Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1541: Seal Stele

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It's just that there is a piece of talisman on this black light curtain floating there, exuding a faint golden light. These golden colors converge into a slender hair-like lightning power, which continuously scatters towards the surroundings.

But Junlin Pei could perceive that there seemed to be a faint crack on the light curtain, and it was no longer as smooth as before.

Bai Fan also pointed out that a vortex immediately appeared in the sky like a sword pointing to the sky, and Pei Junlin could see the mysterious energy of another world descending from the sky, condensing into a thread and directly falling into the scene.

With this strange picture, Pei Junlin has never seen anyone lifting weights lightly, who can easily break through the barriers between planes and draw energy from another world.

This thing happened right in front of him, Pei Junlin couldn't help but believe it, which also made him have infinite yearning for the future realm.

On the other side, when Bai Fan and Chen Zhentian were discussing how to repair the cracks in the scene, Pei Junlin was lost in thought.

If he had the current strength of Bai Fan, then his wife, parents, and friends would not be harmed. Vision is the fundamental lack of strength for people in this world, and everything is empty talk.

"Pei Junlin, tell me how exactly these runes are arranged to achieve the purpose of repair? I heard that you know some formations." Bai Fan smiled but didn't smile, but he gave Pei Junlin a bit of alert when he spoke.

Bai Fan knew too much, which made Pei Junlin feel a kind of fear in his heart, as if this person knows everything, knows everything, knows all about his past, and seems to have no secrets in front of this person. Words.

Pei Junlin settled down and carefully saw the runes on the talisman. Unloading runes is not a normal rune, but a very difficult and obscure rune, and it is the simplest symbol in this world.

The general runes are extremely complicated in shape, but each of these runes is made up of a single stroke and is very simple, seemingly simple, but it contains the principle of great simplicity.

Pei Junlin once got the rune of the beginning of the day on the top of the ladder that day, and he can believe that these runes are part of the rune of the beginning of the day.

Pei Junlin has been studying the rune of the primordial beginning when he is free. I have passed many years, and Pei Junlin also has some insights into the runes of the primordial beginning. In the runes of the beginning of the primordial period, Pei Junlin saw some of the changes almost immediately.

"This is a mysterious rune, from ancient times, how could she understand it?" Chen Zhentian glanced at Pei Junlin with contempt.

Chen Zhentian looked down on Pei Junlin in his heart, and he felt that since Pei Junlin entered the Blue Bull Holy Land, his growth rate was so fast that he had faintly threatened his status, so for Pei Junlin Chen Zhentian There is a natural disgust in it sometimes unconsciously will show up.

"I think he might recognize these runes." Bai Fan also looked at Pei Junlin waiting for the next step with a smile, and wanted to say something.

"There is a small crack in this place, which affects the operation of this rune." Pei Junlin pointed to a simple symbol.

Bai Fan frowned slightly, but Chen Zhentian on the other side was full of disdain, because he thought Pei Junlin was talking nonsense.

Obviously, Chen Zhentian is not a layman in the formation. He also walked very far a few days ago, and he was even as accomplished as Pei Junlin. However, Chen Zhentian, as a master of formation, knew nothing about these mysterious runes from the beginning, and could not understand them at all.

After thinking about where he was, Chen Zhentian felt even more that Pei Junlin was fooling around, because he could be sure that Pei Junlin would never know these runes.

"Exactly! I didn't expect this omission to be seen by you at a glance, so you can tell how to fix it?" Bai Fan ignored Chen Zhentian at all, but looked at Pei Junlin with a look of surprise on his face.

The reaction of the two shocked Chen Zhentian completely. He didn't expect Pei Junlin to actually get the point. While questioning in his heart, he was full of jealousy.

In his heart, he madly thought that Pei Junlin was impossible, but now Bai Fan’s performance was clearly told, Pei Junlin was really right.

"This set of runes has a very subtle place that is slightly damaged, and the breath of the entire prisoner will slowly leak. It is also very simple to repair, but I can't do it with my current strength, but I can draw After this rune is drawn, the head can directly portray it according to the lines of the rune." Pei Junlin didn't say much nonsense, but instead painted a ray of light in the air with one hand, and it condensed into a rune.

This set of runes was simple, but Chen Zhentian was surprised to find that the moment he saw this set of runes, he seemed to see mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars, and the aura flowing in it was endless. 020 Novel Network

That kind of horrible scene, Chen Zhentian completely shocked his previous contempt for Pei Junlin, but at this moment he knew that Bai Fan's actions are absolutely reasonable. If a person has no strengths, he absolutely must not. To Bai Fan treated like this.

