Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1789: Jinding Holy Land

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

The purpose of the girl Jinsha and the princess Yang Chan of Dragon 13 is similar to the previous Chen Jiang. They all want to tell Pei Junlin a good news, that is, the people in the Dragon Emperor Dojo have started a war with the northern border. .

The whole area is divided into five borders, southeast, northwest, and the whole continent is called Nanfangbuzhou. In this vast land, there are countless great religions and great forces.

For example, the one who took the initiative to provoke the war this time was a supreme master in the north, named Jinding Holy Land. This golden ding holy soil is also the Supreme Master, with a powerful person in the teaching.

Compared with the Dragon Emperor Dojo in the Southern Territory, the strength is only strong but not weak. The collision of these two forces will make all the surrounding cases look up, and even have reached the world's attention.

In just a few days, the news has spread throughout the entire Nanfang Chau, and even the seabed is known. The so-called three armies have not arrived, the food and grass in this area first, has recently started a lively trade.

Because a large-scale war often requires a lot of resources, elixirs, etc., these resources alone are a huge amount of trade, so the major cities in the sea are also operating. For example, after this abyss, this city has already He became busier than ever.

All kinds of alchemy materials and materials for refining armors, swords and other refining tools have all increased in price, directly exceeding the normal rate by more than 5 times.

When the major chambers of commerce purchase these materials, they don't blink at all, and collect everything regardless of good or bad. Wealth is rolling in, so this sea area has been mobilized. The big demon kings are showing their abilities everywhere, searching for the resources in their respective territories. The rolling sea resources are all gathered together and transported to the landing ground by large ships every day.

Yang Chen and the girl from Jinsha came to Pei Junlin. The main purpose of this small courtyard was to tell Pei Junlin that the Dragon Emperor Dojo would be unlucky, so the previous things might be cancelled. Each Dragon Emperor's dojo would not put their goals together. On the unknown person.

Now that the backyard is on fire, there is no way to send someone to investigate Pei Junlin, so the period of time Pei Junlin has been hiding here has been fruitful and he has regained his freedom.

Even the powerful figure who just awakened from Jianzhong will probably be transferred to the front line to fight the war. Therefore, Pei Junlin's plan to go to Jianzhong can also be held as scheduled, without any delay.

This is indeed good news, but it did not make Pei Junlin completely happy, because he is planning a major event recently, but this major event cannot be said indiscriminately. Once the news spreads, it is likely to cause major changes. .

As soon as Yang Chan and the Jinsha girl left, Chen Jianghai came back on the back. Their expressions were very mysterious, and there was uncontrollable excitement in their eyes. Seeing Chen Jianghai's expression, Pei Junlin basically judged that things have been successful. Up.

"We must do our best this time. We are ready to get everything ready. Let's go quickly. Don't let people get on board first. There is no problem with the old blind man." Chen Jianghai rubbed his hands with excitement.

Pei Junlin thought about the words left on the table, wishing that the white ape must be handed to Yang Chan by himself, and then hurriedly left the Throat of the Abyss with Chen Jianghai.

The two came outside the city, in a huge coral jungle. In this coral jungle, Pei Junlin finally saw the old blind man, and in this coral jungle, Pei Junlin also saw many people, these people are the residents of the sea.

In addition to some sea monsters, I even saw the aboriginal people on the seabed, and the sea is also the legendary shark. Of course, apart from that, Pei Junlin's most important purpose is to find the entrance to the tomb with the old blind man, and then everyone cracked the mechanism of the tomb path and entered the tomb to obtain treasures.

Although the old blind man was blind in his eyes, his heart was not blind. He was particularly active when bargaining with Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghe, but when Pei Junlin asked about the entrance of his tomb, the old blind man suddenly changed his mind.

"The owner of the tomb is extraordinary in life, and he must not be intrusive after death. I think we should go back to the house. If not, we may encounter divine condemnation if we rush in." After the old blind man said a lot of high-sounding words, he wanted to go straight. Back to the city.

Pei Junlin didn’t believe what my fellow villager said, but Chen Jianghai was even more straightforward. He grabbed the old blind man’s neck in one fell swoop: “You old coffin, believe it or not, I’ll give you your head. You screw it down?"

After speaking, Chen Jianghai's mouth chuckled, Pei Junlin saw that the old blind man's head was sprayed with blood and a mist of blood, spraying directly from the top of the old blind man's head.

This method is the first time that Pei Junlin has seen a really scary old blind man, his skin is wrinkled a lot, like a dried orange peel, and the whole person suddenly wilts.

"If you have something to say, don't do it, you are still an elder." The old blind man counseled.

