Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1588: Devil repels

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The tall bronze gate is the most important formation **** gate in the chaotic golden battle, and at this time the **** gate is slowly closing.

But Jin Ye kept making various handprints, watching Pei Junlin's dazzling scalp. He only felt that this ancient bronze door seemed to be performing an extremely powerful ritual under the control of Lord Jin.

I don’t know why, Pei Junlin’s subconscious feels that the fusion between the gate of **** and the mark of the devil will definitely have twists and turns. This is not a random inference of Pei Junlin, but a feeling, but a sixth of Pei Junlin’s sense.

In the premonition, Pei Junlin knew that this event would never go as smoothly as imagined, and there would definitely be twists and turns, and the appearance of the previous demon **** also gave birth to a shadow in Pei Junlin's heart.

The power of the Demon God, incredible, far exceeds the strength of the Heavenly Demon. The big dry hand connected to the gate of **** was so powerful that it tore one of the devil's arm when he reached out.

But the demon **** didn't seem to fade away, and there was a hint of tension and weirdness in the surrounding air.

Seeing that the gate of **** slowly closed, the Demon Mark seemed to be completely imprisoned and entered. At the moment when there was still a gap in this door, a gloomy laugh suddenly appeared in the surrounding void.

In a very brief moment, Pei Jun Lin's hair stood upright and his head almost burst.

A powerful damaging force wanted to invade Pei Junlin's four seas and occupy his body. Pei Junlin knew that this should be the arrival of the demon **** of the demon world.

An incredible energy invaded towards Pei Junlin, but at the most critical moment, the Buddhism practice practiced by Pei Junlin played a role. The Pure Land of Posuo suddenly bloomed with a strong brilliance, and the power of three thousand Buddhas instantly formed a huge force. The guardian of Pei Junlin firmly guarded him.

The power that the devil fears most is Buddhism, and Buddhism restrains some evil spirits. Therefore, at the most dangerous moment, Pei Junlin made a Jedi turnaround and drove the consciousness of the demon **** out of his body in one fell swoop, but the huge reflection in the sky still made Pei Junlin fear.

It was a huge demon. I couldn't tell the shape of this demon. It just felt like a werewolf.

In the hands of this demon god, there seemed to be a strange weapon. This weapon was like a balance, with a heart on one side of the balance and a black phantom on the other side.

At this time, Pei Junlin realized that something more terrifying had happened, because she had cut off contact with Lord Jin. At this time, Jin Ye seemed to be caught in a situation of adventure, and the whole person's mind was cut off from the outside world.

The Soul Umbrella, which had just gone silent, was once again agitated by Pei Junlin, and at the same time, a fascinating earthen jar was suspended above Pei Junlin's head.

The grayish breath enveloped him, making Pei Junlin feel unparalleled in security. As if there is only this mysterious crock pot, he is safe and secure.

Sure enough, when the Void of the Demon God discovered this mysterious earthen jar, a trace of confusion appeared in his eyes, and he did not recognize this thing. The moment he stretched out his fingers to grab the earthen jar, the Demon God Suddenly there was a little jealousy, and there was a deep vigilance in his eyes.

In the end, the demon **** gave up Pei Junlin, and instead grabbed his big hand to the door of hell. His hand reached into the crack of the door that was about to close, wanting to reopen the closed door of **** abruptly.

Hearing the many benefits of the demon mark, Pei Junlin naturally refused to give up this piece of fat. Now Jin Ye is in a state of chaos, and he is now responsible for all guard tasks. If this matter can't hold this demon **** , Then all previous efforts will fall short.

Thinking that he had almost overwhelmed all of his capital, Pei Junlin's heart was dripping blood. If this demon **** was really allowed to successfully **** the demon mark, then the previously wasted pills would undoubtedly be completely useless.

But at this time, Pei Junlin's strength is in front of this demon, like the relationship between an ant and an elephant. Even if Pei Junlin used the power of nine cattle and two tigers, he could not cause any damage to the demon god, and even the demon **** could not even feel it.

If you want to restrain this demon **** once again or stop the opponent in a short time, according to Pei Junlin's current estimation, only to activate the formation in the soul umbrella again.

And it needs at least eight layers of formation to stop the demon god's footsteps.

In fact, Pei Junlin knows very well in his heart that it is impossible. After all, he is now exhausted and all his things have been exhausted. What can he use to feed those wailing demon who are waiting to be fed? These 30 million demon have run out of food and can only stick to it. In a few days.

If Pei Junlin can't find a large amount of medicine to support these demon within a few days, then these 30 million demon will soon swallow each other, and the soul umbrella will sink into ruin again.

Now if you want to stimulate these formations, unless you emptied the blood of Pei Junlin's whole body, but even then, it may not be able to re-energize these celestial demons and spur the formations. After all, these celestial demons have just experienced a huge battle and have fallen into it. The fatigue period.

