Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1591: Lin Qiong

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Everything seemed too weird, but Pei Junlin looked at the scarlet squirming flesh and blood on the surrounding walls, and he knew that he was probably inside the planet.

In other words, he has come inside the abdominal cavity of this weird creature.

I don't know why, when I think of myself in the belly of a certain creature, Pei Junlin feels a little nauseous. The creeping flesh and blood and sticky mucus on the surrounding walls make Pei Junlin feel more uncomfortable. Feel.

There was a whistling sound in the ear, but Junlin Pei was not worried. Under this situation, he could float his body at any time, so it fell down. This was the intention of Junlin Pei.

He was very curious, why this planet-big creature didn't have hostility towards him and put himself in it deliberately.

The speed of the fall is getting slower and slower, and Pei Junlin knows that the time to get close to the bottom is approaching.

Soon Pei Junlin felt his feet soft, as if standing on a pair of extremely soft blankets, there was warm temperature all around.

I raised my head and found that there was a light in the darkness not far away, and there seemed to be a person sitting there.

In such an environment, Pei Junlin was surprised by someone like this, could it be...

Suddenly, many speculations arose in Pei Junlin's heart, but he still bite the bullet and walked in the direction of the light. After all, the flesh and blood planet that wants to leave must find a way.

"Senior..." Pei Junlin came to the light, and saw a person sitting there, the rest of the place was hidden in the darkness, and nothing could be seen.

Even Pei Junlin could only see the upper body of this person, and even the lower body was submerged in the dark darkness.

This is what Pei Junlin discovered that the man in the dark had very long hair, very long beard, and very long eyebrows. His entire face was almost covered by hair, except for a pair of bright eyes, and he could not see his body at all.

Jun Pei was stunned. He didn't expect that there would be such a weird person here. It seems that the time to stay here is not short, otherwise the hair, eyebrows and beard will not grow to such a degree.

From the beginning to the end, Pei Junlin was looking at this mysterious man. He said nothing. It was a box of bright eyes. He looked at Pei Junlin with great enthusiasm, as if he was admiring a rare treasure. Pei Junlin's eyes gradually made him feel a little uncomfortable. He cleared his throat and said softly again: "Senior..."

"As soon as you set foot on this planet, I knew it." The man finally spoke.

Pei Junlin frowned slightly, and doubts flashed in his eyes, because he still didn't know the relationship between this man and this huge planet-like creature.

"Don't be afraid, if I wanted to hurt you, I would have hurt you a long time ago. The reason why I didn't attack you is because you." The man was outspoken, his eyes were extremely hot looking at Pei Junlin. .

Pei Junlin felt a little embarrassed, and at the same time, he was a little uneasy, because this man looked a little mentally abnormal. Could it be that he stayed here for too long?

But it is better than encountering a cruel and vicious demon, so Pei Junlin is still happy in his heart, after all, it seems that this person can still chat.

"Senior doesn't know what kind of creature this planet is. The younger generation has never seen something of such a huge size." Pei Junlin saw that the other party's attitude was so kind, so he was not polite, and directly said the question in his heart. By the way, I changed the subject to avoid embarrassment.

The man did not immediately answer Pei Junlin's question. He looked carefully at Pei Junlin for a long time. He seemed to have finally returned to his mind and looked at Pei Junlin with a puzzled look and said, "What question did you ask me just now?"

Pei Junlin was a bit speechless, this guy's reflex arc was too long, he didn't even hear his own question, he had to patiently repeat the question just now.

The man seemed to hear clearly this time, but his face was a little weird, and he hesitated a little bit and said, "How to say? Specifically, it is not actually a creature. It was a piece of meat that was lost when two big men were fighting. "

a piece of meat?

Jun Pei was stunned. He had never heard of such a shocking thing. Is it that a piece of meat is so huge? So how huge the figures of the people in this war were.

"Yes, it's just a piece of meat. There were two top strong men who fought against one of the strong men. A piece of flesh was dropped from his shoulder. In this area." The man saw that Pei Junlin showed an incredible look, as if slightly Somewhat proud.

Pei Junlin thought about it carefully. It is very likely that it is really like this. After all, the flesh and blood activity of the top powerhouses is extremely powerful. If a cell falls here to expand and increase infinitely, it is really possible to form this A large area of ​​flesh and blood, but being able to grow to the size of a planet is indeed incredible.

