Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1748: Round to 0

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This time, under the gaze of the Lord of Heaven, the appearance of the white-haired old woman seemed to be changing. As expected, under Pei Junlin's surprised eyes, the white-haired old woman gradually became a young girl.

It’s just that the face of this young girl is hazy and can’t be seen clearly, making Pei Junlin’s heart very surprised. You must know that this old man is the ruler of heaven and is in charge of everything in this world. Show your true face.

What is the origin of people? Why can you be with the master of the world? Since he can still hide his true appearance in front of the world ruler.

Pei Junlin discovered that this was the will of Heaven, that is, the ruler of the world, and his eyes seemed to be surprised, but he didn't care, he just snorted coldly, and didn't turn his eyes to that side.

Only Pei Junlin was very confused. He didn't understand the identity of the white-haired old woman, that is, the young girl, who could hide his face from the ruler of the world.

Could it be that the other party has a great background and can't make it so that he is a little jealous of the ruler of heaven?

Confused, confused, and shocked, Pei Junlin had countless emotions. The white-haired old woman's care for him, her love and several life-saving graces, Pei Junlin felt vividly vivid.

The white-haired old woman I saw at this time turned into a young girl. Although she couldn't see her face clearly, her exquisite figure and fat-like skin still made Pei Junlin feel that this girl was absolutely a beautiful person. .

Why such a person did not know him before, so he took care of himself several times to rescue, so Pei Junlin was confused.

At this moment, Pei Junlin suddenly discovered that the ruler of the Dao Dao raised his palm slightly, and brilliance flowed into those square spaces.

Although these Guanghua Pei Junlin didn't know what they were, he could feel that these things should be clones of the will of Heaven. Junlin now finally understood the will of Heaven and why he let these people go.

The ruthless way of heaven in the legend is not fake at all, Pei Junlin finally understands now. The original Tiandao was not compassionate at all, and was completely cold and ruthless with the original Tianyun Sect Master, another clone of Tiandao. He left this hand in order to remove these people before leaving. The clones were injected into the bodies of these people.

It's just that he chose a completely different method from the Sky Cloud Sect group, one was to trade with another world, and then directly transferred to the other world.

This person is even more insidious, and he wants to break his will into countless proportions and hide it on these young people.

Sure enough, each of these super-evolutionary entities is extremely ruthless and extremely selfish, making Jun Pei shudder. Is it true that human beings have come to this step to be cut off and completely become a beast without emotion?

Pei Junlin had countless feelings of confusion in his heart. People who repair their faces and avenues are just for longevity? But in the face of a cold and merciless body and lost the original consciousness, then what is the point of living in this world for a long time?

No feelings, no relatives, no friends, no feelings at all, only coldness, is it true that you live in this world like this, that is eternal life?

Pei Junlin, who had always been firm, was a little loose at this time.

The world is in a thousand feet, rolling like a thread, Pei Junlin doesn't know what kind of Tao he has been cultivating.

Lost and confused, I couldn't help but think of the words of my former master Linglong fairy.

These words kept repeating in Pei Junlin's ears to save Pei Junlin in confusion. At this time, Pei Junlin realized that the red line on his finger had become even brighter.

The humble Pei Junlin's confused eyes regained clarity, and she stood up with a faint smile on her face. Pei Junlin finally strengthened his will, and the road he will take in the future is an unprecedented road. It's a road that no one has ever walked before, and that's why Pei Junlin got his heart back.

That time it was the will of the Dao of the day. He suddenly turned around and took a look at Pei Junlin. Just seeing the look on Pei Junlin's face, his eyes showed greater surprise, his brows frowned, and he gradually unfolded slowly.

"Sure enough, I didn't misunderstand you. You are an extraordinary person, and you have an inextricable chance. If you are an ordinary person, then I have no interest in communicating with you." The old man in the straw hat finally told the truth.

Pei Junlin just laughed, but didn't speak, his eyes seemed to see through everything in the world.

That day, the ruler of Dao Will, the body has gradually become blurred, because Pei Junlin knew that its main will has been dispersed, scattered hundreds of young people, among hundreds of young people, in fact, everyone has become Parasite of the will of heaven.

