Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1738: Ready back

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In fact, Tang Yujiao was also very nervous inside. Once discovered, not only would he be imprisoned, but his parents might also be implicated.

But for Pei Junlin, he had no choice but to fight it out, but now, everything about Pei Junlin has completely shocked Tang Yujiao.

Because after a mysterious earthen jar enveloped Pei Junlin, Tang Yujiao unexpectedly found that Pei Junlin was standing in front of him, but his spiritual consciousness could not detect him at all.

This was terrifying. He wanted to break his head and didn't think about what method Pei Junlin used to hide himself. As for whether Pei Junlin can avoid the detection of some saint-level powerhouses through this mysterious method, Tang Yujiao is not known.

He is already tied to Pei Junlin, and now that Pei Junlin has an accident, it is difficult for him to pick it out clearly.

So Tang Yujiao could only bite the bullet and drove the carriage, and soon reached the last level, which was obviously the most important place.

Even in the crowd, Tang Yujiao saw several men wearing elders' clothes. Standing among them, Tang Yujiao was very nervous. You must know that in the Tianyun Sect, only the strong at the level of saints are qualified to be elders.

An elder is a prince who holds the supreme authority, and each of them has his own unique strength. With such a person guarding the city gate, I am afraid that even a fly can't fly out. So whether Pei Junlin can escape this section, Tang Yujiao is actually becoming more and more uncertain in her heart.

"Don't be nervous, just assume you can't see me. It's fine if you can't get through, I will definitely not let you have an accident." Pei Junlin's voice appeared in Tang Yujiao's ears.

The voice was very weak, as if it came from another world. Tang Yujiao felt a little more calm in his heart. He stopped looking forward and backward, and started to drive the carriage out of the city.

Soon the carriage was stopped at the gate of the city. This time to Tang Yujiao's shock, he was politely invited to get off the carriage, and then the entire carriage was blasted to pieces, and even the horse was turned into flesh on the spot.

"Miss Tang, right? No one is allowed to leave the city now, please come back." Several disciples of the Tianyun Sect in black came over and said politely to Tang Yujiao.

These law enforcement disciples who had respected Tang Yujiao in the past are now like Lord Leng Bao, without any expression on their faces. Even the tone when talking to Tang Yujiao was cold, without a trace of human emotion.

At the moment just now, Tang Yujiao's heart slammed. The carriage was smashed and even the horse pulling the carriage turned into slush, but Tang Yujiao didn't see anything about Pei Junlin's whereabouts, and Pei Junlin seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Tang Yujiao was very smart and did not show any excitement, but also a slight anger. The people who observed Tang Yujiao's expression did not have any doubts.

At this time, Tang Yujiao also noticed that there were a few people wearing silver robes in these teams. These people wearing silver robes were very tightly wrapped.

Tang Yujiao could see Pei Junlin naturally and he could also see the moment when it was broken with the help of a carriage, the fluctuation of the rules Pei Junlin escaped into the void again.

Pei Junlin would also like to thank the person who destroyed the carriage, because the fluctuation caused by that person's destruction of the wharf has successfully covered up the little fluctuation caused by Pei Junlin, and made Pei Junlin disappear without any clues, even the saint. The strong of the level were not found.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Tang Yujiao, Pei Junlin did not say goodbye to Tang Yujiao, but directly escaped into the void, and soon disappeared into the starry sky.

This time, the things have already begun, and Pei Junlin is naturally happy, as long as he goes back to gather the army, when the time comes, the army will suppress the Tianyunzong directly.

Pei Junlin was really happy. When he was able to successfully escape the Sky Cloud Sect this time, there was a wave of fluctuations in the air, and Pei Junlin felt a burst of clarity in the mysterious earthen jar, and his breath even leaked out.

At this moment, Pei Junlin was very nervous, because he knew that there were at least three powerful saints outside, and if he exposed his voice, it would undoubtedly be difficult to leave this area alive.

And at this moment, the two men in black in the Chaos Golden Fighting World were released by Pei Junlin. These two people are two powerful saints who have been hiding beside Pei Junlin for protection. Pei Junlin.

You must know that although Pei Junlin is not very strong, he has an absolute position in the coalition army. It is like a spiritual leader, so there are two powerful saints who are personally protected.

Seeing that he showed his horse feet now, Pei Junlin could no longer hide. Maybe at that moment, Pei Junlin could leave if he was ruthless, but he knew very well in his heart that if he left Tang Yujiao, it would be miserable, and it is likely that he would lose his life.

