Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1787: Sea tomb

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

Things were a little abnormal, Pei Junlin knew that it was inconvenient to ask too much in the presence of everyone, so he simply kept silent.

When they arrived in the city, the demon kings soon began to bid farewell and went on their separate journeys. In the end, only Golden Salon, the thirteen princesses Yang Chan and Chen Jianghai, and Pei Junlin were left.

In addition, the white ape also followed Pei Junlin every step of the way, as if afraid that Pei Junlin would throw him off.

Jinsha has an industry in this city, and there are also quite a few shops, so Pei Junlin and others can live in the yard leisurely, and the environment for food, clothing, housing and transportation is very good. Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai And the White Ape was assigned to a large yard, and later Princess Long Shisan also moved in.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye. In the past few days, Pei Junlin did not find Chen Jianghai to inquire, but was silently observing. He found that Chen Jianghai would go out every day, and every time he went out, he would come back with a large bag of things in his hand.

Pei Junlin checked these things quietly and found that all the packages in these packages were some ordinary shellfish, which had no value at all.

The blind old man appeared before Pei Junlin's eyes, and he couldn't help but surprised Pei Junlin. What kind of medicine was sold in Chen Jianghai Gourd? Is there some connection with the blind old man?

"Our time here shouldn't be long. I found a mysterious place nearby. Recently, we can enter there to explore it. Maybe there are many benefits." Chen Jianghai quietly said to Pei Junlin.

"Is it because of the blind old man? Is there any secret in him?" Pei Junlin didn't hesitate to ask this question directly towards Chen Jianghai.

The two are both friends and brothers. After such a long time of running-in, they have already had a deep friendship with each other, so sometimes Pei Junlin doesn't need to care about the usual cliche etiquette at all, and just ask any questions.

"That's right, the blind old man is not an ordinary person. The blood in his body can scare people to death. He is a powerful descendant during the dark and turmoil." When Chen Jianghai spoke, his eyes were a little sad, and A little excited.

Mighty descendants?

Pei Junlin knows that every powerful creature is a super-evolved creature. They have reached an incredible bifurcation on the evolutionary road. They often have genes far beyond ordinary people. Like creatures of that level, the descendants they pass down will never Is an ordinary person.

"The blind old man looks so ordinary, how could he be a powerful descendant? Are you wrong?" Pei Junlin was very confused.

Seeing that Pei Junlin didn’t believe in himself, Chen Jianghai was not angry. Instead, he explained to Pei Junlin patiently: “That mighty name is Tiancanshen Eye, so they are born blind from generation to generation. It’s so strange. Don’t look at it without eyeballs, but you can see the same things as ordinary people."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's explanation, Pei Junlin was truly shocked. He didn't expect that the disability would be inherited. This is a strange thing, but Chen Jianghai said that there are noses and eyes, and Pei Junlin is reluctant to doubt.

"It's just that I didn't expect this line to be passed down from the turbulent times of ancient times, and his descendants were actually hidden in the city under the sea." Chen Jianghai sighed, and his tone was sad.

Unexpectedly, under Pei Junlin’s inquiry, Zeng Jiang was still everywhere. The reason for this was that Chen Jianghai and Tian Can Shenyan knew each other in ancient times and were still very good friends.

"There should be a feature, that is, they don’t bring them where there is no protection. Almost all the descendants of this line will have natural treasure hunting magic. I also asked that person, there is a large tomb on the bottom of the sea, why he stayed here. It has been thousands of years, and I just want to make a fortune in the tomb that I want to enter." Chen Jianghai said vividly, and his mood gradually rose.

But Junlin Pei was speechless for a while, because he didn't expect that it was the grave robber in the end. The last time Chen Jianghai took him into Yang Fan's tomb, Junlin Pei was lucky enough to meet Jingxuan Tantai.

"Last time it was a tomb robbery, this time it was a tomb robbery. How can you do this kind of indiscriminate work with you?" Pei Junlin said silently.

Hearing Pei Junlin's words, Chen Jianghai strongly denied: "That Yang Fan is also an ancient power, but I tell you, what he called a tomb is not his tomb, but to find a secret realm with good Fengshui, and sleep there. . That place is not his, he just temporarily occupied it."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's argument, Pei Junlin also felt that what he said was quite reasonable.

"I still have a lot of things that I haven't figured out. Why did the friend you talked about appear in that area?" Pei Junlin suddenly remembered about Tantai Jingxuan.

