Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1705: Recast

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Taking advantage of this opportunity, Pei Junlin entered the world of Chaos Golden Dou with Divine Sense.

This yellow-sand-filled world looks different nowadays, at least because of Geng Pin, it gives a lot of life here.

For example, this small yard full of girlish breath, Pei Junlin felt very different from the last time Pei Junlin came, because this small yard has been enriched a lot, and even Pei Junlin saw the puppy incarnation of the will of Heaven in the yard. Li Wang barked.

And the magical medicine was lying in the yard and slumbering, after realizing that Pei Jun was coming, not only the magical medicine, but also Dao Will ran out to welcome Pei Junlin that day.

After walking into the yard, Pei Junlin realized that Geng Pin was taking care of Antie in the yard. Seeing Pei Junlin walking in, Geng Pin actually knelt down towards Pei Junlin. Seeing this scene, Pei Junlin was stunned. He didn't know what Geng Pin meant.

"Master, I want to worship you as a teacher like him." Geng Pin knelt on the ground with a determined expression on his face.

Hearing this request from Geng Pin, Pei Junlin didn't feel too surprised. She almost agreed without even thinking about it.

If Pei Junlin wants to accept an apprentice, it is naturally cautious and will never decide this matter easily, but it is different now. Pei Junlin and Geng Pin have been getting along for a long time, and they are concerned about each other’s character. And the character is already well known.

Suddenly hearing Geng Pin's request, Pei Junlin was slightly surprised, but he quickly recovered and directly agreed to the request.

Hearing that Pei Junlin had agreed to his request, Geng Ping was overjoyed and even shed tears.

"Don't cry, this is originally a happy event, what is there to cry." Pei Junlin shook his head and looked at Geng Pin and said.

With Pei Junlin's support, Geng Pin stood up from the ground, but his eyes were a little red.

Pei Junlin did not continue to pay attention to Geng Pin, but came to An Tie's side, and carefully checked An Tie's physical condition compared to the last time. An Tie's body still did not improve, but there were some wounds that appeared. Healed.

This shows that An Tie's body is gradually being repaired, but the speed is very slow. Pei Junlin once again checked the user's consciousness and found that the black substance in An Tie's body is also rapidly repairing An Tie's body.

It's just that this time An Tie's physical damage is too serious, not a physical damage, even An Tie's mentality has been damaged to a certain extent, so it may take a long stage to recover.

After returning to his senses, Pei Junlin looked at Geng Ping carefully for a while, and then nodded, his palm rested on his palm, and a gleaming golden glaze large middle appeared, which is exactly what Pei Junlin once took advantage of. Yang Lie Bell.

It's just that a crack appeared in the center of this treasure, which made this treasure look a little abrupt. It's just that although the treasure was a bit damaged, its amazing aura still shone on the entire desert.

Seeing Pei Junlin take out this treasure, the finished product's eyes widened, with awe and envy in his eyes.

Pei Junlin didn't say too much, he soared into the sky and soon came to the enlightenment tree and sat cross-legged under the enlightenment tree. Pei Junlin began to put the pure sun burning fire clock in his palm.

With a wave of Pei Junlin's palm, a pitch-black vortex appeared on top of his head, and then a huge cauldron was spit out from the vortex, which was one of the formations in the chaotic golden battle, Overlord Cauldron.

The overlord style is exaggerated and looks extremely tough and wild. It fell from the sky and fell fiercely in the desert, almost shaking the desert.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and pointed at the great king cauldron, and a raging flame was burning, and then Pei Junlinwu stretched out his hand and slammed it suddenly, and the pure sun burning bell floated in the air, beginning to spin rapidly.

With the continuous rotation of the pure sun blazing fire bell, one of the fire dragons kept roaring.

A big mouth of pale flame sprayed out and began to melt a crack. Then Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and pointed at the pure sun burning bell, and instantly he fell into the Overlord Cauldron.

Pei Junlin constantly played various runes and handprints. For a full 7 days and 7 nights, Pei Junlin stayed awake, and constantly added various rare materials to it.

This Pure Yang Fire Bell was originally a weapon in Pei Junlin's hand, but Pei Junlin's current strength and the pure Yang Fire Bell in the diary can no longer keep up with Pei Junlin's pace, but if this baby is given to you The words of the apprentice Geng Pin are also a life-saving thing.

However, the higher the strength, the higher the vision. The pure sun burning fire clock that used to be in the hands of Pei Junlin in the past has many loopholes and shortcomings.

It's just that now Pei Junlin is going to make up for these loopholes, refining this treasure into a perfect treasure, and its strength is even higher.