And he thought of that expert's remarks, and immediately developed an indescribable hostility towards Pei Junlin. According to the expert who revealed the secret of the secret, Pei Junlin will be a stumbling block on his way forward, and even his life's foundation will be wiped out.

Chen Zhentian clenched his fist quietly, with a faint murderous look on his face, but Bai Fan immediately felt his slight fluctuations in this second.

Bai Fan only glanced at Chen Zhentian lightly, did not say much, and a slight sigh appeared at the corner of his mouth.

On the other side, Pei Junlin was not idle. The primordial runes on this rune record were also very novel. The set of primordial runes he had seen on the ladder did not contain these runes, so Pei Junlin did not waste time. , He stared at these runes without blinking, as if he wanted to carve these runes into his mind.

It is not easy to remember a rune. Some things can be seen by the eyes but cannot be remembered. When you move your eyes, your brain will be blank in an instant, and you will forget everything you just saw.

Therefore, in order to remember Pei Junlin, these runes almost exhausted all her strength, her body trembled slightly, and the big sweat on her forehead kept dripping down, and the whole person was slumping rapidly!

In Pei Junlin’s reaction, even Bai Fan’s face showed a slightly surprised look. As a person who passed by, he knew what Pei Junlin was doing, but he was a little disapproved in his heart, because he didn’t believe that Pei Junlin could do this. The rune from the beginning was completely absorbed into his mind.

But gradually Pei Junlin closed his eyes, seeming to understand a certain profound philosophy in the universe. Although he didn't open his eyes, there was a light on his eyebrows. This bright light illuminates the surroundings, and even the entire dark lake automatically starts to spin.

Bai Fan, who hadn't started to repair the rune, also showed a slightly surprised look on his face, because he saw that Pei Junlin stretched out his finger to portray the rune in the void.

Pei Junlin's performance surprised him too much. This person's savvy surpassed all the geniuses he had ever seen.

On the other side, in addition to the shock, Chen Zhentian's heart was endless jealousy of his big brother. He felt threatened and unstable in a moment, and he could only deeply hide Pei Junlin's killing intent.

The runes were repaired, the seal was strengthened, and the connection between the Blue Bull Holy Land and the Demon Realm was cut once again.

Bai Fan took Chen Zhentian and Pei Junlin back to the Blue Bull Holy Land and passed the seal in an instant. After landing, Chen Zhentian obediently released the girls like Leng Xiaoyun.

Along with Bai Fan's departure, Pei Junlin and Chen Zhentian glared at each other, and Chen Zhentian regained the aura of the former big brother, with a superior temperament, stabilizing Pei Junlin.

"Don't think that if someone supports you, you can be lawless. I tell you that you are an ant in front of me, and you can pinch you to death at any time." Chen Zhentian stared at Pei Junlin coldly, without concealing the murderous spirit in his heart.

Pei Junlin didn't say anything extra, as soon as he turned around, he took a group of girls into the air and returned to his mountain. There were about twenty-nine girls who entered the world of devil, but 13 of them returned.

Although these girls had survived the rest of their lives, they all carried a look of grief and indignation, because Bai Fan finally did not make a final conclusion on this matter, let alone deal with Chen Zhentian.

It is these girls who know in their hearts that although everyone is also a core disciple, the importance of the Chinese language is different. Just like Chen Zhentian, they can brutally kill their fellow students without getting the slightest punishment.

And those who died in the Celestial Devil Realm can only become cannon fodder, no one mentions them, as if they had never been in this world. UU reading

"Big Brother Pei, will I come to practice on your mountain in the future?" Shuang'er looked at Pei Junlin with a grin.

Of course, Pei Junlin immediately agreed, and he didn't mean to refuse. In fact, he had already seen that Shuang'er and these girls had a good relationship.

To win Du Shuang'er, then Leng Xiaoyun these girls will be their own food sooner or later. Pei Junlin actually didn't want to follow Fang Zhiqing blindly, because he could also see that from the core, Fang Zhiqing and Chen Zhentian were actually the same kind of heroes.

Being with this kind of person is the life of a chess piece, and will even be abandoned at any time, and if you want to take root and gain a foothold in the Blue Bull Holy Land, Pei Junlin needs to establish his own power.

It's just that now Pei Junlin is not easy to make a public statement in the Blue Bull Holy Land. After all, his strength is still too weak. Compared with Chen Zhentian and even Meng Qing, he belongs to the end of the school and the beginning, and cannot be too public.

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