"What's weird about that, let me tell you, there are many secrets in this world, and adversities are interlinked, and there are abysses or unknowable places connected by some secrets." Chen Jianghai seemed unwilling to answer too much, two or three sentences Then I sent Pei Junlin away.

In the next time, Chen Jianghai took Pei Junlin with him when he went out to step on the spot. The two of them simply wandered in the nearby waters in order to find the location of the tomb.

According to Chen Jianghai, the descendants of the Divine Eye clan have basically determined the location of the tomb after surveying for so many years, but the entrance to the tomb has not been found yet.

According to the geographical trend of the mountains and rivers here and the dragon veins on the bottom of the sea, it is basically certain that the one buried here should be a figure of great power.

Characters of the power level will fall, and they will fall asleep. The tombs built by these characters are often mysterious after their fall, and the treasures in them are hard to estimate.

The risks and benefits of entering coexist, and entering this will inevitably encounter a lot of risks. Pei Junlin is also in a dilemma.

The biggest thing Pei Junlin has at hand now is to refine the first two of the Thirteen Heavenly Cloud Swords. The materials and embryos of these two swords have basically been completed, just a final kick.

If it weren't for this time, there had been an emergency in the Dragon Emperor Dojo, Pei Junlin would definitely have successfully refined these two swords now.

"What do you two mean by being sneaky here with me behind your back? Do you want to eat alone?" A voice came, and Pei Junlin saw the blind old man with a cane in the sea as agile as a loach. .

On the surface, the old man seemed to be walking tremblingly in his dying years, but in the waters outside this city pool, he fell a bit more than some fish, swimming very fast in the sea.

Especially the opponent's pair of hollow eyes, although there are no eyeballs, Pei Junlin feels that the opponent can see everything.

Moreover, the opponent should also be a master at the realm of a true king. Even without eyes, they can see everything in this world by virtue of their divine consciousness, so this divine eye clan doesn't need eyes at all.

"Is that enough? The two of us want to eat alone and we don't have the ability to enter the tomb. It depends on you, brother." Chen Jianghai laughed dryly, covering up his embarrassment.

I do plan to eat alone. These days, I have taken Pei Junlin around looking for the entrance to the tomb. It is simply hiding from the old blind man, but this old blind man is not a simple character. After pinching his fingers, he knows what medicine Chen Jianghai sells in the gourd. .

The old blind man did not forcibly intervene, but these days Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai have found some eyebrows, and the old blind man happened to appear.

"What old songs are not old songs, I can't call your grandfather grandfather too much, you don’t know if you are an old thing for thousands of years, and you still call me brothers and sisters, are you ashamed?" The old blind man spoke rough. .

Everyone is not a delicate person, and Pei Junlin hasn't seen him. Moreover, although the old blind man appears to be harmless to humans and animals, Pei Junlin feels that the old blind man is also an old world.

"Not much We have locked a few locations recently, but you have to determine whether it is the entrance to the tomb or not." Pei Junlin said to the old blind man.

He reached out his hand and pointed to a huge raised hill in front of him, which looked like a mountain in the sea, but this mountain was like a huge whale.

To make a mountain in the shape of a goldfish, Pei Junlin knew that this was a fossil once again formed after the death of a huge cetacean. According to the two people's investigation these days, Pei Junlin felt that the goldfish's mouth should be a cave entrance, but it is still unknown whether it is a tomb or not.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's words, the old blind man looked towards the mountain with his hollow eyes, but when he saw the position of the goldfish's mouth, he let out a gloomy laugh: "For thousands of years, only us have been watching this. Is it a large tomb? This is a huge wealth of people who are eyeing him too many, even some of the big education forces have organized a team to touch gold. But without exception, all these people have failed. , They can’t even find where the tomb is."

Chen Jianghai was a little impatient when he heard the old blind man talking about the nonsense of the car wheel. "It's not the time to brag. You can quickly say whether the entrance is here? If it is, we will go in and take The contents are emptied to avoid long nights and dreams."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's impatient look, the old blind man let out a sigh, with a mocking look on his face: "I haven't finished speaking yet, why are you in a hurry? I can tell you, absolutely not here. Simple. If I read that place correctly, it should be a trap set up by someone, in which an array is arranged to form a mysterious magnetic field, which makes people think that there should be a tomb inside, but once you fall into it, you will die."?

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