Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1741: Siege of Sky Cloud Sect

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This strategy seems simple, but in fact it has the effect of attacking snakes.

Because there is a simple truth, that is, sacrifice must be approved by the priest himself. In other words, the sacrificial offering must be willing to be sacrificed. This is a rule. If you violate this rule, then nothing will work.

After these years, the Sky Cloud Sect has a huge reputation in the entire Sky Cloud Star Territory. Although the invasion of the Demon Clan destroyed the reputation of the Sky Cloud Sect, the Sky Cloud Sect is still a sacred existence on the entire Sky Cloud Star. , Is the last piece of pure land in everyone's mind.

So before that, the tens of billions of people on Tianyun Star were deceived and deceived. They didn't know their fate at all, but they were willing to believe in Tianyun Sect in their hearts and were willing to sacrifice for him.

This is the foundation of the Sky Cloud Sect, and the unbreakable golden body that protects the mountain array to operate. But now one of Little Fatty's tactics directly defeated the Immortal Golden Body.

Following the news for half a month, all the ordinary cultivators who spread the whole sky on the sky knew the news. Although some people hold a wait-and-see attitude, most people have emotions such as fear, fear, disgust, disgust, etc. in their hearts.

In this way, when the Tianyun Sect's mountain protection formation is in operation, the sacrifice link will naturally be unusable. As long as Pei Junlin violently breaks the mountain protection formation, he can move his forces south and enter the Tianyunzong.

Hundreds of iron-clad battleships crowded around the place of Tianyunxing mightily.

"Leader, our ship encountered a blocking sky cloud, and Zong also sent a large number of armored battleships." Someone came to Pei Junlin's room to report.

In fact, Pei Junlin had anticipated all this long ago, but this is not surprising. With the current strength of the Sky Cloud Sect, it is absolutely impossible to fight against the coalition, unless the coalition of top strength may be weaker, but in the ordinary strength For lower-level practitioners, the coalition forces have an overwhelming advantage in both quantity and quality.

The forward war has begun, and the energy cannon on the armored battleship has tore through the quiet starry sky. A few months ago, Pei Junlin had sent someone to order a large number of top-notch energy cannons from Master Baoyu in the Southern Star Territory.

This kind of energy cannon consumes a lot of energy, but its power is extraordinary. When encountering Tianyunzong's iron-clad battleship, it can often shatter the opponent's iron-clad battleship by a few shells. In addition to some top masters who can escape The lower-level cultivators are basically buried in the flames.

The battle was very cruel, with a large number of practitioners dying out every day, but the results were quite fruitful. In addition to capturing a large number of armored warships and materials, there were also a large number of prisoners.

These people were not hard-core supporters of the Sky Cloud Sect, nor were they members of the Sky Cloud Sect. They were just ordinary cultivators on the Sky Cloud Star, but they were pulled out as cannon fodder at this time.

These captives need to be transformed a little bit before they can be thrown into battle and become a new force.

The coalition forces are advancing very quickly, and they have approached Tianyunxing in just half a month. This seemingly fiery red planet is now hitting with heavy punches from Mount Tai.

And from some other channels, Pei Junlin also received snow flakes of information that Tianyun Sect was actually speeding up the construction of the portal, and they had to finally move into the Little Thousand World before the Tianyun Sect's mountain guard formation was breached.

On the other side, the Tianyun Sect was also constantly sending envoys to threaten Pei Junlin, of course using Yun Yao's safety. However, Pei Junlin ignored this threat at all, because she knew that compromising would only allow the other party to gain an inch. It was not a solution at all.

The firmer he moves forward, the safer Yun Yao will be, and the more he will be able to make Tian Yunzong complain about not hurting Yun Yao. If the coalition forces retreat, then Pei Junlin believes that Yun Yao's fate is absolutely miserable.

Pei Junlin is only responsible for making suggestions. The specific combat missions are led by the powerhouses of the major saints. The current coalition forces are divided into twelve invincible fleets.

Twelve sage-level masters, each in a fleet.

In the blink of an eye, another half a month passed, and the coalition forces had already approached the city and came to the Tianyunzong's protective formation.

Pei Junlin did not hesitate, and directly united all the energy cannons of one or two fleets to bombard the mountain guard array day and night.

With the energy cannonballs falling on the light curtain, this formation is constantly being weakened, but it will take at least hundreds of years to consume the power of a planet. Pei Junlin has calculated.

Although the Tianyun Sect’s protective mountain array has lost the entire Tianyun Star’s flesh and blood city wall of tens of billions of people, this mountain protective array is connected to the star core.

