Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1572: 1 other living person

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"There is another message. In Xianfu, besides you, there is another person who has survived." Jin Ye's tone was very slow, but the information that was spoken caused a huge wave in Pei Junlin's mind. , Also made Pei Junlin fall into a huge surprise.

When people are in adversity and disasters, they often need their companions to invigorate. At this time, Jin Ye’s words undoubtedly give Pei Junlin hope. After all, a person in this fairy palace who has the same experience as himself also makes Pei Junlin born in his heart. With the feeling of pity for the same sickness, he can't wait to get in touch with that mysterious existence now.

These days, when Pei Junlin was looking for Lord Jin for most of the time, Lord Jin was silent, and it seemed that there had been some changes in the heart of Lord Jin now.

No one communicated, Pei Junlin almost went crazy, and now finally heard that there is a person still alive like himself, which also made Pei Junlin feel a surprise in his heart, he can't wait to find this person to communicate.

"Where is this living person?" Pei Junlin asked impatiently.

"What is certain is that the person definitely knows your existence, and you don't know its existence. He has the ability to contact you, but doesn't respond to you. This shows that the other person doesn't want to care about you. I advise you to do it yourself. "After Jin Ye said these words, he was silent again, no matter how Pei Junlin called, there was no response.

Pei Junlin also fell into contemplation again, and had a new understanding of Jin Ye's strength Pei Junlin, what is the existence of the spirit of this fairy house? That is definitely a mysterious existence from the fairy world, and Jin Ye can actually connect with this mysterious fairy house spirit, and the twists and turns in this make Pei Junlin think carefully.

He didn't expect that Unknowingly, Lord Jin had grown to such a terrifying level now, and looking back, the chaotic progress had undergone earth-shaking changes since the initial encounter with Pei Junlin.

Now there are several large formations in the entire Chaos Golden Battle, and each of these formations has earth-shattering power.

After asking where the surviving existence was, Pei Junlin discovered that he and the other party were separated by a wall, and this mysterious existence was behind the door Pei Junlin was leaning against.

Pei Junlin wanted to use his divine sense to probe inside through the gap of this door, but he found that he could not probe in anyway.

"How did you discover my existence? This door isolates all divine detection, but does not isolate the sound, but I have not made any sound. How do you know that I am inside?" An old hoarse voice, like Chen The sound of creaking like old doors and windows that were in disrepair made people numb.

Pei Junlin felt numb all over, and the skin and flesh were separated in an instant, but soon Pei Junlin calmed down, and in a slightly respectful and excited tone, he said to the mysterious existence inside the door: "It turns out that Senior has already known that I am here, so why hasn't Senior been in contact with me? Isn't Senior here alone, isn't it lonely?"

Pei Junlin didn't answer the other party's question, but asked a series of questions like a cannon. These days, he was really depressed and too cruel, and he didn't find someone to chat with, and he was too lonely.

He would have been crazy if he hadn’t given a few words to appease Junlin Pei. It’s not that Junlin Pei’s heart is not firm. As a cultivator, he can stand loneliness. It is common not to say a word.

This time the situation is completely different, because after entering here, Junlin Pei has completely lost the hope of going out from here, so his heart is hesitated, even if even the determined person knows that he is facing a desperate situation, he is very It's hard to be light and windy.

Pei Junlin has been able to persist until now, and he hasn't made any drastic actions, which is enough to show that his mind is different from ordinary people.

"Of course I am very lonely. I dream of having someone come to chat with me and talk to me, but is this useful? Is it interesting? People who use it here won't live long, and they will die completely in half a year and a few months. I faced rounds of surprises, and then disappointed. I have been numb for a long time." The hoarse voice was full of despair and a deep self-deprecation.

Pei Junlin finally understood the reason why the person hiding in the door had been ignoring himself. It turned out to be afraid of hope and disappointment, and could not bear the huge gap. So just pretend to be indifferent, as if you have never been here.

Don't say to prove your existence, really is a determined person. The recent news from Jin Ye was closed in the door. This mysterious existence has lived for at least one hundred thousand years, and its strength has been at the level of false emperor.