Then Chen Jianghai threw the old blind man on the ground, tidied his clothes, and said with a smile on his face: "You know that I am your elder, why don't you know how to respect the old and love the young? The things that are good have changed. , How do you let me do you?"

Pei Junlin felt a little funny seeing the two quarreling. After all, Chen Jianghai now looks like a young man, but he is old-fashioned, and it is indeed funny.

"It's not that I don't want to go in with you to make a fortune. It's because my ancestors left a word back then. The tomb cannot be entered. Once you enter it, you will inevitably encounter unknowable danger." The old blind man repeatedly delayed his expression.

The words were fine, but Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai could not be deceived. Under the coercion and lure of the two, the old blind man finally told the truth.

The old blind man didn't want to enter, but there was actually another secret. Because in the recent period, the old blind man suddenly noticed another group of people wandering at the door of the tomb. Obviously these people have discovered the door of the tomb, and these people are most likely the blood of the descendants of that great power. .

"If we tomb thieves meet someone who is genuine descendant, don't we go to death?" The old blind man stammered and finally made the matter clear.

After listening to the old blind man’s introduction, Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai looked at each other, and they were also a little confused. The long years have passed. Why are these people not coming early or late? They just found it in these two days. Once this place is gone, is everything a fate?

"What's more, people of the ancients are not looking for a place to rest like modern people. People of the ancients often live in those places, which are originally some secrets of privacy. There are even some powerful people who bring their tombs close to them. Forbidden area." The blind man looked pale, and obviously they didn't say something clearly.

Hearing the two words forbidden land, Pei Junlin was also obviously a little confused, because of the mystery of the forbidden land, Pei Junlin had already seen it, and the creatures in the forbidden were so mysterious that they couldn't compete.

If it's really that kind of place, then don't go.

Now seeing the old blind man and Pei Junlin both shrink back, Chen Jiang still rolled his eyes with anger: "Those who don't go are all **** up, I go alone."

After saying this, Chen Jianghai grabbed the old blind man and asked him to tell him the entrance to the tomb. This time the old blind man was also behaved, and he took Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai directly towards a nearby sea basin.

It turns out that there are not only beautiful and splendid places at the bottom of the sea, but also places that make people feel scared because of the depth.

As he gradually walked towards the deep sea, Pei Junlin felt that the surrounding temperature was gradually decreasing, and the pressure of the sea was also increasing, and creatures that were not terrifying passed by.

When the three of them continued to sink, the light could no longer reach the bottom of the sea. The bottom of the sea was dark, but fortunately, the old blind man took out a fist-sized pearl.

The pearl emits a dazzling light, illuminating four slices of the sea. At the moment when the pearl appeared, Pei Junlin felt that the pressure of the surrounding sea was also reduced. Walking on the bottom of the sea like a flat ground, house-sized shells were opening and closing from time to time, and a bunch of bubbles washed up on the sea surface.

"We must be careful that someone may come here recently. UU reading even they have already entered in advance. The unknowable monster in the eyes of the sea is suppressing the unknowable monster to pass through the sea salt, and you have to take huge risks. Think about it, do you really want to go there?" The old blind man chattered all the way.

Chen Jianghai was a little impatient when he heard it, and slapped the old blind man through the front and back.

"No more nonsense to cover your mouth, the best thing is to show us where you are, and your task will be completed. When the time comes, the benefits we get are taken out and part of you." Chen Jiang said with an aura.

At first the old blind man was slapped a few times, and he was angry and speechless, but when he heard the second half of Chen Jianghai's sentence, the old blind man finally smiled: "Forget it, since you have decided to go in, the old man will give his life to accompany the gentleman. Anyway, looking at this friend’s fortune, it doesn’t look like an unlucky person will definitely have a good thing following him."

The old blind man stretched out his hand and pointed at Pei Junlin, which made Pei Junlin somewhat inexplicable. He didn't speak all the way, and unexpectedly lay down the gun inexplicably.

"This friend has three flowers gathered at the top, with five auras, and his body is enveloped with a purple aura. He should be the son of destiny. Wherever he goes, he is the protagonist of destiny." Even Pei Junlin believed it.

However, Pei Junlin knew very well that the reason why the old blind man praised himself so much obviously had its purpose. This old blind man's changes first and then later were obviously a person who was surprised and repetitive.

You must pay attention to its stability when cooperating with this kind of person. If you don’t, it’s very troublesome to lose the chain at a critical moment.

Everyone continued along the road and gradually penetrated into the deep trench under the net, where the sea was cold, and there was no trace of light as if they had entered a deep, bottomless black hole. ?

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