Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1596: Flesh Remodeling

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Dao body yuan fetus is an innate thing, not to mention ordinary people, even figures of the emperor level will be jealous. After all, such a thing is too difficult and difficult to brew. It requires the right time and place and various conditions are indispensable.

And even if this kind of thing can be bred between heaven and earth, it would be even more difficult to meet and grab it. For ordinary people, Dao Body Yuan is an unattainable dream.

If Yanlong was convinced before, then now Yanlong's heart is all jealous. The luck of this inconspicuous guy in front of him is too bad, and he has more treasures than him.

Pei Junlin didn't hesitate, and directly took Yanlong back to the original path. He wanted to implement the plan in his mind.

If you want superhuman strength, you must have superhuman courage and perseverance. If you dare not even try this, then you will encounter more difficulties and obstacles on the road of cultivation in the future.

So Pei Junlin figured it out, and he wanted to go back.

When the two returned to the inside of the planet, which was the brain of this huge creature, Pei Junlin saw the familiar scene again, but this time Pei Junlin felt completely different.

It seems that this huge biological brain is in an active state and has gradually awakened, but Pei Junlin still did not feel any hostility. The moment he entered this ventricle, Pei Junlin saw an amazing sight again.

It seems that because of the momentary activity, the scene Pei Junlin saw this time was completely different from the previous two. This time Pei Junlin actually saw a huge nebula, which is constantly rotating like the universe, including Zhou Tian and stars. And all kinds of popular, pass through it.

That means that this creature has huge spiritual power, but his consciousness is not high, which means that it has not formed a complete human intelligence.

The rules of the Way of Heaven are fair and give you enough power, but they don’t give you the wisdom of ordinary people.

The constantly rotating nebula made Pei Junlin feel a little troublesome, but in the end he still sat on the ground and began to perform secret techniques. Buddhism's understanding of the spirit far exceeds that of the island gate, so this time Pei Junlin displayed some of the top supernatural powers of Buddhism, even the Yanlong standing next to Pei Junlin could not understand.

If it was an ordinary time, Pei Junlin did not have such confidence, but it is different now, because the stone stele given by Geng Pin is rooted in Pei Junlin’s four seas, and Pei Junlin can now borrow the mysterious Buddhism power in the stele. .

With this huge Buddhism power like the ocean, Pei Junlin has the confidence to combine the will of the **** monkey with this planet.

The monkey of this body element was originally the external incarnation of Pei Junlin. At this time, under the command of Pei Junlin, there was naturally no resistance, and a somersault jumped directly into the nebula.

At this time, the light of Pei Jun’s Buddha suddenly soared, and 12 apertures appeared behind his head, with various colors, and a spiritual power that was like a sea and a sea spread out, and it was able to completely confront this nebula. , There is even a tendency to suppress the opponent.

The Yanlong standing on the side looked terrified. Junlin’s methods were the methods he dreamed of possessing. If many years ago she could possess the methods Pei Junlin now has, she wouldn’t have been trapped here for a hundred thousand years. .

But now if you want to escape, you can only escape a true spirit, and even the body remains here.

Pei Junlin kept making various Buddhist handprints, but the needs of the Buddhist gods and gods appeared in his palm. The shadows of the 8 Tianlong Dawei Tianlong, various Bodhisattvas and Arhats appeared in turn behind Pei Junlin.

And the purple-golden monkey of the body fetus finally entered the most core position of this planetary creature, that is, implanted in the opponent's sea of ​​knowledge, and will slowly merge, and finally become the incarnation of Pei Junlin outside. As the leading.

Of course, this process may last for hundreds of years, even thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years. However, although this process is long, the benefits are also considerable.

Even if it is unsuccessful in the end, there is not much hindrance for Pei Junlin, because the incarnation of the monkey is not very useful for Pei Junlin now. Although the incarnation of the monkey is powerful, after Pei Junlin has cultivated the celestial body , His body is already on par with the incarnation of the monkey, whether it is luck or roots.

The occurrence of this sacred monkey is the best use for people of average aptitude to change their lives against the sky, and for the Yanlong in front of them, the incarnation of the sacred monkey is simply his savior.

If his divine consciousness can enter the incarnation of the divine monkey, and can occupy this body, then this is what Yanlong dreams of.

It's a pity that Junlin Pei couldn't let this happen. He wasn't doing charity, and he didn't have a lot of favor with Yanlong's matching distance, let alone help him in this way.

Seeing that Pei Junlin completed the road he hadn't walked out for 100,000 years in just a short time, Yanlong's jealous eyes were red, but he was trapped in the Soul Umbrella. Any effect.