That is to say, the existence behind the door being held is at least a person of the same level as Emperor Qingniu and even Taiyi Sect Master. Such characters are held here and cannot escape, which also makes Pei Junlin feel in his heart. A more absurd and hopeless mood.

"Senior, hope is better than no hope. I am here and I can stay with you for a while." I can express my kindness as much as possible. After all, whether the existence behind the door is good or bad, Pei Junlin doesn't care anymore. , Anyway, he can't directly contact the other party, just chatting through this door, he is already satisfied.

Moreover, the other party has survived here for 100,000 years and has not died. Maybe he has found a way to crack it in his heart and build a good relationship with the other party. Maybe the other party can take himself out of here when he is happy.

"It's useless. People who have just come here are just as ambitious as you are, but after a month, they will often wither and decay quickly in despair... Some people carry a lot of pills with them, but hope to support them. In less than two years, although the weakness of the spiritual energy can be used to fight against the pill, the pressure from the heart is unbearable for many people." The hoarse voice was once again passed into Pei Junlin’s ears, full of insight and understanding of world affairs. Enlightenment.

Pei Junlin also knew that what the other party said was completely correct, and that the other party has been here for 100,000 years. I don't know how many people have seen it, how many people Chunhua Qiuyue has seen here, facing despair, and finally died tragically.

So all this is completely desperate for the mysterious existence behind this door, and the other party has no hope for the outside world.

"Senior, I can guarantee that I am different from all the people who came here before, and I can definitely go out." Pei Junlin said in an extremely firm tone.

Pei Junlin said these words. Although there were exaggerated elements, there were also elements that attracted the attention of the other party. As expected, the mysterious existence behind the door was aroused by Pei Junlin's interest, and the words gradually increased. The communication is getting smoother, but the other party still refuses to be named.

I just told Pei Junlin that he had been imprisoned here for too long, and even his name had been forgotten, and he only knew that he was still alive, but he had been described as haunted, like a living dead, and all his memories had been lost.

Even this kind of person who is only one step away from the emperor-level figure has been tortured into this way, which also deeply shocked Pei Junlin. At this moment, what is the evil existence that controls this mysterious fairy house? backing?

There is such a powerful force that can imprison so many masters, and all these masters are tortured to death by this evil existence step by step.

"Then senior, do you know why you are being held here?" Pei Junlin suddenly asked a question that seemed extremely simple and absurd.

But it was such a simple question that caused the mysterious existence behind this door to fall into silence. It seemed that Pei Junlin was thinking about this question intently.

It took a long time for that hoarse voice to sound in a dull tone and asked Pei Junlin: "I have always wanted to figure this out. After I was detained here, no one has ever treated me. I did something bad, but I didn’t understand the mysterious existence myself, why did I imprison me here?"

"Senior, do you know that there is something called Qi Luck?" Pei Junlin didn't hide it, but told the other party directly.

Although this is a question, it is equivalent to telling the other person the answer.

After hearing what Pei Junlin said, the mysterious existence behind the door finally fell into silence. This silence lasted for a long time, and it seemed that the other party was still immersed in shock.

"Now I finally believe that what you said before is not bragging. Maybe you really have a way to get out of here. I have been here for countless years and I haven't figured out this question, but you only came here for a few days. The word awakened the person in my dream and finally made me understand why I was imprisoned here." The tone of that mysterious existence was full of admiration and gratitude.

Pei Junlin is also extremely excited, so that the distance between him and the other party has been narrowed, and he will not be too lonely, even if he died, there will be someone by his side.

"Little guy, although I don't know where you are from, your strength is indeed a bit worse. You are the weakest person I have ever seen to enter here. But this may also prove you from the side. The luck is amazing, otherwise the controller behind this fairy mansion would not be able to let you in here." The existence behind the hidden door, chatting with Pei Junlin in a hoarse voice.

I have to say that the other party's speculation is very reasonable. Pei Junlin doesn't know how much luck he has, but overall he feels that his luck seems to be much better than others. ?

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