Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1745: Master of the world

The huge energy tide destroys almost everything, but all of this has been absorbed by Chaos Golden Dou. Pei Junlin and Chaos Golden are all connected at this moment, he can feel the damage caused by Chaos Golden Dou.

"Jin Ye..." Pei Junlin suddenly felt his heart tightened by a big hand.

The accident came too suddenly, and Pei Junlin did not expect that he did not withstand the fatal blow. At the most critical moment, it was Lord Jin who saved him.

Jin Ye is the treasure of Pei Junlin's same Qi, the two can be said to be integrated, Jin Ye has been damaged, Pei Junlin can feel it.

Pei Junlin could even confirm that Lord Jin had fallen asleep, and perhaps the situation in the future would be similar to that of Antie, and it would take a long time to recover.

The glowing face in the sky was like wearing a metal mask, and after making a cold snort, he stretched out his hand towards Pei Junlin again.

At this time, it seemed that the power of the whole world was concentrated at one point, and Pei Junlin felt as if he had been swallowed by a world. There was a breeze blowing in the ears, and it seemed that he had returned to childhood. Pei Junlin closed his eyes, and the corners of his eyes were a little moist.

At this moment, Pei Junlin did not resist. He finally realized who this golden-glow face was? He is not a person but the whole world, but the will of the whole Sanqing world.

Jin Ye had already said it before, but there was no time to finish it. By the time Pei Junlin discovered it, it was too late. It was impossible for one person to fight against the world. Pei Junlin knew that he had lost. The loss was complete, and at the most critical moment, he lost his life.

There was a whirring wind in his ears, Pei Junlin slowly opened his eyes, the expected storm did not come, and an old man appeared in front of him, the old man wearing a straw hat.

The shriveled little body, at this time, was like a mountain after a ridge, lazy in front of Pei Junlin, carrying all the storms.

With such a weak body, but capable of carrying a heavy burden, Pei Junlin seemed to feel that all the power of the sky was resisted by this old man.

"You promised to do two things for me. Now that it is done, I can't let you die, even if I want to hurt you this day." The old man's tone was very calm, but he revealed an unquestionable look. .

Pei Junlin was extremely surprised. He never thought that someone could actually be against the sky. Who is this old man? What is the identity? It can be opposed to the will of a world.

This is the golden face in the sky, the will of Heavenly Dao, and the sect master of Heavenly Cloud Sect. However, no one in the world had imagined that the Sect Master of the Sky Cloud School turned out to be the incarnation of the will of Heaven, always hiding in the world, quietly observing everything in the world with a pair of indifferent eyes, playing with the joys and sorrows of the world.

What is his strength for a man who can fight against Heaven?

At this moment Pei Jun was confused, as if there were only two people left in the world, one was the huge face of Watson that day, and the other was the man who looked like a javelin in front of him.

The old man's straw hat didn't know when it was gone, and his rickety body stood upright like a javelin. There seemed to be a radiant light on the old face, which made him look no weaker than the incarnation of Dao.

"What the **** are you doing? Why have you repeatedly blocked my plan?" The huge face shining with golden light almost occupied the entire sky.

There was a deep and dead silence all around. Except for Pei Junlin who could hear the conversation between the two, all the others seemed to have passed away without any signs of life.

"This world will be abandoned by you, but I don't want to leave him." The old man spoke peacefully, but he was very firm. There was no icy wind and no tit-for-tat, like two brothers. People discuss one thing.

It feels strange to you, what is the relationship between these two people? Why is the tone of speech so peaceful but so opposed? This is simply a contradiction.

"Actually, your heart is very clear. Back then, you and your eldest brother and I created this world together, but the lifespan of this world has reached its limit now. What if you don't give up?" The incarnation of Dao, face There was a firm look on it.

"Giving up the past means betrayal, and giving up this world means leaving the big brother." The old man's face had a trace of vicissitudes of life, as if full of eternal loneliness.

But at the moment the old man turned around and glanced, Pei Junlin seemed to understand the cause and effect in an instant, because countless information got into his mind.