Pei Junlin didn't care about Yanlong's actions, because he believed that the old black in the Yuanyuan Soul Umbrella could firmly control Yanlong.

In other words, there is only one true-spirited flame dragon left, and can't afford to make too much waves. Even if the Yanlong before had monstrous strength, at this moment, he was a worm in Pei Junlin's eyes.

Seeing the **** monkey of the Taoist body, the whole body really merged with this biological planet, Pei Junlin's inner ecstasy was uncontrollable.

In the previous plan, Pei Junlin admitted that there was an element of risk. Once it failed, it would cause him the same huge loss, but now, all the losses of Pei Junlin have been completely made up at this moment.

Although the avatar of the **** monkey is integrated with this planet, it will take a long time to completely control his will. According to Pei Junlin’s estimation, the shortest time is hundreds of years, the longest time is even tens of thousands of years. .

He can't take this planet away now, he can only stay here. Once discovered by outsiders, it will be very dangerous, but fortunately, the avatar of the monkey has already controlled a part of consciousness. Once there is a situation here, Jun Pei will meet Went here for the first time.

It's like planting a seed, and sooner or later there will be a day of germination. Once the germination is successful, then the whole planet will be like a pie in the sky for Pei Junlin, and his strength will be ten times a hundred times stronger. An increase of tens of millions of times.

"This world is crazy, why is God so unfair to me?" Yanlong roared, his eyes red.

The shape of this planet will slowly deteriorate into a human form, which is the appearance of the Taoist body. In the end, it will transform into the appearance of Junlin Pei, but his body will be infinitely huge, occupying a starry sky.

At this time, Pei Junlin was standing at the highest point of this flesh and blood planet, overlooking the entire vast land. The area of ​​this planet was huge, which was tens of thousands times larger than the original earth.

It's hard to imagine that such a huge planet was completely formed by flesh and blood tissue, and every cell of these flesh and blood tissues contains powerful power, even stronger than Pei Junlin's current one, forming the Eucharist.

A piece of starlight shining down, this is the 9-day star art, but the person who is running is not Pei Junlin, but the clone of the monkey. The sky and the earth were dull, the sun and the moon were eclipsed, almost all the light in this star was absorbed.

Such a huge piece of flesh and blood tissue, to Pei Junlin, is like a huge body muscle tissue, completely born for strength.

He doesn't know how to cultivate himself, because his self-consciousness is very weak and weak, only equivalent to a few-year-old child, basically without intelligence, completely relying on the barbaric plunder of the original cells to grow to such a large scale in the starry sky. To the point.

How strong can the original owner of this piece of flesh and blood be? When betting with people, a piece of flesh and tissue that fell from his body can actually generate such a giant...

But now it’s After this piece of meat has become conscious and merged by the monkey clone, it will slowly start to practice, breathe with the sun, the moon, the world, absorb the stars, the sun, and the moon, and forge it. itself.

Let these disordered cells and muscle tissues completely turn into a fist-like force, which can be clenched and beaten.

"No, no, this person has a back..." Pei Junlin's ears heard an explosion like the thunder of the old black, and then Pei Jun saw the crystal clear light emitted by the soul umbrella.

Pei Junlin was also taken aback. He didn't expect that the Yanlong would have the ability to resist at this moment. Only one true spirit was left. Who gave him confidence?

"Hehehehe, if there is no such treasure, I would not dare to pick up the boss with you, but once I have the Soul Umbrella, I am sorry, I not only have a shelter, but also a source of strength." That Yanlong The need was suspended above the Soul Umbrella, and his eyes were extremely scarlet.

When Pei Junlin wondered why Lao Wu was able to let the Yanlong take the initiative, Pei Junlin suddenly discovered that the Yanlong seemed to be very familiar with the Soul Umbrella. Several large formations were opened in an instant, and some hidden formations. Pei Junlin never knew...

"How can it be said that Wuqiao is not a book? The Soul Umbrella was originally my thing, and now it is in my hand, do you think it is fate?" Yanlong laughed wildly, his eyes flashed with incredible light.

Pei Junlin and Lao Wu had a spiritual connection. Deep in Lao Wu's consciousness, Pei Junlin had also planted seeds, so at this time, everything that happened like the Soul Umbrella could be seen by Pei Junlin.

Lao Wu was imprisoned in a certain mysterious place of the Yuanshun Umbrella that was imprisoned, and he could not resist at all, and the person who occupied the entire Yuanshun Umbrella was Yanlong. ?

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