On the last day, when Pei Junlin made the last handprint, the pure-sun burning bell flew out of the overlord cauldron in the chaotic golden battle.

The Pure Yang Fire Bell fell on Pei Junlin's palm, and its volume became extremely compact, just as big as a bowl, slowly rotating, and more colorful light flashed in it.

Seeing this more dazzling and colorful Pure Yang Flame Bell, Geng Pin’s eyes could hardly move. He was envious of Pei Junlin having such a very magical treasure. The Pure Yang Flame Bell suddenly rose into the sky and landed. In front of Geng Pin, and suspended there motionless.

"This is for you, are you satisfied?" Pei Junlin looked at Geng Pin and smiled.

Geng Pin's expression was calm first, and then the whole person took her. He didn't expect Pei Junlin to struggle with the strength of his whole body. For 7 days and 7 nights, the refined treasure was actually to be given to himself.

Geng Pin’s eyes were a little hazy when he looked at the pure sun burning fire bell floating in front of him. He had never felt so happy at this moment.

Pei Junlin withdrew his spiritual sense from the inner world of the chaotic golden bucket space, and returned to the dilapidated small house. At this time, Pei Junlin found out that Hong Yu had nowhere to go, and he was alone in the house.

The reason why Pei Junlin did not leave the Celestial City is because the Nakamo stalemate has not been truly released, and his mission has not been completed. After seeing General Kamo again, Pei Junlin should set off on the next road. .

The door squeaked and was pushed open, Hongyu walked in, carrying two bags in his hands, which contained delicious and rich food.

Only then did Pei Junlin remember that Hongyu's cultivation realm was not high. This kind of appetite was also very important to Hongyu, but Pei Junlin had no interest in these foods. He simply closed his eyes and reentered the cultivation state.

Hongyu ignored Pei Junlin, and the two stayed there.

When Hongyu went out again on the second day, the time to go out this time was so long that he hadn't returned in the evening. When Pei Junlin was worried about whether Hongyu had an accident, he saw Hongyu walking behind two men in silver armor. Came in.

"This is Junlin Pei Junlin, General Kamo would like to please." The two monks in iron armor were very polite to Junlin Pei, their eyes filled with admiration.

When Pei Junlin heard General Camo's request, he knew that things had turned around. It was very likely that Marshal Silver Fox had already taken action and rescued General Camo.

Hongyu also walked over, holding Pei Junlin's arm with her hand, and said affectionately: "I didn't expect you to do such an earth-shattering event. General Camo was really rescued by you."

Pei Junlin had long been used to Hong Yu as a crazy girl. He didn't take Hong Yu seriously, and he came out with these two monks.

After walking out of the door of the room, Pei Junlin found a strange thing parked in the alley, which looked like a flying machine. However, it looked like a huge horse, except that a small door appeared on the horse's belly, which could accommodate a person to pass through.

"What is this?" Pei Junlin was very surprised, because he had seen a very conspicuous mark on the horse's For this mark, Pei Junlin had seen it before. It should be the exclusive seal of Master Baoyu. In this way, it looks like the mechanics of a flying machine. It should be the work of Master Baoyu.

"This is a flying horse, that is the work of Master Baoyu. In this heavenly city, flying is forbidden. Most people can't fly in the air, but this flying horse is different. There are only some high-ranking officials or outstanding military merits and beauty. The talented person deserves to possess such a thing to be worthy of flying in the Heavenly King City." The two monks were very enthusiastic to explain to Pei Junlin.

In fact, after entering the Heavenly King City, Pei Junlin knew that flying was prohibited here, and ordinary monks could not fly here.

The heaven and earth rules of the entire Celestial City have been artificially modified. It is not easy for Pei Junlin in the realm of True King to fly here, but the powerhouse of the saint level should not be among the restrictions according to Pei Junlin's estimation.

"When did General Camo be rewarded with flying horses? How come I don't know, I'm going to try this kind of thing now. I have never been on a ride before." Hongyu was eager to try, showing an expression of excitement.

The two monks looked at Pei Junlin, still a little helpless, one of them said gently: "The Hongyu girl, the Flying Horse General, has not yet taken a ride. Mr. Pei will be the first guest of the Flying Horse."

"This time I was able to rescue Camo Jiang Yuhong, and meeting the young lady is also a great tribute. Let him ride the flying horse with me, and the two of them will come up together." Pei Junlin did not hesitate, and went straight into the flying horse. Among the horses.

As soon as I entered Pei Junlin, I felt that there was no space in it. The outside looked like a larger carriage, but there was a cave inside and the space was extremely wide. ?

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