this person to be so vicious. This has already stepped on Pei Junlin's bottom line.

"Old dog, you will regret your whole life because of these words today." Pei Junlin is obviously already hated, and he suffered a lot from the fight just now.

Although Pei Junlin looks safe and sound on the surface, in fact, only he himself knows very well that this golden ancestor looks like a hot temper on the surface, careless and uncut, but in fact he is a very sullen person.

But the emotions he showed were irritable and carefree, I am afraid that this person pretended to be, in fact, this golden ancestor was a very vicious and delicate person inside.

The first words were to deliberately anger Pei Junlin, and then gave Pei Junlin a lot of imagination in his heart, so that Pei Junlin was paralyzed, and then he used vicious means to hide in the attack.

Pei Junlin raised his hand and a blood hole appeared in his palm. He was stabbed by the opponent with a hidden weapon when he fought with the golden ancestor just now.

The ox hair needles entered Pei Junlin's blood, attacking his heart and dantian with all his strength, and he was about to destroy Pei Junlin.

"It's a pity that you have no chance. If you are hit by my Sky Profound Needle of Life and Death, your heart will explode soon. Then I will extract your soul and spy on your memory. All the secrets are naturally one to me. Just look at it." The golden ancestor put away his violent appearance before, but turned into a wise man, his eyes gleaming with wisdom.

It turned out that his appearance was a scam from the beginning, and even those two people were the actors he invited for the purpose of creating an atmosphere for Pei Jun to be fooled, one hit would kill, and to abolish Pei Junlin with hidden weapons.

Although Pei Junlin has rich combat experience and has gone through many things, but this time he overturned the ship in the gutter and was tricked by the other party. This is also the reason for Pei Junlin's anger. The other party is really too unspeakable.

"I swear here today that in the future, all the members of your Golden Family will be wiped out. You will wipe out the clan." Pei Junlin said almost every word.

But the whole arm turned into a black-purple color, which was caused by the toxin brewing in the body. As a result, Pei Junlin had never encountered this toxin. The toxin was so fierce that he could not fight it. The blood system of the whole person was constantly running around, making Pei Junlin's whole body almost paralyzed.

Before Pei Junlin had practiced the celestial body, it could be said that he was not invaded by a hundred poisons, and his blood turned golden yellow, but at this moment Pei Junlin was poisoned.

Pei Junlin frowned, his body was trembling, and he seemed to have no resistance at all.

The golden ancestor looked at Pei Junlin cautiously, and did not rashly attacked Pei Junlin again, but said to the other two: "You two go and see what is going on with him."

Pei Junlin had to admire the old ancestor of gold and sent two other people to be cannon fodder, because he was not sure whether Pei Junlin had the ability to resist, and the most swift counterattack was often when the beast was still fighting.

"Master has been poisoned by you and can't survive at all. What nonsense with him, I will cut off his head and offer it to Master." The young and elegant middle-aged man changed in an instant. The vice-face became extremely wretched.

He came to Pei Junlin with a scimitar in his hand, the scimitar in his hand was shining with cold, blue waves were spinning on it, and Pei Junlin could even hear the sound of the waves from the knife.

Pei Junlin smiled coldly, but did not resist. Seeing that the light of the knife had reached his neck, Pei Junlin still did not do it. At this moment, the ancestor of gold did a sword gas, which spouted from his mouth, instantly facing Shot Pei Junlin's eyebrows.

Pei Junlin was waiting for this trick. He knew that Golden Ancestor would definitely take advantage of his distraction to kill himself. This was the most insidious method of Golden Ancestor.

But at this moment, Pei Junlin, who seemed to be dying, suddenly punched the sword and shattered the sword light in an instant, and the elegant man who came to Pei Junlin with a scimitar was caught by Pei Junlin backhand. With a twist of the neck, the whole neck became twisted.

A ray of light spurted from the center of his eyebrows, but he was flicked by Pei Junlin when he wanted to escape. The golden light of UU reading dissipated, and he answered with a scream of sadness, seeming to tell of unwillingness.

Those two are basically the disciples of the golden ancestors acting on this beach, in fact, they are to attract Pei Junlin to the bait, now the truth is clear, Pei Junlin will naturally not leave these two people like a woman.

He had already killed a person, so he didn't stop doing it, his body suddenly jumped up, and instantly jumped to the other side with a backhand shot. That person would instantly press Pei Junlin on the ground and shoot him into mud, without even having a chance to resist.

When the ancestor Golden saw Pei Junlin killing so cleanly, the look on his entire face was extremely ugly.

"It seems that this matter is really related to you. Your skill is not bad, but how can you deal with two powerful saints alone? Even if you can leapfrog and kill, you are still not optimistic with one enemy and two. There will be a passage." The golden ancestor seemed to be analyzing, but he had already surrounded all the retreats of Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin didn't want to talk nonsense with the other party at all, he stretched his arms forward, spouting a stream of dirty blood. The compressed toxin sprayed onto the ground and immediately corroded the surrounding lava into a large hole. A drop on the sea surface fell into the sea water. In an instant, large tracts of dead fish floated on the sea within several thousand meters of this sea area.

Just a single drop has such a terrifying independence. If so many toxins were completely injected into a person's body, ordinary people would have long been unable to bear it.

But Junlin Pei was talented. His body was able to handle this wave of damage, but the damage was great. At least many meridians were corroded by toxins. Although he barely saved his life, Junlin Pei suffered severe damage this time.

The tree of life at the center of the eyebrows swelled again to draw energy from the surrounding void, quickly repairing his body, and Pei Junlin gradually recovered his vitality. ?

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