Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1721: White-haired girl

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But gradually Pei Junlin realized that the resistance he suffered was far greater than expected, and the numbness of the will became stronger and stronger, making Pei Junlin's whole person seem to be frozen in the heavy rain.

"Don't give up, you must wake up." Pei Junlin heard a gentle voice.

Although Junlin Pei can be sure that he must have heard this voice, but he can't remember it. The mysterious candle that was lost in the way ahead helped Pei Junlin illuminate the way forward, and the enchanting light emitted by the mysterious earthen jar made Pei Junlin feel the resistance greatly reduced.

Everything is moving in a good direction. Although Pei Junlin is difficult, but step by step towards the bright direction, turnip doesn’t know why Pei Junlin even forgets who he is, what his name is, and the memory of making money. Little by little loss, but Pei Junlin had a belief in his heart, as long as he walked to the bright place.

With this firm belief, Pei Junlin walked all the way, trying to recall his past experience all the way, but Pei Junlin found that the memory was being lost little by little, and some extremely deep memories appeared, and the rest of the memories were almost lost.

Pei Junlin's emotions slowly became panic, but he did not mess with himself, but continued to move forward step by step toward his goal.

Time passed by, and Pei Junlin’s body was as heavy as a mountain. Even when he couldn’t continue, a force of faith came to support him from the chaotic golden fight, and Pei Junlin continued. Forward.

Stepping through the bright door, Pei Junlin felt as if his strength was exhausted. He threw himself to the ground desperately, and immediately lost all consciousness.

Slowly opening his eyes, Pei Junlin noticed a light in front of him, and then saw a hazy figure. When he saw the figure thoroughly, Pei Junlin was surprised that he was still alive.

Because the person in front of him, Pei Junlin, couldn't be more familiar, he didn't expect that the person who saved him at the most critical moment turned out to be a white-haired old woman.

"Don't move, you are seriously injured. Your heart is almost destroyed by people. This is a devastating blow to your monasticism. But there seems to be a strong vitality in your body that is constantly producing. The power of life is constantly healing your body. If it weren't for this, you wouldn't be able to wake up at all." The white-haired old woman slowly said, watching Pei Junlin in her eyes full of surprise.

Pei Junlin did not speak. In fact, he couldn't open his mouth at all. The tired feeling all over his body made Pei Junlin want to sleep for a long time and never wake up again.

But after closing his eyes and resting for a while, Pei Junlin opened his eyes again. At this time, his spirit and spirit had recovered a lot. Looking at the familiar and old figure in front of him, Pei Junlin didn't know how to appreciate the other party.

He can't remember how many times this old white-haired woman rescued himself.

"You finally woke up. I thought you just couldn't wake up, and you will die forever." The white-haired old woman's tone was a bit unkind, and her tone contained a deep resentment.

I just thought that Pei Junlin was a little confused for a while, but soon he thought of losing himself with this white-haired old woman when he left in the Blue Moon Kingdom. But Junlin Pei remembers very clearly that it was this old white-haired woman who took Miss Ning Ning and left without saying goodbye.

"When you were in Blue Moon Country, you left without saying goodbye. In the end, we couldn't wait for you or find any trace of you, so we had to leave first." Pei Junlin explained.

The white-haired old woman just snorted coldly, seemingly unwilling to listen to Pei Junlin’s excessive explanations. After watching Pei Junlin for a long time, she shook her head and said, “It’s really unexpected that you can survive this catastrophe. What is the name of the sword of the saint-level powerhouse who shot?"

Pei Junlin showed a confused look, and he heard a look of fear on the face of the white-haired old woman: "The man's name is Shusheng Wan Jue. Once he takes the shot, no one has ever lived under his hands."

Pei Junlin looked down and looked at the scar on his chest that had healed, leaving only a superficial trace. Although the epidermal trauma has healed, the repair of the heart in the interior Pei Junlin still knows that it will take a long time. If It is an ordinary person, so only a small amount of life force can make an ordinary person's body heal completely.

But now Pei Junlin's body is completely different from the body of ordinary people, and even another life form. Pei Junlin's body is forged by the star beast body, and every cell is full of strong light energy.

When Pei Junlin's body is cut or damaged by external forces, these dead cells are generally difficult to recover and require a long process.

