Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1797: Imperial soldier

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

This coffin can crush the imperial soldiers? ?

I can't care too much about Pei Junlin now. Everyone has a secret. Chen Jianghai naturally has his own secret. This coffin may be Chen Jianghai's greatest secret.

The light of the golden long sword was finally shrouded in shadow, and the coffin completely suppressed the man in the green robe. But on the other side, Pei Junlin and her veiled woman suffered unprecedented pressure.

Because in the darkness, the man of the Shadow Demon Race was about to move, whether it was Pei Jun or the woman wearing the veil, they all felt the incomparable pressure.

The feeling that a sword is really swung down is completely different from the feeling of the sword hanging above the head. The man of the Shadow Demon Race has this feeling. He hides in the darkness and seems to live with the shadows, even if it is Pei Junlin’s golden eyes. Unable to see the other person's figure.

But in the darkness, Pei Junlin found that the vague man didn't seem to simply want to hide, he had to take action. At a critical moment, he wanted to save the life of the man in the blue robe.

Since a huge wing with a huge wing appeared in the darkness, at the moment when it appeared like a devil's wing, a huge sickle was waved down, bringing Chen Jianghai into the stage of diving.

At the moment when the man in the blue robe was about to be suppressed, the long sickle was directed towards the man in the blue robe, so that the situation on the court would not show a lopsided trend.

Now the situation is a bit weird in the entire square of innate gossip. Everyone is on guard against each other, but each other has to let each other survive.

The white gauze among the black and white double evil spirits, after being suppressed by the imperial soldiers at the moment they appeared, the rest of the people could not allow the death of each other.

After all, under this situation, the battle has not yet entered a fever, and the death of any party will make the situation on the entire battlefield turn one-sided.

Especially now that Pei Junlin and her veiled woman, as well as Chen Jianghai, present a three-person group situation. Coupled with the previous Chen Jianghai's strength, this has to make the man of the Shadow Demon Race feel. There was a touch of pressure.

Because of their mutual benefit, the man from the Shadow Demon Race finally stood beside the man in the blue robe. The man in the blue robe looked a little embarrassed, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and the long sword with golden light in his hand also had some cracks. .

Obviously, in the collision just now, Chen Jianghai's strength completely suppressed the man in the green robe, making the opponent's arrogance finally completely lost at this final moment.

However, one thing that made Pei Junlin feel unbelievable was that the black evil among the black and white double evil spirits, after the death of the white evil spirit, chose to stand on the side of the man in the blue robe.

And after the white yarn died, the fruit on his body automatically fell out and appeared not far away. At the end of the battle, the fruit was gone. According to Pei Junlin's speculation, it should have appeared on the man of the Shadow Demon Race.

That is to say, in the battle between the dragons and the tigers, the ultimate beneficiary turned out to be the man of the Shadow Demon Race, and now the man of the Shadow Demon Race has faintly become the leader among the three.

The current situation on the field is 3 vs. 3, with Pei Jun approaching the masked woman, and Chen Jianghai three facing the man of the Shadow Demon Race, the man in the green robe, and the black evil spirit.

Now the situation is equal, Pei Junlin didn't have any hesitation, he turned around and came to the front of the Taichu Xianteng. Recently, he stretched out his hand without hesitation, and aimed at the fruit that seemed to have the weakest light but very strong chaotic aura. As soon as Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and approached, the fruit naturally fell into his palm.

At the moment this fruit fell into Pei Junlin’s palm, a special feeling was transmitted to Pei Junlin’s mind. This fruit Pei Junlin now does not know what is in it to open it, maybe other things Pei Junlin put the fruit into the chaotic golden bucket as soon as he turned his hand.

In any case, the fruit must be preserved first. On the other side, Chen Jianghai and the masked woman did not come to Taizhu Immortal Vine like the two, and they reached out and picked the last two fruits.

During the whole process, none of the three people on the other side came to stop Pei Junlin and the others, because everyone knew the rules of the game, and the rule of this game was to **** the fruit from the opponent.

The strength on the bed now looks balanced. In fact, only Pei Junlin knows that Chen Jianghai's strength is very strong, especially the black coffin can suppress the imperial soldiers.

On the other side, the man of the Shadow Demon Race is extremely mysterious, and the appearance of ghosts is the most difficult to deal with, so Pei Junlin targeted this demon man from the beginning.

Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin directly turned on the Demon Spear in the hands of the war, and instantly aimed at the man of the Demon Race. Pei Junlin's move is a sharp one from the Thirteen Swords of Tianyun. At the moment of the shot, Pei Junlin almost locked all the other's spirits.

