Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1747: Devouring evil

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It is impossible for a person to hold a planet in his palm. This is a matter of common sense, and his body will never grow so big. The only explanation is that he is now in a high-dimensional spiritual world.

Pei Junlin, who reacted, only smiled bitterly. Even if the other party gave these two planets to him, he couldn't take them away.

But soon Pei Junlin thought of a way. The body is tangible and consciousness is intangible. There is a huge world inside Chaos Supervision, which can naturally contain these two planets.

I remember that Lord Jin is now in a drowsiness, Pei Junlin wants to control the world of Chaos Jindou, and I don't know if it will work.

After all, Junlin Pei still had to try, trying to communicate the internal events of Chaos Jindou, and soon, Junlin Pei showed a slight joy on his face because he succeeded.

The five primordial spirits and the internal world of Chaos Jindou are completely integrated, and Pei Junlin is actually the master of the internal world of Chaos Jindou. In other words, he has now merged with Chaos Jin, and Jin Ye is actually not the spirit of Chaos Jindou.

Of course, there are contradictions and contradictions in this question. It is difficult to explain it to Pei Junlin, and his eyesight is not confused, but what can be known is that even if the spirit of Jin Ye falls into a drowsy, he can still control Chaos Jin. Most of the formations inside the battle.

A vortex appeared on Pei Junlin's forehead, like a nebula, and the two planets in his palm were also absorbed.

These two planets are not simple. One of them is a planet of flesh and blood that fell into the starry sky from the flesh and blood of the ancestors, absorbed the rules of the universe around it, and gradually nurtured into a flesh and blood planet with a huge and unimaginable blood.

The other planet was the planet that the body transformed into after the fall of the ancient gods, which contained the secrets of the ancient gods and the power of the ancient gods' bloodlines, and was equally powerful.

At this time, Pei Junlin looked up, his consciousness seemed to extend infinitely, and he could see the end of the world and the end of the entire universe at a glance.

Pei Junlin gradually understood that the consciousness he was currently using was not what he meant, but borrowed from the dominion of the world, that is, the extension of the consciousness of the will of heaven, so that he could see so far.

As soon as Shen Nian turned Pei Junlin's gaze, he turned to the whole Sanqing world, and he saw countless pictures. The endless disasters are countless times more terrifying than the disaster Pei Junlin imagined. Even if Pei Junlin cultivated the supernatural powers of destroying the world, it was not as urgent as this kind of disaster.

A world is about to be destroyed. This is not a deduction or speculation, but a real development. Pei Junlin can feel the rapid collapse and contraction of this universe.

Countless joys and sorrows in the world, countless tragedies are unfolding, and all of these have been understood by Pei Junlin. He is now like an omniscient and omnipotent **** who can know everything that happens in this world.

But countless emotions, countless joys and sorrows, countless pains and countless destructions, all merged into Pei Junlin's consciousness, making his brain almost explode.

But in the end Pei Junlin persisted, and she found that her mood was changing. It seems that there is a human being who is going too far toward an idol without emotion.

When Pei Junlin discovered this trend, even he was taken aback, because this situation was too terrifying. For example, Pei Junlin didn't want to change like this, but its life form was changing subtly, even Pei Junlin could not stop it.

"This is the ruthless Dao Da Da Dao. If you want to cultivate the Dao to embark on a regular Da Dao road, you have to cut off your love and become ruthless." The old man wearing a straw hat suddenly turned around, his face turned With any expression.

But when Pei Junlin said these words, he couldn't help shaking his head, because he felt that this great breath was devouring his memory, and seemed to erase his thoughts about his relatives and his feelings for his beloved wife. Pei Junlin could not accept it.

"No, this kind of avenue, don't worry. Even if one day you can live forever with the world, what is the point? Become as ruthless as the grass and trees." Pei Jun roared in the sky, a force of will directly conveyed into him In the spiritual consciousness.

In Pei Junlin’s divine mind, the tree of life is constantly shaking. At this moment, every leaf suddenly becomes smooth and shiny, and the whole tree is shining with a vigorous breath of life, and the brilliance of the branches is shining while shaking. There were countless fruits that fell down and wave of life, passed into Pei Junlin's state of mind.

