Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1755: Return to the boy

Looking at this tender little hand, even Pei Junlin himself couldn't believe that he turned from an adult to a baby.

He wanted to use his spiritual sense to check, but found that his spiritual sense was all in other words, he had completely become an ordinary person now.

Purple lightning flashed in the sky suddenly, followed by heavy rain. Pei Junlin was struggling in the heavy rain, and a baby stumbled to his feet and trudged in the desert.

There is only one belief in Pei Junlin's heart, that is, to figure out the facts of all this, is it true in the end?

That face shimmering with golden cold gray light was right, what did you do? Pei Jun hasn't been clear until now.

"Don't worry, your body has only undergone some changes. This is the only way for your body. In other words, you have changed now." Jin Ye's voice suddenly sounded in Pei Junlin's ears.

Hearing this familiar voice Pei Junlin almost came to tears, but his mouth could only babble, but he could not speak.

"You can't speak now, I say you come listen. Your present situation is that your body has entered a mysterious transformation, because after suffering a huge trauma, your body has entered a state of self-protection. But now I Similar to your situation, I can't help you with everything. I can only rely on you. If you can survive this catastrophe, then all will be rainbows after the storm." Jin Ye's voice was full of helplessness.

Pei Junlin looked up at the sky, the pouring rain was falling, his eyes were full of helplessness.

It was just a baby's body now, and there was no magical power of any cultivator. Pei Junlin couldn't think of how he could survive in the endless wilderness.

As for what happened in the end, even Lord Jin couldn't make it clear. Pei Junlin knew only one thing, and that was that he had become like this now, and the culprit was the second child of Sanqing World.

The World of Sanqing was originally created by three brothers, the boss, the second and the third. It's just that the boss must be more dedicated and sacrificial, sacrificing himself and becoming the origin of the whole world.

The youngest man had only a very weak will descended into the great world because of a blunder. As a result, Pei Junlin placed a formation, refined it for half a year, and completely became nothingness.

Pei Junlin never imagined that the second child was still in the shadows, found his own place, and transformed himself into the now inhuman and ghostly appearance, from a living adult to a child.

Why didn't Fang just kill herself? Pei Junlin didn't know, but he only knew that his current situation was very dangerous. A young child in the desert was faced with such bad weather. Even if he didn't freeze to death, he would be starved to death.

Pei Junlin cried vigorously and made a babble sound in his mouth, trying to attract the attention of others, but there are any humans in this wilderness.

It is very likely that the sound made will even attract some beasts, and eventually make yourself into the belly of the beasts.

Pei Junlin was lonely and desperate. He clearly came to the Great Thousand World. Everything would be a good start, but he was suddenly hit, making Pei Junlin's heart gloomy.

I don't know how long, Pei Junlin fainted altogether. When he opened his eyes and woke up, he realized that the world before him had completely changed.

A woman holding an umbrella held herself in her arms, Pei Junlin could only feel the incomparable warmth of this embrace, and even exuded an amazing fragrance.

"Why is there such a child in the wilderness? And in such bad weather, this child can survive without death. This is definitely a freak and an ominous omen. I suggest that this child be directly thrown away. "A voice came into Pei Junlin's ears.

Pei Junlin's eyes instinctively showed a look of helplessness and anger, but the eyes at this moment were actually caught.

"Look at what I said, I'll just say he is a freak, do you see his eyes?" The man's voice came again.

Pei Junlin opened his eyes and looked over and found that it was a handsome man. There was an expression of disgust on the man's face, and he was talking endlessly.

The woman holding herself, Pei Junlin, was stunned after just a glance, because this woman was extremely beautiful, pure and unparalleled, and her eyes were full of the gentleness of the world.

"Don't be afraid or not?" The woman held Pei Junlin tenderly, her eyes filled with love and pity.

"Stop talking, I have decided this child, I want to take it back." The woman said in an unquestionable tone.

Hearing the woman say this, the man standing next to him was stunned, and the whole person seemed to be struck by lightning.

"Fairy Qingshu, can you figure it out, okay? You are a fairy. You don't have a man, and you suddenly show up holding a child, what would others think?" the man said angrily.

However, Fairy Qingshu's face was flat, and often did not show any strange expressions: "What other people like to say is other people's business, but since I met this child, it means that I have fate with him."

