Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1742: Break through the mountain guard

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As for the third thing, the most important thing Pei Junlin thinks is the mysterious old man wearing a straw hat. Pei Junlin feels that whether he can leave here and return to the original world depends on this old man wearing a straw hat. .

So every day Pei Junlin was secretly observing this old man. He also wanted to spend time to get close to the other person, but the other party refused to be thousands of miles away and did not give Pei Junlin a chance to see the needle.

These three things are proceeding in an orderly manner every day. As for the attack on Tianyun Sect, Pei Junlin didn’t have to worry too much about a large number of speculators who gathered together for profit. These people would try their best to attack every day. Tianyunzong's mountain guarding formation.

According to Pei Junlin’s estimation, it would take about half a month for the Tianyunzong’s mountain guard formation to collapse under the influence of internal and external forces. As for the external force is the offensive force of the coalition forces, of course this part of the force plays a role. It's just a psychological deterrent, but in fact, it does little harm to the protection of the mountain.

As for the role of internal force, it is actually part of the traitors and rats within the Tianyun Sect. These people also hope that the Tianyun Sect will collapse, and then they can take advantage of the chaos to grab benefits.

Some of these people are in high positions within the Tianyun Sect, and some are in possession of some secrets, so these people unite and start digging outside the fortress, which is still very fast.

Sure enough, less than half a month after Pei Junlin’s plastic was released, the Tianyunzong’s mountain protection formation began to decay rapidly, and another few days passed. The transparent light curtain was already as thin as paper. It broke.

Everyone’s eyes are shining, and everyone is ready to do a big job. Only Pei Junlin is sober in his heart. He knows that the reason why Tianyunzong has not resisted is that he is preparing to go to the portal to the small world.

It's not that the Sky Cloud Sect has no power to destroy the coalition forces. After all, the Sky Cloud Sect has top emperor-level characters, and it takes minutes for such a character to destroy a star field.

So at the moment when Tianyunzong was breached, Pei Junlin quietly retired, and he quietly left the coalition army without telling anyone.

And Pei Junlin’s next whereabouts is to sneak into the Sky Cloud Sect and find a chance to rescue Yun Yao. He knows that the current migration plan of the Sky Cloud Sect has not yet been completed, and the last step is only at a time when the gongs are in full swing. At this time, Tianyun The destruction of the sect's mountain guarding formation is bound to make the top decision makers of the Tianyun Sect a mess.

At this time, a big battle is imminent, and there may be bloodshed when returning. Pei Junlin's success at this time is actually avoiding risks.

Of course, Pei Junlin was not a selfish person to hide, but took away a large number of Seven Seals. These cronies are absolutely loyal to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin can see the most clearly when he can withstand the first wave of attacks and the second wave of attacks.

"Boss, tomorrow Yunzong will break through at this time, why don't we go in and get some benefits, after all, don't we do it for nothing these days?" A subordinate close to Pei Junlin complained to Pei Junlin.

But the vast majority of people are silent and have absolute trust in Pei Junlin, so naturally they have no doubts.

"At this time, we only have a dead end to the top. Do you know how strong the actual strength of the Sky Cloud Sect is? Although the largest coalition has millions of top monks, how many of these monks can survive in the end? "Pei Junlin asked back.

What Pei Junlin said made the monk who questioned Pei Junlin immediately embarrassed. There is no doubt that Pei Junlin's strategy is absolutely right, and the people with these confidants are also planning for their lives.

Sure enough, in the next few days, the gate of the Tianyun Sect became a large meat grinder. A large number of monks fell again, almost piled up like a mountain, a large number of treasures did not even have the opportunity to see, and the top-grade spirit tools piled up like a mountain.

The more treasures were piled up here, the more monks rushed forward, but in this way, a bigger battle would break out.

The power of Tianyunzong is also extremely consumed, while the power of the coalition is constantly replenished, and the balance of power is getting more and more unbalanced.

Some of the monks of the Sky Cloud Sect have already begun to flee, but the core layer of the Sky Cloud Sect is still not moving. They are still dreaming of migrating and want to persist until the last moment.

"Brother Pei, I want to go back." Tang Yujiao said goodbye to Pei Junlin at this time.

Actually, without Tang Yujiao speaking, Pei Junlin knew what the purpose of this girl was. After all, his parents are still in the Tianyun Sect.

"Ling Zun Ling Tang, in fact, I have asked someone to come out a long time ago, don't worry too much, I will tell you their location after this matter." Pei Junlin said faintly at Tang Yujiao.

