Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1712: 1 little brother

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Hearing Pei Junlin's words, the popularity of those few went into rage, they desperately bought some time for Pei Junlin, but this fool did not know that he would not cherish and return, and he still stood here in ink, which is indeed hateful. Teeth itchy.

"Second brother, it seems that you are misguided, and the entrustment is not human. This silly boy doesn't even know how to escape. He is so tired that we can't even send out the information. It seems that we are going to be dead souls together today." Laughing, there is no sense of fear at all.

Pei Junlin still admired these iron-blooded monks from the heart.

"You have misunderstood, I am not saying that this information, I will not give it to you, but let you send it back alive." Pei Junlin said lightly.

His words made the people in the battle even more confused. They didn't even know what this little monk who seemed to have a weak aura meant. Is this person really insane?

But at this moment, a black-clothed woman suddenly exploded from the group of dark shadows, revealing it. This black-clothed woman has a beautiful face, but there is a purple vertical line on the eyebrow. If you look closely, you will find that there is a mosaic With a purple crystal.

This is the main characteristic of the Mozu, and from the eyes of this woman, Pei Junlin also saw cruel and violent emotions, without any humanity and human kindness at all.

The weapon in the woman's hand was a broken knife, which looked extremely sharp. At this moment, the purple spar suddenly lit up on the eyebrows of this demon woman, and the broken knife in his hand suddenly lifted, and a large group of fire fell on the field like a meteorite.

The human monks who blocked this demon clan almost instantly uttered a scream, and the injuries were not light, and Pei Junlin came into the battle group as soon as he flashed around at this moment.

The moment these monks were about to be beheaded by this demon woman, Pei Junlin suddenly made a move, and the hand of the demon **** suddenly grabbed forward. A ghost of Shenzhen enveloped the world, and the cold breath made the demon. A look of horror appeared on the woman's face.

At the critical moment, the demon woman could only stretch out her legs to avoid Pei Junlin's attack, and the monk from the first few celebrities also escaped, all with a look that looked like a world away.

Seeing Pei Junlin, who was in equal shares with the female demon clan, standing opposite, several celebrity cultivators opened their mouths in surprise. None of them thought that Pei Junlin turned out to be a potential master.

Before, it seemed that the distance was so weak that he was a human low-level monk, perhaps a person who had fled to this place.

In the eyes of these cultivators, Pei Junlin is a weak person and a person in need, but now the situation has reversed in an instant. Pei Junlin alone can carry this high-level opponent of the demon race alone. The army of famous monks showed shame one by one.

They exchanged their eyes, with a hint of joy and admiration in their eyes. After all, Pei Junlin has such strength at a young age, which is indeed impressive.

"Because I was not wrong just now, you can bring this information back by yourself now." Pei Junlin used his mental will to lock the demon girl, and the other side was not idle. He waved his hand and returned the information again. A few hands.

A monk from the human race gave his hand to Pei Junlin. Among them, the person who was going to rescue Pei Junlin before was called the second brother. He stepped forward and said to Pei Junlin: "Will the little brother leave his name? , After taking us back to the city, we must ask for help for the little brother."

Pei Junlin shook his head, and didn't want to say anything more. Instead, he fought with the demon woman as soon as he shot his hand. The two of them were blazing into the sky, and the surrounding light was hazy. The faces of the monks of several celebrities With a look of horror, he could only retreat hundreds of meters and stand far away, otherwise he would be affected by the shock wave of the battle.

"I think this little brother is definitely not an ordinary person, let's leave, we can't help him at all if we stay here, and I also see that this demon girl is not his opponent." After all the monks discussed for a while, they turned and left quickly.

For them, their mission is greater than their lives. Now they want to **** information back to the Celestial City, so they can only abandon Pei Junlin. This is not because they are indifferent, but because they are loyal to their duties.

Pei Junlin quietly breathed a sigh of relief after seeing these people leave. If these people were watching, he really couldn't use it.

But at the moment these people left, Pei Junlin slapped a golden palm print from the sky with his backhand, and the demon girl let out a scream with a look of horror in her eyes.

He also thought that Pei Junlin and himself were equal opponents. He was confident to delay Pei Junlin for a while, and waited until the demon army behind to catch up, then Pei Junlin would be dead.

But it was clear that this demon girl was wrong, Pei Junlin's strength was actually much higher than before, Pei Junlin just hid her strength.