So at this time, Pei Junlin fulfilled his promise. He released the two saint-level powerhouses directly from the world that Chaos entered, and then he rushed in the direction of Tang Yujiao.

He wanted to take this opportunity to take Tang Yujiao away and fulfill his promise, not to leave her here.

Tang Yujiao, who was about to enter the city, was also dumbfounded, because the sky in the middle of the sky suddenly looked like a page of torn paper, a huge crack appeared in the sky, and a mysterious earthen jar fell out.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yujiao saw that two mysterious men in black appeared in that space, sandwiching Pei Junlin in the middle. And the two saint-level powerhouses on Tianyunzong's side also rushed into the sky with a cold snort, turning Pei Junlin and the two saint-level powerhouses into the main.

The battle was about to start, without any hesitation. The two saint-level powerhouses who protected Pei Junlin were all Zhou's long-standing veterans. They said that it was too late to start suddenly.

The light and shadow alternated with another sky, and the entire sky seemed to have become chaos. Some low-level cultivators below even fainted directly.

Pei Junlin took advantage of the loopholes, taking advantage of these two saint-level bodyguards to attract all the vitality, and he took the opportunity to rush towards the gate of Tianyunzong.

The next few masters in the king realm wanted to stop them, but they were suddenly assassinated by Pei Junlin holding a magic spear. He only heard a puff of sound, and a blood hole appeared in the center of the eyebrows of the masters of the real king realm.

Pei Junlin almost met the gods and killed the gods, met the Buddha and killed the Buddha, but in the blink of an eye he killed seven or eight real kings masters. In front of Pei Junlin, these masters of the same level were like cutting melons and vegetables.

In the face of this **** storm, Tang Yujiao was completely dumbfounded. He didn't expect Pei Junlin to be so ferocious, a gentle and elegant man who usually seemed to have such a powerful fighting force at this time.

This man was like a fierce lion. The kind of attack that burst out suddenly made Tang Yujiao intoxicated. He had never seen such a powerful face as Pei Junlin.

It wasn't until Pei Junlin killed Tang Yujiao that she was too lazy in her arms that the girl finally reacted.

"Why are you coming back to rescue me? Do you know that this will put you in a situation where you will never recover." Tang Yujiao reached out and thumped Pei Junlin's heart, but gently but without force.

"Because I fulfilled my promise, I said I won't give up on you." Pei Junlin didn't speak any more, and flew high into the sky with Tang Yujiao in his arms.

At this time, a fierce battle has begun in the air, and the surging power is simply shocking.

Pei Junlin brought two powerful saints who were being besieged by the Sanming saints. At this time, there were reinforcements coming from the inside of the Tianyunzong. If they couldn't quickly jump out of the battle group and flee, then they will all soon. No one can escape.

"The lord goes first." Two powerful saints roared.

Their strength is very strong, but facing the siege of three saint-level powerhouses, they still cannot get out as if they are in a swamp.

Among the three saints at this moment, UU Reading actually separated one who rushed towards Pei Junlin, with a big hand, and instantly Pei Junlin felt that the universe was frozen at this moment. , He didn't even have a chance to resist.

It's not that Pei Junlin, a powerful saint, has never seen it, but it is the first time that Pei Junlin has met such a powerful saint, but Pei Junlin did not panic.

Pei Junlin's Hunshi Demon Spear was held by him, and suddenly flew out with a sword light. This is the essence of Pei Junlin's three swords of Tianyun 1.

The power of using the Hunshi Demon Spear in his hand to use the sword to move is naturally greatly reduced, but this day, the three things are too magical, even the absolute realm of the saint-level power is broken by Pei Junlin.

The world shrouded in golden light was successfully beaten by Pei Junlin. At this time, Pei Junlin didn't hesitate, and he flipped the palm of his hand and included Tang Yujiao in the chaotic progress event.

In the next second, Pei Junlin surrounded by the mysterious candle began to rotate, and the mysterious earthen jar instantly contained Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin, who was almost without warning, disappeared in front of the sage-level eyes, and the saint-level powerhouse did not see why Pei Junlin disappeared, or even where Pei Junlin went.

A vine rose from the ground for an instant, and none of the dozen or so masters of the real king realm escaped. The moment they were entangled by the vines, these masters of the real king realm were drained of blood in an instant, and their bodies were scattered on the ground like corrupted mud. Several powerful saints also showed shocked expressions.

Some of them were well-informed and recognized that this was Ghost Star Vine, but it was too late. It is naturally not enough to rely solely on this kind of vine to fight against the three powerful saints. ?

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