Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1736: Super evolution

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Pei Junlin fell asleep. Someone happened to give him a pillow. He was worried that he could not deal with the Tianyunzong. He did not expect that a slick fellow like Little Fatty came to the door. After some discussion, Pei Junlin found one that shocked him. The fact that the little fat man became the elder of the Sky Cloud Sect in just one year.

This is ridiculous, but it really happened. If Pei Junlin thought that Tang Yujiao was the most suitable undercover agent before, then Pei Junlin has changed his mind now, because the fact before his eyes is that the little fat guy is more suitable.

This guy is like a legendary opener player. He has just entered the Sky Cloud Sect for more than a year, and he has become an elder. And according to this little fat man's description, it turned out to be the very core elder, not the nameless elder.

"Then talk frankly, what do you want, what can I give you, what do you want if it succeeds?" Pei Junlin looked at the little fat man with a smile.

Pei Junlin didn't mention his attacks during this period of time in his mind. In fact, Pei Junlin didn't think there was anything commendable.

But Pei Junlin didn't dare to look down on the little fat man in front of him, because in Pei Junlin's mind, this little fat man was on an equal footing with him, and even the mystery of the little fat man, Yuan Dynasty Pei Junlin imagined.

"In fact, Yunzong still has a lot of good things in this day. Sometimes you don't know it. But once you know it, the feeling of scratching your heart is still unbearable." The little fat man laughed and said. Nothing stated.

Hearing this little fat man Yunshan misted a bit, after the speech, Pei Junlin roughly figured out what the little fat man wanted, maybe some mysterious things in the Tianyun Sect were attracted by him, but he would get it again for a while. Less than.

So this little fat man simply didn't do two things at all, and combined himself to turn the Sky Cloud Sect first. The reason why the little fat man didn't say it clearly was probably because he was afraid of getting a piece of the pie after telling the secret.

"As long as we can overthrow the Sky Cloud Sect, you can say anything." Pei Junlin said indifferently.

In fact, for Pei Junlin, this is a very profitable business. As long as he overthrows the Sky Cloud Sect, he is likely to be rewarded by the mysterious old man. When the time comes, the mysterious old man promises Pei Junlin one thing, that is just casual. of.

"There are a lot of secrets in Yunzong this day, I'm afraid there are some things you don't know, do you want to hear it now? As our sincerity in cooperation, I can show you some sincerity now." The little fat man smiled, eyes The rotation of the bones makes people look like a good person.

But Pei Junlin didn't care, because he knew this little fat man, in fact, this little fat man was not a bad person in his heart, but as that super evolved body, part of his humanity may have been lost.

So sometimes Pei Junlin looked at Little Fatty's words and deeds that were not like ordinary humans, and there were many abnormalities.

The so-called super-evolved body, their goal is to evolve toward a higher level of life and explore the deepest secrets of the universe. This is the meaning of the super-evolved body, in other words, they are actually the forerunners of the human race.

"Tianyunzong colluded with a place called Xiaoqianshijie. There was a giant dynasty called Tianyue Dynasty. That day Yue Dynasty was an ancient empire, and there were many top monks in it." The little fat man said here. Pause for a while, he was watching Pei Junlin's face.

Pei Junlin knew it. He just knew that Tianyun Sect had caught up with the giants of another world, but what Pei Junlin didn’t expect was that it was his original world. I couldn't help showing some fluctuations.

These fluctuations were naturally caught by the little fat man, a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the look on his face became more gentle and moist.

"In fact, without me, you should also know that in this world, or in this universe, there are many different spaces, different worlds, these worlds are big and small. The so-called big world is the main world of the entire universe, then The Little Thousand World is a projection of the Big Thousand World, a world of nothingness." Little Fatty was still observing Pei Junlin's expression while speaking.

Before that, Pei Junlin knew that Little Fatty was the reincarnation of a super-evolved body. He must know that there are many secrets about the ultimate universe. But now that Little Fatty said such remarks, I was still shocked. Pei Junlin was here for a long time. I couldn't speak, and I couldn't even move my eyes.

This news is really shocking, even Pei Junlin can't digest this shocking news in a short time.

Before Pei Junlin heard Jin Ye say that the world he originally lived in is the world where the earth is, a place called Xiaoqian World.