This trick Pei Junlin was 70% sure to kill the opponent in seconds. At the last moment, the man of the Shadow Demon Race still disappeared between the heavens and the earth and merged with the surrounding chaotic rules, making Pei Junlin's success in the end fall short.

On the other side, neither Chen Jianghai nor the masked woman was idle and also shot in the same way, aiming at their opponents.

The opponent Chen Jianghai aimed at was the man in the cyan robe holding the imperial soldier, while the masked woman locked the target, wearing the black evil spirit.

Pei Junlin’s body lit up with divine light, illuminating the surroundings. He wanted to find the trace of the demon man, while on the other side, Chen Jianghai and the masked woman were fighting the **** of war and flying all over the sky. A pot of porridge.

The chaotic breath of life world seemed to be split at this moment, and three battlefields appeared in this small space. However, the battlefield where Pei Junlin is located is a bit more complicated, because his man with the demon race has disappeared, and I don't know when he will suddenly attack Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin's expression was highly tense, his eyes were closely observing the surroundings, but what disappointed Pei Junlin was that the Shadow Demon clan man seemed to be missing.

At the moment when Pei Junlin's nerves were slightly relaxed, the man of the Shadow Demon Race finally shot a huge sickle, waving from the darkness towards Pei Junlin to harvest, as if to divide Pei Junlin's whole person in half.

At this time, Pei Junlin, although his expression was a little tranced, did not lose all precautions. As soon as the opponent shot, Pei Junlin locked the opponent's position.

The Hunshi Demon Spear in his hand collided with the huge sickle, and a chaotic force shrouded Pei Junlin's body and fought and retreated. He wanted to introduce the opponent into the large formation he arranged.

However, what disappointed Pei Junlin was that the man of the Shadow Demon Race was extremely vigilant and cunning, and did not follow his rhythm. The moment he was about to step into the formation, the man of the Shadow Demon Race seemed to have an epiphany. Backed up.

Pei Junlin in the formation did not go out, but a candle appeared around him. The light of the candle illuminates the surroundings. At a moment, Pei Junlin saw a pair of deep eyes with the brilliance of the candle. It was a man belonging to the Shadow Demon Race.

Under the light of this mysterious candle, the man of the Shadow Demon Race finally revealed his traces, and Pei Jun was overjoyed and shot at the same time.

The man of the Shadow Demon Clan didn't seem to expect that Pei Junlin could find his trace. He was a little flustered for a while, and was instantly shrouded by Pei Junlin's magic spear, and his shoulder was stabbed.

Pei Junlin stubbornly bit the magic spear in the opponent's hand as soon as he succeeded, and even continued to suppress the opponent fiercely.

Facts have proved that Pei Junlin's strategy is correct. Although his strength is far inferior to the opponent, Pei Junlin's supernatural powers and mana plus his body far exceed the opponent.

The man of the Shadow Demon Race seemed to be inherently fragile. Although he could escape into the darkness, his strength was not the strongest. UU reading

"Be careful, this person is a little weird, don't underestimate the enemy." Just when Pei Junlin was all the way to Changhong, trying to kill the opponent, Jin Ye's voice suddenly came into his ears.

Jin Ye would not remind himself for no reason, Pei Junlin immediately realized the danger, but it was too late when he realized the danger.

The man of the Shadow Demon clan let out a grin, and the snow-white teeth looked particularly dazzling in the void. Only a bang was heard. The body of the demon clan was curled into a ball and turned into a pitch-black sphere.

not good!

It's a pity that it's too late when Pei Junlin feels bad. The pitch-black sphere is like a black hole, completely extinguishing the bright light around it.

The sky collapsed, and the surrounding regular forces were completely corroded by this pitch-black sphere, as if it could suppress everything and swallow everything.

Whether the masked woman was in the fierce battle in the distance, or Chen Jianghe, there was no time to rescue Pei Junlin, and Pei Junlin was swallowed by this black sphere in an instant.

Everything happened so fast that even Chen Jianghai had no time to react. By the time he reacted, Pei Junlin was no longer visible, and the whole person was shrouded into the black sphere.

Even Pei Junlin himself has a feeling of being caught off guard. When he comes into contact with the black energy, Pei Junlin feels a kind of power that extinguishes time. The power of chaos and time seems to be able to destroy everything in this world. The feeling of swallowing is terrible.

That kind of strong corrosive energy seems to be able to completely turn Pei Junlin’s body into nothingness. Even his soul cannot escape, but Pei Junlin still did not give in at the last moment. He is mobilizing all his power to fight against this powerful Dark energy. ?

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