Only then did Pei Junlin know that the identity of this old man was not someone else, he was also the incarnation of the Tao of Heaven. There were two Tao of Heaven in the same world. Why? In fact, the answer is very simple.

The so-called Sanqing World should be the world created by the three brothers. It was their eldest brother who became the whole world.

And now the second and third child have become the will of heaven in this world. Brothers and this world are integrated and not separated from each other, but now there is a rift between the second and third, because the life of this world has reached the end.

The whole world will soon be explored, and the discovery will finally turn into chaos.

The second child is the shining face. What he meant is that everything evolves according to nature, that is to say, the entire world, with the demise of the world, everyone here will stay here.

The third child's meaning is more concise and clear. He wants to transfer the elite power of this world to another world.

The third is the proof of the contract with Pei Junlin, the skinny old man. His suggestion is to select a group of top elites in this world, and the other world is the Little Thousand World, rather than just let the people of Tianyun Sect transition into that world.

The second child's behavior is to be more selfish, he only allows his direct power to be sent out, and the rest will be buried with the destruction of this world.

The two brothers in Harmony had suspicions, so they played secretly, and the wives among them were the coalition forces led by Pei Junlin and Tianyunzong.

You suddenly find that whether it is the old man wearing a straw hat or the huge face in the sky, these two people are actually feelingless, and they have no humanity.

Countless lives are just a game in their eyes, and Pei Junlin has become a plaything of this curse. Pei Junlin was not angry, because the little man must have the consciousness of the little man. He knew that if he wanted to leave here and return to the world of Xiaoqian, he had to rely on the help of the old man with straw hat.

"Second brother, don't hold on to it. This world will soon disappear. Why can't you relax your mind? Leave some fire." The third man persuaded me bitterly.

The second child fell into silence. After a long time, he turned into a man in a golden robe, with a cold expression on his face: "In fact, many years ago, I had already started to withdraw my body from this world. I've been separated, and now it's not just the people I selected, but I am also leaving."

The eyes of the third child wearing a straw hat suddenly widened, but soon a faint smile came: "Then if you want to go, then you go, I won't stop you, I want to be here with my eldest brother forever. As this world plunges into darkness and disappearance completely."

The behaviors and language of these super-evolved entities seemed to be understood by Pei Junlin. They didn't seem to have any feelings between them, and their expressions were indifferent tones without any fluctuations.

It is said that the two are discussing and discussing a question. It is better to say that two pieces of wood are communicating. After a few words, the huge face in the sky disappears, and then the huge power of the entire Sky Cloud Sect will enter. In a whirlpool.

Pei Junlin watched that the man in the golden robe swept thousands of people, and the elite force of the Tianyun Sect was about to enter the portal.

Pei Junlin suddenly thought of Yun Yao, would he be among these people? He wanted to open his mouth to shout, but he had to find that he couldn't open his mouth, and his body seemed to be frozen.

The straw hat old man turned around at this time, expressionless, after looking at Pei Junlin, he quietly shook his head, and finally didn't say anything.

When the world returned to normal again, Pei Junlin discovered that everything around it seemed to be blurred and distorted. The whole world seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist, becoming unreal and so illusory.

"This world will soon fall into silence and disappearance, and everything will be ruined." The old man did not hide it.

There were shouts of killing all around, UU reading, countless monks were still fighting for resources, and some people were blushing in the fight for a treasure.

Perhaps you suddenly felt a sense of sadness in your heart. It turns out that this is from God's perspective. In the eyes of the will of Heaven, no training resources and panacea are worth mentioning.

I am afraid that all people here have no chance to leave this world alive. After all, the world is going to be wiped out, which means it is the end of the world. The whole world will eventually become nothingness. I am afraid that everyone here has only one final way back, and that is death. .

"You are the creator of this world." Pei Junlin carefully talked to the other party.

Because Pei Junlin suddenly discovered that his body seemed to have become transparent. There were infinite killings and fluctuations around, and it could not even cause any disturbance. And the position where he and the old man stood relative to each other was like in another space, like the world in front of him. There is a layer of transparent glass separated from where I am.

I can see it, but I can't touch it.

But Junlin Pei knew very well that he was talking to a super evolutionary, so his tone was full of respect. _

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