But now from the little fat man’s mouth, Pei Junlin knows something even more unacceptable. The world where the earth was originally located is just a projection of the world. In other words, everything in the little thousand world is actually a shadow, completely The nothingness generally does not exist.

This makes it difficult for Pei Junlin to accept, is it that everything he has encountered in his previous life is just a dream bubble, is everything an illusion? Even the earth does not exist at all.

Pei Junlin fell into this kind of vicious circle of nothingness, and it was difficult to extricate himself for a while, so determined that he couldn't even hear what the little fat man said next.

"But don’t worry, there are actually a lot of questions I will explain to you, and you don’t understand it for a while. In fact, the need to verify in this universe is not relative, which means that emptiness is not true emptiness but It’s not a real existence as you think, so although the Little Thousand World is only a projection of the Big Thousand World, it doesn’t mean that everything in the Little Thousand World is nothingness.” The little fat man seemed to be playing with Pei Jun. Like Feng, his speech is extremely profound and contains great truth.

Pei Junlin woke up from deep contemplation and shock. He looked at Little Fatty carefully for a while, then suddenly shook his head: "What you said may be incomprehensible with my current knowledge. You said, Little Thousand World It's just a projection of the Big Thousand World, but why do you say that everything in the Little Thousand World is not really non-existent? Does the projection also exist?"

"Of course it exists. Otherwise, where did you come from, flesh and blood?" The little fat man seemed to smile, and exploded Pei Junlin's biggest secret in one breath.

But this time Pei Junlin was not too shocked. After all, a super evolutionary body like Little Fatty was already close to the secret of the origin of the universe, and it was not unusual to be able to see through.

"Don't be too surprised. I can know that your identity does not mean that I have any extraordinary abilities, but that the tastes on you and the guys in the Tianyun Sect are too similar, so I am sure you and They should come from the same place, Little Thousand World." Little Fatty explained.

Although the explanation was very reasonable, these words did not completely convince Pei Junlin.

"Forget it, I don't understand so much now, it's better to talk about something else, such as your plan." Pei Junlin began to change the subject, after all, this is not what he cares about most.

There are many things that are originally Yangchun Baixue, not everyone can understand, only some super evolution can approach the essence of this world, and Pei Junlin is now equal to the journey of a thousand miles is just the first step.

The higher the level of cultivation, the more he felt that he didn’t understand. Pei Junlin was in this situation. He suddenly discovered that compared with the depth of the universe, his current realm of cultivation was actually a baby.

"It's actually very simple. All the energy of the Sky Cloud Sect is now shifting. They have already bet the treasure in the Tianyue Dynasty in the Little Thousand World. For defense, they completely rely on the mountain protection formation. They can only find a way to break this protection. All of the great mountain formations have all come into You will have such a huge strength. It is enough to beat the Tianyunzong a hundred times." The little fat man did not fully reveal his cards, but Tentative.

Pei Junlin was very distressed, this little fat man was too slick, he was so slippery that he couldn't figure out his routine at all.

"I have been studying this mountain protection formation for a long time. If you want to break the formation, you will have to pay a great price. In my opinion, this mountain protection formation is unbreakable and impossible to break." Pei Junlin shook his head, his face was full. It's a distressed look.

On the other side, the little fat man has been staring at Pei Junlin, and when he heard Pei Junlin say this, his face showed a weak expression: "You are too human because you are too human, so you act like a Virgin, too. Too benevolent. If it were me, this tens of billions of people would sacrifice directly, what a formidable power, but it might be difficult for you to make this decision."

Pei Junlin shook his head repeatedly and was speechless. For him to kill a person, if it is innocent, then I am guilty, let alone slaughtering tens of billions of people. Pei Junlin can never be so ruthless.

"Forget it, I have long seen through the hypocrisy of you people. In fact, the cycle of birth, old age, sickness and death in this universe is where the law lies. Even if it is killed by someone, it is also part of the rules of the universe, and there is no repayment at all. Since you are unwilling to do this, I have other ways. Have you heard a word? The fortress was broken from the inside." The little fat man smiled, watching Pei Junlin feel a little guilty. What a bad idea.

However, the little fat man's words reminded Pei Junlin that the so-called fortress was breached from the inside, and perhaps this Tianyunzong's mountain guard formation could find a way from inside the Tianyunzong to disintegrate. ?

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