For example, now Pei Junlin's heart is almost cut in half with a sword. If he wants to heal again, Pei Junlin needs to use a lot of new power to repair it.

In this dark place, where there is the power of the stars, Pei Junlin can't recover his body even if he wants to absorb the power of the stars, but can only slowly warm up.

"Since you are no longer in danger, then I will go first." The white-haired old woman turned and walked outside. Pei Jun hurriedly got up, only to find that the strength of the body was extremely weak, but he was still strong. Fighting spirit, chasing the old white-haired woman.

Just walking out the door, Pei Junlin found the white-haired old woman leaping into the air. She stretched out her hand in a hurry and grabbed the white-haired old woman's ankle. The white-haired old woman struggled to get rid of Pei Junlin and passed on a pair of shoes and socks.

But at the moment when Pei Junlin passed on the shoes and socks, she was a little confused, because the feet of the white-haired old woman after being taken off the shoes and socks turned out to be white and tender, not like an elderly woman's body at all.

Pei Junlin looked up and saw a look of shame and anger in the eyes of the white-haired old woman. Soon, the white-haired old woman disappeared into Pei Junlin's gaze.

The white-haired old woman left, but Pei Junlin was thoughtful. He never thought that the white-haired old woman was actually a young woman posing as a young woman. If it weren't for Pei Junlin's catch just now, he hadn't discovered this detail at all.

Pei Junlin itself is a master of formation, Master Yi Rong has extremely rich experience and experience in Yi Rong Shu Pei Junlin. But what Pei Junlin didn't expect was that this time the incident had made him look away. This white-haired old woman was disguised in front of him, but he made Pei Junlin get along for so long without realizing it. This is indeed an order. Shocking things.

The white-haired old woman left Pei Junlin's heart empty. After he discovered that this woman had saved him, he seemed to never ask for anything in return.

But even after thinking about it over and over, Pei Junlin can't actually think of a result. What is the purpose of a woman pretending to be an old woman and appearing next to her? Who is he? Why save yourself over and over again?

This kind of doubt made Pei Junlin's head almost explode, but gradually Pei Junlin stopped thinking about this matter, and his eyes began to focus on the small house where he now lives.

According to Pei Junlin's speculation, this small house should be a relatively dilapidated slum area in Tianlan City. In today's sky, although Nan Xingyu is a soldier, there are still some refugees who are gathered in the city, concentrated in some areas of the poor.

This area is extremely large, with hundreds of billions of people, so it is difficult to be found hidden among these people. This also made Pei Junlin feel relieved, at least he is now temporarily settled in this city, and there is no need to worry about being chased and killed all day long.

While lying in bed to rest, Pei Junlin played all the things that he had experienced these days with Jin Ye. In the end, Pei Junlin came up with an amazing message, that is, he really became a confrontation between the two forces. Victim. In other words, when Pei Junlin may not have entered the city, UU read www. has already stepped into a trap of precision design.

Thinking back to these things now, Pei Junlin shuddered, he never thought that he would step into such a trap unconsciously.

And what did not make Pei Junlin think of is that among the human race, some interest groups are so frantic, even playing this kind of trick at the crisis of this kind of royal extinction.

Merchants value profit and neglect profit. According to Pei Junlin’s speculation, these chambers of commerce should be united to secretly form a secret combination of interests, and some upper-level monk army marshals and others were also bought, so this is the reason. Oolong incident.

At the same time, Pei Junlin was thinking about the right or wrong of this matter. With his current strength, it is actually not a big deal in this King City. There are gatherings of powerful saints, and there are even some powerful humans sitting here. . If it causes a slight movement, it is likely to be directly killed and turned into powder.

If you want to successfully resolve this crisis, you have to make use of your strengths, and make use of the intricate interests of all parties to engage in distant and close attacks.

There is no doubt that this is a huge project. Before Pei Junlin's heart wound is completely healed, he has no fighting capacity at all, but Pei Junlin can use the concealment of this area to conduct some investigations on the matter.

Pei Junlin drags his weak body on the street every day. This does not arouse anyone's suspicion, because there are too many injured people like Pei Junlin in this area. Some wounded monks may directly become useless. The monks abound.

Pei Junlin, for example, under the cover of his current identity, began to carry out intelligence activities in the entire Tiannan City, and soon he obtained various astonishing conclusions by integrating the information from all parties. ?

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