Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1770: Dragon Emperor Dojo

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Pei Junlin opened his mouth wide and his eyes showed incredible expressions. At this time, a hand stretched out and grabbed Pei Junlin, and he couldn't help but climbed towards the vine again.

The vines climbed very fast, Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai kept climbing towards the top, and soon dived into the clouds. At the last moment when his sight was completely cut off, Pei Junlin took a deep look at Tantai Jingxuan.

What makes Pei Junlin very gratified is that Tantai Jingxuan has not fallen under the wind, and fighting with that power-level figure, there is a tendency to suppress the opponent, which makes Pei Junlin feel incredible.

The two of them plunged into the whirlpool and soon a desert appeared in front of them. Pei Junlin knew that he had jumped out of the tomb.

The bright and beautiful surrounding spring is completely different from the scene of the emergence and death of all things in chaos just now. Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai panted loudly, and the two looked at each other with a feeling of fear in their eyes.

"If there is a chance in the future, I must return to this place to wake her up." Pei Junlin's tone was a bit sad, but it showed a strong firmness.

At this moment, there was a sound of breaking through the air. Several people in black surrounded a woman with a bronze mask and walked over slowly on the sand.

This woman, Pei Junlin, is very familiar, and she is the leader of that mysterious organization.

"Yes, yes, the two have successfully escaped the organization's assassination. Next is the time for us to fulfill our promise. You two are waiting for the good news. We are friends and not enemies. Don’t be bothered by the little episode before. Produce any grudge." The woman looked through the bronze mask, but her eyes were extremely clear.

Pei Junlin just nodded towards the other party, and there was nothing more to say. Instead, Chen Jianghai's expression of embarrassment gradually recovered. Walking towards the woman wearing the bronze mask, the two of them were actually very close, seeming to be whispering, and soon Chen Jianghai returned to Pei Junlin's side.

"What did you say to him?" Pei Junlin was a little confused, because he could feel that the body of the woman with the bronze mask seemed to be trembling slightly, as if she was afraid and excited.

Chen Jianghai shook his head and said nothing. After the woman wearing the bronze mask walked away, he looked at Pei Junlin with a smile and said, "I told him that you like her."

Pei Junlin thought that Chen Jianghai would definitely say something secret, but he didn't know it was such a thing, and suddenly made Pei Junlin stunned.

"Okay, then our brothers are like merging into the sea and galloping everywhere. No one in this world can restrict you and me." Chen Jianghai opened his arms, his eyes were full of vicissitudes.

This area should be Chen Jianghai's most painful memory. After his wife was abducted, she was isolated from life and death forever.

"Will you come to this place in the future?" Pei Junlin said, looking at Chen Jianghai.

He said this in fact with two meanings. The first meaning is that Chen Jianghai did not find his wife. Will he come from now on? It is still a question mark.

The second meaning is also very simple, that is, Pei Junlin will definitely enter here to wake up Tantai Jingxuan, but he doesn't know how the entrance is opened, so he needs to ask clearly now.

"Don't worry, I won't let you in here alone. Even if you tell you how to enter, you can't get out alive, so next time I want to go in, I will want to be with Junlin." Chen Jianghai suddenly turned back. The look in his eyes turned out to be gentle.

This sudden look caught Pei Junlin by surprise, and he felt slightly uncomfortable in his heart.

Pei Junlin had many questions that he wanted to ask Chen Jianghai, but he knew that even if he asked, there might be no answers, so these questions can only gradually exist and find answers in his heart.

"There seems to be something on your arm, let's see what it is." As the two of them were about to set off, Chen Jianghai suddenly noticed an unusual mark on Pei Junlin's wrist.

Pei Junlin hadn't noticed the matter until he was reminded by Chen Jianghai, and immediately looked at his wrist. Just after seeing the mark, Pei Junlin was also confused.

"It should be a spiritual mark, and perhaps the sealed memory should be something that woman left you." Chen Jianghai's expression was a bit solemn, and his eyes were a bit suspicious.

When Pei Junlin heard that this thing turned out to be left to him by Tantai Jingxuan, he was ecstatic. Pei Junlin actually remembered very clearly at that time, Tantai Jingxuan seemed to fully recover her mind and memory for a moment, but it was only a moment in time.

At that time, Pei Junlin was still very upset, but she did not expect Tantai Jingxuan to seize this moment of sober opportunity and leave a message for Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin tried to probe into this mark on his wrist with his own spiritual knowledge. Soon Pei Junlin discovered that a picture appeared in front of him, and he seemed to have come to a mysterious space.