This huge vitality seemed to be full of vitality, making Pei Junlin's gradually numb feelings and body gradually recovered. And Pei Junlin was running Buddhism at this time, and ancient scriptures surged in his mind.

Finally, the fear of turning his whole body into stone, away from Jun Pei, he became a flesh and blood body again. At this time, Pei Junlin realized that his consciousness could not extend himself, or he had returned to the ontology, and everything he had obtained just now was suddenly lost.

The U.S. Army's brain is turning very fast, but for a moment, you quickly understand what happened.

In fact, this should have been a trap from the beginning, and I was targeted again. Pei Junlin didn't understand why the monsters always stare at him and seize his body. Is there any secret in his body that he doesn't know?

Pei Junlin now understands that the scene just now was not a coincidence or accident at all, but the old man wearing a straw hat deliberately did it. The other party wanted to seize his body and consciousness, or in other words, wanted to assimilate himself.

It is a pity that at the last moment, Pei Junlin's desperate resistance escaped this disaster.

After eluding this catastrophe, Pei Junlin was sweating profusely and had a feeling of escaping from death. Instead of facing death forever to silence, Pei Junlin feared being assimilated or swallowed by others.

The fear of being occupied by another soul and another consciousness occupying his own life made Pei Junlin divided by trembling.

No, if everything is gone, if Pei Junlin escaped the disaster, it is considered safe. At this time, he looked towards the sky, and another face appeared in the sky, it was the old man wearing a straw hat. .

The hollow eyes stared at Pei Junlin coldly, without any emotion, just like a huge stone statue.

"You missed an opportunity to become me, you missed an opportunity to climb the sky in one step." The old man stared at Pei Junlin lightly, without the slightest guilt in his tone.

"Thank you, I am not interested in being someone else. I just want to live my own life and follow my own way." Pei Junlin also responded blankly.

But at this time, Pei Junlin didn't have any hatred in his heart. Like the old man in front of him, he didn't feel anything either.

Sometimes the strong swallows the weak, and there is no reason at all. Just like cats eat fish, it is natural to take it for granted.

In the face of some relatively high-level topics, perhaps ordinary humans are like ants, without any ethics at all.

The only thing Pei Junlin can do is to seize the opportunity to get some benefits from this super evolutionary body, such as returning himself to the original world.

"You are fine, really." The straw hat old man stopped talking, but withdrew his gaze, looking into the distance with hollow eyes.

The collapse of the world around him continued, and countless people's hobbies seemed to ring next to Pei Junlin's ears, but all of this Pei Junlin ignored.

Because Pei Junlin knew that no matter what he was able to change, the destruction of the entire world was already an irreversible reality.

What he has to do now is to figure out how to get out of here alive. Pei Junlin's gaze saw the distance, where a dark dragon girl, standing in a separate grid, was exactly when she looked blank.

Although Pei Junlin didn't know why Long Yu was selected by this heavenly, he knew that Dragon Girl had already obtained the qualification, that is, the qualification to leave this world and go to the Great Thousand World.

Why would the ruler of this heaven choose the thirteen princesses of the dragon clan? This makes Pei Junlin puzzled. Could it be that there are some unknown secrets in Princess Long13, or the ruler of the heavens, can also sense Princess Longshan, who is also not the origin of this world.

Pei Junlin is no longer willing to think about all these things. What he cares most now is how he leaves here alive.

Now that his relationship with the Lord of Heaven has become stalemate, Pei Junlin feels very worried, is the other party willing to give him a place to leave?

"Of course you can leave here with them, but I only have one requirement of you, that is, you can't tell them the truth on this road." Tiandao Piggy suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed out a wide road in front of him. It straddles the stars like a Milky Way.

Pei Junlin didn't know where the end of the road was, or even imagined it.

"This request is not excessive, I can promise you, but what exactly are you going to do? Can you tell me?" Pei Junlin was very curious, and at the same time he was surprised and happy.

He looked at the old white-haired woman and the girl Ningning, who also sat in the space with a blank face, not knowing what they were thinking about.

The face of the ruler of heaven, indifferently and ruthlessly, cast his gaze on the grid area. In that grid area, there are countless square-like spaces that make up each square. A young man is sitting in the space.

But Junlin Pei discovered that some of these young people had been disguised, such as the old white-haired woman with silver hair. ?

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