I heard that the fairy sighed, holding Pei Junlin very high in the sky.

Pei Junlin is actually a bit embarrassed. He is completely the soul, memory and thinking of an adult, but only the body of a child. Being held in his arms by such a young woman really makes Pei Junlin a little uncomfortable.

But unable to speak, Pei Junlin could only passively be held by this woman. My girl, Fairy Qingshu, is very strong. According to Pei Junlin's estimation, she should be at least a powerhouse at the level of a saint.

He held Pei Junlin with very light strength, like a feather, completely making Pei Junlin not feel any pressure. Maybe Pei Junlin's body is too fragile now, maybe it's too comfortable in the arms, Pei Junlin actually gradually fell asleep.

When Pei Junlin opened his eyes again, everything that appeared in front of him made Pei Junlin couldn't help closing his eyes.

"He doesn't seem to be hungry?" A woman's voice came.

Fairy Qingshu came over and hugged Pei Junlin, waved to the woman to go out, Pei Junlin opened his eyes at this time.

"I don't care what your background is, but since I met me, it means that we two have some fate. Let's get along as a master and apprentice in the future. I will raise you up and educate you well." Fairy Qingshu The tone of his speech was very gentle, and he was also very gentle when holding Pei Junlin.

Pei Jun looked at Fairy Qingshu blankly and could only make the same sound with his mouth open.

Soon a maid brought a jade bottle. Fairy Qingshu opened the jade bottle and pointed the mouth of the bottle at Pei Junlin's mouth. Pei Junlin smelled a fragrant scent, and a faint heat flow poured into his mouth, which quickly made Pei Junlin feel that all his limbs had strength.

Although I don't know what's in this jade bottle, but the configuration, you know, this is an extremely soft pill power. Even if it is used by infants, there will be no sequelae or side effects.

But Pei Junlin is not a baby after all. Although his body appears in the form of a baby, the whole person's thinking and consciousness are still adult. Being trapped in such a body makes Pei Junlin really unbearable.

During the first period of time, Pei Junlin was in a daze all day. Fairy Qingshu will not always take Pei Junlin with him. Most of the time, a few maids are taking care of Pei Junlin. Only when the restrictions are cleared, will he visit Pei Junlin specially.

And Pei Junlin spends most of the time in a daze, except when Fairy Qingshu comes over, Pei Junlin will use his eyes to communicate with Fairy Qingshu, except for most of the time Pei Junlin is in a daze.

In fact, Pei Junlin was in a daze, not a daze. He was actually practicing during these hours. Has been breaking through his own acupuncture hole, wanting to mobilize his mana.

On that day Pei Junlin finally succeeded, and the mana in his body began to flow slowly, which surprised the several maids, because they had never heard of a baby who was still in the infancy can already be cultivated. .

Soon news reached Fairy Qingshu, who came to see Pei Junlin in person.

"You are fine, heaven descends auspicious. Your body does not have any impurities, and your talent is very good. Since you are here, I will give you a name, let's call it Qilin." Qing Fairy Shu was also very happy to hold Pei Junlin up and said with a smile.

Pei Junlin was unable to speak and could only accept passively, but he did not expect that he would be given a new name called Qilin.

From the mouths of these maids, Pei Junlin gradually understood one that is this place, called the Qingshu Fairy Palace, and the owner of the fairy palace is this Fairy Qingshu.

Fairy Qingshu is a very beautiful person, but the lover of all young people in this territory. Fairy Qingshu, who has the power to dominate, in addition to practice, is to participate in various top-level gatherings.

Time passed, just a few months passed in the blink of an eye, but Pei Junlin's body growth rate was so fast that it was enough to surprise the several maids.

In just a few months, Pei Junlin has grown more than usual Haitong for several years, and there are more of Pei Junlin now that he can walk on his own, and even speak.

However, most of Pei Junlin is cultivating alone. He seems very silent, and he is not willing to communicate too much with others. Because Pei Junlin knows how wrong he is, it is very likely that he will leak his secret if he says it. Killing disaster.

So most of the time Pei Junlin kept silent and focused on cultivation, while the amazing power in the chaotic golden bucket world on the other side was gradually recovering, but the speed of recovery was far from a supporting role. You are so fast.

In the blink of an eye, it took three years, and Pei Junlin had grown into a handsome boy. _

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