The background of this space is a deep starry sky, and the person standing in front of me is not Tantai Jingxuan who else can?

After seeing all this clearly, Pei Junlin was a little cute, could it be that Tantai Jingxuan came out with him? But soon Pei Junlin understood that the Tantai Jingxuan in front of him was not the real Tantai Jingxuan, but a phantom.

"You have to remember this trace of my consciousness clearly. It won't last long. At the beginning I tried my best to protect your parents, but in the end they..." Tantai Jingxuan seemed embarrassed.

When Pei Junlin heard the news from Tantai Jingxuan's mouth, he immediately felt the thunder and thunder, and he did not expect that his parents would encounter an accident.

"Those of your friends, they are all..." Tantai Jingxuan's face had a trace of embarrassment, as if she couldn't explain it.

Pei Junlin was roaring, his beard and hair were spreading, and his blood was burning. He did not expect that he had always thought that his relatives and friends were safe, but now everything makes Pei Junlin the bride so cruel.

Both parents and friends died in that catastrophe. If it weren't for Tantai Jingxuan to say the news personally today, Pei Junlin would still be in the dark even today.

"Tell me who is the person behind? Is it the Dragon?" Pei Junlin gritted his teeth, his eyes full of hatred.

There was a hint of tenderness and compassion in Tantai Jingxuan's eyes. After looking at Pei Junlin for a long time, she said: "The dragon clan is just a pawn, and the real roots of this matter are actually in the great world. She was injured and flee Afterwards, by mistake, I came to the Great Thousand World and followed the clues to find something, but in the end..."

Tantai Jingxuan did not go down, but Pei Junlin had already guessed that there must be some accident in the bullet circle, which made him enter the mysterious tomb and sink there.

"Who the hell? Who is the murderer behind this?" Pei Junlin gritted his teeth, his hair and beard were stretched, and even the blue veins on his forehead violent.

"It's the dragon emperor's line, but the signs are not directed at you, but at the earth. You have many secrets and indescribable secrets. That's why the Qing emperor even sent someone out to rush to the young. Thousand Worlds." Tantai Jingxuan's figure began to disappear.

Pei Junlin knew that the memory that Tantai Jingxuan could convey was only so long, and it was very good that one mark could convey so much information.

Pei Junlin walked out of the illusion of memory, his face was extremely blue, and Chen Jianghai who stood by seemed to realize something.

"Do you know who Dragon Emperor is?" Pei Junlin said with an ugly expression.

It was Chen Jianghai's turn to look weird. After watching Pei Junlin for a while, he said in a surprised tone: "How can I know this kind of later character, but I can help you find out."

Nodded to King's Landing without speaking, but his mood was extremely low. Although Pei Junlin knows in his heart that the life span of ordinary parents will eventually reach the end, but when he heard the news in Pei Junlin still felt extremely angry.

Maybe it's dead, Pei Junlin will not be so uncomfortable, but her parents are obviously dead. She has to hold Pei Junlin's hatred, and the hatred of those friends, Pei Junlin will definitely help them remember.

"Remember, hatred can't bring you any help, it will only make you lose your mind." Chen Jianghai looked at Pei Junlin for a while, and could not help but speak when he saw Pei Junlin look like a bitter hostility. Persuade.

But after half a month of reading, Pei Junlin's face is still green. In these days, Pei Junlin has gradually inquired about the Dragon Emperor.

But these news are not really good news for Pei Junlin, after all, the Dragon Emperor turned out to be a figure of the Great Emperor level.

Becoming an enemy with such a character, I don't know if it is a kind of luck or misfortune, but Pei Junlin did not feel afraid, but made him feel excited.

"I have a way. Since I can't directly shake this dragon brother, then let's start with his descendants and grandchildren. Anyway, this farmland has opened a dojo with countless disciples. We can find out who was involved in this matter back then. , And then one by one, send them all to hell." Chen Jianghai said with some excitement.

Pei Jun Linyan nodded slightly, he felt that Chen Jianghai was very concerned about what Chen Jianghai said, and none of the people involved in this matter can stay and must be killed.

But how to inquire about the news, Pei Junlin feels that he still has to make a long-term plan, but he has already inquired about the outline of a chef, and the dragon Emperor's line has something to do with the dragon big fish who pretended to be before Pei Junlin.

The Long Family is actually the backbone of the Dragon Emperor's line. It is unique in the entire Southern Realm Dragon Emperor Dojo, possessing a huge territory and boundless power, which can be described as covering the sky with one hand. ?

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