Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1709: 3 things

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Master Baoyu nodded immediately: "Don't rush to answer my question. There are two other things."

After Master Baoyu finished saying this sentence, a secret smile made Pei Junlin feel a bad feeling for a while. This girl was surprised and wondered how to dig a hole for herself.

After Master Baoyu finished speaking, he kept silent. So what are the second and third things? He didn't even say it, making Pei Junlin feel depressed.

"What are the second and third things?" Pei Junlin couldn't help asking.

"I will tell you these two things when you come to see me next time. Now you can take your car and leave, and Chunhuaqiuyue will see you off." Master Baoyu picked up his teacup and wanted to drink, but frowned slightly and went straight again. lay down.

Pei Junlin's gaze fell on the tea cup he had used, and he turned his gaze away slightly, and he stood up and came to the flying saucer-shaped aircraft.

Before Pei Junlin was mainly concerned about the formation of this aircraft, his gaze carefully observed the appearance of this aircraft, he couldn't help but be surprised, his eyes showed awe.

Although this master Baoyu was only a woman, it shocked Pei Junlin, because the things he designed were full of manly spirit and even had a military style.

Just seeing the shape of this aircraft can feel a sturdy and iron-blooded smell. Pei Junlin felt the power of an explosion hidden in the surface of the aircraft with his hands, and there was an extremely fine graininess, which could double the defense power.

This is the first time that Pei Junlin has seen a technological weapon like this in the cultivation civilization, but it is called a technological weapon. In fact, the soft formation is comparable to modern technology, but it is more destructive than the current technology. Big.

The so-called golden million two items must be activated when the cannon is fired. Such a top killing machine will use a lot of energy. It is estimated that it will swallow the best spirit stone, and even the Wangpin spirit stone is like drinking water.

Fortunately, Junlin Pei’s financial resources are not bad, but now he doesn’t have too many top-grade spirit stones. He intends to exchange some in this city. There are a lot of precious things on his body. Just take out one, I’m afraid he can sell one. price.

Pei Junlin tried to enter the cockpit, and was immediately shocked by the luxurious decoration inside, and the operation of the formation was very complicated. If a person who didn't understand the formation at all could not operate it, even a master of the formation would not be able to operate it. Perfect control of this aircraft.

Pei Junlin tried to put on the helmet, and immediately felt that his mental power was rapidly consuming. According to this consumption rate, Pei Junlin's mental power will be exhausted in just one hour, and if he does not use the Heaven Demon Pill to supplement, he will probably fall into a coma by then.

No wonder Master Baoyu previously said that ordinary people cannot control this thing. This is indeed the case. This is not an exaggeration of Master Baoyu.

Pei Junlin started to start, throwing a few top-quality spirit stones into the energy storage, and immediately felt that everything in the energy cockpit was lit up.

Pei Junlin felt a transparent glass door open behind him, and there was no cave inside. Pei Junlin originally thought that the space inside this aircraft dedicated to combat must be very small, who knew that the space technology was also used by Master Baoyu.

The space inside is huge, as big as a football field, there are dozens of rooms in a single room, and it can even accommodate hundreds of people.

Pei Junlin took a brief tour and felt like he had booked a luxurious hotel. The degree of luxury inside was astounding. It seems that this master Baoyu is not only proficient in formations, but also has high requirements for the quality of life.

Pei Junlin heard the sound of footsteps behind him, and it turned out that Master Baoyu had also come in, but Master Baoyu had changed his outfit, making Pei Junlin's eyes bright.

"How is it? Are you satisfied with the design inside?" Master Baoyu seemed to have suddenly changed a person, with a cold expression and a cold voice.

Pei Junlin was taken aback. He didn't know where he had offended Master Baoyu, but before he thought that the flowered tea cup on the table was far away.

I am afraid that a woman like Master Baoyu, who is absolutely obsessed with cleanliness, used his water glass to drink, and should have been blacklisted in his heart.

"Satisfaction! One hundred satisfactions! This kind of thing is what I dream of, and I estimate that if this aircraft has enough energy, it can exert its combat effectiveness, and it can even surpass the average ordinary saint-level powerhouse." Pei Junlin has some. I can't put it down, like a child got his beloved toy.