From this moment on, their sad fate was doomed, and even Princess Long 13 was among them. Although you and you have seen through all of this, but they are unable to stop it, and can only find a way to crack the avatar of the will of heaven after the fact.

"Well, this world will be completely wiped out soon. Even if I mean what I mean, I won’t be able to leave this place in the end. If you want to sink into this world, you just leave here with them, remember not to tell They do anything." This Tiandao Will glanced at Pei Junlin slightly, and his tone was full of threats.

Pei Junlin actually knew that this was the will of heaven, and he couldn't do anything about himself. If he could kill himself and believe that the other party had already done it, there must be some reason why the other party had thrown a rat avoidance weapon and did not dare to do it with himself.

Pei Junlin didn't speak, but jumped up and jumped onto the continent like the jade belt. The continent was bright as if he had stepped on a rainbow, and Pei Junlin raised his head and walked forward to find that countless young people gathered from all directions.

The expressions on each of these people were blank. When these people saw Pei Junlin, there was surprise in their eyes and a trace of dependence. Especially when the white-haired old woman saw Pei Junlin, his eyes showed thick. Thick shock.

Pei Junlin also noticed the other party. When he found that the other party had returned to the appearance of an old woman, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. A picture flashed in his mind, showing the appearance of that curvy girl.

"What the **** are we? Why are we here? Who are you? Where do you come from?"

The crowd was noisy, everyone was asking the people around them, because these people didn't know each other.

Suddenly came to this place for no reason. These people were shocked. Some of them were practicing, some were on their way, some were refining pills, and some were even taking a bath. Suddenly they seemed to disappear from the original world. They all came here.

Pei Junlin did not participate in the discussion. He had already promised the ruler of Dao Will that he would not tell any secrets on this road.

Quietly came to Pei Jun's side, the princess Long Thirteen dressed in black looked much calmer than before.

"It's been a long time, why do you have a sullen face?" Pei Junlin smiled happily.

Princess Long 13 glanced at Pei Junlin, shook her head, did not say anything, but stood behind Pei Junlin with one hand on the sword on her waist.

Only then did Pei Junlin realize that the sword was still in the hands of Princess Nong Thirteen. He thought that the sword was given by himself. Thinking of this not very powerful health care dragon, the thirteen princesses have been staying by her side, and she saw the appearance of no change at all.

"Do you know what exactly is here? You came here suddenly inexplicably, and you are the same?" Princess Long 13 asked Pei Junlin with a confused face.

Although his personality is a bit cold, he is still a person, and he is curious, so seeing Pei Junlin's calm and calm appearance, the Dragon 13 Princess instinctively thinks that Pei Junlin knows the truth.

"Don't ask anything. Just be able to leave here alive. We may not be able to return to the original world. The place we are going is another place. You have to be Said the thirteen princess.

He had already promised the dominion of the will of heaven, he could not say too much, and now he could only provide so much information.

Pei Junlin thought that the thirteenth princess would definitely break the casserole to ask the end, and continued to ask herself, but she knew that the princess Long thirteen did not say a word after hearing her explanation.

Only then did Pei Junlin discover that people would change, even Princess Dragon Thirteen had undergone some changes, not only in terms of strength and temperament, but also in experience.

At this time, Pei Junlin took Princess Long 13 towards the old white-haired woman and Miss Ning. Whether it was the white-haired old woman or the Ningning girl, they stood quietly on the side and did not feel completely at a loss like the others, asking each other to find comfort.

Seeing Pei Junlin walking over, there was a slight difference in the cover-up of the white-haired old woman, but she soon smiled.

"Big Brother Pei, have you seen An Tie? It's been a long time since I saw her, I miss him." The first sentence of Miss Ningning when she saw Pei Junlin turned out to be asking about An Tie's safety.

This made Pei Junlin a little relieved. He didn't expect that this girl still remembered An Tie.

"You should be able to see each other soon, don't ask us to leave here now, just follow this road." Pei Jun didn't talk much, only knowing that the road under his feet is like a road composed of Guanghua.

It was dark all around, like a dark and deep tunnel, only the road underneath was shining with a faint light.

From the shock and fear at the beginning, people are slowly accepting it, and the crowd has gradually calmed down. After all, these people are elites selected from the countless populations of the entire world. Each of them is not a genius, but the character is definitely Not ordinary. ?

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