In fact, in Pei Junlin's heart, before he owed Tang Yujiao a promise, after all, he had used Tang Yujiao, and now it was time to make up. Therefore, Pei Junlin quietly made arrangements to rescue Tang Yujiao's parents under the premise of paying some price.

Perhaps the happiness came too suddenly. Hearing the news of Pei Junlin, Tang Yujiao cried with joy.

Perhaps the coalition's attack was too violent, or perhaps the internal core personnel of the Tianyun Sect were caught off guard. In short, the situation has been overwhelming, and the attack of the Tianyun Sect is just around the corner.

"Boss, let's not make a shot now, I am afraid that we don't even have to drink the soup." Pei Junlin's confidant is also a little uncontrollable at this time.

But this time Pei Junlin still shook his head resolutely, because he knew that the shot would be the worst death at this time, because the core strength of the Tianyunzong would concentrate on counterattack this time.

Perhaps it was because of the understanding of Pei Junlin, perhaps his loyalty to Pei Junlin, and perhaps his gratitude to Pei Junlin. These confidants did not refute Pei Junlin’s words, but obediently obeyed Pei Junlin’s arrangements and continued to hide Lurking.

Sure enough, after a few days passed, Pei Junlin's prediction was completely fulfilled. When the mountain gate of the Tianyun Sect was breached, the situation was completely out of control, and the large-scale counterattack of the Tianyun Sect finally sounded the horn at this moment.

Those top masters finally started to take action, and these mobs of the coalition army, although their individual strength is very high, gathered together to be a mess.

Those masters of the Sky Cloud Sect are often sharp, not to mention the methods are very powerful, a single shot can often play an unexpected role, a saint-level power can even reach a legion that is defeated.

The monk in the sky fell to the ground like an ant, becoming a corpse of white bones, covering almost half of the mountain.

Recently, I don't want to calculate how many people died in these days. The entire Tianyunxing has become a huge Shura field and a huge treasure house, because there are treasures everywhere.

After the monks die, their treasures and life savings will often become unowned. At this time, later people will pick up these treasures, but later people will continue to die. Repeatedly, a large number of treasures are piled up. Around Tianyunzong.

The land within a radius of a hundred li has almost become a treasure house, and the Shura Field is full of treasures except for the corpses.

After the Tianyunzong briefly gained the upper hand, the fierce bombardment from the coalition forces once again gained the upper hand. After all, the treasures are touching. The monks on the coalition side are all monks from the major star regions, and their original combat experience is very good. rich.

Although it was a big loss for not knowing how to cooperate with each other for a while, the combat effectiveness of the coalition forces that came to mind became more fierce, after all, the treasures everywhere made these people red-eyed.

The balance of this wave of victory was calm again, and then Pei Junlin felt that the Tianyun Sect was gone, and the entire Tianyun Sect was in chaos, with almost no organization.

"Boss, this is the time we should take action. Yunzong is about to fall and fall." This time someone couldn't bear it. This is the third time.

"At this time, there may be a big risk if you make a move. UU Reading is still not making a move because of the emperor-level figure of the Tianyun Sect. Once he makes a move, the whole planet may be destroyed." Pei Junlin looked a little serious.

After listening to Pei Junlin's words, these people were completely speechless. After all, it is good to be able to get the treasure, but the most important thing is whether to get the treasure or not to enjoy life.

None of these people here are fools, and they can cultivate where they are today. Each of them is very smart and smart, so they can naturally understand Pei Junlin's words.

"This is the time for you to take action. If all the treasures of this land are integrated into my body, then I will become extremely strong and I will recover faster." Jin Ye's voice spread to Pei. In King Lin's ears, there was unbearable excitement and unbearable excitement in his voice.

There are monks' weapons and treasures, endless storage bags, these treasures are piled up like a mountain, which is countless times more than all the wealth that Pei Junlin has seen before.

The lowest level of millions of top monks is also the strength of Heavenly Sovereign level. With these powerful men, the wealth that each person can collect is enough to pile up like a mountain, so many people together, the wealth in them can be endless.

So at this time, even Jin Ye was a little tempted.

At night, Pei Junlin quietly sank his spiritual thoughts into the world at the end of chaos.

"This is the eve of the turmoil. The Emperor-level figure of Tianyunzong is likely to give it a go. Is it really no problem to take a shot at this time?" Pei Junlin was also a little tempted, but a little uncertain.

After all, it is conceivable how terrifying the strength of an emperor-level character is. Pei Junlin is afraid that once he makes a move by himself, even he and Jin Ye will be swallowed by the bones. ?

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