Master Baoyu left soon, Pei Junlin also began to drive the aircraft up to the sky, but Pei Junlin quickly landed again, because he knew that his energy was not ready yet, and at least one million yuan was needed. The best spirit stone is enough to withstand a hearty battle.

"Why did you go? Are you back again? We are here to drop off the guests. You can't just stay here and leave." The two girls saw Pei Junlin come out of the cockpit. The nose is not the nose and the eyes are not the eyes.

Seeing this attitude, Pei Junlin just smiled, his palm spread out, and there were two more things in his palm. Both of these things belonged to ordinary spiritual weapons, but they were also extremely precious to women of this kind.

Since the two maids were bought by Pei Junlin in an instant, the two introduced themselves as Chunhua and Qiuyue.

"I can tell you that if there is any attempt to our eldest lady, putting your mind away as soon as possible will never succeed." The flower girl came to Pei Junlin's side and whispered.

Another girl named Qiuyue also nodded and looked at Pei Junlin carefully for a while, and then said in a very small voice: "I tell you one thing, but you must not betray me or say that I said it, or miss I have to tear up my mouth."

Pei Junlin nodded repeatedly and promised that he would never say anything. The two little girls glanced at each other, and the Qiuyue girl whispered: "In fact, our young lady wishes someone to take it away, because this thing is called the golden swallowing beast. The energy he needs to consume every day is simply amazing. If it weren't for the stupid son of a landlord, he wouldn't use this kind of thing to fight."

After the two girls had finished speaking, they covered their mouths and ran away, Pei Junlin could even see their patience and painful smiles.

This time Pei Junlin was stunned and stunned. He returned to the cockpit and began to study the combat system. This didn't matter, watching the blue veins on Pei Junlin's forehead burst out.

He originally planned to hoard one hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones for battle, but now Pei Junlin feels that even 10,000 times is not enough, because these combat systems are rough and it can be said to be vigorous. miracle.

Many designs only care about the results, regardless of the process or even at no cost to increase the attack power. The energy consumed by the first-level formation is amazing. In terms of energy efficiency, only 30%, which means that if you use this aircraft to fight, at least 70% of the energy is wasted.

This time Pei Junlin caught him. He did not expect his lover to be taken advantage of. If the combat effectiveness of this aircraft was really so high, then General Camo would have been installed in the monks’ army. The disadvantage here must have its fatal flaws.

This is because Pei Junlin was dazzled by the desire in his heart before, completely ignoring this easy-to-see question of money, now that he thinks about it, he is really silly and cute.

If this flying saucer-type aircraft really has such a great combat effectiveness, and it is perfect, then the whole human race should not worry about the invasion of the demons at all. After all, hundreds of combat aircraft like this are produced in batches, then the demons are simply All may be scumbed.

"If you regret it now and still have time to put this thing here, you can go away." At this moment, the indifferent voice sounded next to Jun Pei again, it was Master Baoyu. UU reading

Pei Junlin was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly he laughed. He looked at Master Baoyu carefully for a while and then said: "I can tell you, it's not a big deal. I have seen the energy system in it have been greatly improved. It will take me a certain amount of time to definitely transform this thing into a perfect energy-saving model. Then you can wait and see.

After Pei Junlin waved his hand, a black vortex appeared on the top of the aircraft, and the entire aircraft was taken into the chaotic Golden Dou world by Pei Junlin.

On the other side, Geng Pin, who was trekking in the desert, suddenly saw a whirlpool appear in the sky, and then a huge disk-shaped aircraft landed in the desert from the sky.

Geng Pin knew that this must be another new thing his master Pei Junlin had acquired, but the appearance of this thing made Geng Pin feel a little strange.

At this time, Pei Junlin outside had already returned to He Hongyu's residence. Although this was not where Pei Junlin lived, he still came cheeky and brought some gifts to Hongyu.

Seeing Pei Junlin brought a table full of gifts, Hongyu was stunned. As a girl, his face was surprisingly shy, because it was the first time in his life that a man gave him so many gifts. .

"You don't want to live here tonight? We are two lone men and women." Hongyu glanced at Pei Junlin and bowed her head shyly.

Pei Junlin was a little speechless. She didn't expect Hongyu to show such a look. Would this female man feel shy?

"Of course I don't want to live here. I've already settled down in the city. I'm going to pass later. I'm here to say goodbye to you. I will leave here soon. Thank you for so many days. Pei Junlin quickly clarified. ?

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