If you want to use brute force to destroy the entire mountain protection formation, unless you blast the entire planet into ruins and completely end the life of this planet. Pei Junlin naturally understood this truth. The reason why he did this was actually to cause tremendous psychological pressure on Tianyun Sect.

Pei Junlin's plan to attack Tianyunzong is to walk on two legs. The first leg is to break through the mountain guard formation, and the second leg is of course to attack the heart.

Pei Junlin had a hunch in his heart that his time in this world is not long, and he should soon return to the original world, which is the Little Thousand World.

So in this period of time, although Pei Junlin is commanding thousands of troops and horses and looks majestic, but Pei Junlin is actually a bit tired of all this.

As for why he wants to break through Tianyun, Zong Pei Junlin has only one purpose, and that is to rescue his friend Yunyao. In addition, Pei Junlin is looking for people to get along with him, such as Dragon Girl. Dragon Girl comes from the same world as him. When leaving here, Pei Junlin naturally didn't want to drop the Dragon Girl.

The whereabouts of the Dragon Girl has always been very secretive. Pei Junlin has already sent someone to find it. Unfortunately, after the invasion of the Demon Race, the entire world of mountain green is full of wars, and the whereabouts of the Dragon Girl are also lost.

As time passed day by day, a large amount of resources were consumed every day to attack the mountain guard formation, but the entire Tianyun Sect's mountain guard formation at least looked immobile from the outside, and there was no sign of need to break down.

It was Pei Junlin who was not in a hurry. After all, Tianyunzong was the meat on the chopping board now. It was impossible to escape and there was still a mysterious figure who had not yet taken action, the old man with straw hat.

Pei Junlin believes that sooner or later there will be a turning point if this continues, it is just a matter of time.

Sure enough, the turning point Pei Junlin was waiting for soon came. There was good news from the little fat man, he had found the ultimate weakness of the mountain guard.

And recently, Little Fatty was also at the step of Tianyun Sect, and made a group of people these people, who will become the main force of Pei Junlin and break the Tianyunzong mountain protection formation.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the war is still spreading.

Pei Junlin knew that the day when the mountain protection formation was completely broken was the day of the decisive battle, and that day must be a river of blood. There are some things that do not turn their heads back when the bow is opened, and the behemoth Tianyunzong will always fall one day.

And Pei Junlin discovered that the number of coalition forces has been increasing recently, and the number has doubled in less than a month, and there are still countless monks from various star regions.

Of course, these monks who came here were not to help justice, their purpose was actually very simple and it was easy to explain clearly. Tianyunzong is a big cake. There are countless people who want to share a piece of the pie, and this time to cut in and join the coalition forces, they will naturally get a piece of the pie.

Pei Junlin understood naturally in his heart, but he also closed one eye. After all, a coalition who really has a righteous man would probably not even be able to account for a fraction, and most people would stand together for profit.

The so-called hustle and bustle of the world is profit, and for these people to be able to gather together, the strongest adhesive is actually profit, and the giant cake of Tianyunzong will be the coveted object of countless people.

As the saying goes, everyone pushes down the wall, and now it’s understandable that more people are coming in to see the Tianyun Zongshu falling down the hustle and

As the supreme commander of the coalition forces, Pei Junlin created the coalition forces, but there are many places Pei Junlin can no longer control. After all, his strength is only in the realm of the real king.

If Pei Junlin was the absolute core when fighting against the demons before, then his power has been invisibly divided. After more and more careerists join in, these people will not bow to Pei Junlin. , They each have their own goals, each has its own people.

But at this time, Pei Junlin didn't really care about these things. After all, everyone had only one common goal, which was to destroy Tianyunzong.

What Pei Junlin wants is this goal, and those young monks want this goal naturally, so there is no contradiction in everyone's efforts to defeat Pei Junlin. The major legions still obey Pei Junlin's strategic plan.

There is a saying that the current coalition forces are actually a group of robbers, but Pei Junlin didn't think there was anything. In fact, among all the cultivators in this starry sky, which ones are not busy for cultivation resources, killings and treasures happen every day.

In this life of cultivating, we are striving for fate and fate with heaven and man for resources, and we are fighting every day. It’s just that Pei Junlin has gathered these people together now, and gathered an evil force to defeat another evil force, so that the two evil forces can destroy each other. This may be what Pei Junlin can give before leaving this starry sky. Something left here.

In fact, there are only three things Pei Junlin has been doing these days. The first thing is to care about Yun Yao's movements. He urges the little fat man every day to try his best to rescue Yun Yao.

The second thing is to look for the Dragon Girl Yang Chan. After all, it was Pei Junlin who brought the Dragon Girl into this world at the beginning. Now when he is leaving, he naturally wants to be together. ?

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