Seeing this large handprint made of pure gold proves that the look of horror in the eyes of the demon girl is hard to conceal, and his figure instantly becomes faint and wants to disappear from the place.

It's a pity that Pei Junlin would not give him this opportunity at all. After the big handprint was suddenly photographed, he enveloped the woman and stretched out his hand a little, and a thick golden finger instantly pointed out.

The heroine of the demon clan let out a muffled hum, raised her hand, and a puppet appeared in the air instantly, completely blocking Pei Junlin's two ultimate moves.

After all, you were also taken aback. He didn't expect that this rather ordinary Demon Race woman would have such a treasure on her body. This wooden house seemed to be a kind of death charm. Knowing that this kind of thing is extremely precious, I didn't expect this demon to carry one with him.

The meticulously arranged ultimate move made the opponent escape, but Pei Junlin was not worried, his hand of the demon suddenly shrouded, and instantly formed a cage around the demon woman.

This woman was trapped in the cage by Pei Junlin for a while, unable to break free at all, her face showed an extremely hideous look, and she yelled at Pei Junlin and opened her mouth. Pei Junlin found that the woman’s mouth was full of teeth. Inky color.

The tongue that he spit out turned out to be like a snake letter, extremely scary, and when Pei Junlin heard the woman open her mouth and roar, her tone was completely different from that of ordinary humans.

But even if the language is not clear, Pei Junlin knew that this demon girl should be cursing herself, and there must be no good things.

The so-called non-my race must have different hearts. Pei Junlin has also seen many human monks who were slaughtered by the demons along the way. Naturally, they did not have much favor with these demons.

Seeing the hideous look of this demon woman, Pei Junlin showed a sneer on her face, suddenly stretched out her hand to pinch the cage, and instantly cut towards the middle, wanting to completely kill this demon woman.

This woman suddenly showed a look of contempt, and her face was even more sneered. A black light flashed in his hand. Pei Junlin instantly felt that the entire sky was enveloped by this black light, and then Pei Junlin felt it. A cold breath cuts towards him, as if he could cut the whole world in half.

Pei Junlin's first thought was to run away, because this breath was so terrifying that Pei Junlin felt the threat of death.

But soon Pei Junlin felt that the aura contained in this breath was not so strong, as if there was a lack of stamina. Pei Junlin dodges the knife cutting breath, and saw the darkness in the woman's hand. The knife was completely crushed into powder.

This should be a strange treasure. It released all the energy at that moment. It seems that the identity of this woman should be extraordinary. If not, there would not be so many treasures in her body.

Pei Junlin changed her mind in an instant, and did not want to kill this woman. She wanted to capture this woman and give it to the few people who had left before. Maybe she could get some important information from this woman. .

The time for those people to leave soon It's too late to catch up. At this moment, Pei Junlin discovered that the magic shadow cage he had arranged was cut off instantly by this woman, and this woman was holding a dark object in her hand. I don’t know what it is, but Junlin Pei felt it. Extremely terrifying explosive force.

At this moment, Pei Junlin dodged and avoided, but it was too late. A black whirlpool exploded in front of Pei Junlin, and immediately after Pei Junlin could see the surrounding space began to slowly shatter.

A powerful impact almost broke Pei Junlin's internal organs. If it is an ordinary human monk, even if a saint-level expert encounters such an explosive force and such a powerful impact, I am afraid that he will suffer serious damage.

But Junlin Pei did not cultivate the celestial body, and there was the protection of the mysterious earthen jar around his body, so at this moment, although Junlin Pei also received a huge impact, he did not receive a fatal threat of death.

After avoiding this disaster, Pei Junlin saw the woman turn into a black shadow, flashing towards the distance extremely fast. Such a fast escape speed is definitely not the speed of the monk's flight, it should be with the help of some kind of treasure, Pei Junlin's eyes shined, and he saw the woman's body surrounded by a layer of transparent cicada wings.

You shook your head, a pair of wings also appeared behind him, suddenly a speed like a streamer, and instantly chased the black-clothed woman.

The demon woman thought that she had come to catch her escape this time, but she knew that Pei Junlin's speed was much faster than him. This stream of light is incredible, Pei Junlin flew over the woman almost in the blink of an eye, and immediately grabbed the woman's shoulder with five fingers. ?

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