It's hard to imagine how powerful the characters who fought here back then are. They can grow to the size of a planet just by dropping a piece of meat here.

Pei Junlin breathed a sigh of relief. Since it is not a weird creature, this matter is easy to handle. It is just a piece of meat. If the infinite proliferation does not form consciousness, then this flesh and blood planet is not dangerous, so large. The flesh and blood of the area is a treasure in Pei Junlin's eyes.

What's more, this piece of flesh and blood is not the flesh and blood of ordinary people, but the cells of top powerhouses, the flesh and blood that multiplies infinitely, possessing the characteristics of powerhouses back then is worth studying.

"Don't hit his idea for now, because it has developed consciousness after such a long time. Once he really wakes him up, I don't know what will happen." Pei Junlin's eyes exposed his inner thoughts. The man saw clearly and immediately spoke out, but in his tone there was no reproach, he seemed very kind.

Pei Junlin’s expression became a little horrified in an instant. If consciousness has really occurred, then the strength of this life form is simply incredible, but what makes Pei Junlin curious is why he did not form a human form, it is very likely that it was back then, here The big man in the war did not die.

Therefore, the piece of flesh and blood that was dropped this time could not surpass the body and formed the appearance of its noumenon, and it multiplied indefinitely, forming such a large flesh planet.

The origin of the formation of such a large flesh and blood planet, Pei Junlin has already understood, and now he is not so shocked in his heart, but why such a weird man appears here has aroused Pei Junlin's interest.

"I also came here to explore by accident. I was completely trapped here. Don't be surprised. I have been trapped here for at least 100,000 years. At the beginning, this flesh and blood planet hadn't fallen asleep yet. It wanted to devour me, but I was not obedient. Give in, and have been fighting against him all these years." The man's tone was sad.

"By the way, my name is Yanlong. This little brother, how do you call it?" The man looked at Pei Junlin and said with a smile.

This world is true, false, false, false, true, true, who knows whether what the other party said is true or not, so Pei Junlin did not completely believe what the other party said, but only believed three points and retained 7 points.

Hearing the other party asking about his name, Pei Junlin is a little wary, because the name actually involves a lot of things. If he rashly lets the other party know his name, it is likely that he will only pass a name when he meets a top expert. You can curse yourself.

"Senior Yanlong, the junior's name is Lin Qiong." Pei Junlin said towards the man.

He didn't tell the other party his real name, but just made a fool of it. However, this name also has a source, but it is the last word of his name and the last word of the name of his beloved wife, Prince Qiong, to form the two characters Lin Qiong.

It seems that Yanlong didn’t pursue the authenticity of Pei Junlin’s name too much. He heard Pei Junlin introduce himself as Lin and he smiled: "Brother Lin Qiong, you are amazing, since I came to this one. After being on the planet, I have been looking at you. Then I didn’t expect you to fight back in such a situation and successfully defeated the opponent.”

It turned out that after he came to this planet, everything he did did not escape the eyes of the guy in front of him, and Pei Junlin couldn't help being surprised.

Pei Junlin carefully examined the guy in front of him, only to see his upper body, while his lower body was always hidden in the darkness.

"Big Brother Yanlong, why don't you leave here? Why are you trapped?" Pei Junlin pretended to be a curious baby and asked Yanlong.

Pei Junlin, who Yanlong heard this question, didn't mean to be angry, but patiently explained.

There is a very strange candle in Yanlong's palm. The candle cannot be extinguished by the wind, and the light is always constant, even tragedy can be seen. The light of this candle has not changed at all.

It is because of this candle that Pei Junlin can see the Yanlong clearly in this dark world, because everything here is completely in a state of chaos, even divine consciousness cannot penetrate here.

Therefore, Yanlong's lower body is always hidden in the darkness, and Pei Junlin has no way of knowing.

It turned out that Yanlong didn't want to leave here, but couldn't leave here. When his candle illuminates his lower body, Pei Junlin was shocked, because Yanlong had no upper body at all, and all the parts below his belly button grew here. In the quagmire of flesh and blood.

In other words, Yanlong had been swallowed by this strange creature in half, and only half of the body remained.

Facing the Yanlong with only half of his body left, besides the sympathy of Junlin, only sympathy was left. After all, Yanlong was too pitiful. ?

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