The road ahead is a dead end. If you want to stop this demon god's footsteps, it is impossible for Pei Junlin to show a look of despair on his face.

At this moment, Pei Jun came, an object in his palm suddenly began, exuding a hot breath, and an object flew out of thin air from the chaotic golden bucket on the other side.

Two things seemed to sense that Pei Junlin was facing difficulties, and they wanted to take the initiative to help. Pei Junlin lowered his head and looked at the palm of his palm. This thing was the mysterious stone tablet, which Geng Pin forced to himself before leaving.

And what automatically flew out of the chaotic golden bucket was a huge furnace top, not the overlord cauldron in the chaotic golden bucket, but the heavenly furnace that Pei Junlin had obtained in the fairy mansion before.

As soon as the furnace came out that day, the entire valley was suppressed. And the ghost of the demon **** was blocked by the furnace, and his face showed a solemn expression.

The huge furnace tripod seemed to be suppressed there like a mountain, and even a murmur sound came from it, Pei Junlin could even see slices of flames, jetting out from the fire.

The sparks descended like fireworks, covering the demon god. However, the furnace seemed to have not fully awakened on this day, and it did not cause much hindrance to the Demon God, but the Demon God finally pulled his hand out of the gate of hell, and his face also showed a look of jealousy.

Pei Junlin's eyes looked at the stone tablet in the palm of his hand. The small stone tablet on the front was engraved with mysterious words. I don't know why a kind of autonomy suddenly occurred just now and it flew out of the palm of Pei Junlin.

But at this moment, the stone stele returned to silence again, just like Pei Junlin's illusion just now, but Pei Junlin carefully observed the small stone stele in his hand and found some differences.

For example, on this small stone stele, a cloud of brilliance appeared out of thin air. Originally it looked grey and dark, just like a stone stele of ordinary boulder rock, but now it turned out to be translucent, like jade.

Pei Junlin took a closer look and could even see a phantom of the Buddha, Tuan sitting in the wall of the Buddha, and began to recite the scriptures.

The group was fierce, but he didn't expect this small stone tablet to have something to do with Buddhism. Almost in an instant, a sense of consciousness rushed directly into his sea of ​​consciousness and appeared in that whispering pure land.

"This... turned out to be a treasure of Buddhism." Pei Junlin felt ecstatic in his heart, because he knew that to restrain the ghost of this demon, only Buddhism was the simplest and most effective method.

Although the Heavenly Furnace was mysterious and extremely powerful, it could not stop the Demon God's footsteps. Because of the confrontation between the two parties, no one can do anything about it.

That phantom appeared in Pei Junlin’s four seas, showing a huge jade bi, on which stretched out paragraphs of Buddhist scriptures, Pei Junlin had never seen these texts, but if you look at it with your eyes, you will understand The meaning of it.

The more I looked at it, the more I was frightened, Pei Junlin did not expect that this seemingly ordinary stone stele had such a mysterious origin. Moreover, the abundant vitality on the stele also made Pei Junlin feel shocked and With this stele, the suppression of the magic shadow is not too difficult. But in order to promote the Buddha power in this stone tablet, Pei Junlin still needs some media power.

Pei Junlin tried all some Buddhism techniques, but unfortunately it was difficult to establish contact with this stone tablet. This stone tablet flew into the four seas of Pei Junlin, as if it had taken root here, and returned to the chaos. There was no response to all of his actions.

Seeing that huge demon shadow, step by step, breaking through the enclosure of the heavenly furnace, completely entering the gate of hell, Pei Junlin was a little anxious.

With a flash of inspiration, Pei Junlin began to recite the scriptures. What he recited was not ordinary scriptures, but the past, future, and present scriptures, the supreme Buddhist scriptures of Buddhism.

Sure enough, the profound Buddhist classics resonated with this stone tablet, and finally Pei Junlin touched the connection between this stone tablet. The moment the two sides established a connection, Pei Junlin discovered that he could use his body as a guide to use the surging vitality in the stone tablet.

This is only a short-term use, it can also be said to be borrowed. This is enough for Pei Junlin, after all, such surging Buddha power is like the ocean, inexhaustible.

The huge sky furnace is also difficult to resist the power of the demon god. After all, this is the strange power of the foreign demon god, although it is only a projection, it is also difficult to resist.

Seeing the huge demon **** approaching the gate of **** again, there was no sign of waking up, Pei Junlin was anxious, and five lights and shadows appeared behind his head. These five lights and shadows are the Buddha lights that Pei Junlin now masters. .

However, at the moment when the Buddha power of the stele was injected into Pei Junlin's body, the Buddha light behind his head grew to twelve in a very short time. ?

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